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1、以下为教师在网络课堂讲到的具体题目:1. To be mentally healthy, people must have self-respect. People can maintain selfrespect only by continually earning the respect of others they esteem. They can earn this respect only by treating these others morally.Which of the following conclusions can be properly drawn from th

2、e statements above?(A) People who are mentally healthy will be treated morally by others. (B) People who are mentally healthy will have treated morally those they esteem. (C) People who are mentally healthy must have self-respect in order to be treated morally by morally by others. (D) People can ex

3、pect to be treated morally by others only if they esteem these others. (E) People who have self-respect seldom treat morally those they esteem.2. Most television viewers estimate how frequently a particular type of accident or crime occurs by how extensively it is discussed on television news shows.

4、 Television news shows report more on stories that include dramatic picture such as fires and motor vehicle accidents than they do on more common stories that have little visual drama such as bookkeeping fraud.If the statements above are true, it can be properly concluded that which of the following

5、 is also true? (A) The time television news reporters spend researching news stories is directly related to the number of viewers who will be affected by events like those in news stories. (B) It is easier for crimes such as bookkeeping fraud to go unprosecuted than it is for crimes such as arson.(C

6、) The number of fires and motor vehicle accidents greatly increases after each television news show that includes dramatic pictures of a fire or motor vehicle accident. (D) Viewers of television news shows tend to overestimate the number of fires and motor vehicle accidents that occur relative to nu

7、mber of crimes of bookkeeping fraud. (E) The usual selection of news stories for television news shows is determined by the number of news reporters available for assignment. 3. One analyst predicts that Hong Kong can retain its capitalist ways after it becomes part of mainland China in 1997 as long

8、 as a capitalist Hong Kong will be useful to China; that a capitalist Hong Kong is prosperous; and that Hong Kong will remain prosperous as long as it retains its capitalist ways.If the predictions above are correct, which of the following further predictions can logically be derived from them? (A)

9、If Hong Kong fails to stay prosperous, it will no longer remain part of mainland China. (B) If Hong Kong retains its capitalist ways until 1997, it will be allowed to do so afterward. (C) If there is a world economic crisis after 1997, it will not adversely affect the economy of Hong Kong.(D) Hong K

10、ong will be prosperous after 1997. (E) The citizens of Hong Kong will have no restrictions placed on them by the government of mainland China.4. Experienced pilots often have more trouble than novice pilots in learning to fly the newly developed ultralight airplanes. Being accustomed to heavier airc

11、raft, experienced pilots, when flying ultralight craft, seem not to respect the wind as much as they should. The passage implies that the heavier aircraft mentioned above are (A) harder to land than ultralight aircraft (B) not as popular with pilots as ultralight aircraft (C) not as safe as ultralig

12、ht aircraft (D) more fuel-efficient than ultralight aircraft (E) easier to handle in wind than ultralight aircraft5. Television programming experts maintain that with each 1% increase in the prime-time ratings of a television station there is a 3.5% increase in the number of people who watch its eve

13、ning news program. However, in the last ten year at Channel NTR, there was only one year of extremely high prime-time ratings and during that year, fewer people than ever watched Channel NTR's evening news program. Which of the following conclusions can properly be drawn from the statements abov

14、e? (A) When a news program has good ratings, the channel as a whole will have good ratings. (B) The programming experts neglected to consider daytime news programs.(C) The year of high rating at NTR was a result of two hit shows which were subsequently canceled because of contractual problems. (D) T

15、he ten-year period in question is not representative of normal viewing patterns. (E) Prime-time ratings are not the only factor affecting how many people watch an evening news program.6. After the national speed limit of 55 miles per hour was imposed in 1974, the number of deaths per mile driven on

16、a highway fell abruptly as a result. Since then, however, the average speed of vehicles on highways has risen, but the number of deaths per mile driven on a highway has continued to fall. Which of the following conclusions can be properly drawn from the statements above? (A) The speed limit alone is

17、 probably not responsible for the continued reduction in highway deaths in the years after 1974. (B) People have been driving less since 1974. (C) Driver-education courses have been more effective since 1974 in teaching drivers to drive safely.(D) In recent years highway patrols have been less effec

18、tive in catching drivers who speed. (E) The change in the speed limit cannot be responsible for the abrupt decline in highway deaths in 1974.7. New Jersey has one of the lowest motor vehicle fatality rates in the country, and it is one of the few states that require extensive annual automobile safet

19、y inspections. Therefore, all states should adopt similar safety inspection procedures. The argument above is based on which of the following assumptions? (A) Most states tend to impose few rules and regulations on the automobile drivers operating within those states. (B) Most states are skeptical t

