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1、仁爱英语八年级学案Unit 2 Topic 1一、知识目标【重点短语】have a cold/a toothache /a fever/a cough/a backache/a stomachache/a sorethroat /the flu /sore eyes 感冒 /牙疼/发烧/咳嗽/背疼胃疼 /咽喉发炎 /流 感/眼疼 take a rest=have a rest休息 don t read for too Ion 不要看书太久 boiled water 开水 stay in bed 卧病在床,躺在床上 have agood sIeep 好好睡一觉 feeI terribIe 感觉难

2、受 day and night 日日夜夜Youd better do sth.=You had better do sth 你最好做 -not so weII 很不好 not too bad 没什么大碍 much better 好多了 go to see a doctor 去看病 take /havesome medicine 吃药 take- to把带到send-to- 把 - 送到 -hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 feel like doing sth.想要做 .Iie down 躺下look after=take care of 照看,照顾 brush teeth

3、刷牙 have an accident 发生一次意外/事故 dont worry 别担心 worry about 担心nothing serious 没什么严重,没什么大碍 check over 诊断,仔细检查 thank you for sth/ doing sth.-因-而感谢你buy sth.for sb.=buy sb.sth 为某人买 -not- until- 直到 - 才 -ice cream 冰淇淋 both- and- 和都是take some cold pills 吃感冒药 plenty of =lots of = a lot of 许多,大量【重点句型】1.1. Whats

4、 wrong with you/him/her? 你/他/她怎么了?=Whats the matter with-?=Whats the trouble with- ?2.2. Y Y ou should see a den tist 你应该去看牙医。这是一种表达建议的句子。还可以用以下句式:youd better(not)- how /what about-why not/dont you -3 3.Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。这是表示同情别人的句子。4.4. You look pale. 你看起来很苍白。(1)在英语中表示气色不好,苍白,不用 whi

5、t,而用 pale(2) “ lool 在这里译作看起来”作连系动词,后接形容词。女如You look beautifuI 你看起来很漂亮。与 look 用法相同的连系动词还有 taste,sou nd, smell,feel。如: The soup tastes very delicious . 这汤尝起来真香。Your voice sou nds nice.你的声音听起来很动人。The flowers smell sweet . 这些花闻起来很香。The silk feels smooth 丝绸摸起来很光滑。5.5.- -Shall I take you to the hospital?

6、我送你去医院吧? No,thank you. 不用,谢谢。shall I do- 需要我做 - 吗?take sb to- 把某人送到某地6.6. Ill take some medicine and see how it goes. 我打算先吃药看看情况再说。“goes 在这里指事情的进展。 “it 用来代指病情。如:How is everything going? 一切进展如何?Everything is going well. 一切进展顺利。7.7. Youd better drink hot tea with honey. 你最好喝加蜂蜜的热茶。tea with honey 加了蜂蜜的

7、茶, with 表示一种伴随状态。类似的表达还有:some coffee with sugar and milk 加了牛奶和糖的咖啡some tea without sugar 不加糖的茶8.8. Michael had an accide nt yesterday.昨天迈克发生了事故。have an accident 发生了事故9.9. But my left leg still hurts when I move it. 可是当我挪动脚时,还是有点儿疼。句中“hurt 译为 疼痛”作不及物动词。后不可接宾语。如: My head hurts.10.10. Your X-rays show

8、its nothing serious. 你的 X 光照片显示没什么严重的问题。nothing serious没什么严重的。nothing,something,anything等不定代词,被形容词修饰时,形容词位于其后。如:I have something important to say. 我有一些重要的事情要说。1111.Stay in bed and dont move your leg too much. 躺在床上,不要总是挪动你的腿。12.12. Michaels friends bought some chocolate for him . 迈克的朋友给他买饿一些巧克力。buy s

9、th for sb.双宾语的运用。使用双宾语时,在人宾前需要使用介词,有时用“ to 有时用“for ,这与动词本身有关,表示动词的方向,多用“to,”表示动词的目的,多用“ forgive sth to sb. pass sth to sb. bring sth to sb. take sth to sb. cook sth for sb. buy sth for sb .13.13.-but I couldnt read them until today. 但是直到今天我才读了它们。not - until 直到 - 才- until 在肯定句动词一般用延续性动词,在否定句中动词一般为短暂性

