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1、Module 5 Carto on stories、词汇和句子I.根据所给汉语提示写出正确的单词。1.Do you know whothe compu ter?2.Steve n Jobs is one of theI admire most.3. The sunny boy I know is4. Don tin his class.at the people in trouble.5.Tom is very good at n .用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Most of the stude nts are2.Liu Qian put some coins in a magic box

2、and said,(satisfy) with the style of the new school uniform.” These coins ear) soon. ”3.David is tall and stro ng with black hair but he n ever(fight)with others.4.A lot of(visit) come to China every year.5.The mon key is the 川.根据汉语意思完成句子。(clever) ani mal of all.1.他能够飞跃天空,与坏人打斗。He can fly the sky an

3、d with bad people.2.当他们听到这条悲伤的消息时,情不自禁地哭了起来。When they the sad news, they couldn3.有时候他们相互帮助并在一起合作。each other andSome ones they4.他领着一群猴子与玉皇大帝及其士兵作战。a group Of mon keys the Emp eror of Heave n and his guards.5.Snoopy生活在它自己的私人世界里,觉得现实生活很难理解。Snoopy lives in its private world and finds real life hard 二、单项

4、选择He)1.1 could hearcall ing to me, but I did nt know who he was.A.every oneB.some oneC.anyoneD.nobody)2.IA.IearnB.learnedC.will learnD.have lear ned)3.-Is your sister at home? -No,she isn ' t. SheAustralia.A.goes toB.we nt toC.has bee n toD.has gone to)4.It wasexcit ing n ews that all of us coul

5、d n't helpEn glish since I was five years old.'s stophort rest.A. so a,cry ingB.such,cry ingC.so,to cry D.such an,crying)5.We have worked for six hours already. LetA.haveB.to haveC.havi ngD.to hav ing,but I have a plan for it.)6.-Have you writte n anything on Chin ese traditi onal food so fa

6、r?A.Ever sinceB.Later onC.Not yetD.From now on)7.ln 2050, the dema ndwater will create p roblems betwee n coun tries. These p roblems maywar.A. to,cause toB. to,result inC.for,create inD.for,lead to)8.he exercises every day,he is very healthy.A.Though,/B.Because,throughC.Because,/ D.Because,soD.Five

7、 years agohis own wishes.)9.-Whe n did Mr Green teach in Chi na?A.S ince five years ago B.For five years C.ln five years)10.Mr White had to sell the house eve n though it wasA.o nB.forC.aboveD.aga inst)11.Have you ever see n himA.agoB.two days agoC.beforeD.just now)12.-Where have youall day?-I came

8、back at noon and Iin this factory si nee the n.D.bee n,amA. bee n in ,had bee nB.bee n in, wasC.bee n,have bee n)13.My schoolbag is the sameKitty ' s, but differentTom' s.A. with,asB. as,withC. from,asD. as,from)14.We all agree that driv ing a car is expen sive tha n tak ing the un dergro un

9、d.A.far littleB.much moreC.ma ny moreD.much's car?'ve come to school by bike)15.-Do you still go to school in your mother-No,s ince I started sec on dary school, IA.o n my ownB.in my ownC.by my ownD.with my won)16.-Have you returned the motorcycle to him? -Yes, I haveretur ned it.A. yet,alre

10、ady B.already,already C.already,yet D.yet,yetTV with my mother.)17.-What did you do yesterday? -IA.watchB.watchedC.have watchedD.will watch)18.-A.How ofte nHow longC.How muchD.How manyhave you p layed the piano? -For four years.)19.My fatherhis bike to work every day in stead of drivi ng.A.ridesB.ro

11、deC.will rideD.is ridi ng)20.-Do you knowthe Capital Museum?-Next Friday.A. whe n will they visitB.whe n they will visit C.whe n did they visitD.whe n they visited三、完形填空People usually don ' t like mice. But one mouse has been one of the most famous film stars in the 一1That is the well -known Mic

12、key Mouse.One day a man called Walt Disney was draw ing 2 he heard a stra nge sound. The sound came _3the waste basket. Walt went over and saw a family of mice eat ing pi eces of bread in it. For many ni ghts, they ateand p layed there. Walt bega n to4 them. Walt liked one little mouse5_ than any of

13、 the other mice.The little mouse gave him a new6_ of drawing. He started to draw it. But in the picture it looked more like afunny man tha n a mouse.Walt wan ted to make this little mouse 7 in his picture and soon it was able to sp eak. Later he n amed itMickey Mouse. People laughedwhen they saw the