20、hat annual automobile safety inspections can reduce fatality rates. (C) Annual automobile safety inspections contribute significantly to holding down New Jersey's fatality rate. (D) Drivers in New Jersey are more safety conscious than are drivers in other parts of the country. (E) A smaller numb

21、er of people die on the roads in New Jersey than in most other states.8. The federal government expects hospitals to perform 10,000 organ transplants next year. But it is doubtful that this many donor organs will be available, since the number of fatalities resulting from car and motorcycle accident

22、s has been dropping steadily over the past decade. The argument above makes which of the following assumption? (A) A significant number of the organs in transplants come from people who die in car and motorcycle accidents. (B) The number of car and motorcycle accidents will increase significantly du

23、ring the next year. (C) No more than 10,000 people will be in need of organ transplants during the next year.(D) In the past the federal government's estimates of the number of organ transplants needed during a given year have been very unreliable. (E) For any given fatality resulting from a car

24、 or motorcycle accident, there is a hospital in the vicinity in need of an organ for a transplant.9. On the whole, Ms. Dennis remarked, engineering students are lazier now that they used to be. I know because fewer and fewer of my students regularly do the work they are assigned. The conclusion draw

25、n above depends on which of the following assumptions? (A) Engineering students are working less because, in a booming market they are spending more and more time investigating different job opportunities. (B) Whether or not students do the work they are assigned is a good indication of how lazy the

26、y are. (C) Engineering students should work harder than students in less demanding fields.(D) Ms. Dennis' students are doing less work because Ms. Dennis is not as effective a teacher as she once was. (E) Laziness is something most people do not outgrow.10. A test of the National Weather Service

27、's storm-detecting radar systems found that the 1957 system is ten times more reliable than the new computerized system. Therefore the technology used in the radar system must be less sophisticated than the radar technology used in the 1957 system. The conclusion drawn above depends on which of

28、the following questionable assumptions? (A)The reliability of storm-detecting radar systems is determined by the frequency of breakdowns.(B)The level of sophistication of the technology used in storm-detecting radar systems can be determined from the reliability of the system. (C)The reliability of

29、storm-detecting radar systems is determined by their accuracy in predicting weather patterns. (D)Computer hardware is now a key component of the new storm-detecting radar systems used by weather patterns. (E)Most of the significant advances in storm-detecting radar systems technology were made in th

30、e 1950s.11. Child's World, a chain of toy stores, has relied on a supermarket concept of computerized inventory control and customer self-service to eliminate the category of sales clerks from its force of employees. It now plans to employ the same concept in selling children's clothes. The

31、plan of Child's World assumes that (A) supermarkets will not also be selling children's clothes in the same manner (B) personal service by sales personnel is not required for selling children's clothes successfully (C) the same kind of computers will be used in inventory control for both

32、 clothes and toys at Child's World(D) a self-service plan cannot be employed without computerized inventory control (E) sales clerks are the only employees of Child's World who could be assigned tasks related to inventory control12. Mercury, one of the deadliest toxins, makes up approximatel

33、y fifty percent of the amalgam used by dentists in sliver fillings. The effects of acute mercury poisoning are known-kidney failure, muscle tremors, memory loss, and even death. It is clear that responsible dentists should remove all of the patients silver fillings and replace then with filling of p

34、lastic composites. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the author's argument? (A) Sliver fillings gradually corrode and small amounts of mercury leak from the amalgam. (B) It is difficult to measure the amount of mercury in a person's body. (C) Some patients have more than one

35、filling per tooth. (D) Mercury poisoning produces a range of subtle but distinctive symptoms. (E) The materials for plastic composite fillings are readily available to dentists.13. Mr. Lawson: We should adopt a national family policy that includes legislation requiring employers to provide paid pare

36、ntal leave and establishing government-sponsored day care. Such laws would decrease the stress levels of employees who have responsibility for small children. Thus, such laws would lead to happier, better-adjusted families. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion above?

