1、每日一句今日一句: rm afraid I cant give you a defi nite reply now. 恐怕我现在无法给你一个明确的答 复。Quiz :What do you_ it?你认为怎样? ( 3.17)Do you agree to this chan ge? Id like to hear your_ it.你同意这样的改变吗?我想听听你的意见。(3.18)_ would you_it to be?你希望是什么样? (3.19)Will you let me know your_ our new design?请把你对我们新设计的意见告诉我。(3.20)Your_an
2、d_are always welcome.欢迎评论和批评。(3.21)PS. Word & Story (九)祝你 前途无量”前途无量用英语表达为:the skys the limit。从字面意思看,“the skys the limit 即 天空是你的界限”。在古人的印象中,天是很高很远的, 所以如果把天作为界限,那跟没有界限也差不多了。后来,这种说法被引申到很多其他领域,意思就是 “the possibilities are endless: 一切皆有可能 ”。例如:For people who work hard at this company, the skys the limit.(
3、在这家公司努力工作的人会前途无量。)我们除了可以用它来祝愿别人前途无量,也可以用在消费的时候,表示随便买东西,不用考虑钱”。看下面例句:Order any thi ng on the me nu-the skys the limit.(随便点菜,不用在乎价钱。 )今日一句: There is no room for any reduction in price. 价格毫无再减的余地了。Review :Price is hovering between RMB 2000 and RMB 5000.价格徘徊于 2000 至 5000 元之间。(3.10) We regretwe have to m
4、a in tai n our origi nal price.很遗憾我们不得不保持原价。(3.11)The utmost (best) we can do is to reduce the price by 2%.我们最多能减价百分之二。(3.12)We cannot take anything off the price.我们不能再减价了。( 3.13)PS. Word & Story (八)纪念日”怎么说每个人都有对于自己来说特别的、值得纪念的日子,比如,收到大学录取通知书的日子、第一次发工资的日子、 走进婚姻殿堂的日子、宝宝出生的日子,等等。这个特殊的日子在英语中叫 redetter d
5、ay。”这种说法最早起源于中世纪。 那时候,教会的日历上会把宗教节日和假日等印成红色,就像我们现在的日历把周末印成红色一样。后来这个的短语的意思逐渐扩大为任何值得纪念的或者喜庆的日子”。看下面例句:Tomorrow is Mr.Zhang s wedding day. It will be a rtetter day for him.(明天是张先生的婚礼,对他来说这是个值得纪念的日子今日一句:Your comments and criticisms are always welcome.欢迎评论和批评。Review :What do you think of it?你认为怎样? ( 3.17)
6、Do you agree to this cha nge? rd like to hear your opinion about it.你同意这样的改变吗? 我想 听听你的意见。 ( 3.18)How would you like it to be? 你希望是什么样?( 3.19)Will you let me know your comments on our new design? 请把你对我们新设计的意见告诉我。 (3.20)PS. 分类词汇(十一)互联网词汇大搜索垃圾邮件 spam屏幕保护 screen saver桌面 desktop黑客 hacker 木马(一种黑客程序) Troja
7、n Horse 病毒 virus 博客 blog 写博客的人 blogger 播客 podcast 点击量 click rate 浏览量 /访问量 page view 漏洞 bug 语音视频 voice and video chat 网络课堂 online class 群聊 group chat 导航栏 navigation bar 一级页面 home page/ main page 二级页面 secondary page/subordinatepage 搜索引擎 search engine 自动搜索 auto search 手动搜索 manual search 站点管理员 site mana
8、ger 宽带broad band 带宽 bandwidth 服务器 server 浏览器 browser 认证授权 certificate authority 域名系统 DNS -(Domain Name System)域名 domain name 以太网 Ethernet 常见问题回答 FAQ(frequent asked questions)防火墙 firewall 互联网上的激烈争论 flame war 论坛常用语:以我之卑见 IMHO - (In My Humble Opinion) 局域网,本地网 LAN -(Local Area Network)邮件发送清单 mail list 网
9、络礼节 netiquette 端口 port 网关 gateway安全认证 security certificate远程登陆 teln et今日一句: Will you let me know your comments on our new design? 请把你对我们新设计的意 见告诉我。Review :What do you think of it?你认为怎样? ( 3.17)Do you agree to this cha nge? rd like to hear your opinion about it.你同意这样的改变吗? 我想听听你的意见。(3.18How would you
10、like it to be?你希望是什么样? (3.19)PS.分类词汇(十) 吃”的表达 B你这老一套现在可吃不开了。Your old way of doing things won t work now.这件事你如果说出去, 我叫你吃不了兜着走。If you let this leak out, I ll make you sorry for it.走这么多的路,恐怕你吃不消。It may be too much for you to walk such a long way.吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。Only those who endure the most become the hig
11、hest.再重的卡车,这座桥也吃得住。This bridge can bear the weight of the heaviest lorry.你别想吃她豆腐。Don t try to flirt with her.他要请我们吃馆子。He is going to in vite us out to dinner.你要先考虑清楚,免得吃后悔药。Think it over before you go so that you won t regret it later.形势吃紧。The situati on was critical.他那坚强的毅力使人吃惊。His will power is am
12、azi ng.他工作努力,能吃苦。He was hard-work ing and un afraid of hardships.他跑得不快,踢足球吃亏。He can t run fast and that puts him at a disadvantage as a footballer.我跑了一天路,感至 U 吃力。 After a long day s journey, I exhausted.只要技术好,至 U 哪儿都吃得开。A person who has expertise is welcome any where.吃一堑,长一智。A fall into a pit, a gai
