



1、高中高一英语教案:Unit2 Wish you were here4 We eat and drink whatever they doWhatever adv./conj. 可引导名词性从句和状语从句(1) no matter +who(m) /where/which/what/how/when.=wh-+ever 均 能引导让步状语从句Whenever he comes to Beijing, he will visit his teacher.=No matter when he comes (2) 引 导 主 语 从 句 和 宾 语 从 句 只 能 用 who(m)ever, what

2、ever, whichever,不可用 no matter who(m) , no matter what, no matter which(3)however=no matter how引导让步状语从句时,常与形容词与副词连用Have a try:(1)No matter what he says, I won t believe him.= Whatever he says, I won t believe him.(3) You can eat whatever you want.(4) Whoever breaks the law should be punished.(5) Howe

3、ver/No matter how difficult the job is, we must try our best.5 supplyv. 供应,供给supply sth to sb=supply sb. with sthprovide sth for sb=provide sb with sth 提供offer sb sth=offer sth to sb (主动)提供(1) The media supplies lots of information _tous every day.=The media supplies us withlots of information every

4、 day.(2) A pipe line will be built to D some eastern provinces gas.A. send B. provide C. supply D. offern.供应,供给,供给物 the supply of sth(1)The water company cut off the _suppliesof water for no goodreasons.6. scare vt惊吓,使害怕,使恐惧 adj. scared惊恐的;scary令人惊恐be scared at 对 感至害怕.be scared to do 害怕做 scare away吓

5、跑1) His idea _scared me. 2) She _was scared _ at thestrange noise.3) People keep a dog _to scare awaythieves.4) He is scared to go out alone at night他害怕晚上出去。5) It was a _scary_ story and children were scaredafter theyheard it.7. up closeclose: adj(0寸间,空间上)接近;亲密的;仔细的,严密的adv靠近地 常与 to 连用closely : adv 仔

6、细地,严密地Our new house is _close_to the school. Jane and I are_closefriends.It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _closeto her mother.She stood_close_ to her teacher so that she could watch_closely_.The policeman examined his room_closely_.Our health is closely related to 和紧密相关)ou

7、r diet.8. tire vt. 使劳累/使厌倦adj. tired 困倦的,厌烦的; tiring 令人厌烦的be tired of 厌倦be tired from/with 因疲劳Too much work tired me (out).太多的工作使我筋疲力尽。 _I was tired from/with too much work. 我因为太多的工作而劳累。 He was very talkative and I was tired of talking with him._他太健谈了,我厌倦和他讲话。_His speech was tiring. I can t put up w

8、ith it. 他的演讲令人厌烦。我无法忍受下去了。9 It s the biggest desert in the world-the size of the US.the size of the US= as large as the US= the same size of the US倍数表达法 A is once/twice/three times原Iwasas +BA is once/twice/three times 比较级 +than BA is once/twice/three times名词he +ize/ length) of B新图书馆是老图书馆的4倍大。 ( 3种表达

9、)The new library is four times as large as the old one.The new library is three times larger than the old one.The new library is four times the size of the old one.9. The sun can be so brilliant that you ll need to keep covered or you ll get burnt.get done 表被动(1) His car got stolen ( steal) at the w

10、eekend.(2) Our car gets cleaned (clean) about once every two month.(3) She got paid (pay) before she went on a holiday.Word power, Grammar, Task10. 强调句型 基本形式为:It is/was +强调部分+that+其他部分强调部分可以是句子的主语,宾语,状语,状语从句等。其特征是去掉It is/was - tha句子依然成立。Eg. It is in the garden that his party will be hold.It is Tom t

11、hat/who helped us in the accident.It was because his father changed his job that they moved to California.是他昨天送那个男孩回家的。It was he that sent the boy homeyesterday.是上个星期天小张买了辆车。It was last Sunday that Xiaozhangbought a car.是因为他妈妈生病他昨天没来上课It was becausehis mother wasill that he didn t come to school yes

12、terday.是直到他回来我们才知道这个消息It was not until he came backthat we knew the news.11. total adj. 完全的,全然的,全部的,总计的It s a total failure ._ 这是一次彻底的失败. The room is in totaldarkness._房间里一片漆黑。Can you tell me the total number?总数n.总数,总计What does the total come to?_总共有多少_There are 50studentsin total._总共50名学生。Project12. reach: v/n够得着,延伸,达成(1) Vt. We reached Beijing to reach


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