



1、托福写作实例讲解如何找独立写作的分论点托福写作实例讲解如何找独立写作的分论点实例讲解一题 口 一 Do you agree or disagree the following statement : Leadership comesnaturally: one cannot learn to be a leader.题 LI 二:Some people have ambitious dreams and keep following them, but other people always focus on realistic goals and try to achieve them. W

2、hich do think is better?托福作文理III,忌讳的就是就事论事,不作任何扩展。当不作任何扩展的时 候,也就是不做任何细化的时候,其实不惯是老托福还是新托福,一个寻找作文 理曲利器就是细化。所谓细化,就是不要拘泥于单纯的题U。第一个题LI,大家都觉得很空,“领 导力”到底该怎么找理由,完全没有头绪。第二个题目,也是一样的,“具有挑 战性的梦想”与“现实的标”感觉远不如老托福里面的“是否建立工厂”好 想理由。但是如果我们对于领导力进行举例,我们自然而然的就会想到乔布斯,是一 个超伟大的大企业家,乔布斯有什么过人的能力呢。1创新能力,否则不会有 iphone 与 ipad;2审

3、美能力,否则Mac的字体不会那么漂亮,iphone也不会那么完美;3坚韧不 拔的能力,否则也不会建立皮克斯东山再起。再来想创新能力,我们可以通过旅 游来获得,什么可以通过学习来获得,坚韧可以通过体育来获得。到这,不也就 找到了写作的方向了么。再比如说现实的梦想,还是挑战性的梦想,我们也可以进行举例。现实的梦 想:1去海南旅游;2考全班前5;3给父母买礼物。为什么要做这些事情呢?1去海南旅游,可以多游泳,锻炼身 体;2考全班前5,可以激发自己的积极性,告诉自己通过自己的努力可以实现;3给父母买礼物,可以增进家庭成员的感情。这不就有很好的理山了么。实例讲解二题 LI: Do you agree o

4、r disagree with the following statement: People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there* s no need for the government to help them.人们是否能不靠上级部 门的关注,自己解决重要问题。首先举个例子,到底什么算重要问题。买房难算是大问题吧,要不是在国内 买不起房,你为什么要出国呢。买房都涉及什么。1地点:父母可以帮你选; 2钱:父母可以帮你提供;3电器和装修:自

5、己赚钱解决。当然,有些考友会觉得这样的就太琐碎了。其实 很简单,你可以再提炼吗,这个题目,“地点”就可以提炼为前期准备;“钱” 就可以提炼为“资金”;“电器和装修”就可以提炼为“后期升级和维护”,这 不就是3个理由出来了么。托福作文理由,切忌就事论事,其实只要我们大胆的进行举例,然后需要的 时候,再适当提炼,其实作文思路是非常好寻找的。前儿天给姑娘写情书的时候, 你也不能只写我爱你,还一定要写“不看你的眼,不看你的眉,看的时候心里跳, 看过以后眼泪垂,不看你的眼,不看你的眉,不看你也爱上你,忘了我是谁”这 里的眼与眉不都是举例么托福写作:题库范文附思路解析1. What have you le

6、arned about a country from watching its movies?Films can tell us a lot about the country where they were made. Whdt have you learned about a country from watching its movies? Use specific examples and details to support your response.分析通过电影可以了解一个国家的经济、科技风俗、习惯历史、文化价值观念相关题目:82、180范文One of the favorite

7、 pastimes of people today is watching moviesMovies canteach us a great amount about the world, especially if we watch movies fromanother culture When watching a foreign movie, we can learn about the landscapeand scenery of the country, the country s ethics and customs, and its historicaleventsThe wo

8、rld is a great and varied place, from the immense mountains oftheHimalayas to the deserts of America By watching movies, one can gain insight asto what these beautiful places are like For example, I recently watched anumber of movies filmed in America I learned about the beautiful beaches ofCaliforn

