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1、News Item 1:1. Gen eral Comp rehe nsion. Fill in the bla nks to comp lete thep ulling out of South Africafollowi ng stateme nts accord ing to what you have heard.(1) IBM ann ou need today it is IBM is selli ngits South Africa holdingsThep olitical and economy situationsin South Africa has caused thi

2、sdecisi on.(4) An ti-a partheid groups havep raisedthis decisi on.1500(5) IBM employs somepeople in South Africa.todaythe Reaga nAdmi nistratio n believes USbee n atocorpo rate involvementin South Africa haspr ogressive forceaga instap artheid.We regret any decisi onreduce US p rivate sectorinvo Ive

3、me nt in South Africa.2. Spot Dictati on. Liste n to the tape aga in and fill in the followi ng bla nks.Sp okesmanCharles Redm ond said3. Focus ing on Details. Comp lete the followi ng stateme nt with details.The US State Dep artme nt regrets the reducti ons of US p rivate sector invo Iveme nt in So

4、uth Africa because they coulda. haveharmful effects on black workersthe South Africa economyb. injure,andc. limitthe extend of US influence in South AfricaNews Item 2:1. Gen eral Comp rehe nsion. Com plete the chart to pro vide a brief summary of the n ews item.Eve nt: Dem on strati onPI ace:South A

5、frica officeUS embassyCity:HarareZimbabweCoun try:1I BlackRace: I2. Focus ing on Details. Fill the detailed in formatio n accordi ngto what you have heard.(1) Number of dem on strators: more tha n(2) Number of people arrested: more tha n(3) Causes of the dem on strati on:a. sus pect ingSouth Africa

6、the comlicity in the pl ane crashMalawi for supporting the Pretoria-backed insurgentsb. blami ng丨(4) Gover nment app ealed forIcalm(5) An official stateme nt is exp ected from(6) Mugabe is just back fromLondona thousandfiftyP rime Minister MugabeNews Item 3: 1. Gen eral Comp rehe nsion. Fill in the

7、bla nks to comp lete theWest German ChancellorHelmut hourfollowi ng stateme nts accord ing to what you have heard.(1) P reside nt Reaga n met with(2) The meeti ng lasted aboutthe White House(3) The meeti ng took p lace attoday.(4) Kohl exp ressedsupport for the P residents SDI pr ogram2. Sum

8、mary. Use all the in formatio n you have gathered inExercise 1 and try to write a summary for News Item 3.Suggested versi on: P reside nt Reaga n met for about an hour today with West Germa n Cha ncellor Helmut Kohl at the White House who exp ressed support for the P reside nts SDI p rogram.News in

9、DetailGen eral Comp rehe nsion. Choose the best an swer (a, b, c, or d) to compi ete each of the follow ing stateme nts.1. West Germa n Cha ncellor Helmut Kohla. has bee n in Wash ington D.C. for four daysb. is in Washi ngton D.C. for four days of meeti ngsc. has bee n in Washi ngton D.C. four hours

10、 before he talks withP reside nt Reaga nd. is in Washi ngton D. C. for a four-hour meet ing 2.0ne of the follow ing is on Kohls age nda. It isa. arms con trol talks厂 b. econo mic relati ons with South Africa 3 c. Germa nys p olicy towards South Africad. US-Soviet summit meet ing in Icela nd3. The ma

11、jor top ic of discussi on with Chan cellor Kohl today is厂 a. the agreeme nt sig ned by the Un ited States and the SovietUn io n in Reykjavikb. US-Soviet arms con trol talksc. Americas Euro pean allies* d. Arms con trol betwee n US and the Soviet Un io n4. Accordi ng to P reside nt Reaga n, achiev in

12、g an agreeme nt with theSoviet Union would depend uponp-.* a. p ush ing ahead with his SDI p rogramb. the stre ngth, realism and un ity of European alliesc. weak ness or timidity on the part of Wester n n ati ons厂 d. elim in at ing Ion g-ra nge missiles in Europe5. Propo sal was made in Reykjavik on

13、 elim in at inga. shorter-ra nge missiles伍.* b. medium-ra nge missilesc. l on g-ra nge missiles广 d. in terc on ti nen tal missiles6. Accordi ng to members of NATO, the carry ing out of the prop osal would leave Europe vuln erable to the Sovieta. l on g-ra nge missilesb. air-to-air missiles c. shorte

14、r-ra nge missiles and greater sup eriority in conven tio nal forcesd. air and n aval sup eriority7. The allies want reducti ons in medium-ra nge missilesreduct ions in shorter-ra nge missiles andconven ti onal forces.a. made afterb. tied toc. made befored. made at the same time8. Chan cellor Kohl wa

15、s exp ected to urge P reside nt Reaga na. to kee p talks betwee n the US and the Soviet Union movingb. to stop SDI p rogramc. to compro mise on talks betwee n the US and the Soviet Un io nd. to ste p up SDI p rogram9. A senior admi nistrati on official quoted Kohl as say ing thata. he has no object

