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1、英语教师课堂话语分析English Teachers Classroom English Teachers Classroom DiscourseDiscourse一堂大赛课的开场一堂大赛课的开场: T: Good morning, everyone.Ss: Good morning. T: You dont know me. But I think you are very clever. I like you very much and I want to make friends with you. Would you like to be my friends?Ss: Yes. T:

2、When I go back, Ill call you up. Whats your telephone number?课堂上的一段对话练习:课堂上的一段对话练习:S1: Hello. Zhang Yanyan.S2: Hello. Li Weiguo.S1: Whats your hobby?S2: I like swimming.S1: How long have you been swimming?S2: I have been swimming for four years.S1: Thank you. Goodbye.S2: Goodbye.讨论内容:讨论内容:一、英语教师课堂话语


4、母语以及体态语。 2、教师话语的功能、教师话语的功能o语言应具备的功能语言应具备的功能1. 表达主客观经验与信息(概念功能)2. 进行人际协商(人际功能)3. 构建连贯语篇(谋篇功能) 传递、沟通、交流传递、沟通、交流 英语教师课堂话语的功能英语教师课堂话语的功能语言输入功能语言输入功能T: (robots in ppt) Now please look at the screen. Do you know them?Ss: Yes, they are robots. T: Yes, you are right. We all know that they are robots we ofte

5、n see in some science fiction movies. (writing “in some on the Bb and reading) In the future robots will have different shapes. What will they look like?S1: they will look like spiders.S2: they will look like snakes. T: Good, you are imaginative. And they will do most unpleasant jobs at home or do s

6、ome simple jobs in the factory. Will you be able to predict about robots in the future? I mean, will you make some predictions about the future robots with the junks on the screen? For example, you can predict what they will look like and what they can do. Group work, please. 英语教师课堂课堂话语(中学) T: Now,

7、I m going to test your memory. Ill ask some of you to say, “I dont have ”. S1: I dont have a water polo. T: OK, water polo. S2: I dont have a volleyball. T: volleyball. OK. S3: I don t have baseball. T: I don t have, I don t have(手指黑板上写的a ) S3: a baseball. T: A baseball. S4: I don t have a volleybal

8、l. T: Pardon?S5: I don t have a volleyball . T: I don t have a volleyball. OK. T: Why do you learn English?S1: I learn English for money. (all laughing) T: How do you make money by learning English?S1: When I do business with foreigners, English will be helpful. T: Then you will have to go different

9、 places. What should you know before you start travelling? Now lets move into the unit to get to know more about the language.支持性功能支持性功能 T: OK , answer my question. My question is, where did they buy the gifts? S3: (3 second pause) T: They boughtS3: They bought ( 2 second pause) T: Er hum, what did

10、they buy? S3: lots of gifts. T: Yeah, they bought lots of gifts- - . In WHICH PLACE? Ss: The gift shop. S3: gift shop. T: In a sentence. Ss: They bought lots of gifts in the gift shop. S3: They bought lots of gifts in the Gift Shop. T: Good. They bought lots of gifts in or at the Gift Shop.支持性功能支持性功

11、能意义协商功能意义协商功能T: What do you think of sports shows?(启动)S: I love sports shows.(反应)T: How about news? Do you like it?(跟踪)S: Eh, I dont mind.(反应)T: Not very interesting? (再跟踪)S: Yes, not very interesting.(再反应, 但语言形式 出现问题)T: No, it is not very interesting. So, you dont mind it. T: Who is he? Ss: Its Ste

12、phen Hawking. T: Yeah, Stephen Hawking. What problems does he have? S1: He cant walk and speak. T: And speak? S1: Oh, or speak. T: Stephen Hawking cant even walk or speak, which is terrible. So we can say he has many physical problems. But how does he deal with these problems? Ss: By sitting in a wh

