1、Bluefi n Mutli Strategy Fu nd SPC- Karasel Enhanced Portfolio SPSuspension of Rede mp tio n NoticeDear In vestorsAs you well know, the global equity markets are in disarray, caused largely by thep lagu ing all in theen suri ng credit crunch and tech ni cal forced liquidati ons in dustry. We have man
2、 aged to weather the storm con siderably well to this point reflected in the funds p erforma nee, which must be viewed in a global con text as's in history.world markets have suffered some of the largest drawdow nYear to Date*Karasel Enhan ced SP+0.10%*S&P 500 In dex-33.83%DJ Euro Stoxx 50 I
3、n dex-38.63%Nikkei 225 In dex-35.64%Hang Seng In dex-44.41%CS/Trem ont Hedge Fund In dex-3.55% * YTD performa nee up to August 2008.* YTD performa nee up to 21 August 2008.Credit markets are exp ected to improve over the coming mon ths, sig ns of which are begi nning to form, after the global co-op
4、erati on and efforts in stituted over the last several weeks by intern ati onal gover nmen ts. Large-scale collaborati on wasimperativeto restore order after the worldwide panic and monumental marketmeltdowns, which are stillworking their way through the system. For now, we have bee n in formed by a
5、 con siderable p orti on of our un derly ing funds that they are sus pending rede mp ti ons due to the curre nt en vir onment and liquidity there in.Many of these funs have received overwhel ming rede mp ti ons and with the shortageof credit and buyers in manysectors, have deemedit prudent to NOTliq
6、uidate assets at fire sale prices, which would be to the detriment of not only redeeming investors, but of course to those who remain as well. In most instances, we actually welcomedown 30-60%+,this decision as we have always set out to attempt to preserve investor capital and believe our results ar
7、e testament to that. With global indices we have managedto produce positive returns in an environment not seen for decades.In so doing and favoring certain more stable asset class though, we have fallen victim to liquidity along with manyothers and therefore as a conduit fund or fund of funds, have
8、no choice but to suspend redemptions ourselves. As the market condition allows, hopefully, by the end of this year, we will start accepting investor 's redemption request. We can assure you this will be done with your best interests at heart and as quickly as possible WITHOUTforcing inopportune
9、liquidations and thereby resulting in losses for the investor.We have taken this course of action as we need to protect all our investors and not merely pay out what we can now, leaving those who remain invested in our fund with a less liquid portfolio and hence more onerous restrictions.We trust yo
10、u will respect and appreciate this position. We reiterate that the portfolio is performing well and the steps taken are being done for investor protection. In the future, the fund itself will continue to publish the fund NAV and monthly factsheet to update you latest market and fund situations.Best
11、Regards,The Bluefin Investment Team蓝鳍多重策略基金-Karasel En ha need 分离式组合暂停赎回通知正如大家所知道,目前全球资本市场的混乱,主要原因是信贷紧缩和投资部位技术性被迫 非理性出清造成的。 本基金已尽所能在此次金融风暴袭击下,维持稳定的基金投资绩效。从全球各大股市指数表现观察,我们可以看到大多知名指数皆下跌30济45济等,相较之 下,本基金表现相当不错。年初至今*蓝鳍多重策略基金-Karasel En ha need+0.10% *SP美国标准普尔500指数-33.83%道琼欧洲50指数-38.63%日本日经255指数-35.64%香港
12、恒生指数-44.41%CS/Tremo nt避险基金指数-3.55% *年初至8月份的基金表现*年初至10月21日的指数表现在国际政府单位全力合作和努力之下,信贷市场可望在今後的几个月里获得改善,这些迹 象已开始形成。 在全世界的恐慌和巨大的市场崩溃,大规模的合作是必要方式,此将有助於市场恢复秩序。 这些合作方案与效应已持续进入整体市场中。在现阶段,我们被多数 的子基金告知他们将暂停接受赎回,主要原因是目前市场环境与市场流通性不足。在市场欠缺足够的买家,信贷短缺的环境下,许多基金已决定不接受赎回要求,主要是避 免将资产用不合理的价格被迫贱卖出场,导致对整体基金投资人或是不愿出场的基金投资 者不公平。我们对这些子基金的决定表示欢迎,因为我们认为保护投资人的资本是首要任 务。当全球股票指数下跌30至60%我们仍然可以在这百年一次世纪金融风暴下创造正 报酬率!我们诚希望各位投资人可以注意到我们年初至今的绩效,并且体会我们过去的努力维持资本与创造正报酬率。 本基金是组合式基金,旗下部分的基金停止接受赎回,我们 也别无选择需要停止接受投资人的赎回要求。 当市场情况允许之下,希望落在今年年底, 我们将重新接受投资人赎回要求。 我们可以确定这决定是对你的投资利益最佳化,在基金我们相信你尊重与不被强迫贱卖资产
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