1、中考英语 英语任务型阅读理解(及答案)100 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文理解,回答下列问题。 The Internet is beco ming more and more importa nt in our life. How much do you know about it? What is the In ternet? The Internet is a large, worldwide collectio n of computer n etworks. A n etwork is a small group of computers put together. The Int
2、ern et is many differe nt n etworks from (A) the world. These n etworks are called the Intern et. Once you have lear ned to use the Intern et, you can have a lot of in terest in the World Wide Web. What is the World Wide Web? The World Wide Web has bee n the most popular developme nt of the Intern e
3、t. The Web is like a big electronic book with millions of pages. These pages are called homepages. You can find in formatio n about almost any thi ng in the world on these pages. For example, (B) you can use the Intern et i nstead of a library to find in formatio n for your homework. You can also fi
4、nd in formatio n about your favourite sports or film stars, talk to your friends or even do some shopping on the Intern et. Most pages have words, pictures and even sound or music. What is e-mail? (C)电子邮件是给别人发送信息的一种方法。 Its much quicker and cheaper than sending a letter. If you want to send e-mails,
5、you must have an e-mail address. This address must have letters and dots(点)and an ( meaning at). This is what an address looks like: Emily star. n et. Write a message, type in the pers ons e-mail address, and the n send the message on the Internet. People dont need to use stamps, envelopes or go to
6、the post office since the inven tio n of the Intern et. Quick. easy and in terest in g-thats the Intern et! (1 )在 A 的空白处填入适当的词,使句意完整,上下文通顺: _ (2 )将但)句译成汉语: _ (3 )将(5 句译成英语: _ (4) 从文中找出所给句子的同义句: Sen di ng a letter is much slower and dearer than it. (5) 从文中找出最能表达英特网特点的句子: 【答案】(1) all ;over (2) 你可以使用因特
7、网为你的家庭作业查找所需资料而不用去图书馆。 (3) An e-mail is a way to send messages to others. (4) Its much quicker and cheaper than sending a letter. (5) Quick. easy and interesting-thats the Internet! 【解析】 【分析】这篇短文主要介绍了互联网在我们的生活中越来越重要。你有多么了解 吗? 一旦你学会使用互联网,你可以有很多的兴趣在万维网,其中还介绍了万维网和电子邮 件。 (1) 补全单词使句子完整理解题。根据短文提示,网络是来自全世界
8、的不同网络。故答案 是 all over。 (2) 英汉互译题。in stead of 词组代替而不是;to find in formation 目的是找到信息。故答 案你可以使用因特网为你的家庭作业查找所需资料而不用去图书馆。 (3) 英汉互译题。 a way todosth 表示做某事的一种方法; send messages to others 给别人 发送信息,故答案是 An e-mail is a way to send messages to others。 (4) 找同义句题。根据文中 Its much quicker and cheaper than sending a lett
9、er.。 故答案 Its much quicker and cheaper than sending a letter.发送电子邮件比发送送信便宜和快得多。 (5) 找中心句题。根据文中最后一句 Quick. easy and in teresti ng-thats the In ternet!可知因 特网的特点是 Quick. easy and in teresti ng-thats the Intern et! 【点评】任务型阅读的关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言 填写答案。 2 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容和情境把文章中的画线句子(英语或汉语)翻译成汉语或 英语。
10、 We are living in a world full of competition. Pare nts compete with others in their offices, our brothers and sisters compete with others in their colleges, and we compete with our classmates in schools. Most of us give up facing competiti on and will n ever be successful. Why cant we do better tha
11、 n others? One importa nt reas on is that we have no self - con fide nee. 事实上,人人生而平等。 You can do what others do. Your classmates may be better tha n you in some ways, but you may be better tha n them in other subjects. So every one has his or her adva ntages. Dont look at things from a single point
12、of view. Try to discover your own advantages, and believe that you can do better tha n others in those ways. Competition is not so terrible. 不要害怕那些比你更优秀的同学。 (5) Remember that self con fide nee is the first step to success. Believe in yourselves, and you will be successful in any competiti on. _ _ _
13、_ _ 【答案】 我们生活在充满竞争的世界。; In fact, all men are created equal.;不要只从一个 角度看问题。; Do nt be afraid of classmates who are better than you.;记住自信是成功的第 3 请将左栏 5 个人的遇到的紧急情况和右栏七个不同的急救方式进行配对。 Sally ofte n takes a banana to school for lun ch. She often puts a banana in her bag in the morning, and whe n she ope ns t
14、he bag at noon, the banana looks as if some one drove a car over it. Rose wants to know whether her breath smells nice or not? But its difficult to know, because its very hard to smell the air that comes out of your own mouth. Joh n used to have a watch that can tell him the time and temperature dur
15、ing the day. However, it does nt work these days and he wants to buy somethi ng that can be worn more easily. It is reported that many people die as a result of breathing smoke or from cook ing over wood-powered or coal-powered stoves. Anna wants to buy a cooker to avoid this problem. Bruce ofte n r
