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1、 CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Specification CPG500 型铺轨机技术规范型铺轨机技术规范- i -CPG500 型铺轨机技术规范CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Specification CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Specification CPG500 型铺轨机技术规范型铺轨机技术规范- ii -SYNOPSIS 提要This Technical Specification defines the requirements of the supplier for t

2、he design and productionof CPG500 tracklayer unit.本技术规范详细说明了供货方 CPG500 型铺轨机在设计,制造方面的要求.DisclarationThis Technical Specification is prepared in accordance with the agreement between the supplier and the buyer. The supplier will not take any obligation and responsibility if any third part use or be de

3、pendent on this technical specification. 本技术规范为符合供货方与买方买方之间的协议而制定. 任何第三方使用或依赖此技术规范,供货方将不承担任何义务和责任.Copying this Technical Specification without the permission of the Supplier is deemed as act of tort. 未经 供货方许可,复制此技术规范格都将被视为侵权行为 CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Specification CPG500 型铺轨机技术规范型铺轨机技术规范11

4、USE AND PURPOSE OF THIS SPECIFICATION 规范的用途与目的This specification defines the technical requirements for the design and construction of CPG500 tracklayer unit from the buyer. This specification is intended to be effective together with all of the other documents related to the contract. All the other

5、 technical documents presented by the contract parties are based on this specification.此规范详细阐明了买方对 CPG500 型铺轨机的设计,制造的要求.本规范与 CPG500 型铺轨机合同的其它相关文件共同生效. 以往由合同各方提交的所有技术文件均以此规范为准.2GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CPG500 TRACKLAYER CPG500 型铺轨机概述及主要技术参数2.1 概述概述Each CPG500 tracklayer is mainly comprised of track

6、 rail tractor, tracklayer mainframe (working car and auxiliary motor car), gantry crane on car, crosstie transportation car group, motor system, hydraulic system, electrification control system, etc. CPG500 型铺轨机组主要由履带式钢轨拖拉机、铺轨机主机(作业车、辅助动力车)、车载龙门吊、枕轨运输车支架、动力、液压系统、电气控制系统等几大部分组成。The working car is comp

7、osed of track traction device, car body, bogie, rail collect and release device ,and , operation room, crosstie laying device, motor room, rail localizer, crosstie transfer device, rail guide housing, distance teller, guide rail connection, winding device, hand and wind brake device, crosstie rubber

8、 pedestal installation platform, coupling draft device, etc. Besides, running rail of gantry crane on car is designed in the two sides of the car body. 作业车主要由履带式牵引装置、车体组成、转向架、钢轨收放装置、操作控制室、布枕装置组成、动力室、钢轨收放装置、钢轨收放装置、钢轨就位器、轨枕传送装置、钢轨导向框、计程装置、轨 CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Specification CPG500 型铺轨机技术规

9、范型铺轨机技术规范2桥组成、卷扬装置、风手制动装置、轨枕橡胶垫板安装台及车钩缓冲装置等组成,车体两侧设有车载龙门吊走行轨道。The front end of auxiliary car is connected to the working car, without permission of dismantling. The auxiliary motor car is mainly composed of car body, motor bogie, motor room, brake system, coupling draft gear, rail puller, rail cente

10、ring device, rail fastener implement box, rail separating device,etc. Besides, running rails of gantry crane on car are developed in the two sides of the car body. 辅助动力车的前端与作业车连挂,不允许两车解开。辅助动力车主要由车体、动力转向架、动力室组成、制动装置、车钩缓冲装置、钢轨推送装置、钢轨对中装置、轨道扣件工具箱、分轨装置等组成,车体两侧设有车载龙门吊走行轨。车辆部分构成分为作业车车辆部分和辅助动力车车辆部分:Rolling

11、 stock part is devided into two parts named working car and auxiliary car. 2.2 主要技术参数主要技术参数主要性能参数作业模式 单枕连续作业作业牵引方式 履带式牵引装置与 6 根动力轴联合操控牵引机组主机动力系统总功率 (364kW+30kW)394kW 车载龙门吊功率(每台) 161kW牵引重量(12坡道上) 2500t铺设轨枕类型 型枕或型枕铺设钢轨类型 60、70Kg/m铺设钢轨最大长度 500m铺设轨道类型 有碴与无碴轨道机组自重(含 37 辆平车、车载龙门吊及运输支架) 约 1060t作业车 90 t 辅助动

12、力车 61 t车载龙门吊 16 t CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Specification CPG500 型铺轨机技术规范型铺轨机技术规范3满载时车组总重 约 2470t最小作业半径 250m作业爬坡能力 12作业走行速度(铺轨作业时) 00.6km/h布枕速度(平均) 12 根/min(最大) 16 根/min布枕误差 轨枕间距误差 10mm连续 6 根轨枕间距误差 30mm轨道偏离线路中心线误差 10mm布枕间距调节范围 500800mm最大挂运速度 120km/h通过最小曲线半径 180m作业环境温度 -20+50作业风力 6 级非工作状态承受风力

