1、This module serves as a guide to the auditor in completing the TCCQS Evolution 3Environmental Complianee assessment during an environmental audit. The auditor will determ ine whether or not the orga ni zati onis compl ying with thespecificati ons and requireme nts of The Compa ny by complet ing this
2、 audit module本模块可以作为TCCQSE环境审核指南,用以下的各项条款来衡量生产厂是否符合要求PlanDate:t:Auditor(s):YesNo1) Questio nn aire:Are assessme nts done on wastes gen erated? 2对产生的废料是否做过估计?Are procedures developed on waste man ageme nt? 2是否依照废料管理程序处理?Are the requireme nts on waste ven dors followed? 2是否遵行关于废料处理商的规章制度?Does the oper
3、atio n comply with the storage requireme nts? 3操作是否符合存储要求?Are the wastes gen erated characterized as per the requireme nts? 4废料是否按要求进行描述说明?Are land applicati on requireme nts followed? 8是否按要求进行土地征用?Are san itary biosolids man aged properly? 10是否有适当的保洁的管理?2) Refere nee Stan dards List:Waste Man ageme
4、 nt Requireme ntsTCCQS updates are captured till June 30, 20053) Specificati ons and Requireme nts Summary:Specificati ons / Requireme ntsChecks andBala nces12Are assessme nts done on wastes gen erated?对产生的废料是否 做过估计?Waste Assessme nt废料评估- Con duct in itial and periodic assessme nts of the wastes gen
5、 erated and impact of these wastes.-管理最初以及周期性的生产废料评估以及其造成 的影响- Maintain docume ntati on and update periodically as n eeded.-维护文件,定期做必要的更新3Are procedures developed on waste man ageme nt? 是否依照废料管理 程序处理?Local laws and regulati ons may require specific procedures and trai ning requireme nts for hazardou
6、s wastes.当地法律或规章制 度可能要求有专门 处理程序以及对危 险废料的处理需经 过培训Waste Man ageme nt Procedures废物管理程序- Develop and com muni cate writte n procedures for waste man ageme nt-就废物管理要有文件化的程序- In clude con duct ing routi ne in spect ions and housekeep ing of waste storage areas-包括对常规检查以及废物贮存区的管理- Provide training to associ
7、ates who gen erate and han dle wastes, as a minimum in clude:-对处理废料的员工提供至少以下三项的培训Review of local regulatory requireme nts回顾当地已调整的要求Man ageme nt practices of the facility能够灵活进行管理处理Emerge ncy resp onse procedures突发事件的紧急处理4Are the requireme nts on waste ven dors followed?是否遵行关于废料 处理商的规早制 度?Waste Ven do
8、rs废料处理商- Only gover nment approved sites for waste disposal and qualified con tractors totran sport or to dispose of site-ge nerated wastes are to used.-只有经政府批准的废料处理站点和承包商能够运 送及处理废料- Requireme nts in clude:- 要求包括:Assess tran sport and disposal compa nies and en sure compete ncy.对废料运送和处理商进行评估已确认其资格Ev
9、aluate waste disposal sites before use and at least every 5 years至少每5年对预启用的废料处理站进行一次评 估Mai ntai n docume ntati on to verify qualification and update annually (this may in clude permits, lice nses or authorizati on s, in sura nee certificates or bus in ess lice nses).保存相关文件用于查证其资格,每年需作必要 校正(包括许可证,执照或
10、授权商,保单货营 业执照)Retai n a copy of all waste disposal agreeme nts and waste disposal mani fests (shipp ing papers)保留一份所有废料处理合同以及废料处理运货 单的复印件Provide copies of all characterizati on testing to the entity receiving the waste to en sure they are aware of the n ature of the wastes they are accepti ng. Mai nt
11、ai n docume ntati on con firm ing this receipt.5Does the operati on comply with the storage requireme nts?操作是否符合存储 要求?Used oil may be burned as boiler fuel if permitted by law.如果法律允许,用 过的油料可作为燃Waste Storage废料存储Impleme nt man ageme nt con trols to reduce impacts and hazards. As a mi nimum:实施管理已减少危险及影
12、响。至少做到:- Wastes to be stored in containers that preve nt spillage or leakage and are compatible with the waste.-同种废料要求装于密封容器中以防止溢出泄漏- Secon dary containment for liquid waste storage area.-对废料存储区要有二级处理政策- Impleme nt storm water pollutio n preve nti on and spill con trols.-防止水污染及对液体溢出进行控制- Waste colle