13、eelchair. By using special computers. 意义协商功能意义协商功能社会交际功能社会交际功能 T: My son doesnt like to get up early. What should I do?S1: You should play music for him. T: Thats a good idea. Thank you.S2: You can give him something good to eat. T: Well, maybe it will do. Ill try. T: Do you have any trouble? Whats

14、your trouble? Ss: (troubles如果可能,老师将问题列在黑板上) T: Who can give him/her advice?Ss: (try to give advice)英语教师课堂话语是:英语教师课堂话语是: 教师组织教学的重要工具学生习得语言的重要途径3 3、教师话语的基本特征、教师话语的基本特征 真实性:真实性: T: (呈现含各种动物正在做不同活动的多媒体课件) What can you see in the picture? Ss: I can see a T: What is the fish doing? Ss: swim. T: Its swimmi

15、ng. Can you describe these animals like this: “The fish is swimming. The bird is singing.” S1: The elephant is walking.S2: The monkey is eating a bananaT: Ok, everyone. National day is coming. Where are you going during the holidays?S: Im going to Beijing.T: Well, what places are you going to visit

16、in Beijing?S: I plan to visit the Summer palace. Im going to walk around the lake.S: Hello. T: Hi, its Miss Wang.S: Hello, Miss Wang. What are you doing?T: Im having an English class. What about you?S: Im playing basketball.T: What about your mother? What is she doing?S: She is cooking dinner.T: And

17、 your father?S: He is playing chess.T: Thank you. Bye.S: See you.分析分析 逻辑性逻辑性 T: Well, just now Ive introduced some famous film stars to you. And I hope you can get a general impression about them. So would you like to know the actors or actresses lives?Ss: Yes. T: OK. Please take out your reading ma

18、terial and read the passage as quickly as possible, and choose the best title. There are three titles on the screen. 分析分析 互动性互动性 T: Now ambitions are things you want to be or you want to do. Well, like for example, when I was a small girl, my ambition was to be (被学生打断) What? No, not a teacher, was t

19、o be an animal doctor. Ok? Have you got any ambitions? (to a student) What is your ambition?S1: Nurse. T: You want to be a nurse. (to another student)S2: a teacher. T: To be a teacher. OK, repeat, ambitions.Ss: Ambitions. 规范性规范性 T: Now, look at these pictures. There is something wrong with the young

20、 mans head. So we saySs: He has a headache. T: Again.Ss: He has a headache.T: Open your English book and read the text with your neighbors. Try to find new words or phrases you dont understand exactly. Discuss in your groups.分析分析二、研究英语教师课堂话语的意义二、研究英语教师课堂话语的意义 教师话语对课堂教学的组织及学生的语言习得两者都至关重要,这不仅因为教学内容只有通

21、过完美的教师话语的组织与传授才能达到理想的教学效果,而且因为它本身还起目的语使用的示范作用,是学生语言输入的又一重要途径。 Language Teaching Methodology by D Nunanl激活学生与本堂课话题相关的学习内容的激活学生与本堂课话题相关的学习内容的背景知识,为新知识的呈现做好铺垫背景知识,为新知识的呈现做好铺垫分分 析析Topic : jobs T: (放了一首英文歌曲 “A Better Man ) How you like this song? Very well? What do you think? Do you know the name of the

22、singer?S1: Sorry, I dont know. T: Its Ok. Does anybody know the name of the singer?S2: His name is Robbie Williams. T: Exactly. Do you know the name of the song?S2: A Better Man. T: A Better Man. Oh, my god! Gentlemen. A Better Man. Think about it, well, and since he is a singer, and we dont know mu

23、ch about him, but he is a singer. Hum, S3, would you like to be a singer?S3: No. T: What would you like to be?S3: I want to be a scientist.o教师话语能创造良好的语境氛围,引发学教师话语能创造良好的语境氛围,引发学生对学习内容的关注,产生课堂互动效应生对学习内容的关注,产生课堂互动效应T: This morning I will introduce Disneyland to all of you. After learning, you must tell