16、ions to the Strategic Defense system 0 b. he has always bee n in favor of the Strategic Defense systemc. he has always bee n opposing the Strategic Defense systemd. he did not want to men ti on SDI in his arrival remarksSp ecial Report 1. Gen eral Comp rehe nsion. Fill in the bla nks with basic fact

17、sconcerning the p leaders(1) P rogram orga ni zer: a group of P lace:Boston(3) durati on of invo Iveme nt: almost20 years Pla ns:a. to expandpr ogramb. to supplya p ermanent five-million dollar endowment fun(5) P romise: to hirestudents2. An swer the follow ing questi ons briefly.(1)

18、 It dates back almost twenty years.(2) The Bost on bus in ess com mun ity offeredlateran endowment p rogramto Bost on internshi psand(3) Bost on bus in ess com mun ity has pumped more tha none millioninto the p ublic schools.(4) The bus in ess leaders say they are ready to make their b

19、iggestcommitme nt:(5) It is toa multi-million dollars scholarshi p p rogramenable the citys poo rest kids to go on to college and to jobs afterwaisACCESSAction Center for Educational Services and Scholarshi psNotall the poor kids could get the scholarshi p for their furthereducatio n;qualified for f

20、inancial aid(8) Only those Icould get it.(9) The average gram is around $500One hundred(10) IBost on stude nts have received money from thisp rogram.3. Focus ing on Details. Fill in the bla nks with in formati onabout Robert Weaver.(1) Robert Weavers major isair pl ane mechanics(2) Now he studies in

21、 the(3) He will get his degreeWentworth Institute of TechnologyInext year.(Whe n?)in Bost on.(6) The title of the p rogram(4) He afforded college witha. the grant from theACCESSp rogram;b. thestate scholarshi pc. what he earned from hissummer work,andd. hisfamily contribution5,700(5) The total amoun

22、t of Wen tworths bill was $4. Spot Dictati on. Liste n to the tape aga in and fill in thefollowi ng bla nks.(1) Unemployment here is amongandbusiness leadersthe lowestin the n ati onsay theyre hav ing a hardtimefinding qualified job app licants The ACESS p rogram is notjust good p ublic relations.Th

23、ere is a bitofself-pr eservation involved(3) If where you are has a supply of qualified people,that cant beenter managerial and technical-professional level jobs to Ianythingbut a plus(4) P hili ps says any scholarsh ip stude nt whofinishes collegewill behiring p rioritygiven Iover other job app lic

24、a ntsbythe p artic ip ating business5. An swer the follow ing questi on.(1) The bus in ess group now is collecti ng thefive-million-dollar fundI Two milliondollars has already bee n collected.Thirty-twoof Bost ons most in flue ntial corpo rati ons have joined inthe p rogram.(4) US Educati on Secreta

25、ry p redicted the p rogramwillbecome a national modelSectio n OneIBM, following the lead of GeneralMotors, announcedtoday itsatop ulli ng out of South Africa. Like Gen eral Motors, IBM says its selli ng its South African holdings because of the political and economic situati on there. An ti-a parthe

26、id groups have p raised the decisi on, but the State Dep artme nt says bus in ess p ullouts are regrettable. Sp okesma n Charles Redm ond said today the Reaga n Admi ni strati on believes US corporateinvoIvementin South Africa has beenp rogressiveforce aga inst ap artheid.We regret any decisi onofre

27、duce US p rivate sector invo Iveme nt in South Africa. Such reducti ons could have harmful effects on black workers, injure the South Africa n economy which has, on the whole, weake ned the p remises ap artheid and pro vided a means of improving the liv ing sta ndards and skills of many people other

28、wise disadva ntaged by ap artheid, and it might limit the exte ntof US in flue neein South Africa. StateDep artme nt sp okesma n Charles Redm on d. IBM employs some 1,500 people in South Africa.More tha n fifty black youths were arrested today in Harare, Zimbabwe, whe n p olice broke up dem on strat

29、i ons at South Africa n offices and the US embassy. Julie Fredricks reports. A group of more than a thousa nd stude nts and youths caused thousa nds of dollars of damage by burning and stoning the offices of the South Africa n trade missi on. South Africa n Airways, Air Malawi, and the Malawia n Hig

30、h Commissio n.The dem on strators sus pected South Africa n comp licity in the plane crash that killed Mozambiqua n P reside nt Machel in South Africa and blamed Malawi for supporting the Pretoria-backed in surge nts that are attack ingMozambique. Zimbabwea ngover nmentofficials app ealedfor calm, a

31、nd a stateme nt from P rime Mi nister Mugabe just back from a trip to London is exp ected tomorrow. For Nati onal P ublic Radio, this is Julie Fredricks in Harare.P reside nt Reaga n met for about an hour today with West Germa n Chan cellor Helmut Kohl at the White House. Kohl is the first European

32、Leader to visit the P reside nt since the Reykjavik summit. US officials say Kohl exp ressed support for the P reside nts SDI p rogram.Sectio n TwoWest Germa n Chan cellor Helmut Kohl is in Wash ington D.C. for four days of meet in gs. Among the issues on his age nda are econo mic relatio ns with th