13、ct ion containers and areas hold ing materials that can drain and leach con tam inants whe n exposed to stormwater should be roofed and covered. Drains from waste storage and disposal areas must not料处理be directed into stormwater drains.-废料收集容器需有排水和污染物过滤装置,并有 屋顶式的顶盖来遮挡雨水,禁止污染物不加处理 直接排入雨水排水沟内- Contain
14、ers to provide the descripti on of the contents and warnings to ide ntify hazards, if applicable.-必要的话,容器罐需注明所装物品已确认其危险 性- Spill con trol procedures and appropriate spill con trol and emerge ncy resp onse equipme nt n ear waste storage areas.-废料泄漏控制及紧急处理设施应设在存储区附近- Segregate non-hazardous wastes fro
15、m potentially hazardous materials if the wastes are to be reused, la nd applied, recycled or otherwise disposed of as non- hazardous waste.-若无危险废料需进行循环利用或按其他无危险废 料方式同样处理,则需将其与有潜在危险的材料 进行隔离- Do not permit the on-site burial or disposal of wastes.-禁止站点填埋或进行废料处理- Do not permit the ope n burning of the
16、wastes. Where on-site incin erati on required, facilities to provide suitable incin erators comply with applicable laws and establish operati onal practices to be in place to mini mize impact.-禁止开放式的对废料进行燃烧处理。在设有焚化 炉的站点需能灵活提供相适应的焚化设备,其必 须依照相关法律,具有一定可操作性使废料处理 带来的影响降到最低- Impleme nt con trols to keep s
17、torage areas tidy and free of in sects, vermi n, foul odors or litter.-保持存储区的整洁,不得有昆虫,寄生虫,臭味 或垃圾6Are the wastes gen erated characterized as per the requireme nts? 废料是否按要求进Waste Characterizati on废物描述- Wastes to be characterized to dist in guish hazardous and non-hazardous. This may require testi ng.-
18、废物应当分为有危害和无危害两类。其需经过测行描述说明?Local laws and regulati ons may require additi onal labeli ng in formati on such as specific hazard codes, symbols, text or risk phrases. 当地法律规章制度 可能要求附加的标 注信息诸如专门的 危害物质代码,记 号,文本或术语Local regulatio ns typically specify the con stitue nts and their associated threshold level
19、s which determ ine if a material is a hazardous waste.试。- Wastes with pote ntially variable con stitue nts in clud ing biosolids and inorganic sludges which are man aged as non- hazardous waste must be tested at least annu ally.-废料包括潜在不疋的因素如biosolids 和无机物 成分每年必须检测一次- Process cha nges may dictate mor
20、e freque nt test in g.-过程变化需要更多的测试- Maintain records of all waste characterizati ons in clud ing the methods used to con duct the test.-保存所有废物描述的资料以及所用测试方法的记 录In the abse nee of local requireme nts or local regulations are less stringent operations should follow the table below:Characte risticHazard
21、ous ifCorrosiv e< 2 pH or> 12 pHIgn itabl e or flammabl e- Liquids with a flash poi nt < 60o C- Solids that are capable, un dersta ndard temperature and pressure of caus ing fire through frict ion, absorpti on of moisture or spontan eous chemical changes- Ign itable compressed gases- Oxidiz
22、ersReactive- Normally un stable and readily un dergoes viole nt cha nge- Reacts viole ntly with water- When mixed with water gen erates toxic gases,vapors or fumes in a qua ntity sufficie nt to prese nt a dan ger to huma n health or the en vir onment- Contains cyanide or sulfide which, whe n exposed
23、 to pHcon diti ons betwee n 2 and 12, can gen erate toxic gases vapors or fumes in a qua ntity sufficie nt to prese nt a dan ger to huma n health or the en vir onment- Capable of det on atio n or explosive react ion at sta ndard temperature and pressure or if subjected to a stro ng in itiat ing sour
24、ce orif heated un der confin eme nt.Pathoge n ic-Salm on ella bacteria, fecal coliform bacteria, en teric viruses, or viable hel minth ova-Con tam in ated with bodyfluidsRadioact ive- Emits ion izi ng radiatio n in abse nee of a power sourceAsbestos- Any friable formA waste or extract from a represe
