


1、进料检验与不良品处置流程1.0 Scope and Purpose /范围与目得1、 1 Scope/ 范围This process is applied to material receiving、该流程适用于原物料得接收。1、 2 Purpose/ 目得To provide a standard process that from material receiving and inspection to storage、 Itis used to define the responsibilities of related sections and link up their work、规
2、范原物料从接收、检验到入库得流程,定义相关部门得职责并确保工作得衔接。2.0 Responsibilities /职责2、 1 QC Engineer is responsible to prepare, revise and update this document, and ensurethe implementation during receiving and inspection、 Operations Manager is responsibleto approve this document、QC 工程师负责制订、修订/更新本文件 ,并保证此文件在接收、检验活动中得到实施;运营经
3、理负责批准本文件得实施。2、 2 Warehouse is responsible to receive material and inform buyer, inspector who areconcerned, also to deal with the materials after inspection、仓库负责物料得接收并通知采购、检验等相关人员,以及检验后物料得处理。2、 3Buyer is responsible to track delivery and arrival of material、 If needed, takecharge to return or exchan
4、ge nonconforming materials and handle the charge ofrework/repair 、, 安排不合格品退货换货以及处理返工/返修费用等事宜。采购负责追踪物料发运及到货状况2、 4 QC Inspector is in charge of ining inspection and feed back the result to QC Engineer、QC Engineer shall inform related persons of information about nonconformance anddisposal 、QC 检验员负责进料检
5、验与反馈检验结果给QC 工程师 , 由 QC 工程师将不合格品信息及处理结果反馈给相关人员。3.0 Documents Referenced /参考文件3、 1 Purchasing control Procedure /采购控制程序3、 2 Nonconforming Products Control Procedure /不合格品控制程序4.0 Terms and Definitions /术语与定义4、 1Free of Inspection /免检In view of some reasons, as large amount, low price or limited conditi
6、on of inspection, andmoreover, the supplier has provided sufficient quality assurance, or subsidiary material forproduction, the material can be stored directly without inspection、由于物料数量多 , 单价低或检验条件受限等原因,且供应商已提供足够得质量保证,或属生产辅助性物料 ,而无须检验员进行检验可直接入库。4、 2NC: Nonconforming /不合格4、 3NCR: Nonconformance Repo
7、rt /不合格品报告4、 4MRB: Material Review Board /物料评审委员会It consists of related persons including QC, Engineering, Buyer, Planner, Production andSQE, with responsibility of determining the disposing method of nonconformance、由 QC、工程、采购、计划、生产、 SQE 等相关人员组成 ,负责决定对 QC 检验不合格品得处理方案。4 、 5SCAR: Supplier Corrective A
8、ction Request /供应商整改通知单5.0 Process / 流程5 、 1Receiving / 物料接收5 、 1、 1 Buyer shall track the delivery and arrival of material, and then inform warehouse in time of shipping information while shipping to ensure the material can be received timely and without mistake 、采购追踪物料得发货与到货状况 ,并于供应商发货后将发货信息及时通知仓库
9、以作接收准备 ,确保物料能及时准确接收。5 、 1、 2 When receiving, warehouse shall confirm delivery information, also part number, quantity and packing 、 If any attached document submitted by supplier is required,the documents should be checked as well whether they are missing、仓库收货时需确认送货信息,然后核对零件号、数量并检查包装完好状况,如有随货资料要求 ,应
10、检查所需资料就是否提供齐全。5 、 1、 3 Warehouse shall place received materials, filling the“ Material identification Card”for distinction, at Ining Inspection Waiting Area, and inform buyer of the“ Ining InformSheet ” to confirm the arrival of material, meanwhile inform inspector to doinspection 、,填写“物料标识卡”做好物料区分与
11、标识,然后仓库收货后应将物料暂放在进料待检区开“进料检验通知单”及时通知采购以确认物料到货状况,同时通知检验员做进料检验。5 、 2 Ining Inspection /进料检验5 、 2、 1 Inspector shall check the information of inspection waiting materials whenreceive the“ Ining Inform Sheet” , and prepare for inspection、检验员收到“进料检验通知单”后, 核对现场待检物料信息,做好检验准备工作。5 、 2、 2 Inspector should che