33、e US and Germa nys p olicy towards souther n Africa.But today, Kohls talk with P reside nt Reaga n was domin ated by the rece nt US-Soviet summit meet ingin Icela nd.NP Rs Brenda Wils onrep orts.P reside ntReaga nnote, saying that there was ample reason for is fin ally reached with the not if, it wi

34、ll not be the result ofwelcomi ngChan cellor Kohl,the n ext agreeme nt I say when.While no major agreeme nt was sig ned by the Un ited States and the Soviet Un io n in Reykjavik, the two coun tries made p rogress in arms con trol talks in areas that are a cen tral concern to Americas Euro pean allie

35、s. Those p articular areas invo Ive disarmame nt prop osals made in Icela nd, affecti ng medium-ra nge missiles and Ion g-ra nge missiles over which allies have voiced some reservatio ns. This was a major topic of discussion with Chancellor Kohl today, even though his Foreig n Mi nister was briefed

36、by the US Secretary of State only last week. In remarks sounded a positive op timism.Whe nSoviet Union, andweak ness of timidity on the part of Wester n n ati ons. In stead, it will flow from our stre ngth,realism and uni ty. The P reside nt alsoexplained that achievingsuch an agreementwould depend

37、uponmedium-ra nge would poten tially missiles and doubtspu shi ng ahead with his Strategic Defense In itiative, SDI, because it offered p rotecti on aga inst cheati ng. But members of NATO, in clud ing Germa ny, have exp ressedconcern that elim in ati ngmissiles in Europe as was proposedin Reykjavik

38、leave Europe vulnerable to the Soviet shorter-range greatersuperiorityin conventionalforces. They expressedtied to urgep rese ntthat SDI could make up for those deficie ncies. The allies, in p articular West Germa ny, want reduct ions in medium-ra nge missiles reducti ons in shorter-ra nge

39、 missiles and conven ti onal Chancellor Kohl was expectedto press these points andP reside nt Reaga n to compro mise on SDI to kee p talks betwee n the US and the Soviets moving. Sp eak ing through an interp reter in his arrival remarks, Kohl did not men ti on SDI, It rema ins our goal, and I know t

40、hat I shared with you, Mr. P reside nt, to create p eace and securitywith ever fewer wea pons. In Reykjavik, tha nks to your serious and con siste nt efforts in pu rsuit of p eace, a major ste p was take n in this directi on. And we must now take the opportun ities that themselves without endan geri

41、 ng our defe nsive cap ability.After the meet ing betwee n Kohl and the P reside nt, a senior adm ini strati on official quoted Kohl as say ing that he has always bee n in favor of the Strategic Defense system. At the White House, rm Brenda Wils on.Sect ion ThreeA group of bus in ess leaders in Bost

42、 on today announ cedplans toexpand a college scholarshi p p rogram to in elude any eligible Bost on high school graduate. The bus in ess leaders announ ced plans for a p erma nent five-millio n dollar en dowme nt fund, and they also p romise to hire any of the studentswho go on to completetheir coll

43、egeeducati ons. An drew Kaffery of member statio n WBUR has the rep ort.The Bost on bus in ess com mun itys invo Iveme nt in the Bost on p ublic school dates back almost twenty years, from work internships to an en dowme nt p rogram for Bost on teachers. Bus in ess has pumped more tha n one millio n

44、 dollars into the p ublic schools. Now bus in ess leaders say theyre ready to make their biggest commitme nt yet: a multi-milliondollar scholarship program that will enable the citysorBost onseligiblepoo rest kids to go on to college and to jobs afterward. The p rogram is called Action Center for Ed

45、ucationalServices and Scholarships,ACESS. Accordi ngto Da nielCheever , the P reside ntofWheelock College,ACESS in not a blank check for thegraduates. First Well hel p them get as much aid as they can from other sources, and sec on dly, well pro vide the last dollar scholarshi TheI should add,

46、 of course, they have to qualify for finan cial aid; that is, were not handing out money to students who dont need average grant is around five hun dred dollars and already the p rogram has give n one hun dredBost on stude ntsmore tha n fifty thousa nddollars in scholarshi p mon ey.Other assista nee

47、 from the p rogram has helped those stude nts raise more than six hundred thousand dollars in additional financial aid. School officials say this p rogram will help a system where 43% of the stude nts live below the po verty level, and almost half who en ter high school drop out. Robert Weaver was o

48、n Bost on high school graduate who could not afford college. Hes in the ACESS p rogram now and will get a degree in air planemecha nics n ext year from the Wen tworthIn stitute of Tech no logy in Bost on. I got the P ale grant and the state scholarsh ip, but there was still a gap. There was like a t

49、wen ty-three hun dred-dollar gap. Wen tworths total bill was fifty-seve n hun dred, so I had to fill that amount with work ing over the summer, my familycon tributi on. I p aid for my own books, my own tools, things like that.But without ACESS I would nt be where I am today.This p rogram comes at an imp orta nt time for the city of Bost on. Unemployment here is among the lowest in the n ati on and bus in ess leaders say theyre hav ing a hard time finding qualified job app lica nts.So the ACESS p rogram is not just good p ublic relati ons. Bus in ess leaders, like Edward P


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