25、 ntative sample of the waste containing any of the con tam inants listed below at any value equal or greater than the respective value when tested using the Toxicity Characteristic Leach ing Procedure, to be classified as toxic.Con tam inantLevel (mg/L)Arse nic5.0Barium100.0Benzene0.5Bismuth5.0Cadmi
26、um1.0Carbon tetrachloride0.5Chlorda ne0.03Chlorobe nzene100.0Chloroform6.0Chromium5.0Cobalt5.0Cresol42002,4 - D10.01,4 - Dichlorobe nzene7.51,2 - Dichloroetha ne0.51,1 - Dichloroethyle ne0.72,4 -Din itrotolue ne30Endrin0.02Heptachlor0.008Hexachlorobe nzene30.0Hexachlorobutadie ne0.5Hexachloroetha ne
27、3.0Lead5.0Lindane0.4Mercury0.2Methoxychlor10.0Methyl ethyl ket one200.0Nitrobe nzene2.0Pen trachlorophe no l100.0Phe nol5.0Polychlori nated biphe nyls (PCBs)50.0Pyrid ine35.0Sele nium1.0Silver5.0Tetrachloroethyle ne0.7Toxaphene0.5Trichloroethyle ne0.5Trichlorophe nol400.02,4,6-Trichlorophe nol2.02,4
28、,6- TP(Silvex)1.0Vinyl chloride0.2Zi nc150.07Are land applicati on requireme nts followed?是否按要求进行土 地征用?Pathoge ns: Salm on ella bacteria, fecal coliform bacteria, en teric viruses, and viable hel minth ova.If pathoge ns prese nt, biosolids can be further treated by thermal treatme nt, biological dig
29、estio n or irradiatio n etc.Pote ntial; sources of hazardous materials: onsite labs, vehicle and coldLand Applicati on- If analytical testing determines that the waste is hazardous, or is mixed with san itary wastes, la nd applicati on of biosolids an d/or inorganic solids is prohibited.- If land ap
30、plicati on is permitted un der applicable legal requireme nts, the followi ng requireme nts to be met:Annual characterizati on of the sludge to be performed for the parameters defi ned above except asbestos and radioactivity. Metals con stitue nts tested follow the EU Directive 86/278/EEC. These in
31、clude:* Cadmium40 mg/kg of drymaterial* Copper1750 mg/kg of drymaterial* Nickel400 mg/kg of drymaterial* Lead1200 mg/kg of drymaterial* Zi nc4000 mg/kg ofdry material* Mercury25 mg/kg of drymaterialOnly homoge nous and represe ntative samples are an alyzed.只有同种或具代表性的样品需检测Wastes to be non-detectable
32、for pathoge ns. If treatme nt reduces pathoge ns to non-detectable concen trati ons and if waste meets all other requireme nts, la nd applicati on can be con sidered.废物应是不可发觉的病菌。如果处理减少了病 原体则可以考虑drink equipme nt maintenan ce, and pain ti ng operati ons.Minimize hazardous materials (oils, paints and c
33、erta in lab wastes) or other potentially harmful constituents from en teri ng waste water treatme nt operati ons and con tam in at ing any biosolids or inorganic solid wastes. 是流入废水处理操作中的有害物质最小化 Prior to land applicati on of wastes onor off-site, a soil sample from the land applicati on locatio n to
34、 be an alyzed for the same parameters as the sludge. Repeat testi ng annu ally. If operati on is already Ian d-appl ying wastes, sample to be collected to docume nt curre nt con diti ons and the n annual testi ng beg ins.在征用土地之前,土壤样品必须经过用废物一 样的检测,且每年度进行一次。If an alyses show concen trati on of certa i
35、n parameters in creas ing, develop an acti on pla n and con sider ceas ing or switchi ng locati ons, test ing shallow water or limiting application rates.如果分析表明某种成分含量增多,则需转向特 定区域,测试较浅的水质限制其应用率 En sure soils' carry ing capacity is notexceeded to the point of destro ying soil or vegetati on.确保土地承载力不要超过限制点 En sure there is no liquid biosolids runoff or discharges
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