10、动词。如:I didn t go to bed until my mother came bac 直到妈妈回来我才睡觉。He will wait for his father un til ten oclock.他将等他父亲一直到10 点钟。He wont leave until his father comes.他直到他父亲回来才离开。【主要语法】1 1、 hadhad betterbetter 的形式和用法1)1)固定短语 had better具有情态意义,也可以看作情态动词。译为最好”它只有一种 形式,没有人称和数的变化,后常跟动词原形,是给人提出建议的一种方式。如:You had be

11、tter go to see the doctor 你最好去看医生。Youd better eat a lot of fruit and drink plenty of water. 你最好多吃水果,多喝水。2)2)had better 的否定结构为had better not。如:Youd better not eat hot food 你最好别吃辛辣的食物。Youd better not work today.你今天最好别工作。2 2、 ShallShall 用语第一人称1)1) . . 请求给予指示。如:How shall I cook it? 我该怎么样做这东西?2)2) . 主动提供

12、帮助。如: Shall I carry the box for you? 要我给你搬这个箱吗?3)3) . 提出建议。如: Shall we meet at the theater? 我们在剧院见面怎样?二、典型例解()1.Whats the matter with you, Jim?A.I m fine. Thanks.B.I m good atEnglish.C.I have gotten a toothache.D.I m having a rest.分析:C What s the matter with you?你怎么了?常用于询问身体状况或是否有麻烦事。 回答者往往根据实际情况回答。

13、故选 C。( )2.You _ eat too many candies. It s bad for your teeth.A.mustB.canC.shouldD.shouldnt分析:D must 表示必须,had bette 是最好should 应该放在吃很多糖前面显然 都不合适 ,只能选 D, 此处表示委婉的建议 不应该吃太多糖”因,为 对牙齿不好”。()3.If you have a headache, you _ lie down for a good rest.A.shouldntB.had better notC.had betterD.mustnt分析:C 本句意为如果你头痛

14、,你最好躺下休息一会儿。”表示不应该”,B 表示最好不要”,D 表示 千万不要,禁止”只能选 C。()4.I had a backache. I cant sleep.A.Dont worry. B.Not so well.C.I m sorry to hear thaDt.Why?分析:C I m sorry to hear that.意为 听到那件事,我感到很难过。常用于听到别人不好 的事情时所作的答语。()5.Oh,you have a headache and a cough. _ have you been like this?Three days.A.How longB.How s

15、oonC.How oftenD.How many分析:A how long 是问多久,how soon 问有多快,how often 问频率,how many 问数量,本对话中回答用三天,可见问的是时间长短,只能用 how long。()6.My hometown is in the south of China. There is _ rain in spring.A.manyB.lot ofC.a lotD.plenty of分析:D many 表示 许多修饰可数名词,a lot 表示 程度”,plenty of 表示 许多既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词 ,rain 作名词 ,表示 “

16、雨”为,不可数名词 ,故选 D()7. I m afraid you have a cold. YouA.No, I have no time. B.That s a good idea.C.It s very kind of you.D.I m sorry to hear that.分析: B 给对方提建议 ,对方应该虚心接受 ,只有 B 项符合表达习惯。( )8.You look pale. _ have a good rest?A.Why don t you B.Why are youC.What about D.Why you dont分析:A 表示建议可以用 why not .或 w

17、hy don t you .表示 为什么不 .”。( )9.You should not eat _ meat. It can make you fatter.A.too manyB.too muchC.much tooD.many to分析:B too much 为 太多的意思,修饰不可数名词。too many 也是 太多的意思,但修饰可数名词。 meat 为不可数名词,所以用 too much。()10.You should take _ on time,_each time,and two times a day.A.the medicines; three pillsB.the med

