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1、新概念英语第二册课后习题8、He had a good seat. He was sittingin a goodLesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 a. chair b. place c. armchair d. classStructure 句型9、He was a young man. He wasn't very3、Last week the writer went to the theatre. He wasthe theatre.b. big c.talld. large10、The writerlooked at themanand

2、the womanangrily.a. to b. at c. intod. on4、The young manand young womanwere sitting behindhim. He was sitting them.a. beforeb. Abovec. ahead ofd. in front of5、did the writer feel Angry.He was veryb. unhappycross d. pleasedit.11、The writercould not bearit.He could nota. carry12、The youngb.mansufferst

3、and d. liftspoke rudely. He wasn't verya. Where b. Why c. How c. Whena. clever brude c. polited. kind6、He looked at the man and the woman angrily. Helooked at angrily.a. them b. they c. their d. us7、The young man and the young woman paid attention to the writer.a. noneb. any c. not any d. noVoca

4、bulary 词汇Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunchStructure 句型sometimesa. stayc. stays早餐还是午餐in bed until lunchtime.b. is stayingd. stayingstayed in bed until lunchtime. He wentbeda. sonb.grandsonlate last night.a.inb. Intoc. tod. atdoesn'tget up early on Sundays. He gets upa.latelatelyc.slowlyhardlydid Aunt L

5、ucy come By train.a. When b. How c.Why d. Wherec. nephewis the firstof the day.a. foodb. dinnerLucy said,a. angryc. tiredd.niecec. lunchd. meal'Dear me,'because she wasSurprisedpleasedwriter can't see Aunt LucyHe's havingbreakfast.a. still.now c. oftend. alwaysVocabulary词汇outof the w

6、indow and saw thatit was raining.a. lookedc. remarkedd. watchedthen, the telephone rang. It ranga. at onceb. immediatelyc. againd. at that momentwas his aunt, so he was herLesson 3 Please send me a card请给我寄一张明信Structure 句型week he went to Italy. He wassummer.him a few words of Italian The writer.taug

7、htdid teachItaly lastdid he teachdid he teachwas a friendly waiter. He spoke to the writerfriendsfriendsa friendly waywriterfew lines, but he didn'tunderstand a word.made a bigdecision. Hespent the whole day inhis room. He was in his roomholeday.allofabout ithis mindup his minda wishdidn't w

8、rite a single card. So heonly onejust onet write even oneall the cards except oneVocabulary 词汇 Lesson 4 An exciting trip激动人心的旅行waiter usually works in aLesson 5 No wrong numbers无错号之虞gardenhas a garage. The garage ishousehimhimwaiter lent him a book. Hea book from thewaiter.the last day he made a big

9、 decision. It was theday of his holiday.hiscannot get a telephone for his has just boughttwelve pigeons.'s so's whyknow him.forhas just bought twelve pigeons. When didhe them's the distance from Pinhurst to SilburyHow is Pinhurst Silburyago . until . away. till. frompigeonflew fromone ga

10、rage to theother three minutes.has a garage in Silbury. His garage is inPinhurst.can't get a telephone. Telephones are hardto .has sent requests for spare parts. He has spare parts.messages are important, so they must be sent .hand's ' telephone service' is private. It is .ownLesson

11、6 Percy buttons 珀西巴顿斯writer has justmoved to a new house. Shewas yesterday.housethe househomethe homegave .him a meal meal for himto a meal meal to himneighbor told me about him. HePercyButtons was a beggar.meto meknows him.alltheythe houses in ourarethe sameage and size.7. does he call Once a month

12、.seldomlongsoonoftenbeggar is a person whofor money but doesn't workfor foodhardout of workcan have a meal .in the morningany timeat midday in the eveninggave him a piece of cheese. He put the ofcheese in his pocket.calls at every house in the street.He everyone.atout atLesson 7 Too late 为时太晚3.

