



1、九年级英语词组、短语和句型归纳I.get good grades 得至収子成绩 2. do some reviews about 评论3. make a poster 做海报 4. a great nu mber of + 可数名词复数 =a lot of / lots of /many5. decide on 决定 6. on the edge of7. walk along a path8. Whats up? 9 as far as 就.来说 10. notany more/ longer 不再II.have got it right 是对的,是正确的 12. get lose/ be

2、lost / lose on esway 迷路,走失 13. be / have to do with sb./ st h .和某人或某事有关14. Sounds like a great fun / a good idea 15. Its a pity. 16. grow up 长大, 成长17. stand for 代表 18. set up 建立,创立 19. first of all 首先20. at the finishing line 反义词是 at the starting line 21. well known 著名22. now that 23. be compared wi

3、th 与比较 24. be mad with sb. 生某人的气25. be advised to do sth.被建议做某事26. get to sb.让某时感到烦恼,困惑 27.encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 28. see to 负责,注意29. look through 浏览 30.at a time 一次 31. be made from/ of 由。制作 /做成32. one day 33. by hand 手工的 34. by machine 用机器35. from now on 从今以后(用将来时) 36. ask a favor 请求帮助 37

4、. a couple of 一双 38.rather than 而不是,胜于 would do sth rather than do; prefer to do rather than do 39.pay attention to 注意 40. work (it) out 解出(它)41. try out 试验 42. drop in 顺便走访 43. on onesown 独自地44.take long 花很长时间 45. no wonder 难怪 46. do experiments 做试验47. obey rules 遵守规定 48. hang on a minute 等一下49. Le

5、tsgo upstairs 让我们上楼去。50. sec on d-ha nd 二手的51. world-famous 世界闻名的52.middle-aged 中年的53. in stead of 代替,而不是 54.be made in 产于。55. cut dow n 砍伐56. care about 关心 57. do harm to对。造成伤害58. protect the en vir onment 保护环境 59. be made abroad 外国制造的60. save energy 节约能量 61.sort the waste 将垃圾分类 62. clean up 打扫干净63

6、. be good for 64. be bad for 65. raise money 筹款66. changeinto把。变成为。67. have a look at 看一看68.be similar to 与。相似 69. water sports 水上运动 70. at onee 立刻,马上71. get along /on well / badly with sb 与某人相处融洽 /糟糕72. in the center/middle of 在。的中心 73. by the way 顺便问一下74. in many ways 在许多方面 75. be surprised at 对。感

7、至吃惊( 7)76. at the moment=now 现在,此刻 77. in the fields 在田野里78. on the hills 在小山上 79. lie down 躺下 80. go on a camel ride 骑骆驼81.every one else 其他的每一个人82. have a bad/good temper 有 好 / 坏脾气83. get used to doing sth.=be used to doing sth 习惯于 84. on onesway back from 在某人从某地回来的路上85. at differe nt times of the

8、 day 在一天的不同时候 86. at the back 在 后面87. at the front 在前面 88 en ter the photo competition 参加摄影大赛89. even though 即使,尽管 90. be in with a chanee 有机会91. be pleased with 对.感到满意92. be far from 距很远parewith 与比较 94. congratulations to sb. on sth.祝贺某人某事95. be used to doi ng sth 习惯做某事96. pick up sb 接某人97. give pr

9、izes to sb.给某人颁发奖品 98. win the heart of 赢得的心99. ever since从开始 100. in deep trouble 麻烦很大101. a happy en di n 厂个好的结局102. make a mess 制造混乱103. travel to去旅行 104. tran slateinto 把翻译成105. become popular 流行,受欢迎106. asas 和一样107. make sb. laugh 使 得某人大笑 !08. speak to sb 跟 某人说话109. fly into 飞进110. find out 查明,

10、查出 111. play a part in 演一个角色112. return to 返回到113. play the main part 扮主角114. experience life 体验生活 115. in his own private dream world 在他个人的梦 幻世界里116. a com mon expressi on个代名词117. hold birthday parties 举行生日晚会 118. ask for 要求,请求119. understand sth. better 更好得明白120. be written by 由写的121. be like 像 12

11、2. But it no laughing matter.这并非什么可笑的事.123. Thats a smart idea. 好注意 .124. weight lifting 举重125. give up sth./ sb./doing 放弃 126. give in 屈服于127 bump into 碰巧遇128 junk food = un healthy food 垃圾食品129 take exercise 锻炼130 do weight training 进行塑身训练 131 stay fit=keep healthy 保持健康132 go running 去跑步 133 go ba

12、ck to school 回到学校去134 get sth. Done= have sth. don e/ ask sb. to do s 请.某人做某事1135 persuade sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事 136 refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事137 decide to do sth 决定做没某事 138 sb. spe ndon sth/(i n)doi ng sth139 agree with sb 同意某人140 agree to do 141 in stead of 取代,代替142 treat certain ill ness 治疗某一疾病 143 s

13、ports cen ter 体 育中心144 be bad for 145 healthy food 健康食品 146. had better do sth 最 好做147. fitn ess train er 148. put o n weight 增加体重 149. get fit 保持健康150. alo ng with 与.一起 151. tha nks to- =because of 152. add to 向153. look up some facts 查找一些事实154. school-prize-givi ng 学校的颁奖155. in the centre of 156.

14、come up 上来 157. on the edge o 在的边缘158. have a better life 过上更好的生活159. public tran sport 公共运输160. a private car 私家车 161. pay for 162. an increasing population 增长的人口 163. an en virome ntal problem 环境问题 164. close dow n 关闭165. over1.3 billion of population166. more and more 越来越 167. the shortage of wat

15、er 168. less and less 169. rubbish bags 垃圾袋170. in the city centre 171. there used to be 过去常有172. be tired of173. sit in traffic 174. fill in175. make progress 取 得进步176.a place of interest 名胜 177. check in 178. as well as 和179. a typical family 一个典型的家庭 180. at the same time 同时181. take part irr参加活动182. take place 发生183. take trips to 旅行 .184. weekend visits 周末的参观185. in the countryside 在农村 186. go for long walks187. outdoor and wat


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