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1、摘要中国的餐桌礼仪源远流长。随着我国对外开放的不断深入,了解国外尤其是西方的餐桌礼仪,有重要的现实意义。本文首先介绍了中国的餐桌礼仪和西方的餐桌礼仪,然后对其进行了比较分析,最后从文化的角度找出了餐桌礼仪存在差异的原因。 中西餐桌礼仪有不少的相似和不同之处,了解西方餐桌礼仪对中国文明的发展和在国外生存有很大的帮助。我们要在餐桌上表现出良好的素质。因此,学习和研究餐桌礼仪是我们当代大学生的任务,也成为我们提高自身素质的必要条件。关键词:餐桌礼仪; 差异;中西方AbstractChina is a nation of etiquette, whose table manners have a lo

2、ng history. In fact, western countries have their own peculiar dining custom. Knowing our table manners can make us polite in the public, and knowing western dining customs can let us integrate into world preferably.Firstly, this paper introduces the Chinese table manners and western table manners.

3、Secondly, we have a comparative analysis of the table manners. Thirdly, we find out the reasons for the differences of table manners from a cultural perspective.There are a lot of similarities and differences between Chinese and western table manners. Learning about the western table manners not onl

4、y has a great help to the development of Chinese civilization, but also is helpful for us to communicate with the foreigners. We should show the good quality at the dinner table. Therefore, learning and researching the table manners is the main task of the contemporary college students, and also bec

5、ome the necessary condition to improve our own quality. Key words: table manners, cultural difference, China and western countriesContents摘要1关键词1Abstract2Key words21. Table manners in China41.1 The history of table manners in China41.2Some taboos of table manners in China42. Table manners in Western

6、 countries52.1 The origin of table manners in western countries52.2 The education of table manners in western countries63. The contrast of table manners between Chinese and western countries63.1 Arrangement for seats63.2 The order of serving dishes83.3 Tableware93.4 The way of showing that the dinne

7、r is finished124. The reasons for the differences of table manners in China and Western countries124.1 The different cultural connotations134.2 The different ways of thinking134.3 The different values144.4 The different time concepts154.5 The different notion154.6 The different behaviors regulation1

8、55. Conclusion16References171. Table manners in China1.1 The history of table manners in ChinaChinese table manners have a long history, which date from Zhou Dynasty, at that time table manners have a quite complete system. Those table manners gradually go to a level of mature and perfect, moreover,

9、 they took an important part in the past and still have a deep influence in the modern society. As traditional ancient etiquette of feast of the Han nationality, it has a set of procedures: the host will send out an invitation card to invite the guests to come to his house and welcome the guests at

10、the door. When the guests arrive, they will give compliments to each other, and then the host will take the guests to the living room to sit for a short time and prepare tea for them to drink. When all the guests reach the host's house, the host will arrange them to sit in the dining room. The s

11、eat opposite to the door is the most important seat. Generally speaking, it's the host's seat. The seat near to the host's seat is for the most important guests. After arranging for the seats, the host will toast and recommend dishes to the guests. The guests will express their thanks to

12、 the host with a polite way. There are rules of procedures during the toasting and recommending dishes: First, we should toast to the elder, then to the most important guests and at last to the master. When the feast is over, the host will take the guests to the living room to sit back until their l

13、eaving. This traditional feast ritual has been preserved in most parts of China, such as Shandong, Hong Kong and Taiwan. It is reflected in many films and television works. Some western eating etiquette has been introduced to China in Qing Dynasty. The integration of Chinese and Western food culture

14、 makes it more scientific and reasonable. 1.2Some taboos of table manners in ChinaWhen eating with the traditional Chinese family at the same table, we should respect their culture, rituals and customs and be careful not to violate a variety of taboos because Chinese people believe that diet is clos

15、ely related to the fate of the individuals. If you make a taboo when having dinner, it will bring about bad luck. Such as eating fish, when eating out one side of the fish, you should not use chopsticks to flip a whole fish to the other side. In their opinion, if you break the body of the fish when

16、turning the fish, it means that the fishing boats will be capsized. This is because that Hong Kong is a fishing port in the early years. The fishermen are very concerned about the safety of the vessels. In addition, the Chinese people never treat visitors with seven dishes because we usually comfort

17、 the relatives of the dead people after the funeral with seven dishes. We should not insert chopsticks to the center of the bowl with rice vertically because it looks a bit like holding a memorial ceremony for the ancestors. After finishing eating the dinner, we should say "I'm full" i

18、nstead of "I have already finished eating dinner", which means that they have died, will not have the opportunity to eat. When having dinner, we should avoid the chopsticks touching the bowl and making a noise. It is not only impolite, but also means no food to eat. The habit of not leavin

19、g a grain of rice in the bowl should be cultivated, or else the face of your future wife or husband will have pox and it also means not respecting the work achievement of the farmers who work hard. These superstitious dietary practices have a large affect even today. More or less, it still is the ea