12、ck whether the material is free of inspection according tothe “ List of Inspection-free Material 、”Materials can be accepted directly as beinginspection-free、,如为免检则可直接判定合格。检验员依据“免检物料清单”判断待检物料就是否免检5 、 2、 3 Inspection shall be based on the document relevant including drawing, standardand inspecting wo
13、rking instruction、 Inspector shall fill out the“ Ining MaterialInspection Report” and other required records after inspection、检验员依据图纸、标准与检验指导书等进行检验,并填写“进料检验报告”及其它所需检验记录。5 、 2、 4 Inspector shall transfer accepted materialsand the“ Material identification Card”pasted with green tag to store waiting ar
14、ea, and feed back the“ Ining Inform Sheet”with remark of judgment to warehouse、检验合格得物料由检验员转移至待入库区,在“物料标识卡”上贴“合格”标签, 并在“进料检验通知单”上给出检验结论通知仓库入库。5 、 2、 5 For material which is primarily judged as nonconformance, inspector shall placethem at Ining Nonconforming Product Area, and make out the“ Nonconforma
15、nceEvaluation Reportand” then submit to QC Engineer along with the“ Ining MaterialInspection Report 、”The nonconforming materials shall be distinguished andidentified with“ Nonconformance Label” , which should contain information ofnonconformance、检验后初步判定不合格得物料由检验员转移至进料不合格品区,并填写“不合格品处置报告” (NCR) 附在“进料
16、检验报告”后交给QC 工程师处理 ,同时用“不良品标签”将不合格物料进行标识并区隔放置,标签上应填写不合格品相关信息。5 、 3 Review of Nonconformance /不合格品评审5 、 3、 1 After receive and check the NCR, QC Engineer should call a MRB meeting oronly sign it together with related persons when necessary to review thenonconformance, otherwise dispose of the nonconfor
17、mance in accordance with theremendation from QC 、QC 工程师接到 NCR 并确认后 ,如有需要可召集相关人员开MRB 会议或以会签形式对不合格品进行评审,否则依照 QC 处置意见处理不良品。5 、 3、 2 MRB should consist of QC, Engineering, Buyer and Planner、 Production shouldbe involved if rework or repair is needed、 According to the severity and Repeatabilityof nonconf
18、ormity, SQE should be invited as well、 The reviewing method is on thebasis of the“ Nonconforming Products Control Procedure 、 The”members have theresponsibility and play the role as below:MRB 应由 QC 、工程、采购与计划相关人员组成,如有返工或返修需要则生产也应参加,视不合格得严重性与重复性则可邀请SQE 参加。评审依据“不合格品控制程序”要求进行 ,MRB 各成员职责与角色如下:1) QC: Prov
19、ide detail information of nonconformity; evaluate the quality risk of productand economy of sorting; check and review any plaint from customer before、QC: 提供详细不合格信息, 评估产品质量风险与筛选经济性,审查以往客户投诉。2) Engineering: Analyze and evaluate the impact of nonconformity on production or product, also any bad consequ
20、ence would be caused; evaluate the feasibility andeconomy of rework or repair; decide the requirement of rework or repair andacceptable standard of concession if needed; provide analyzing description ortesting evidence when necessary、工程 :分析与评估不合格对生产或产品本身得影响及可能导致得不良后果返修可行性与经济性 , 根据需要提供返工或返修得要求与让步接收得标
21、准分析说明或试验结果。,评估返工或,必要时提供3) Buyer: Provide information of lead time; evaluate the feasibility of return or exchange; any cooperation and charge should be from supplier if need rework or repair 、采购 :提供物料交期信息 ,评估退货、换货得可行性 ,如需要返工或返修供应商可提供得配合及承担得相关费用。4) Planner: Provide information of material demand and
