




2、模板。在这次的作文中,我们想理由可以从便捷、环境、健康、经济等等几个方面入手。便捷:It is convenient for us to环境:pleasant environment健康:benefits our physical and psychological health举个例子:你可以推荐外国朋友来学校的图书馆玩,为什么呢?你想理由的时候可以说图书馆离超市近,离公交站近,生活和出行都很便捷;同时图书馆中的很好的学习环境,氛围安静;而图书馆又是个阳光充足的地方,在那边待一下午对身体健康有好处,等等,都可以往这方面原因上靠。千万不在被现象所蒙蔽,因为现象千变万化,不要因为你没准备过就被吓

3、到了,但内在的内容原因的分析是,方法是万变不离其宗的。结尾:总结并呼吁首先进行总结All in all在我们分析社会现象的时候总爱干一件事,那就是呼吁,在这篇文章里我们照样可以采用这样的方式,如这个句型:Only by coming to can we enjoy the culture(atmosphere) of my campus/hometown/China.20xx年6月英语四级作文参考范文:关于中国Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following

4、 question. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to China, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why?BeijingMust First See Place in ChinaIf one of my foreign friends is coming to China, no dou

5、bt, I will take him to Beijing first. The reasons are as following:First, Beijing is the capital of China, an energetic city with a long history. Beijing is a super large distribution center, high-quality goods across the country will appear here, so you can easily find whatever you like. Second, th

6、ere are a great number of tourist attractions and historic sites in Beijing, such as Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and Summer Palace. What is more, some of these interesting places are within walking distance, so you can visit several scenic spots by spending a relatively less time. Third, the tr

7、affic in Beijing is very convenient and inexpensive. You can take bus or subway train to anywhere you want to go.20xx年6月英语四级作文范文(文都版)英语四级作文题目:Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why?英语四级作文参考范

8、文:I like to take him to visit to Beijing ,the capital city of China. Beijing is steeped in culture ,with a history of 3000 years .There are loads of monuments, in Beijing , like the fobidden city,the great wall and the summer palace . I am totally fascinated by its culture 。I went to Beijing when I

9、was in my primary school ,but it did not leave me a deep impression . Because I was too young to understand the Chinese historical culture and it was difficult for a littlechild to be interested in it. I just felt the weather in Beijing was hot ,also very dry and the roast duck was really delicious.

10、But now I regret for not learning the knowledge of cultural heritages in Bejing at that time.I am planning to study abroad and I want to introduce a lot of interesting Chinese culture to foreigners . But in fact I do not know it clearly ,even many foreigners know more things about Beijing than I know . It makes me feel kind of embarrassed。So I am looking forward to paying a visit to Beijing and looking around all the monuments in Beijing . I hope I can learn some valuable things about chinese history. Then


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