24、 me what you have learned. Now, turn to Page T: ( show some pictures about Disneyland characters and play the song Can you feel my love tonight ) Today we will have a trip to five Disneyland parks in different countries. Are you ready? We will start.比比 较较o教师课堂话语是学生重要的英语语言输入教师课堂话语是学生重要的英语语言输入来源,英语教师课

25、堂话语的质量(如:准来源,英语教师课堂话语的质量(如:准确、得体、易懂),直接关系到学生英语确、得体、易懂),直接关系到学生英语语言能力的发展语言能力的发展 T: Hello. Xiao Long. Its Mr Zhang here. May I speak to your father?S1: Sorry, he is out.T: Oh, he is out. Can you take a message for him?S1: Sure.T: I wonder if he is free. Id like him to come to school tomorrow. (假如:Tell

26、 him to come to school tomorrow)o教师专业发展的需要教师专业发展的需要 专业素质:专业素质: 建立自我发展意识,明确自我发展的切入点; 摆脱模式化的束缚,拥有自主话语能力; 职业发展:职业发展: 更好地认识学生的认知规律,发挥话语的效用; 提升对教育教学价值的认识,实现课程目标; 拓展课堂教学研究的途径,丰富研究内容。T: Which country does Mark come from?S1: He came from Canada. T: Yes, he comes from Canada. Just now Id like you to ask ques

27、tions about the passage. OK? Now, whod like to try?(F1评价性反馈)S2: How many Nobel Prizes have given to scientist by now? T: A good question. Whod you like to answer your question?(F2话语性反馈)S2: Anyone who know the answer could reply it. T: Good. Whod give the answer, please? (F3话语性反馈)S3: At least ten. (S

28、s laughing) T: A clever answer. Do you think so? (To S2)(F4话语性反馈)S2: Yes, I think so. T: It seems that no one knows the answer, nor do I. Sorry (smiling). Please tell us your answer.(F5话语性反馈)S2: To tell you the truth, I dont know, too. But I want to look it up in my book. T: Good. Thank you. Do you

29、have such kind of books?(F6话语性反馈)S2: Yes, I have read the book many years ago. But its a pity I forgot the number. T: Oh, thats good. You read the book many years ago. I hope you can take out the book again and tell us the exact number tomorrow, right?(F7评价性反馈)三、英语教师课堂话语分析的基础三、英语教师课堂话语分析的基础1、基于语言学理论

30、的分析、基于语言学理论的分析 语句意义话语的字面意义 语用意义在特定语境中的话语表现及意图Mike, its Saturday today.I know, but I语用含义和字面意义之间的关系:语用含义和字面意义之间的关系:字面意义:词语搭配意义,不涉及交际语境语用含义:在字面意义的基础上,结合交际者和语 境才能理解的意义Richard: Im in good health. I have ideal blood pressure. A perfect heart. In the other words, Im in good condition. Marilyn: Richard, did

31、 you go to the aerobics class, really?Richard: Dont forget to invite Susan for dinner.(At a lake the next morning) Robbie: This is really eat. What do we eat?Grandpa: First , we have to catch fish. In order to catch fish, you have too话语行为话语行为 停顿, 重音, 语调, 节奏T: What you have discussed today does remin

32、ds us of the fact that the pollution is getting worse and that we have to take effective measures to protect our environment. Put it on yourself!Put it on yourself!2、基于语言教学理论的分析、基于语言教学理论的分析 教师话语在英语课堂上的教学功能: 呈现 指令 解释 提问 启发 提示 纠正 检查 3、基于教师课堂话语有效性的分析、基于教师课堂话语有效性的分析 分析角度:质和量 考察聚焦:与教学目标的吻合,对目标实现的促进 Pract

33、ice: talk about earthquake in pairsS1: Does you hear about the earthquake in Haiti? T: Not “does”, “did”.S1: Did you hear about the earthquake in Haiti?S2: No. What happened?S1: First, there were heavy rain. T: You need to say, “ There was a heavy rain.”S1: There was a heavy rain.S2: Oh, really?S1:

34、Yes. It was terribly. T: No, not “It was terribly”. You should say, “It was terrible.S1: Yes, It was terrible.S2: Did many people hurt? T: “Did” should changed into “Were”.S2: Yes. Were many people hurt?S1: Yes. 分分 析析四、英语教师课堂话语存在的四、英语教师课堂话语存在的 问题问题问题一:问题一:课堂话语没有建立在真实表达的基础上,教师没有考虑课堂的角色及参与者结构。也就是说,课堂上

35、的话语,不是为了某一真实目的去表达,而是在惯性推动下,或在教材和教师语言训练的要求下,教师不得不说的一些话,这样的话是没有实际的意义。模式化的导课模式化的导课T: Good morning.S: Good morning.T: What day is it today?S: Its .T: Whats the date today?S: Its .T: How are you?S: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. 缺少互动的语言输入缺少互动的语言输入 T: Did you hear the weather report yesterda

36、y evening?Ss: No. T: I watched the weather report yesterday evening. Do you want to know the weather in different cities?Ss: Yes. T: You can ask me “ Whats the weather like in?” Here is the map of China. (贴出天气标志和一些城市的名称)S1: Whats the weather like in Beijing? T: Its cloudy.情景牵强,缺少交际意义的示范 T: Good. Sit

37、 down, please. All right. Look at me. I have a nice kite. Is it nice?Ss: Yes. T: Is it your kite?Ss: No. T: Do you want to fly kites?Ss: Yes. T: Yes. You dont have one. Yes, come here please. (谋生前来试放)S1: Yes, its easy. T: It is easy. This is not your kite. But you can borrow it. Borrow it, please.S1

38、: Can I borrow it, please? T: Let me see. Ok, here you are.S1: Thanks.过渡话语僵硬,缺乏启发性,支离教学过渡话语僵硬,缺乏启发性,支离教学的整体性的整体性 T: Just now we learned the words and phrases. Can you remember them? OK, now its time to read the text.T: Since we have known their experience in their trip to Canada, now Id like you to

39、retell the passage. Can you? Now lets try. 问题二:问题二:从课堂话语分布和表现看,教师处于话语霸权。教师习惯根据自己的教学设计进行教学,较少考虑学生的心理感受、想法和反应,没有给予学生充分的思考时间,往往话语过多,压倒学生,或者越俎代庖,急于表达自己的观点。剥夺学生的话语权剥夺学生的话语权T: I want to go to the shop. Where is the shop? Look, its over there.T: Just now, I didnt say anything, but you could understand me v

40、ery well. Why? Because we used sign language. Thats what we learn today. Sign language is a useful language. People in every part of the world use it, though most of them speak different languages. That is to say people in different countries speak different languages, but they all use sign language

41、. Sign language is so useful that deaf people use it. Deaf people, you know deaf people? A deaf man cant hear anything. There is something wrong with his ears. So whats the Chinese for deaf?机械重复,话语冗余,机械重复,话语冗余,无视学生学习体验无视学生学习体验 T: Ok, we have learned 8 colours. Look at the pictures and answer my ques

42、tion. Ok, now, What colour in picture one?Ss: Its yellow. T: What colour in picture two?Ss: Its white. T: What colour in picture three?Ss: Its green. T: What colour in picture four?Ss: Its purple.频繁重复学生的话语,频繁重复学生的话语,无端耗费时间无端耗费时间 (During the guessing game)S1: What are we doing? S2: You are playing ba

43、dminton. T: You are playing badminton. Yes, they are playing badminton. And look at him. What is he doing? 随意、无意义地话语重复随意、无意义地话语重复对学生产生负面影响对学生产生负面影响 T: OK, boys and girls ,who can tell me what is Lingling doing? who can tell me what is Lingling doing?S1: Lingling is jumping. T: Lingling is jumping. Y

