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1、Review: -ing形式作主语和宾语形式作主语和宾语作主语作主语1. _is talking to a wall. 对他说话等于对牛弹琴。对他说话等于对牛弹琴。2. It is no use _ here. 在这里等是没有用处的在这里等是没有用处的。3. _ is my sole exercise. 散步是我唯一的运动。散步是我唯一的运动。4. _ mends no holes. (谚谚)空谈无济于事。空谈无济于事。 Talking to himWalkingTalking waiting作宾语作宾语5. I suggest _. 我建议结束会议。我建议结束会议。6. He admitte

2、d _. 他承认钱是他拿的。他承认钱是他拿的。 7. I couldnt help _. 我禁不住笑了起来。我禁不住笑了起来。8. Your coat needs _. 你的大衣需要刷一下。你的大衣需要刷一下。bringing the meeting to an endtaking the moneylaughingpainting Can you smell anything burning? 2. We wont have you doing that. 3. No one is allowed to speak in the reading room.4. The story is in

3、teresting. 5. I have a friend living in London.6. My hobby is swimming. 宾补宾补表语表语表语表语定语定语宾补宾补定语定语-ing形式作定语形式作定语单个动词的单个动词的-ing形式作定语位于被修饰名词形式作定语位于被修饰名词的前面的前面, 而而-ing短语常作后置定语。短语常作后置定语。Who is the man _ (speak)to my father?The building _ (build) there will be our library.speakingbeing builta running manTh

4、e man running inthe picture is Liu Xiang. attributeThe man who is running in the picture is Liu Xiang.equals:1. -ing可以表示被修饰者的动作或状态。可以表示被修饰者的动作或状态。a swimming boy= a boy who is swimminga reading student = a student who is reading They lived in a room _.他们住在一间面朝街的房子他们住在一间面朝街的房子Anybody _ will be fined.

5、在这条河里游泳的任何一个人都会被罚款。在这条河里游泳的任何一个人都会被罚款。facing the street swimming in this river2. -ing作定语可以表示被修饰者的作用或功能作定语可以表示被修饰者的作用或功能 a swimming pool = a pool for swimming a walking stick = a stick for walking a reading room = a room for reading 游泳池游泳池手杖手杖阅览室阅览室 -ing作定语作定语表示被修饰者的表示被修饰者的性质或特点性质或特点an exciting eveni

6、ng a moving filman interesting crosstalk有趣的相声有趣的相声激动人心的夜晚激动人心的夜晚感人的电影感人的电影 Tell Mary that theres someone _ for her at the door. A. waiting B. waited C. waits D. to waitThe _ waiter came up to us and said, “You are welcome.”A. smiling B. smiled C. smile D. to smile-ing形式作表语形式作表语1.Her hobby is paintin

7、g. 2. His concern for his mother is most touching.His father seems _ with his results.A. pleasing B. please C. pleased D. to please The result of the test was rather_.A. disappointed B. disappointing C. being disappointed D. disappoint(1). see/observe/notice/watch/look at hear/listen to/smell/feel/f

8、ind/catchsb/sth doing我们听到他在隔壁房间唱歌。我们听到他在隔壁房间唱歌。He was heard singing in the next room. We heard him singing in the next room. 感观动词感观动词我们看见他过了马路我们看见他过了马路. We saw him cross the road. He was seen to cross the road. The old man was observed _ (knock) off his bike. knocked The next morning she found the m

9、an _ in bed, dead. A. lying B. lie C. lay D. layingHe was caught _ in the next room. stealingWhen I came in, I saw Dr.Li_ a patient.A. examine B. examing C. to exam D.examinedA cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ in the kitchen.(NMET2003) A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D.smokedWhen we g

10、ot back from the cinema, we found the lamp_ but the door _. A. being on; shutB. burning; shutting C. burning; shut D. on; shutting (2). have / keep / leave/get/sent sb/sth doing 使役动词使役动词Dont always leave water running.别让水一直流。别让水一直流。老师让他一直在门外站着。老师让他一直在门外站着。The teacher kept him standing outside.I cant

11、 get the car _(start). starting The sudden blow nearly sent him _(fly). flying Dont leave the water _ while you brush your teeth. A. run B. running C. being run D. to run 2. Tell Mary that theres someone _ for her at the door.A. waiting B. waited C. waits D. to waitB A 3. A phone call sent him _ to

12、the hospital.A. hurry B. hurrying C. to hurry D. hurried4. Do you know the boy _ under the big tree? A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying B D 5. The drunken husband knocked against the table and sent the bowls _ in all directions before he was sent _ by his wife. A. flying; to sleep B. flying; sleeping

13、 C. to fly; to sleeping D. to fly; to sleepA 6. As is known to us all, traveling is _, but we often feel _ when we are back from travels. A. interesting; tired B. interested; tiring C. interesting; tiring D. interested; tiredA 7. As the stone was too heavy to move, I left it _ on the ground. A. layi

14、ng B. lay C. lying D. lain8. Johns bad habit is _ without thorough understanding. A. read B. being read C. to be read D. readingC D 9. People_in the city do not know the pleasure of country life. A. live B. to live C. lived D.living10. The librarys study room is full of students _for the exam.A. bus

15、ily prepared B. busy preparingC. busily prepare D. are busily preparing11.Its really terrible to have a bus_another, which will cause an_accident. knocked up; astonished bumped into; astonishing knocked into; astonished bumped up; astonishing12. New Zealand is an _ country;you can hear_ everywhere.A

16、. English spoken;English-speakingB. English-spoken;spoken EnglishC. English-speaking;speaking EnglishD. English-speaking;English spoken13. When he awoke,he found himself_ by an old woman.A. looked afterB. be looked afterC. being looked after D. be looking after14. Sitting by her side,I could feel her heart _ _.A. beatenB. to beatC. beatingD. to be beating15. The _ boy was last seen _ near the bank of the lake. missing; playing B. missing; play C. missed; played D. missed;


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