16、eads the n ews about food safety from n ewspaper, magaz ines or TV. It has great in flue nces on peoples health. He wants to find something that can help him check whether the food is safe or not. A. Apple Watch It can not only tell you the right time and the temperature. It also has a set of tech n
17、o logy that can collect a lot of health data. It can record your every movement and even tell you whether you sleep well or not. B. Alarm Fork Well, this special fork has two lights: one gree n and one red. When the gree n light is on, its OK to take a bite of food. The fork knows when you take a bi
18、te, and soon the red light goes on. Wait for the green light before you take ano ther bite. C. Smell This Smell This is useful for you to make sure your breath smell nice or not. Smell This covers your nose and your mouth, so it is easy to smell the air that comes out of your mouth. D. Banana Suitca
19、se Are you worry ing about the banana in your bag? If you put your banana in the Banana Suitcase, it can keep a banana safe, delicious, and look ing like a banana! E. Sol-4 Cooker The cooker is also much frie ndlier tha n other cookers because it produces less smoke and the user would be less likely
20、 to have breathing ill nesses from harmful smoke. F. Time Temp Glasses These special glasses show the time above your right eye and the temperature above your left eye. It is surely easier than wearing a watch, and you n ever have to guess the temperature. G. Kuaisou The new chopsticks, called Kuais
21、ou, are able to pick up a variety of readi ngs on food fresh ness, acidity (酸碱度) and nutrients (营养) .They allow people to take food safety into their own hands through an app on smart phon es. 【答案】D; C; F; E; G 4 阅读短文,然后按要求完成问题。 Here are two old stories from Chin ese history. The Chin ese people hav
22、e told them for many years. One is a story about Cao Caos son, a clever boy n amed Cao Chong. One day, Cao Caogot a huge elepha nt from Sun Quan and he wan ted to know the weight of it. Because there was nt a scale large eno ugh, some soldiers advised him to (A) it up. But Cao Cao did nt want to kil
23、l the elepha nt. Just the n, Cao Chong came up with a great idea. He asked some soldiers to lead the elepha nt on to about. As the heavy animal walked on to it, the boat went lower into the water. After Cao Chong drew a line on the side of the boat to mark how low it went, the elephant was taken off
24、 the boat. (B)The boat was filed with rocks until the water reached the line on the boat. Cao Chong then weighed the rocks. The rocks and the elephant were of the same weight. (C) 曹操 对他的儿子生常满意。 The other story is about a wise man named ZhugeLiang. He was asked to make 100, 000 arrows (箭)within 10day
25、s. He told (D) his soldiers to fill 20 large boats with many straw men. In the early morning of the third day, the soldiers said the boats towards the camps of Cao Caos army on the other side of the river. They shouted and boat their drums loud. Whe n Cao Caos soldiers heard the soun ds, they though
26、t they were (E)attack. However, they could not see through the thick tog on the river. Cao Caoordered his soldiers to shoot arrows towards the sounds of the drums and the shout ing. Zhuge Lia ng got eno ugh arrows and the n sailed back successfully. (1) 在文中(A)和(C)的空白处填入适当的单词 (A) _ (C) _ (2 )将文中划线部分(
27、B)改写为:The boat was _ rocks. (3 )将文中划线部分(C)译成英语: (4) _ 文中划线部分(D)指代的是: (5) 从文中找出两个历史人物: 【答案】(1) cut ; under (2) full ; of (3) Cao Cao was (very)happy/satisfied/pleased with his son. (4) Zhuge Liangs (5) Cao Cao/Cao Chong/Zhuge Liang/Sun Quan (任选两个) 5 阅读下面短文,完成表格。 Do you have any difficulties while stu
28、dy ing? In fact, to lear n with success is not a very difficult task if you follow some basic rules. I hope they will help you study successfully. All problems can be solved by working hard. It makes the fool wise, the poor rich, the weak strong. It makes a wonderful differenee. In learning, a hard
29、working fool gets more than a lazy wise. To set our heart on one thing at a time and give up all other thoughts is also a good way. Those who often change their subjects will never succeed. For this reason, while you are learning one subject, dont con sider lear ning ano ther one in order to be succ
30、essful. Constancy (持之以恒)makes a certain (必然).On the other hand, inconstancy often results failure(失败).If we study day after day, than is nothing that can not be achieved. We should remember a worthy say ing C on sta nt dropp ing of water wears away a non ce Besides, to be on time is another rule. It
31、 helps to achieve your dream. The habit of keeping certa in hours is of very importa nee to successful lear ning. Work while you wok; play while you play. Every man will certa inly become strong and wise as long as we does so. The title: Work hard In lear ning, a lazy wise gets a hard-work ing fool.