18、icine; three pillsC.the medicine; three pillD.the medicines; three pill分析: Bmedicine 意为 “药;药水 ”通,常指各种制剂、粉剂等口服药,多作不可数名词;pill 指加工制成的 “药片,药丸”作,可数名词。三、评价作业 . 单项选择) 3. I have a stomachache. You _ eat bad food.A. the medicines; three pillsB. the medicine; three pillsC. the medicine; three pillD. the medic

19、ines; three pill) 8. I had a backache. I canA. Don t worry.C. I m sorry to hear that. (_ ) 9. The boy hasd better go to see a doctor.) 1. _ He is a little ill.A. What s wrong with him?C. Isn t she ill?) 2. You d betterA. not areB. Is he ill?D. Is he in hospital?last for class.B. areC. not beD. not i

20、sB. couldntC. shouldnA. should) 4. I can t sleep _ at night. There is too much noise near here.A. goodB. well C. fine) 5. I _ go to bed _ I finished my homework last night.A. do; untilB. didn t; until C. don t; until) 6. His mother is ill. He is going to _ her in the hospital.A. look atB. look upC.

21、look for) 7. You should take _ on time, _ each time, and two times a day.D. couldD. niceD. did; untilD. look aftert sleep.B. Not so well.D. Why?to take the pills _A. every five hoursB. for five hoursC. every five-hoursD. for five-hours()10. My foot hurts when I move it. You must stay in bed and don

22、t move _.A. much manyB. many muchC. too muchn.情景交际从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。Cara: Mom, 11Mom: What s the matter?Cara:12Mom:13Cara: About one hour ago.Mom: What did you eat for lunch?Cara:14Mom: An apple? No more?Cara: No.Mom: Oh, 15 You should eat some hamburgers.A. When did it start?B. I have a stomachache.C

23、. you are hun gry.D. I am not feeli ng well.E. I ate an apple.15._川.完形填空Mr. Green was ill and went to the hospital. A doctor16 and said, “ Well, Mr. Gree n,youre going to 17 some injecti ons, and youll feel much better. A n urse will come 18 give you the first one this evening, andthen youll 19 get

24、another one tomorrow evening. ” 20 a young nurse came to Mr. Green s bed and said to him, mgoingfblgive you your 21 injectio n now, Mr. Green. Where do you want it?”The old man was 22. He looked at the nurse for a 23, then he said, 24 hasever let me choose that before. Are you really going to let me

25、 choose now?”“Yes, Mr. Green, ” the nurse answered. She was in a hurry.“Where do you want it?“Well, then, ” the old man answere(25.“ I want it in your left arm, please.”()16. A. looked for himB.looked him overC. looked after himD.looked him up()17. A. getB. giveC.makeD. hold()18. A. soB. butC.orD. a

26、nd()19. A. mustB. canC.had betterD. have to()20. A. In the morni ngB.In the after noonC. In the eveningD.In the end()21. A. firstB. oneC.twoD. second()22. A. con fide ntB. surprisedC.fullD. hungry11._12._13._ 14.D. much too()23. A. hourB. mi nu tes()24. A. Somebody B. An ybody()25.A. with a smileC.

27、in surpriseIV .阅读理解(A)Sally: You look pale. What s the matter with you?Ben: I am hungry. I am feeling terrible!Sally: You should have a sandwich(三明治).Ben: But I have a stomachache. I doneatt waything at all.Sally: Well then, are you thirsty(渴)?Ben: Yes, I am.Sally: Then you can have some warm milk.B

28、en: But I want a glass of juice.Sally: You d better not go to school today.Ben: No, thank you. I ll take some medicine and see howsit gmiust go to school today. 根据对话内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()26. Ben is feeli ng bad today.()27. Ben has a stomachache.()28. Ben is thirsty and wants to drink some milk.()29. Sally

29、 asks Ben to go to school.()30. Ben doesn t want to go toosch all.(B)Jack Brown was very quiet as Dr. Johnson examined him. The doctor looked at the boysthroat, took his temperature and listened to his heart. Finally, he asked Jacks mother a fewqueslions.“ When did Jack begi n to feel ill?”wThishiBo