13、were detectives waiting At the airport.4. were they expecting A valuable parcel of diamonds.had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. This happened the plane arrived.soon asdetectives went into the building and waited .men took the parcel, off the plane. They .off ittook offo

14、ffit offdetectives were a valuable parcel ofdiamonds.hardfor toparcel was valuable. It wasthieves wanted to the diamonds.from todetectives waited inside the main building. Thiswas the building.importanthad filled the parcel with stones and sand. It was stones and sand.withofbyinLesson 8 The best and

15、 the worst最好的和最差的Frith's garden is larger than Joe's. It isgardenlarge gardengardengardenhardly's garden is more interesting Bill's.writer is fond of gardens.like himlike to himlikes themlikes's garden is the best in the town. It's the best them all.wins every time. He always

16、 Bill Frith.grows more flowers. More flowers in his garden.tall upbigin's garden is interesting. Joe is gardening.than Joe.is a hard worker. He workswriter doesn't like hard work. It's to lookafter a garden.hard workhard jobjob a jobyear the writer enters for the garden competitionLesson

17、 9 A cold welcome 冷遇went to the Town Hall on Wednesday evening. They went .eveningthe eveningthe eveningpeople under the Town Hall clock.5. will it strike In twenty minutes'time.longlong agomuchtime did it stop five to twelve.thingmany times did the clockwas fifteen minutes eleven.clock usually

18、has two hands, a minute hand and hand.second hourtime bigpeople wear or carry .alarm clock alarmclock watchrefused to welcome the New Year. It . it to't want to toLesson 10 Not for jazz不适于演奏爵士乐clavichord is kept in the living room. That's where we it.kepthappen No, nothing happened.keepingit

19、 was damaged. She damaged ithas belonged to our family for years. It'sthefriend of my father's is the clavichord.'s礼尚往来 Lesson 11 One good deserves anotherfamily have had the clavichordmanyLesson 12 Goodbye and good luck再见,一路顺风years.has sailedhas sailed across the Atlantic many across th

20、e Atlanticit Grandfather did.boughtbuy绿林少年 Lesson 13. The Greenwood Boysare not allowed to touchtouch it.Lesson 14. Do you speak English你会讲英语吗't't toStructure 句型't to't have tokind of car did he's itA clavichord.a. driveb.drovec. drivend.driving's kept in the living 's wh

21、ere we _ it.soon as he had got intothe car,said good morning.I said good morning he had got into the car.visitor damagedit.a. Beforeb. a long time afterc. just afterd. a moment before5 Good morning, ' I.a. spokeb. talkedc. toldd. saidspeak a few words of French. I don't knowFrench.a. manyb.

22、muchc. plenty ofd. a littleof us spoke. We.a. neither spokeb. either spokec. both didn't speakd. neither didn't speakVocabulary 词汇the way, a young man waved to me. This happeneda. before the writer's journeyb. during the writer's journeyc. after the writer's journeyd. a long time

23、 agoyoung man waved to the writer. He him.a. salutedb. greetedc. signalled tod. noddedasked for a lift. He was aa. trampc. passengerb. hitch hikerd. foreignerreplied in French. He the writer in French.a. respondedb. answeredc. returnedd. remarkedwriter had reached the town when the youngman spoke.a.

24、 oftenb. almostc. sometimesd. just asLesson 15 Good news佳音Structure 句型3' Mr. Harmsworthsee you, 'the secretary saida. Wouldb. shallc. Willd. coulddid he feel Very nervous.a. Whatb. Howme.c. How muchfirm couldn't paya. soc. suchturn is it It's your turn.a.c.a.c.WhichWhom'Mr. Harms

25、worth,inonVocabulary 词汇d. Whichlarge salaries.such aa suchTo whomWhoseI saidwithunder's your turn.a. It's your linec. You're next't interrupt!Don'ta. speakc. talk while I'm talkingwriter would receiveget £ 1, yearb.d.anIt's your rowIt's your chanceb. talkd. cut o

26、ffextra £ 1, year.He woulda weak voice.Harmsworth wanted to see me. He wanted toa. watchb. look ata. lessc. overLesson 16 A polite requestStructure 句型b.d.moreup彬彬有礼的要求you park your car in the right place youreceive a ticket.a. willb.wouldn'tc. look ford. speak tofelt nervous because I felta

27、. angryb. crossc. didn'td.won'tc. anxiousd. illpolice never let youwithout a ticket.a. gob. to goc. goingd. have gonewelcome you to our city. You to our city.a. welcomeb. are welcomec. have welcomed d. are welcoming6 No Parking ' meansa. don't leave your car hereb. without parkingc.