20、ting etiquette of Chinese people. Table manners occupy a very important position in the complete order of life in modern China. They believe that dining is not only to meet basic physiological needs, but also an important social experience. Therefore, it will be particularly important to grasp some

21、knowledge of Chinese food etiquette. Whether you are a master or just a guest, you should know some eating etiquette.2. Table manners in Western countries2.1 The origin of table manners in western countriesWestern table manners are originated from the Merovingian dynasty in France. Inspired by the B

22、yzantine culture, they developed a series of subtle ritual. The etiquette is more complex and tyranny when it is the time of the empire of Charlemagne of the Roman Empire. The emperor must sit on the highest chair. Whenever the music is sound, the nobility must deliver the cuisine to the emperor. Be

23、fore the 17th century, the traditional habit of dining is wearing hat. The table manners seem to be complicated and demanding in the imperial era. Different ethnic groups have different eating habits: The Gaul will sit, the Romans will be lying, the Frenchman was taught to dine with hands on the tab

24、le, but the British were taught not to eat with both hands placed on the legs. The western table manners are evolved by the chivalry. In the 12th century, when Italian culture influenced the France, table manners and menu terms become more elegant and refined. The etiquette books were published. Whe

25、n you were invited to guest at a dinner party, you must note the following items. If it is indicated HSVR in the invitation letter, you must answer whether you will accept or not. You should arrive on time, neither late nor early. If you are invited into the dining room by the host, you should not s

26、it down until the hostess sit down. The food can be eaten when the hostess indicate that we can eat. After eating, you can leave when the hostess stand up. No food can be touched by fingers but the bread. Today, these table manners are still remained to a certain extent and range in western countrie

27、s. It will always be necessary for you to wear decent clothes, carry the right gift when you go to your friends home. Your talking should show elegance and conservation.2.2 The education of table manners in western countriesThe Western family is known as the tradition of "take the table as a cl

28、assroom ". From the first day of the children on the table, the parents begin to proceed tangible or intangible "education of dinner" to help the children learn good dining etiquette. Generally speaking, western children will study the dining etiquette systematically at the age of two

29、. They will learn all the dining etiquette at the age of four. They will be willing to do some things, such as put all the cutlery on the table before the dinner and clean up the dishes after the dinner and all at the age of about five. About the children's table manners, the Americans also focu

30、s on environment protection education. The five-year-old or six-year-old children should know what is "environment protection tableware" manufactured after regeneration, and what is "permanent refuse" which will pollute the environment. They will make drinks at home with the pare

31、nts' help before going out to have a trip. They will try their best to reduce buying prepared food with cans and pay attention to save water and electricity because they know that "abuse of resources means to be against with the environment ".For the education of table manners, one tea

32、cher from the United States says: "civility and politeness are extremely helpful to the success of personal career. Large commercial transactions or love often begin from the table."3. The contrast of table manners between Chinese and western countriesThere is a big difference for the requ

33、irements of table manners in China and western countries. They have their own characteristics, reflecting a different culture in table manners.3.1 Arrangement for seats3.1.1 Chinese table manners about arrangement for seatsFirst, arrange seats for the most important guests, then for the elders, next

34、 to the guests' seats, at last for other guests. When seating on the seat, they should pass by the left side of the chairs. They are not permitted to have the chopsticks, make noises or walk around after sitting down. If they have something to do, they need to tell it to the host first. The gues

35、ts can't sit down before they are invited by the master. The master should be careful not to call the guests to sit in a seat near the position of serving dishes, which is a taboo. If you are a master, you should point to a chair with an assuasive gesture and say to the guests: "Sit down he

36、re, please". If you are a guest, you shouldn't sit down until the master indicates you to sit down. If the owner goes ahead to sit down and does not indicate where you sit, you should sit down at the position which is closest to him. When we sit round a table, the seat facing the door is th

37、e main seat. The seats will be distinguished with a napkin in higher-grade hotels. The seat with the best napkins can't be sat unless you are going to treat others. The modern and popular Chinese food feast rituals are evolved on the basis of the traditional manners and with reference to foreign

38、 manners. The order of the seats is according to the rules of taking the right position as honorable of western countries. The most important guest will sit at the right of the hosts position, the second important guest will sit at the left of the host or the right of the most important guest. The s

39、eat opposite to the door is the host's seat. The seat near the door is the position for the inferior person, who will help them serve dishes, call waiters, take drinks and all. It is the same principle when having toasts and serving dishes, first to the most important guest, then to the host and

40、 first to the female guest, then to the male guest.3.1.2 Western table manners about arrangement for seatsAfter the announce of feast ready by the hostess, the man of the house will lead the guests to sit in turn while the hostess will walk at the end. Some careful owner will place the name card on