32、 Set our heart on one thing While you are study ing one subject, dont con sider lear ning ano ther one you can be successful. Be con sta nt Useless we study day after day, nothing The habit of keep ing certa in hours makes you stro ng and wise. 【答案】 The way/ How to learn / study with success / succe
33、ssfully/ Successful learning ; less than ; so that/ in order that ; can be achieved; Be on time. 6 根据短文内容,完成下面的表格。 In com mon with other coun tries, Brita in has serious en vir onmen tal problems. In 1952, more than 4,000 people died in London because of the smog. The gover nment in troduced new law
34、s to stop smog from coal fires and factories and the situation improved a lot. Today, London is much cleaner but there is a new problem: smog from cars. In December 1991, there was very little wind in London and polluti on in creased a lot. As a result, about 160 people died from polluti on in just
35、four days. One of the problem is the new out of town shopping centres. In the past, people often walked to shops n ear their homes or went by bus. Now, many people drive to the new shopp ing cen tres. Because the small shops have disappeared in the dow ntow n, more people have to travel to do their
36、shopp ing. Critics say that Brita in n eeds better and cheaper public tran sport. Tran sport in Brita in is very expensive. An early morning train trip from Glasgow to London (about 600km) can cost about 100, for example. A short 15-minute bus trip can cost over 1.00. Many people are trying to reduc
37、e the use of cars in Britain. Some cities now have special bicycle paths and many people cycle to work. Some people also travel to work together in one car to reduce the polluti on and the cost. Environmen tal in Britai n Time causes Soluti ons In the Smog coal 4,000 people died in 1952. New laws we
38、re . Today Smog caused by About 160 people in a few days in 1991. Provide better anc public tran sport. Build special paths for bicycles. Travel to work in one car. 【答案】 problems ; Results; past; from ; Over; introduced ; cars; died ; cheaper; together 【解析】 【分析】环境问题现在是全球共同的话题,短文以英国为例进行了说明。与许多 国家一样,英
39、国有严重的环境问题。政府颁布新法律来阻止来自烧煤和工厂的烟雾,情况 改善很多。在英国运输非常昂贵,因此,批评家说,英国需要更好和更便宜的公共交通。 根据第一段第一句 In com mon with other coun tries, Britai n has serious environmental problems.可知本文的中心是英国的环境问题。故填 problems。 根据表格的分类:时间,原因,解决办法;和表格下方的内容可知此列是环境问题的后 果,故填 results。 本文是现在与过去的对比,故填 past。注意不可用 1952,因为空格前有 the。 根据 The governm
40、ent introduced new laws to stop smog from coal fires and factories 可知填 from。 根据出现 4,000 的这句话 more than 4,000 people died in Lon don 可知用 Over。 根据 The government introduced new laws to stop smog from coal fires and factories 可知填 introduced。 根据 Today, London is much cleaner but there is a new problem:
41、smog from cars.可知填 cars。 根据 As a result, about 160 people died from pollution in just four days. 可知填 died。 根据倒数第二段 Critics say that Britain needs better and cheaper public transport.可知填 cheaper。 根据最后一句 Some people also travel to work together in one car to reduce the pollution and the cost.可知填 toget
42、her。 【点评】任务型阅读的关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言 填写答案。 7 .根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。 Leonardo da Vinci (莱奥纟纳多 达多奇)was a famous artist who was born in Italy. He was also a great inven tor. Many of his inven ti ons have become importa nt in modern life. Although Leon ardo hated war, he inven ted many differe nt mac
43、h ines used for war. His most special inven ti on was the mach ine gun, which was produced and used in war. Besides, Leon ardo spe nt days thinking about how to save time. He developed ideas for something like cutting machines. Leonard was a stra nge man. He n ever ate meat. That was very unu sual i
44、n those times ( 时代). He never published (发表)scientific discoveries. He usually used mirror writing, which looks like usual writing in a mirror, starting from the right side of the page and moving to the left side. Only a few of his paintings are left today. Many paintings were not finished because h
45、e thought they were not perfect. Leonardo was talented and creative. He was regarded as one of the most intelligent men in the world. Leon ardo da Vinci His status (身份) Not only an artist but also an His inven tio n and ideas The mach ine Ideas for something like machines used to His stra nge behavi
46、ors He n ever ate meat. He never published discoveries connected with He used mirror writi ng. only a few of his paintings are left today Because many pain ti ngs were not fini shed. 【答案】 inven tor; gun; cut; scie nee; Why 【解析】【分析】主要讲了达芬奇的身份、发明观点、奇怪的行为及绘画。 (1)根据 He was also a great inven tor.可知也是一名发