28、don't stopd. there's no room to park herenote is only a reminder. It'sa. nothingb. no onec. nothing extrad. nothing moreVocabulary 词汇is a 'No Parking ' area.Cars aren't allowed in thisa. districtb. countryc. surroundingd. kingdomwill enjoy your stay. It will _you.a. amuseb. e

29、njoyc. laugh atd. pleasewill enjoy your stay. Howlong will you herea. rest b. prevent c. sit d. remainnote is only a reminder. It will helpa. you remindb. your souvenirc. your remembrance d. you to remembercannot fail to obey it. You can't to do this.a. refuseb. denyc. resistd. withdrawLesson 17

30、 Always young青春常驻Structure 句型must be at least thirty-five years old. In my opinion she.sheAt least thirty-five years old.big much oldmust appear in a bright red will be dressed red.must appear in a bright red 's what she.doneto doto dodonehad to wear short socks. It was for her towear them.Vocab

31、ulary 词汇often appears as a young girl. She on thestage as a young girl.presentedwent to the theatre to see a.will take part in the it.a. will writeb. won't be inc. will be ind. will produceusually wear.instead of stockingsinstead of sockssocks or stockingssocks nor stockingsis grown up. She isol

32、dadolescentteenageadultLesson 18 He often does this!他经常干这种事!Structure 句型I had lunch . . . After I had it .a. paid for b. eaten c. kept d. boughtcouldn't find her bag. It wasn'ta. theirb. theirsc. they'red. therewas looking for it, the landlord came in.a. Because b. While c. But d. Even i

33、fhaven't got a bag. I don't one.a. getb. buyc. own d. owedog had taken it into the garden. ItwastheStructure 句型garden.play may begin at any moment. Ita. tob. Intoc. ata. has begunVocabulary 词汇b. won't begin for a long timelooked for my bag. Iit.c. hasn't begun yeta. tried to look aft

34、er b.tried to look atd. began a long time agoc. tried to findI have two tickets please two tickets pleasehad left it on thechair. That'swhere Iit.a. You must give mea. putc. allowedd. permittedb. You have got to give mechair was beside the door. It wasit.c. Could I havea. near b. far fromc. next

35、 tod. besidesd. You may give melandlord returned with my bag. Hequickly.I have two tickets Please let me two tickets.a. turnedturned backa. havingb. to havec. came backturned roundgave it back to me. Heto me.c. hadd. haveperformance next Wednesday.a. turned itb. returned ita. wasb. will bec. turned

36、it backd. turned it roundc. shall bed. has beenLesson 19 Sold out票已售完might as well have them. I am to have them.a. very pleasedb. very gladStructure 句型c. not very gladd. delightedis your favourite sportFishing.Vocabulary 词汇hurried to the ticket office. Ia.went thereb. went there quicklyc.went there

37、slowlyd. didn't go there9.'What a pity! ' Susanexclaimed. Susan wasa.pleasedb. gladc. sorry d . amusedI return these tickets I want toa. give them backgive them inc. give them upgive them off11. 'Certainly,the girlsaid.thegirl said.a. Off courseCoursec. Of courseSurely notyou still w

38、ant them Do you want thema. yet b. evend. moredoesn't catch never catches,am even less am lucky.sobag is has,empty bagempty bagbag empty bagan only interested in doing 's I'm interestedin.oneonlyVocabulary 词汇is my favourite isone I like bestLesson20 One man in a boat独坐孤舟bestbestfisherman

39、 usuallyfish .couldn ' t be used wasn ' tto use it.'m sureto catchneverany fish.a hundred people must have been driven away.()hold ofthey were.think'm surealways goeswith an empty bag.coursehomehouseam one of the few people left. So there().the housenone leftone leftmust give up fish

40、ing .You must.some lefta lot leftmuch ( ) A large sum of money.have been offered Lesson 21 Mad or not是不是疯了you been offeredStructure 句型have offereD.planes can be heard night and them all theoffered youVocabulary 词汇headto hearhave been offered some money. They want to( ) mehearbe heardsome money.time.

41、have been offered a large()of money.same ageam determined to stay here. I ( ) stay here.will totogoing tosays I must be mad and they are probably right.()they are.course's certain's suresays I must be mad and that is probably() Lesson 22 A glass envelope玻璃信封Structure 句型never dreamed ( ) a letter.A. to receiveB. receivingC. of receiveD. that she would receivereceived a letter from a girl of her own age.


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