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1、2007.03.279279056 陳正誠 進 階 搜 並 限 制 結 果 2007.03.27By design,Googles basic search returns the most hits it searches web pages for the word or words that you entered and displays links to the pages that contain at least one occurrence of each word you entered. 從設計觀點, Googl的基本搜詢是尋找可能最多點擊率的網頁,它搜詢網頁中有你所輸入的

2、字詞或簡短一句話,並顯示多個網頁內容的連結,其網頁內容中最少會出現次您所輸入的字詞 The number of links Google returns typically exceeds any users needs and often prevents users from finding links to the best sites in a particular category. Google 傳回的超連結數量,通常會超出使用者的需要,並且防止使用者常常只注意到前面幾個或只注意到同一種類型的網頁。E.g 若若關鍵字是關鍵字是”學校學校”,那學校類別可,那學校類別可分成國小、國中、

3、高中、大學、軍校分成國小、國中、高中、大學、軍校等等;但要是搜詢完畢後,一般前面等等;但要是搜詢完畢後,一般前面幾個可能都是台大、清大,也可能不幾個可能都是台大、清大,也可能不是我們心中想要找的是我們心中想要找的軍校軍校資訊,所以資訊,所以就必須防止只用者只注意到最前面一就必須防止只用者只注意到最前面一部份,這就是這節提到部份,這就是這節提到Google的搜詢的搜詢技術技術 Fortunately,Google features an advanced search page that can help you focus your search and ignore many of the

4、lesser sites.Google進階搜詢特色是可以能幫助您聚焦查尋和忽略許多較少網頁連結的 You can use the advanced search options,for example,to search for only those pages that have your search word or words in their page title or search for only pages that webmasters have updated in the last three months你可以選擇使用進階搜詢;例如:去搜詢在他們那些網頁主題裡,有符合你所

5、搜詢的字詞或句子或是只搜詢網絡管理員在最近三個月內更新的網頁This task shows you how to use many of the more helpful options on Googles advanced search page for narrowing your search.這次操作中顯示出你如何在Google的進階搜詢中,使用更多有幫助的選項來縮小你的搜詢範圍You can also pick up some additional tips and suggestions for making your searches more focused.並且可以學習到另

6、外的一些搜詢技巧,並建議你做焦點查詢Type www.G.tw and press Enter. 輸入 www.G.tw並按 下Enter 鍵2. Click Advanced Serch. 點選搜詢3. Type your search word or words in one or more of the Find Results boxes. 您可在多個查詢欄位裡,輸入欲 搜詢的字詞4. Click here and select the number of links to display per page. 點選這裡並選擇每一頁可顯示幾 個超連結的數量The Advanced Sea

7、rch page appears.顯示進階搜詢網頁頁面6. Click here and select the page update range. 點選這裡並選擇網頁更新範圍5. Click here and select the language that you want. 點選這裡並選擇你想要的語言7. Click here and select where you want Google to look for the words that you typed in step3. 點選這裡並選擇每一頁可顯示幾個超連結的數量8. Click an option to specify t

8、he level of safe Search filtering you want. 選擇一個想要安全查詢的篩選標準6. Click here and select the page update range. 點選這裡並選擇網頁更新範圍5. Click here and select the language that you want. 點選這裡並選擇你想要的語言7. Click here and select where you want Google to look for the wors that you typed in step3. 點選這裡並選擇你想從 Google哪裡看到

9、你想搜尋 搜詢的字。例如:標題、內 文、URL、在網頁的連結內。8. Click an option to specify the level of safe Search filtering you want. 選擇一個想要安全查詢的篩選 標準9. Click Google Search 點選Google 搜詢10. google displays links to pages that match your search instructions Google會對應並顯示出你收尋 的網頁連結。Googles advanced search form is a user-friendly way to perform advanced searches without typing search operators. In tasks #6 and #7,you discover how


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