41、the table to show the order of seating. If they don't have this arrangement, the seating arrangement will be in principle of male next to female. The male main guest will sit down first, the position is at the left of the hostess place. The female main guest will sit at the right of the male mai

42、n guest. The other couples will sit at diagonal seats. The male and female couple's sitting respectively shows the openness and liveliness of the western banquet. They hope to enhance familiarity with each other by the seating arrangements on the banquet, at the same time make the dining topic d

43、iverse, and the atmosphere harmony. The principle of sitting is that the guests sit prior to the hosts, the elders sit prior to the younger, the married sit prior to the unmarried, the strangers sit prior to the familiar guests or family members. 3.2 The order of serving dishes3.2.1 The serving orde

44、r of Chinese food First, the cold dish, beverage and wine, then, hot dishes, and then the staple food, and finally the sweets and fruits. When there are a lot of tables on the banquet, the same dish should be served at the same time. The order also remains the tradition, first the cold food, then th

45、e hot food. Hot food should be served from the left of the person who sits on the seat opposite to the main guest's seat. The principle of serving single dish, side dishes and snacks is guests first, and then the host. When serving the whole chicken, whole duck, whole fish or others of this kind

46、, we should not put the head and tail towards the position of the host. The general way of serving dishes is as follows: First, they serve the big dish, the guests pick up them by themselves. Second, the waiters divide it into several pieces and put them in the plates and send them to the guests. La

47、st, they put the food in small dishes and each get one plate of food. In a formal banquet, the way of eating dishes is like power point show: each dish each time. So how is it called a Chinese dinner? First of all, we will order a cold dish to stimulate the appetite to eat. Secondly, a pot of soup w

48、hich will help increase the body temperature is necessary. We will taste a main course after drinking the hot soup. Generally speaking, we will order the main course in accordance with our own tastes. However, it can be regarded as appropriate Chinese dinner with a spicy dish. Spicy dish with insipi

49、d rice will make the dish spicy and mild, rice light and fragrant. The finale of the dinner is dessert, which is usually sweet soup, such as red bean paste, sesame paste, as well as other types, such as pudding, pancakes, ice cream, which are also sweet and delicious. These procedures can not only m

50、ake the entire process of the dinner harmonious and orderly, but also make the identity of hosts and guests and emotions to be reflected and communicated. Therefore, the etiquette on the table can make feast activities orbicular and comprehensive, and also make the accomplishment of both the hosts a

51、nd the guests to be showed comprehensively.3.2.2 The serving order of western food bread and butter cold dish soup and seafood main course dessert coffee and fruit. Cold dishes, soup will be eaten together with bread. Cold dish is also called appetizer. As the first course, it is generally associate

52、d with aperitif. They have light soup and cream soup. The main courses are fish, pork, beef, chicken and all. The desserts are ice cream, pudding, etc. Then there is coffee or black tea. As for fruit, it is optional, it can be served and not be served. 3.3 Tableware3.3.1 Chinese tableware Chinese ta

53、bleware includes chopsticks, plates, spoons, bowls and all. In a formal banquet, cups of water are put on the left top of the plate, cups of wine are put on the right top of the plate. Chopsticks and spoons can be placed on a dedicated position or on the paper kit. Communal chopsticks and spoons sho

54、uld be put on the specialized place. Toothpicks and ashtrays should be prepared. ChopsticksChopsticks are the most important tableware in China. Chopsticks are used in pairs. The following questions should be paid attention to when using chopsticks to get food and dishes: First, do not lick t

55、he chopsticks whether the remnants of food are on the chopsticks or not. It will affect peoples appetite when taking food with licked chopsticks. Second, the chopsticks should be put aside when you are talking to people. You should not wave the chopsticks like a baton while you are talking with othe

56、rs. Third, do not insert chopsticks on the food vertically because this method can only be used to hold a memorial ceremony for the dead. Last, the function of chopsticks should be regulated. Chopsticks are only used for picking up food. It is rude to use the chopsticks to pick your teeth, tickling,

57、 or get stuff out of food. Spoon. Its main role is to scoop dishes, food. Sometimes, when getting food with chopsticks, a spoon can be used as subsidiary tableware. We should try not to use spoon to get dishes. When using a spoon to get food, it should not be much full so as to avoid overflow

58、ing because it can stain the table or our clothes. When scooping up food, we should make the spoon pause for a moment on the bowl or dish. We can move the spoon back to have it when the soup wont go down. If the spoon is not used temporarily, it should be placed on your plate. It should not be put o

59、n the table directly. After getting food with a spoon, it should be ate immediately or put it on your own plate, not be put back to its original place. If the food is too hot, we can neither scoop it here and there with a spoon, nor blown it with our mouth. We can put it on our bowl first and eat it when it turns to be cool. The spoon shouldnt be put in the mouth or suck and lick repeatedly. PlateSmaller plate


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