30、ratrup. He said he felt too sick togo to school today. ”“ What did he eat for breakfast?”“ He got orange juice, two pieces of bread,egg and a glass of milk.”I see, ” the doctor asked Jack,“ How do you feel now, my boy?answered,“ Teerjib think I m going to die. ” The doctor said, t die.Infactwo 实际上),

31、you ll be fine by dinner time.”“ Oh, doctor! Do you really thinls sn?ther looked very Jack glad. Dr. Johnson answered,“ Mrs. Brown, your son has a sickness that is commoysDat atime like this. It comes iind goes quickly:5Mrs. Brown said,“ But I don t understand. ”“ Today, ” the doctor told her,“ them

32、osfootball final of the World Cup is on televisio n. If Jack feels well eno ugh to watch televisi on this after noon, and I think hedoes. He will be fine whe n the final is over. It s the only cure(疗法)I know for this sick ness. Now, if you excuse me, I mustgo across the street to see the Fords boy,S

33、teve. He seems to have the same thing as Jack has today.”()31. Jack said that he didn feel well when he.A. had breakfastC. got upB. went to schoolD. took exercise()32. Jacks mother.C. yearD. mome ntC. NobodyD. PeopleB. i n timeD. with tears in his eyesA. brought Jack to the hospitalB. asked the doct

34、or to come to see JackC. rang the doctor and asked many questio ns D. exam ined Jack()33. Jack ate_for breakfast.A. very littleB. a lot()34. The Fords home was_home.A. n ear JacksC. n ext to Jack ()35. In fact, Jack and Steve_.A. were not ill at allC. nothingD. too muchB. far away from Jack D. a few

35、 kilometers away from Jack B. wan ted to watch the football final on TVC. both A and BD. are terribly ill(C)I. Take the medicine with water. One pill every eight hours. For further nights, take two pills atbedtime. Don take more than six pills in 24 hours. For children six to twelve years old, give

36、half theadult( 成年人)dosage(剂量).For children under six years old, ask your doctor. Take less dosage if youcan go to sleep.n. Each pill of the medicine is taken three times each day for 14 years old. As usual, a pill 6:00a.m. before breakfast, one before 11:00 and one before sleep. Not for childre n un

37、 der six years old andold persons with heart trouble(疾病).川.The medicine for a person with a cough. Two pills once a day before sleep for adults. Do nottake the medic ine without a cough. Half for childre n un der 12 years old. Childre n with a bad cough,go to see a doctor.IV . Take the medicine thre

38、e times a day. Five pills each time for an adult with a cold. Half thepills for children under 10 years old, lake the mediciiie before meals or before sleep.根据短文填空,每空一词。36. If a middle-age pers on with a cough wants to be well at home, what should he do?He should take the THIRD medic ine_a day befor

39、e sleep.37. How many kinds of medici ne can the five-year-old childre n take?The five-year-old childre n can take_of medici ne.38. You took one of the four kinds of medici ne last ni ght, and you could n fall asleep. Which kind ofmedici ne was it?It was the_ .39. 翻译文中画线的句子。40.回答问题:When should I take

40、 the FOURTH medicine if I have a cold?V.词汇(A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。41. I caught a f_ and had to lie in bed.42. Miss Zhao coughed day and night but her x-_shows there nothing serious.43. You should drink p_ of water in spring.44. You should take some m_ and see how it goes.45. I have a pain (痛)in my teeth.

41、You should go to see a d_.(B) 根据汉语提示完成句子。46. Perhaps you have the_(流感).47. She coughs_(日 日夜夜 ).48. You should stay in bed and _ _(好好休息).49. She is a nurse, so she sometimes is on duty_ _ (在晚上).50. I am feeli ng bad today.You should_ _(看医生).W. .综合填空阅读短文,用适当的词填空。One day a man went to see his doctor an

42、d said to him,吞haVeoswallowed(51 I felt very ill.”The doctor thought 52 a few seconds and then said, “ All right. Let me 53 you. Please 54_down on the bed.” Theschuntse gaVe the man an injection( 注射).The mansoon went to 55 , and the doctor went out quickly to look 56 a horse in the town.After half an57 the doctor found a 58 , bought it and took it back. When


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