



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上综合测试四Lesson90-Lesson120满分100分姓名: 分数:一、补全下列单词并写出汉语意思(10分)1. pl_nt_ 2. st_t_ _n _ 3. p_ss _ 4. f_ll _5. wr_t_ 6. d_ct_ _n_ry_ 7. _dv_c_8. kn_ck _ 9. _nv_t_ 10. st_ _y_二、英汉互译(10)1. return ticket _ 2.had better_ 3.stand up _ 4. 太不能_ 5.full of mistakes _ 6. 继续睡_7.流行_ 8. 与 一样好_ 9. 寻找 _10.happ

2、ened to _ 三、词形转换(10分)A、写出下列单词的复数形式 1 man 2 knife 3 dress 4.thief 5 box B、写出以下不规则动词的过去式、过去分词。 1. be_ _ 2. find _ _ 3. cut _ _4. speak _ _ 5. go _ _ 四、选词填空。 (10分)1. He has never_ to Netherland.(been/gone)2. To _ you the truth, I havent finished the work yet. (say/ tell) 3. The dentist _ a look at Mr.

3、Crofts teeth. (looked/ had) 4. She has no money at all._does he.(neither/so)5. A car hit my bicycle. Can you _ it for me? (repair/ try) 6. Can I have a_ ticket to Paris, please? (return/ go) 7. The train for Rome leaves from_ Six. (station/ platform) 8. Do you want to_ the next train? You must hurry

4、! (miss/ catch) 9. There isnt _ under the chair.(something/anything)10. When does the next train_ for Bristol? (live/ leave)五、根据括号里的动词的适当形式填空(10分)1. My uncle_ (be) in this city for many years.2. She_ (not play) football these days.3. He_ never_ (meet) a foreigner. 4. There_ (be) a meeting tomorrow.

5、Please_ ( come) on time.5. How long_ you uncle_ (live) in Beijing?6. Why not_ (go) to the park with me tomorrow?7. Look! The children_ (play) in the park.8. Yesterday I_ (go) to_ (see) a film. 9. My mother asked me _ (help) her _ (clean) the room.10. We_ (talk) a lot.We_ (be) very happy.六、选择最佳答案填空(2

6、0分)1. A policeman saw two thieves _a girls mobile phone on the bus and he caught them at once.A. to steal B. stealing C. stole D. stolen2. The Chinese pingpong players will join in the match.Lets _them success.A.wish B.to wish C.hope D.to hope3. He is so careless that he always _his school things at

7、 home.A.forgets B.forgot C.leaves D.left4. -Who _the computer? I want to use it.-Timmy. He _ it for a week.A.borrowed, has borrowed B.has borrowed, boughtC.has borrowed, has kept D.bought, has borrowed5. Look! One of the girls _the door.A.cleans B.is cleaning C.clean D.are cleaning6. If you dont fee

8、l well, you may just _.stopped reading B.stop reading C.stopped to read D.stop to read7. -Where can we get a baseball?-Lets _.A. lend Jim one B.lend one to JimC.borrow one from Jim D.borrow one of Jim8. -My model ship doesnt work.-Dont worry. Ill have it _this afternoon.A. repairing B.made C.repaire

9、d D.mend9. You _wash your hands before meals.A. need B.must C.can D.may10. Will you _the light? Its dark in the room.A.get on B.get off C.trun on D.turn off11. My name is Zhang Mingjian. You may _me Zhang Mingjian or Mr Zhang.A. ask B.say C.tell D.call12. There is going to _a game in our school this

10、 afternoon.A.has B.have C.be D.are13. Youd better_smoking. Its bad for your health.A.eat up B.give up C.come up D.get up14. -How do you like this book?-I think it has nothing to_with our study.A. make B.do C.take D.hold15. -Where is Mr Brown? I have some questions to ask him.-He _the office.A. has b

11、een to B.has been in C.has gone to D.has gone in16.The bus kept the people _for twenty minutes.A. wait B.to wait C.waiting D.waits17.I believe the scientists will_a better way to heal the disease.A. get on with B.come up with C.go on with D.catch up with18.-Why do you often _this pink blouse?-Becaus

12、e it fits me well.A. put on B.wear C.buy D.try on19. Jack always runs faster than Peter, but this time he _him.A. went over B.fell behind C.put off D.dropped off20. The Internet _it easy to get much new information in a short time.A. finds B.makes C.feels D.takes七、根据汉语提示补全句子 (20分)1.This case doesnt_

13、 _ me! 这箱子不是我的。2. _ _does he say? 他还说了些什么? 3.The English and Maths papers werent _ _for me.英语和数学试题对我来说很不容易4.The guy next to me wrote his name the paper. 坐在我旁边的那个人只在卷纸顶端写了自己的名字。5.It _suit me_ _. 它根本不适合我。6.Its not _good _ the expensive one. 他没有价钱高的那种好。7. The story_ _ a friend of mine a year ago. 这是一年前

14、发生在我的一个朋友身上的故事。8. They_ _ _ lunch. 他们邀请我们吃午饭。9. Im that. 对此我感到很抱歉。10. There were_ _. 到处是硬币。八、补全对话(10分)H-Han Mei L-LilyH:Would you like a drink? L:1._.H:Ill get you some tea.L:2._?H:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourself.L:Thank you. Well. I think its time for us to leave now?H:Oh, do you h

15、ave to?L:Yes, Im afraid so. 3._and we have to get up early in the morning.H:Dont leave anything behind.L:Thanks. I think we have everything.4._. We enjoyed ourselves very much.H:Im happy you did. Bye!L: 5._.参考答案 一、1. plenty(大量) 2. station(车站、火车站) 3. pass(及格、通过)4. fall(落下、跌倒) 5. write(写) 6. dictionar

16、y(词典) 7. advice(建议、忠告) 8. knock(敲、打) 9. invite(邀请) story(故事)二、1. 往返票 2. 最好 3. 起立, 站起来4. too to 5. 错误百出6. go back to sleep7.be in fashion 8. as good as 9. look for 10. 发生在 身上;碰巧,正好三、A、15 men knives dresses thieves boxesB、1.was were 2.found found 3.cut cut 4.spoke spoken 5. went gone四、1. been2.tell 3.had 4.neither 5.repair 6.return 7. platform 8. miss 9. anything 10. leave五、1.has been 2.has not played 3.has never met 4.will be,come 5.will live 6. go7.are playing 8.went see 9.to help,(to)clean 10.talked,were六、1-5 BACCB 6-10 BCCBC 11-15 DCBBC 16-20 CBB


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