37、 (A) An employee's high stress level can be a cause of unhappiness and poor adjustment for his or her family. (B) People who have responsibility for small children and who work outside the home have higher stress levels than those who do not. (C) The goal of a national family policy is to lower

38、the stress levels of parents.(D) Any national family policy that is adopted would include legislation requiring employers to provide paid parental leave and establishing government sponsored day care. (E) Most children who have been cared for in daycare centers are happy and well adjusted.14. The va

39、lue of a product is determined by the ratio of its quality to its price. The higher the value of a product, the better will be its competitive position. Therefore, either increasing the quality or lowering the price of a given product will increase the likelihood that consumer will select that produ

40、ct rather than a competing one. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion drawn above? (A) It is possible to increase both the quality and the price of a product without changing its competitive position. (B) For certain segments of the population of consumers, higher-pri

41、ced brands of some product lines are preferred to the lower-priced brands. (C) Competing products often try to appeal to different segments of the population of consumers.(D) The competitive position of a product can be affected by such factors as advertising and brand loyalty. (E) Consumers' pe

42、rceptions of the quality of a product are based on the actual quality of the product.15. Because incumbent members of Congress are given a great deal of attention by the news media and because they enjoy such perquisites as free mail privileges and generous travel allowance, incumbents enjoy an over

43、whelming advantage over their challengers in elections for the United States Congress. Which of the following, if true, best supports the claim above? (A) In the last congressional elections, incumbents met with a large number of lobbyists than did challengers. (B) In the last congressional election

44、s, 98 percent of the incumbents in the House of Representatives who were seeking reelection won. (C) Incumbent members of Congress are frequently critical of the amount of attention given to them by the news media.(D) The support that political action committees provide to challengers for congressio

45、nal seats often compensates for the perquisites enjoyed by incumbent members of Congress. (E) Of all incumbent senators surveyed before the last congressional elections, 78 percent said that their challengers did not pose a serious threat to their chances for reelection. 16. Recent surveys show that

46、 many people who seek medical help are under a great deal of stress. Medical research also shows that stress can adversely affect an individuals immune system, which is responsible for combating many infections. Thus when a person is under stress, he or she is more likely to become ill.Which of the

47、following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion above?(A) Many businesses that provide health insurance for their employees also provide seminars on stress management.(B) Many businesses report a significant decrease in absenteeism during periods when employees feel pressured by management.

48、(C) There is a marked decrease in the number of complaints presented at college infirmaries during vacation time.(D) There is a marked increase in the number of illnesses treated at college infirmaries around the time of examinations.(E) Most people report that being in a hospital or an infirmary is

49、 a stressful situation. 17. Scientists now believe that artificial-hip implants, previously thought to be safe, may actually increase the risk of cancer in recipients after about 45 years of use. Though these implants do improve the quality of recipients lives, the increase risk of cancer is an unac

50、ceptable price to pay for these improvements. Therefore, they should be banned. Which of the following, if true, is the strongest counterargument to the argument above? (A) Artificial-hip implant surgery can complications, such as infection, chromic fever, and bone degeneration, and these complicati

51、ons can themselves be crippling or even fatal. (B) Almost all artificial-hip implant recipients receive their implants at an age when they are unlikely to live more than an additional 30 years.(C) Although artificial-hip implants increase the risk of cancer after about 45 year of use, a few of the c

52、ancers they induce are not fatal. (D) Since artificial-hip implants are not very common, banning them would cause little hardship. (E) Although the benefits of artificial-hip implant surgery have remained substantially the same over the past decade, the price of the surgery has risen considerably.18

53、. Metropolis regulation limiting to four days the period during which milk can be sold to consumers after pasteurization is unreasonable. Under optimal conditions, pasteurized milk kept at 40 degree Fahrenheit remains unspoiled for at least 14 days. If Metropolis current limitation were changed to e

54、ight days, milk prices would drop, but product quality would be unaffected. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the conclusion drawn above? (A) Most consumers keep milk no more than three days after purchase. (B) A recent survey showed keep that 20 percent of Metropolis cons

55、umers favored extending the current limitation on the sale of milk to 8 days. (C) Metropolis' grocery-store owners would prefer small, frequent deliveries of milk to larger, infrequent deliveries.(D) Milk kept longer than 14 days after pasteurization generally presents no media dangers if consum

56、ed. (E) In Metropolis, conditions for handling and storing milk after pasteurization are seldom close to optimum.Keys:BDBEE ACABB BAAEB DBE1. The excessive number of safety regulation that the federal government has placed on industry poses more serious hardships for big businesses than for small on

57、es. Since large companies do everything on a more massive scale, they must alter more complex operations and spend much more money to meet governmental requirements. Which of the following , if true, would most weaken the argument above? (A) Small companies are less likely than large companies to ha

58、ve the capital reserves for improvements. (B) The operation codes are uniform, established without reference to size of company. (C) Safety regulation codes are uniform, established without reference to size of company.(D) Large companies typically have more of their profits invested in other busine

59、sses than do small companies. (E) Large companies are in general more likely than small companies to diversify the markets and products.2. Banning cigarette advertisements in the mass media will not reduce the number of young people who smoke. They know that cigarettes exist and they know how to get them. They do not need the advertisements to supply that information. The above argume


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