13、n in your wit今日一句: How would you like it to be?你希望是什么样?Review :What do you think of it?你认为怎样? ( 3.17)Do you agree to this cha nge? rd like to hear your opinion about it.你同意这样的改变吗? 我想听听你的意见。(3.18PS.分类词汇(十) 吃”的表达 A吃喜酒 attend the wedding banquet 吃药 take medicine(下棋)吃掉一个子take a piece吃掉敌人一个团ann ihilate a
14、n en emy regime nt连吃败仗 suffer one defeat after ano ther推上吃了一枪 get shot in the leg吃闭门羹 be denied entrance at the door ; berefused admission as an unwelcome guest be left out in the cold 吃醋 be jealous 吃官司 be sued / involve in alegal action 吃耳光 get a slap in the face 吃回扣 get commissi on 这种纸不吃墨水。This ki
15、nd of pap erdoes n茄子很吃油。Eggpla nt calls for a lot of oil in cook ing.我可不吃这一套。I won t take all this lying down.tabsorb他不务正业,专吃白食。He does not do any hon est work and lives off others今日一句: Do you agree to this cha nge? rd like to hear your opinion about it.你同意这样的改变吗?我想听听你的意见。Review :What do you think o
16、f it?你认为怎样? ( 3.17)PS.分类词汇(九)三十六计的英文表达方法Thirty-Six Stratagems1.瞒天过海Cross the sea un der camouflage.2.围魏救赵Relieve the state ofZhao by besiegi ng the state of Wei. 3.借刀杀人Kill some onewith a borrowed knife.4.以逸待劳Wait for the exhausted en emy at on es ease.5.趁火打劫Loot a burning house.6.声东击西Clamour in the
17、 east, attack in the west.7.无中生有Create someth ing out of nothing.8.暗渡陈仓Prete nd to take one path while sn eak ing dow n the other.9.隔岸观火Watch a fire burning from the other side of the river.10.笑里藏刀Knife hidde n un der the smili ng face.11. 李代桃僵 Sacrifice the plum for the peach.12 .顺手牵羊 Take the oppo
18、rt unity to pilfer a goat.13.打草惊蛇Disturb the sn ake by hitt ing the grass.14.借尸还魂Borrow ano thers body to return the soul.15.调虎离山En tice the tiger to leave the mountain.16. 欲擒故纵 To catch somethi ng, first let it go.17.抛砖引玉Bait a piece of jade with a brick.18.擒贼擒王To catch the ban dit ,first capture t
19、heir leader.19.釜底抽薪Take away the firewood un der the cook ing pot.20.混水摸鱼Fish in troubled water.21. 金蝉脱壳 Get away like the cicada sloughi ng its ski n.22. 关门捉贼 Shut the door to catch the thief.23 .远交近攻Befrie nd a dista nt state while attack ing a n eighbor.24.假途伐虢Obta in safe passage to conq uer the
20、 en emy.25. 偷梁换柱 Replace the beams with rotte n timbers.26. 指桑骂槐 Revile the locust tree while poin ti ng at the mulberry.27. 假痴不癫 Play dumb, remain smart.28.上屋抽梯Pull down the ladder after asce nt.29. 树上开花 Deck the tree with bogus blossom.30.反客为主Make the guest and host cha nge places.31. 美人计 The beau
21、ty trap; Use seductive wome n to corrupt the en emy.32.空城计 Prese nt a bold front to con ceal un prepared ness.33.反间计 Sow discord among the en emy; Use double age nt.34.苦肉计 Inflict injury upon on eself to gain trust.35.连环计 Chain together the en emys ships.36.走为上 Run away to fight ano ther day; Escape
22、 is the best policy今日一句: What do you th ink of it?你认为怎样?Quiz :Price is_ between RMB 2000 and RMB 5000.价格徘徊于 2000 至 5000 元之间。(3.10)We regret we have to_our_ price.很遗憾我们不得不保持原价。(3.11)The_we can do is to reduce the price_ 2%.我们最多能减价百分之二。(3.12)We cannot_anything_ the price.我们不能再减价了。( 3.13)There is no_ f
23、or any_ in price.价格毫无再减的余地了。( 3.14)PS.分类词汇(八)麦当劳食品名中英对照 大冷饮(雪碧,芬达,可口可乐)Large Drink 标准冷饮(雪碧,芬达,可口可乐)Regular Drink 巧克力奶昔 Chocolate Shake 草莓奶昔 Strawberry Shake 香草奶昔 Van ilia Shake汉堡 Hamburger 吉士汉堡 Cheeseburger 双层汉堡 Double Hamburger 两个吉士汉堡,热红茶 2Cheeseburgers,Hot Tea 吉士汉堡,奶昔 Cheeseburger, Shake 双层吉士汉堡 Double Cheeseburger 巨无霸Bi
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