22、production schedule; deliveryschedule of product should be provided by inside sales if necessary、计划 :提供物料需求及生产排程信息,必要时由销售提供出货交期信息。5)Production: Evaluate and arrange rework or repair、生产 :返工或返修得评估及安排。6)SQE: Evaluate that whether it is necessary for supplier to provide improvementreport and check inven
23、tory and work in process、SQE: 评估要求供应商提供改善报告与清查库存及在制品得必要性。5 、 3、 3 All the members shall make an agreement after review and sign on the NCR withdisposing method、评审后所有成员需达成一致意见,在 NCR 上给出评审处置意见并签字确认。5 、 3、 4 The NCR reviewed and signed in MRB shall be submitted to Manager for finaljudgment and approval
24、、评审会签后应将NCR 转呈部门经理做最终判定与批准。5 、 4 Disposal of Nonconformance /不合格品处理5 、 4、 1 After finished review finally, the white and yellow page shall be respectively keptby inspector and warehouse on file, and the red page shall be attached to thenonconformance、 Inspector shall record the information of NCR on
25、 the“NCR List”、NCR最终评审结束后,白、黄联分别交由检验员与仓库归档保存,红联随附在不合格品上,检验员将有关信息录入“不合格品报告清单”中。5 、 4、 2 For rework or repair, a“Rework/Repair Sheet”should be made out by inspectorand submitted to Engineering for determining the method and requirement of reworkor repair 、 According to the“Rework/Repair Sheet”,product
26、ion arranges rework orrepair and then record the work hours spent and other expense when finish、 Finallythe materials which have been reworked or repaired shall be re-inspected byinspector 、 Go on as per item 5、 4 、 1 if pass re-inspection, or else NCR should bere-issued and submitted to QC Engineer
27、、如需返工或返修,则先由检验员开“返工/ 返修单” ,转交工程确定返工或返修方式及要求 ,生产接到“返工/ 返修单”后按要求执行返工或返修,完成后填上所耗费工时与其它费用 ,最后交由检验员对返工或返修后得物料再次检验确认。如检验合格则依5、 4、 1执行 ,如检验后仍判不合格,需重新开NCR 提报 QC 工程师处理。5 、 4、 3 After the NCR is closed, QC Engineer shall municate the disposing information from “NCR List ”and the expense of rework /repair to b
28、uyer, warehouse, planner and SQE in time 、QC 工程师在NCR 处理结束后应及时将“不合格品报告清单”中得不合格品处理信息与返工 /返修得相关费用信息传达给采购、仓库、计划、SQE 等相关人员。5 、 4、 4 plying with the final result of NCR, the disposal should follow the method as below:不合格品依据NCR 最终评审结果应按以下方式处理:1) Reject /return: Warehouse moves nonconformance to Material Re
29、turn Area pending return 、拒收 /退货 :由仓库将不合格品转移至退货区等待退货处理。、;如有检验不合格得则2) Scrap: Warehouse moves nonconformance to Scrap Area for scraping、报废 :由仓库将不合格品转移至报废品区作报废处理。3) Rework /repair: The materials which have been reworked or repaired and passed the re-inspection shall be transferred to Store Waiting Area
30、; keep the material ifunacceptable at Ining Nonconforming Product Area for reevaluation返工 /返修 :返工 /返修后经检验合格得 ,由检验员转移至待入库区仍放置在进料不合格品区等待重新评审。4) Accept under concession: Inspector transfers the materials to Store Waiting Area、回用 /让步接受 : 由检验员将物料转移至待入库区。5 、 4、 5 Buyer shall inform the supplier of the non
31、conformance information when havenotice from QC, and negotiate about return or exchange and charge of rework/repairwith supplier if needed 、采购在接到不合格品处理信息后将相关不合格信息告知供应商,并视需要与供应商联系退货或换货、返工 /返修费用承担等事宜。5 、 4、 6 If necessary for the supplier to correct the nonconformity, SQE shall issue SCARto require the supplier to analyze the root cause and take corrective actions、 Thecorrective actions shall be reviewed by SQE and its result shall be verified base
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