14、 film because they enjoyed 8 it. Soon Mickey Mousebecame very 9 with bothold and young people. Children loved their friend because it brought joy and10_ why people love Mickey Mouse although they dont like real mice.()1.A.worldB.countryC.cityD.tow n()2.A.whileB.whe nC.beforeD.then()3.A.atB.toC.i nto

15、D.from()4.A.likeB.hateC.killD.catch()5.A.lessB.worseC.moreD.better()6.A. pictureB.mouseC.a ni malD.idea()7.A.lessB.betterC.moreD.very()8.A.beat ingB.see ingC.drawi ngD.fight ing()9.A.a ngryB.i nterestedC.ha ppyD.popu lar()10.A.whereB.whe nC.whyD.howpl easure to them. Perha ps this is四、阅读理解Once there

16、 was an old farmer, with a horse which was almost as old as himself. He set out one morning with his son to sell the horse before it died. Father and son walked, because the farmer did not want the horse to be too tired. They met two men on the road who said, "Why are you walk ing, farmer? You

17、have a horse, It's a long way to market(市场)."The farmer know that this was true, so he rode on the horse, while his son walked. Then they met two old wome n, "What are you doing up there, farmer? Can't you see how tired the boy is?" So the farmer got dow n, and his son rode in

18、 stead.Next, three old men stopped them, one said, "Why are you walk ing, farmer? Get up, It's too hot for an old man like you to walk today," So the farmer got up behi nd his son, and they rode on. Some time later, a young woma n p assed them, "Why aren't you walk in g?"

19、 she asked, "It isn't far to the market. Give your poor horse a rest." So the farmer, and his son, got dow n once aga in .It is a fact that you cannot pl ease all the people all the time.)1. The farmer wan ted to sell the horse.A. before it was deadB. before it become too tiredC. befor

20、e it market was over D. before it was as old as he wasA. asked how far it was to the market)2. The two men on the roadB. said they thought the horse looked very tiredC. asked why the farmer was not ridi ng on his horse D. told the farmer's son to get off the horse and walk)3. The two old wome n

21、said it was wrong forA. the farmer to ride such a tired horseB. the farmer to ride while his young son walkedC. the boy to ride instead of his fatherD. only one person to ride such a long way)4. The farmer got up behind his son because .A. the old man said it was too hot for him to walkB. the three

22、old men stopped them on the roadC. he did not know why he was walkingD. his son could not ride the horse by himself)5. The young woman was most sorryA. for the old manB. for the farmer's young sonC. that it was not far to the marketD. for the horseA man once had a dream about the Black Forest in

23、 Germany. In his dream he was walking in the forest whentwo men ran out and tried to throw him to the ground. He ran off as fast as he could, but they followed him. Hereached a place where he saw two roads in front of him, one to the right and the other to the left. Which roadshould he take? He hear

24、d the two men behind him, getting nearer, and at the same time he heard a voice in hisear. It told him to go to the right, and he did so. He ran on and soon came to a small hotel. He was received there kindly and given a room, and he was saved from the two men. That was the dream.Twenty years later

25、he was really in the Black Forest, as happened in the dream long ago, two men ran outand tried to throw him down. He ran off, and came to a place with two roads, like in the dreams. He remembered the dream and took the road to the right. He soon reached a small hotel, was taken in, and so was safe.

26、His dreamof twenty years before had saved his life.)6. The Black Forest isA. a place in Germany B. not a real placeC. Invented by the writer D. a place in Britain)7. When he was walking in the forest,ran after him.A. two dogsB. two tigersC two menD. two women)8. Finally he came to.A. a forestB. anot

27、her roadC. another dreamD. a small hotel)9. It wasthat saved the man's life 20 years later.A. a voiceB. the dreamC. someone elseD. God)10. The story tells us thatA. a dream may come true some time laterB. a dream is always a dreamC. people should not believe their dreamsD. people should always b

28、elieve their dreamsLittle Tom likes cartoons Very much. When the cartoons begin on TV, he does nothing until they're over.Sometimes he'd rather wait for a long time and go to bed late. In the morning his mother has to wake him up, or he'll be late for school.Yesterday Tom heard there wou

29、ld be an interesting cartoon today. This morning, as soon as he got up, he turned on the television, but didn't receive the programme. He had to have breakfast and then went to school.After school he ran home while his mother was cooking supper in the kitchen. He hurried to the sitting room and

30、turned on the television again, but he couldn't find the cartoon. He rushed into the kitchen and asked his mother"Well, Let's havefor help."It's only five now," said the mother. " Your programme will begin after supper. "whe n he's free.C. do his homeworkD. w