47、明家, an后面一单数,故填 inven tor。 (2) 根据 His most special invention was the machine gun 可知发明了机器枪,故填 gun。 (3) 根据 He developed ideas for something like cutting machines. 可知想出了切的机器,即 机器用来切,be used to do 被用来做某事,故填 cut。 (4) 根据 He never published (发表)scientific discoveries.可知他从不发表科学发现,即从不 发表与科学有关的发现, with是介词,后面一名
48、词,所以用 scientific 的名词 science,故填 scie nee。 (5) 根据 Only a few of his paintings are left today. Many paintings were not finished because he thought they were not perfect.可知讲了他的画被留下的原因是他认为不完美,故填 Why。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,首先读懂题意,然后带着问题仔细从文中寻找答案。 &阅读信息,用恰当的单词完成下面的短文,每空一词。 Our feeli ngs in flue nce almost every
49、 decisi on we make. In stead of livi ng a bori ng life, positive (积极的)feelings can help us a lot. The pity is that sometimes become victims of feelings. In one of my latest books, I compare peoples ability to con trols ( 控制) on a media player. Just like the controls can help you enjoy wonderful song
50、s, these methods will be choices for you to man age feeli ngs successfully. Take time to stop and think before you speak or act. Of course, you may feel sorry if you like doing someth ing without thinkin g-like sending an angry email or posti ng someth ing bad on social media. If you feel your feeli
51、 ngs getti ng out of con trol, pause. If possible, go for a short walk. Once youve calmed dow n, decide how you want to move forward. 2. Volume control Have you ever no ticed that whe n speak ing with some one, your style or tone is a mirror ( 镜子) of the pers ons you are speak ing to? If you stay ca
52、lm or quiet, theyll follow you. Shout or scream, and theyll do just like you. If a discussi on starts to become worse, try to cha nge it by softe ning your tone or loweri ng your voice. 1. Pause. If you want to learn more about another persons thoughts, recording, one way of careful listening, may h
53、elp. You dont need to reply at once; youre listening to understand. Through careful liste ning, you ofte n see things you did nt see before and can even discover misun dersta ndings you did nt know. Dont judge or offer advice before you know more about others and the topic. Sometimes, our decisi ons
54、 are affected by our feeli ngs. If you keep positive feeli ngs, you can living a bori ng life. Some methods can help you _ in con troll ing your feeli ngs. First, doing without thinking may make you _ what youve said or don e. Its wise of you to pause whe n your feeli ngs become bad. Second, whe n s
55、peak ing with some one, the other pers on usually offers you a reply in the _ style or tone. So controlling volume is very importa nt. Whats more, record ing is one way of careful liste ning, with the _ of lear ning more about ano ther pers ons thoughts. Follow this way, you can judge or offer sugge
56、sti ons. 【答案】 avoid; succeed; regret; same; help 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是如何管理好情绪给了一些建议。 (1) 根据 In stead of livi ng a boring life, positive (积极的)feel in gs can help us a lot.可知用积极 的情绪能让我们避免过着令人厌烦的生活。 avoid 避免,情态动词 can后跟动词原形,故答 案为:avoid o (2) 根据 these methods will be choices for you to man age feeli ngs s
57、uccessfully. succeed in doi ng sth.成功做某事,help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事,故答案为: succeed o (3) 根据 Of course, you may feel sorry if you like doing something without thinking 可知做事 情不三思而后行会感到后悔, regret 后悔,遗憾,故答案为:regret。 (4) 根据 If you stay calm or quiet, theyll follow you. Shout or scream, and theyll do just lik
58、e you.可知你的情绪决定人们怎么样回复你,所以人们用用同样的类型或语调回复你, same 同样的,故答案为:same。 (5) 根据 If you want to learn more about another persons thoughts, recording, one way of careful listening, may help. with the help of,在 帮助下,固定搭配,故答案为: help。 【点评】此题考查任务型阅读理解。先阅读短文理解短文大意。然后进行审题。看题目中 所缺的成分,然后根据短文内容填写适当的词。 9 阅读理解 Mo Ya, Nobel
59、Prize winner in literature ( 文学)in 2012, believes his success comes from a large amount of read ing. Mo was born into a farming family in a village in Shandong Province. Mo left school at the age of 12 and started to work in the fields. Mo was tired after his daily hard work, but he was always hungr
60、y for books. However, there were very few books in the village, he n ever gave up. He read his elder brothers textbooks and even dictionaries. He helped others with farm work in excha nge for books. After Mo left his hometown and joined the army in 1976, he began to read widely, including works by Lu Xu
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