44、es or no-Oh, thank you, sit down, please. The whole class, do you think what he said is right or wrong?Ss: Wrong, wrong, wrong! T: Who can give me your right answer? You, please.S2: Lingling is running. T: Lingling is running. Lingling is running, running. OK, Good, do you think what she said is rig

45、ht or wrong? Yes or no? Yes or no? Is she right? Do you think so? Yes, I think her answer is correct. Lingling is running.多余插话多余插话,限制学生思维碰撞和言语交流,限制学生思维碰撞和言语交流,阻碍了学生自主学习能力的形成阻碍了学生自主学习能力的形成 S1: Do you know something amazing in the word? S2: erYes. S1: What is it? S2: er T: OK. What do you think? What

46、is your answer? Do you know the meaning of the sentence? ? S2: The moon moves around the earth. T: Oh, yes. You are clever. T: (during group work) Yes, now you can ask her your question. Mmm, thats a good question. What do you think? Whats your answer going to be? Yes, Go on tell her what it is. 问题三

47、:问题三:教师经常使用一些欠规范的课堂用语,或表达随意,缺少逻辑性,或语法、词汇等方面话语失误较多差,或指令不清致使课堂教学活动难以达到预期目标。 语言正确,但语用失误语言正确,但语用失误 T: (showing a picture of Harry Potter on the Bb) Do you the boy?Ss: Yes, he is Harry Potter. T: Hello, Mary.S1: Hi, teacher. T: How are you?S1: Fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. Who is she?S1: She

48、 is my friend, Lily. T: Oh, are you her friend?S1: Yes, she is.逻辑缺失,形成无效语境,影响学生学习逻辑缺失,形成无效语境,影响学生学习策略的建立与发展策略的建立与发展 T:Why are you so happy today? Can we share your happiness with you?S1:Certainly. Its a fine day today and its my birthday, too. T:Happy birthday to you. If it were not a fine day today

49、, what would you feel at the moment?S1: If it were not a fine day today, I would be a little disappointed at the moment. T: Oh, Dont be worried and its not a real situation. If it were not your birthday today, what would happen to you?词汇、语法失误给学生带来负面影响词汇、语法失误给学生带来负面影响 T: Look at thislook at the girl.

50、 This is Kate. Kate is in bed. Oh, whats wrong with her? Whats the trouble with her? Now, please pay attention to the word trouble. Now read after me: trouble.Ss: Trouble. T: Trouble.Ss: Trouble.指令话语拖沓冗长,或含混不清,造指令话语拖沓冗长,或含混不清,造成学生思维混乱,不知所措成学生思维混乱,不知所措 T: Anyway, so we so far talked about the jobs. B

51、ut I am sure there are some dream jobs in your mind. So, why not hold a discussion? Four students are a group and you should write down the dream jobs. You know the dream job? Dream job?Ss: Yes. T: Ok, lets see which group can do it most, and then, you may have the chance to show it. You got it? And

52、 whats more, you must have a leader in your group.Yes or no?Ss: Yes.T: Zhang Wei, would you like to translate the sentence into Chinese?S: 他退休之后定居在(停顿)I dont know the meaning of “Queensland”. T: Well, you dont have to translate it. Just read it. S: Ok. He settled down in Queensland after retirement.

53、T: No, not read it. (部分学生发笑) T: I mean you should translate the sentence into Chinese except the name of the place. S: Ok, I see. 他退休之后定居在Queensland。 T: Very good!问题四、问题四、反馈用语笼统、单调,丧失了教学的即时生成良机,而且缺少具体的、个性化的反馈话语对学生起不到应有的评价指导作用。五、英语教师课堂话语质量提升五、英语教师课堂话语质量提升 的策略的策略1、更新教学理念、转变教师角色更新教学理念、转变教师角色 树立正确的教学理念,摒弃管理课堂、提供知识、控制话题的传统角色,成为教学活动的组织者、学生学习的辅导者与促进者, 创设言语交互环境,提供有意义地运用语言的机会,在引起话题、转移话题、承接话题、概括或评价学习活动等方面发挥积极作用,引导学


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