31、atch carto ons on TVsupper right no w!")11. Tom goes to bed late sometimes, so.A. he's late for schoolB. he goes to school by busC. he can't wake up himself in the morning D. he has to go to school without breakfast)12. It takes Tom much time toA. play footballB. watch football matches

32、on TVA. Because she liked Shenyang, she didn't want to leave.)13.,so he turned on the televisi on after gett ing up this morning.A. Tom thought he had some time left B. Tom did n't know whe n the carto on would begi nC. Tom wan ted to know the important n ews D. Tom hoped to watch a TV p lay

33、)14. Tom was afraid,so he ran home.B. to miss the last busA. to miss the in terest ing carto onC. he would be hungryD. he had little time to finish his homework)15. Tom thought.A. supper should be ready B. his mother's watch was worn outC. the cartoon would begi n as soon as he fini shed supper

34、D. his mother cooked supper too lateDWhat' s your favorite cartoon? It may be difficult for you to decide. But for pianist Lang Lang, Tom and Jerry is the best one.When Lang was two years old, he saw Tom p lay the piano. This was his first time to enjoy wester n music and this exp erie nee en co

35、uraged him to lear n to play the piano.His tale nt at the keyboard has take n him from Shenyang to the world. Lang became a good piano stude nt at three. Ever since, the boy has been doing better and better. In 1997, the 15 -year-old boy studied at a famous America n music college.Lang ' s perfo

36、rmances are energetic. He is wel-known for making facial(面部的) expressions and movingaround while p lay ing the piano.The road to success has never been easy. Lang' s father stopped his job to look after him,rwoiile5hisstayed in Shenyang to make mon ey. But Lang thinks himself lucky and believes

37、he should give someth ing back. He has helped the childre n in poor areas a lot.)16. What made Lan gla ng first enjoy wester n music?A. Whe n he p layed the piano at three.B. Whe n he saw Tom p lay the piano at two.C. Whe n he liste ned to the wester n music on the radio. D. Whe n his father taught

38、him to read music.)17. How old was Lan gla ng whe n he became a stude nt of a famous America n music college?A. twoB. threeC. fiveD. fifteen)18. What is Lan gla ng famous for?A. He is famous for playing the guitar.B. He is famous for singingC. He is famous for writi ng music.D. He is famous for maki

39、 ng facial (面部的)exp ressi ons and movi ng around while p lay ing the piano.)19. Why did Lan gla ng's mother stay in Shenyang?C. Because she had to make money to pay for Lan gla ngs educati on.D. Because she did nt love her son.()20. From the p assage, we can say itLan gla ng and his parents a lo

40、t of time to get success.A. spentB. p aidC. tookD. cost五、短文填空think, p arty, like, live, p robably, stop, what, sing, he, fly, sun, whyCharles was a middle-aged man. He (1)in a village. Charles was complain- ing all the time. Whenthe day was (2),Charles said it was too hot. When the birds (3),he said

41、 they were too loud.Charles said (4)were too crowded and flowers were too colorful.One day, Charles walked around his garden. He complained that the carrots were too orange. And he(5)the trees were too tall. Then, a blue bird arrived at (6)garde n. It was a magic bird. The birdsaid, "I heard en

42、o ught of your complaining, You complain all day and ni ght. I am going to give you three wishes,Then maybe you'll (7)complaining !""Only three wishes ? (8)can't I have more than three ? " asked Charles."Forget it ! No wishes for you ! "shouted the bird. Then it (9)a

43、way."They were (10)the worst wishes in the world," complained Charles.六、任务型阅读阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每词一空。Many of us have ever loved the two toy bearsa brow n Teddy bear and a yel-dtkeWlootebear. Thetwo toy bears come from real stories in life.In 1902, Theodore Roosevelt, Preside nt of the USA, we

44、nt on hun ti ng. The hun ti ng dogs found and old bear in the forest n ear Wash ington D.C. and the guide asked the p reside nt to shoot(射杀)it. But Preside nt Roosevelt disagreed. A carto oni st(漫画家)drew a cartoon show ing that the p reside nt refused to shoot the bear. Soon, the昵称).bear bega n to a

45、pp ear in other n ews pap ers. People n amed the bear Teddy which was Theodores nicknaIn 1913, a captain n amed Harry Colebo urn p aid 20 dollars for a black bear which was born in the Can adia ncountryside. The captain s hometown, Winnipeg, was the o起源n)( of the bear' s name. In Winnipeg, WinnieThe Stories about the Two Real (1)N


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