13、11 级作业海拔高度 2000m照明条件 满足夜间作业条件司机室工作台面或相当于工作台面高度处的光照度 30lx操作室内噪声 80dB作业效率 2km/班限界:挂运状态下机组符合 GB146.1-83标准轨距铁路机车车辆限界的要求;作业状态下满足高速铁路建筑限界要求。机组禁止溜放和通过驼峰 CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Specification CPG500 型铺轨机技术规范型铺轨机技术规范43 车辆主要结构车辆主要结构 main structure of the rolling stock 该机组作业车、辅助动力车的车辆部分由车体、转向架、风制动装置、手

14、制动装置、车钩缓冲装置等组成。The rolling stock part is composed of car body, bogie, wind and hand brake device, coupling draft gear, etc. 3. 车体主要结构 main structure of car body 3.1.1 作业车车体 car body of working car作业车车体为无中梁全钢焊接结构,由牵引梁、枕梁、侧梁、横梁、小横梁、端梁、牵引回转平台装置及附属件等组成。The car body is of all steel fabricated structure w

15、ithout middle beam. It is composed of traction beam, crosstie beam, transom, side sill, small transom, end sill, traction platform device and accessories.3.1.2 辅助动力车车体 car body of auxiliary motor car辅助动力车车体采用侧壁承载无中梁全钢焊接结构,由牵引梁、枕梁、大横梁、小横梁、侧梁、下侧梁等组成。The car body is of all steel fabricated structure wi

16、thout middle beam, composed of traction beam, crosstie beam, big and small transom, side sill, lower side sill, etc. 3.2 转向架主要结构 bogie main structure 作业车前端(1 位,作业方向)采用的非动力转向架,后端(2 位)采用的动力转向架,辅助动力车采用的动力转向架。作业车采用的动力转向架与辅助动力车采用的动力转向架除弹簧刚度不同外,其余均相同。 CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Specification CPG500

17、型铺轨机技术规范型铺轨机技术规范5The front end (location 1, working direction) adopts non-motor bogie, while the back end (location 2) motor bogie. The auxiliary motor car adopts motor bogie as well. However, the two motor bogies are the same except for the different spring strengthen. 3.2.1 动力转向架 motor bogie 动力转向架

18、由整体焊接 H 型构架、轴箱悬挂装置、主动轮对、常接触弹性旁承、球面心盘及基础制动装置等组成。上下心盘间装有符合运装货车2003110 号文件要求的耐磨衬垫。轴箱弹簧悬挂装置由轴箱、弹簧、斜楔、减振磨耗板等组成。主动轮对装用 352226 型轴承,车轮采用踏面符合 TB/T1967 的 LM 磨耗型。基础制动装置采用高摩合成闸瓦、单侧吊挂式制动梁、奥-贝球铁衬套。Motor bogie is comprised of whole fabrication H type frame, axlebox hanging device, wheelset, resilient contacting be

19、aring, nodular center plate and basic brake system, etc. Between the upper and lower center plates it is fitted with abrasion resistance bushing pedestal, which conforms to the demand of wagon (2003) No.110 clause. The axlebox hanging device is composed of axlebox, spring, wedge, abrasion board for

20、reducing vibration, etc. The wheelset adopts 352226 bearing, with the treading surface adopting LM abrasion type conforming to TB/T1967. The basic brake system adopts high frictional composite brake shoe, single-side hanging brake beam and Ao-Bai nodular iron bushing. 3.2.2 非动力转向架 non-motor bogie该转向

21、架由整体焊接 H 型构架、轴箱悬挂装置、RE2A 型轮对、常接触弹性旁承、球面心盘及基础制动装置等组成。上下心盘间装有 CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Specification CPG500 型铺轨机技术规范型铺轨机技术规范6符合运装货车2003 110 号文件要求的耐磨衬垫。轴箱弹簧悬挂装置由轴箱、弹簧、斜楔、减振磨耗板等组成。轮对装用 353130B 型轴承,车轮采用了符合 TB/T2817 要求的整体辗钢车轮,踏面为符合TB/T1967 的 LM 磨耗型。基础制动装置采用高摩合成闸瓦、单侧吊挂式制动梁、奥-贝球铁衬套。 This bogie is co

22、mprised of whole fabrication H type frame, axlebox hanging device, RE2B wheelset, resilient contacting bearing, nodular center plate and basic brake device, etc. Between the upper and lower center plates it is fitted with abrasion resistance bushing pedestal, which conforms to the demand of wagon (2

23、003) No.110 clause. The wheel adopts 353130B bearing, while the wheel is of whole roll steel one, with the treading surface adopting LM abrasion type, which conforms to the demand of TB/T1967. The basic brake system adopts high frictional composite brake shoe, single-side hanging brake beam and Ao-B

24、ai nodular iron bushing.3.3 风制动装置 wind brake device作业车采用 JZ-7 机车空气制动系统。 JZ-7 locomotive air brake system is adopted for working car.辅助动力车采用 120 型控制阀。120 control valve is adopted for auxiliary motor car.3.4 手制动装置 hand brake device 采用符合运装货车2001 2 号文件要求的 NSW 型手制动机。NSW hand braker in accordance with the

