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1、表示地点的介词in、on、behind、next to 、near、over、under铅笔在课桌里。树上有些苹果。(1) in在里面:The pen cil is in the desk.(2) on 在上面:There are some apple on the tree. under在下面 / 正下方: What's under your desk你书桌底卜是什么?(4) over在正上方:There is a shelf over the table.桌子上方有一个书架。(5) above在斜上方:Raise your arms above your head. below在斜

2、下方:Her skirt came below her kn ees. beh ind在之后: There is a bike beh ind the tree.树后有一辆自行车。(8) n ext to在旁边:There is a caf e next to the barber's.理发店隔壁是一家咖啡馆。(9) near(10) by我的床在窗户旁。在附近: My bed is n ear the win dow.在旁: He was sitt ing by the window .第一组:over, above 和 on的用法1) over指在的正上方,表示垂直在上。:Ther

3、e is a lamp over the desk.2) above指在上方,属于斜上方。如:Raise your arms above your head.3) on指在上面,表示两物体接触。如:There is a cup on the table.第二组:un der / below的用法:()1 He put up a mapthe back wall because there was a hole1) under2) belowF面 / 正下方: What's under your desk在斜下方: Her skirt came below her kn ees.练习:)

4、1 The boat is passingthe bridge.A. through B. below C. un der D. across)2 Two planes are flyingthe city.A. through B. over , C. on , D, below)3 We can see a river running to the eastthe hill.A. un der B. below C. over D. on)4 Do you see the kitethe build ingA. over B. cross C. on D. above第三组:in 和on表

5、示“在上”1)门一类镶嵌在墙里的,用in;字画一类挂在墙面上的,用onit.A. on; on B. at; in C. on; in D. on; at()2 There is a doorthe wall.A. on B. to C. ofD.in()3 Any maneyes.his head can see that he's exactly likea rope.A. with; on B. with; in C. on; with D. i n; with 2)鸟一类落在树上的,用in;苹果一类长在树上的,用 on()1 There are some birds singi

6、ngthe trees.A. in B. on C. atD. fromA(和B相邻(接壤)一用on A 和B不相邻(不接壤)()2 There are so many applesthat tree.A. in B, on C. at D. fromthe south of Can ada andthe east of Japan.)1 The Uni ted States isA. to; in B. on; to C. in; beside D. at; on)2 The man stoodthe win dow, watch ing the boys p layi ng outside

7、.A. in B. by C. with D. to)3 Japan liesthe east of China.A. on B. to C. in D. with第五组:at, in 表示“在1) at表示较小的地点。如: at the bus stop, at home2) in表示较大的地点。如:in Chi na, in the world)1Un cle Wang arrivedNo. 14 Middle School half an hour ago.A. at B. in C to D. /)2 My uncle lives88 Beiji ng Street.A. to B.

8、of C. at D. on)3 They are wait inga busthe bus stop.A. for; in B. on; at C. with; at D. for; at第六组:in front of 和 in the front of1) in front of表示“在之前”(范围外)。There are some trees in front of the classroom.2) in the front of表示“在的前部”(范围内)There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.第七组:in /intoin表

9、示“在里面”,强调静态;into表示“去里面”,强调动态。第八组:through / across通过,穿过across表示横过,即从物体表面通过,与on有关,为二维through穿过,即从物体内部穿过,与in有关,为三维。()1 Is the street too n arrow for the bus to goA. through B. across C. on D. in()2 A mother camel was walk ingher sonthe desert.A. without; along B. with; throughC. n ext to; p ass D. besi

10、de; through()3 The river runsthe city.A. across B. through C. over D. from()4 It took us over an hour to walkthis street.A. from B. through C. over D. across练习1:1 Tom sitsthe classroom while Joh n sitsA. in front of; at back ofC. in front of; at the back of2 Lucy sitsthe third row,the room.B. in the

11、 front of; at the back of D. in the front of; at back ofJim s left.A. on; on B. in; at C. at; in D. in; on3 Jia ngsu isthe east of China, but Japan isthe east of China.A. to; in B. i n; to . C. on; to D. to; on4 Don t readthe sun. It s badyour eyes.A. in; to B. un der; for C. with; to D. in; on5 The

12、 womana blue dress is my teacher.A. in B. on C. of D. at6 research the uni verse scie ntists have put a lot of in formati oncompu ters.A. With; over; at B. On; at; to C. I n; about; into D. For; with; through7 When a p iece of ice is take na warm room, it gets smaller and smaller un tilthe end it di

13、sappears completely.A. in; in B. out of; at C. in to; in D. to; by8 A woma n fellthe boat the water.A. off; into B. at; below C. dow n; un der D. away; in练习2:1. We traveled over ni ght to P aris and arrivedclockthe morni ng.A. on; in B. at; in C. at; on D. in; on2. Jack has studied Chi nese in this

14、schoolthe year of 2000.A. since B. in C. on D. by3. Hong Kong isthe south of China, and Macao isthe westof Hong Kong.12. It's good manners to waitlineA. in; to B. to; to C. to; in D. in; in4. Japan liesthe east of China.A. to B. in C. about D. at5. I won ' t believe that the five-year-old bo

15、y can read five thousandwordsI have tested him myself.A. after B. when C. if D. until 6. The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours he realized it.A. when B. until C. after D. before7. Lookthe mapChinathe wall, please.A after, of, in B at, of, in C after, in, on D at, of, on8. -

16、 Please remember to come to my birthday party.- I see. I'll comeSaturday evening.A in B at C on D for9. They will have a maths testtwo daysA for B at C in D after10. My brother joined the armyA 1989 , March B in March1989C March , 1989 D 1989in March11.We had our breakfasta quartersevento B into

17、 C atto D on , toA in B on C at D with13. How many English words had you learntlast termA by the end of B at the end of C to the end of D till theend of14. I was bornthe nightSeptember 15 , 1978A in , on Bat , on Cat , in Don , of15. It's a bad manner to laughpeople whenthey aretroubleA over , in Bat , in C in , at D at , for16. The people's Republic of China was founded1949A with B on C since D in17. He arrivedGuangzhounoon.A. in; in B. to; at C. in; at D. at; in18. They worka small farma river.A. on; by B. at; on C. by; on


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