25、 demand of wagon (2001) No.2 clause is adopted. CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Specification CPG500 型铺轨机技术规范型铺轨机技术规范73.5 车钩缓冲装置 coupling draft gear 作业车采用 C 级钢 13 A 型上作用车钩,辅助动力车采用 C 级钢13 A 型下作用车钩,采用 MT-3 型缓冲器。C-level steel 13A type upper working coupling is adopted for operation car, while that of

26、lower working coupling for auxiliary car, with adopting MT-3 draft gear. 4 技术要求 technical requirements 机组车辆部分的设计制造应符合国家和铁道部现行有关标准的规定。The design and construction of rolling stock part should be in accordance with the current rules set by the country and MOR.4.1 配件、材料要求 Requirments for parts and mater

27、ials4.1.1 前后从板座、冲击座、斜楔座、承载鞍采用符合 TB/T2942 要求的 B 级钢或 C 级钢。 B-level or C-level steel is used for the board, cushion, wedge pedestals and holding saddle. 4.1.2 制动管材料符合 GB/T8163 的要求。 Brake pipe material should conform to the demand of GB/T8163.4.1.3 弹簧的材质应符合 Q/QC35-095-2002 中 60Si2CrVAT 的要求。 The spring m

28、aterial should meet the demand of 60Si2CrVAT in Q/QC35-095-2002 CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Specification CPG500 型铺轨机技术规范型铺轨机技术规范84.1.4 含油尼龙心盘磨耗盘及旁承摩耗板的材质应符合运装货车2003110 号文的要求。Materials for abrasion boards of nylon center plate and side bearing should meet the demand of wagon (2003) No.110 claus

29、e. 4.1.5 车轴材质应符合 TB/T2945 的要求。Axle material should meet the demand of TB/T2945.4.2 制造要求 requirment for production 4.2.1 基本要求 basic requirment 图样上未注明公差尺寸的极限偏差应符合下列要求:切削加工件按 GB/T1804-m 级;形位公差按 GB/T1184-K 级;焊接件按Q/QC51-080 中的 B 级;锻件按 GB/T15826.1 的规定;铸件按GB/T6414 中的 CT11 级执行。 The limit error with

30、undefined tolerance size in the drawing should meet the demands as follows: cutting work piece -GB/T1804-m; tolerance-GB/T1184-K; fabrication part-B-level of Q/QC51-080; forgings- GB/T15826.1; casting part: CT11level of GB/T6414 铆接应符合 TB/T2911 的规定。Make Riveting as per TB/T2911 焊接应符合

31、TB/T1580 的要求。Make fabrication as per TB/T1580.4.2.2 车体制造、组装符合 GB5600 的要求。Make production and assembly as per GB5600.4.2.3 NSW 型手制动机组装应符合 SYSH215JT 的规定。Make Assembly of NSW hand braker as per stipulation of SYSH215JT CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Specification CPG500 型铺轨机技术规范型铺轨机技术规范94.2.4 车钩缓冲装置组

32、装时应符合 TB/T493 的要求。Make assembly of coupling draft gear as per TB/T4934.2.5 JZ-7 机车空气制动系统、120 阀风制动装置组装应符合TB/T1901 的要求。Make assembly of locomotive air brake systen and 120 valve wind brake device as per TB/T1901.4.2.6 转向架 bogie 整体构架的焊接按 TB/T1580 及 Q/ZC35-058-2002 文件规定执行,主要焊缝应进行探伤检查,焊后应进行回火处理。T

33、he fabrication is made as per TB/T1580 and Q/ZC35-058-2002. Should make observation for main fabricating seam and make tempering after fabricating. 制动梁应符合 Q/ZC35-044-1999 的要求。Brake beam should meet the demand of Q/ZC35-044-19994.2.6.3 轴承组装应符合 TB/T1701-1998 的规定。 Make assembly of bearing as pe

34、r TB/T1701-1998. 变牙型防松螺母应符合 TB/T3019-2001 及运装货车2004 1158 号文的规定。Looseness-proof screw should meet the stipulation of TB/T3019-2001 and wagon2004No.1158. 弹性旁承应符合 Q/ZC35-065-2002 的规定。Resilient side bearing should satisfy the demand of Q/ZC35-065-2002. CPG500 Tracklayer Unit Technical Spec

35、ification CPG500 型铺轨机技术规范型铺轨机技术规范104.2.6.6 基础制动装置应符合 TB/T2429 的规定。Basic nrake device should satisfy the demand of TB/T24294.2.6.7 高摩合成闸瓦应符合 TB/T2403-1993 的要求。High frictional composite brake shoe should satisfy the demand of TB/T2403-19934.2.6.8 奥-贝球墨铸铁衬套应符合 Q/ZC35-096-2000 的要求。Ao-Bai nodular cast iron should satisfy the demand of Q/ZC35-096-2000. 车轮应符合 TB/T2817 之要求。Wheel should satisfy the demand of TB/T2817. 轮对组成符合 TB1


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