9、ia, national parks such as Yellowstone and Niagara Falls, as well asman-made wonders such as the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, and theGoldenGate Bridge Watching foreign movies is an excellent way to deduce where one wants to travel, if he/she has such an opportunityWatching movies also teaches

10、us about a country s ethies and customsForexample, while watching American movies, I learned that children do not show asmuch respect to their parents as we do here in China In some cases, childrenwere very disrespectful of their elders, and ignored their wishes outright. Iwas shocked by this behavi

11、or To give another example, I also learned about table manners in America, which are quite different from the rules we follow inChinaFurthermore, one can learn about a country s history by watching films.Forinstance, there are many movies that have been made about the wars in America,such as Gone Wi

12、th the Wind Movies such as this show foreign viewers why Americais the free and independent society that it is today. Hence, watching foreignmovies is an excellent way to learn about faraway lands One can learn about thelandscape of a place, about its culture, as well as its history. Perhaps schools

13、should consider watching foreign movies in classes to provoke interest from thestudents about such lands托福写作:题库范文附思路解析1 Study alone or with a group of students?Some students prefer to study alone Others prefer to study with a group of students Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples t

14、o support your answer分析可以釆取it depends的策略,要看学什么科II。有的科目,自己有足够的自学能力,就单独学,可以进一步提高自己的学习 能力;而有些刚刚入门的科H,往往需要别人的帮助,所以喜欢跟同学们一起学习。 也可以采取先比较,后选择的方法。自己学习:安静;有效率;制定计划更容易;提高自学能力;本质上,学习靠自 己;但是有时自己可能解决不了问题;也可能使自己变得孤立与大家一起学:可以向更优秀的学生求助;帮助别人解答问题也会使自己对 问题的了解更深刻;与同学们保持良好的关系;但是也可能因为某些人浪费时间,缺乏效率范文Each and every student

15、has his/her own preference for study. Some prefer to study alone, while others prefer to study with a group of students Both methodshave their own relative meritsWhile alone, the focus of study can be easily kept, with little distractionwhich always accompanies a group of students And at the same ti

16、me, while references are adequate, to study alone is not only possible but it is also helpful to cultivate the ability to solve problems, and furthermore enhanceone s independence Moreover, by keeping focus and developing independence,students become more and more competitive, which is often deemed

17、as a necessaryqualityWhen learning with a group, discussing and debating become possible, whichusually develop a perfect environment to develop critical thinking skills, andwhere many problems can even be solved unconsciously.While references are not easily accessible, and students knowledge variesf

18、rom one to another, they can complement each other, and therefore save muchtime and energy. Furthermore, learning with a group simultaneously cultivatesstudents good sense of cooperation, which is usually considered as an essentialvirtueAs of me, my preference depends on what subject I am learning o

19、r the phasein which I am. Different subjects may bring different choices For example, if Iwas practicing piano, I d better practice alone If I was doing physical experiments, team work is always needed Different phases also make choicesdifferent Suppose I was learning a foreign language If I was pra

20、cticing my basic pronunciation, I d better learn by myself For an adult learner, a taperecorder is fairly adequate But if I were to practice my spoken skills, tostudy alone would be a poor choice I should look for or create an opportunityto learn with a group, therefore learn more effectively.2 Buy

21、a house or a business?You have enough money to purchase either a house or a business Which wouldyou choose to buy?Give specific reasons to explain your choice分析不要被enough所迷惑了,这是一个很含混(highly ambiguous)的词。可以 采取it depends的策略,要看钱的数量是多少。10万:买不了什么好房子,所以去做生意20万:用5万付首期(the first installment),用剩下的做生意50万:买一栋30

22、万的房子,剩下的钱做生意100万:买一栋50万的房子,剩下的钱用来慢慢事受也可以直接选一个,然后说出理由。买房子:可以用来孝敬父母;可以让全家享受;而且会增值;很少的风险。做生意:可以锻炼能力;运营得好的话可以赚很多钱,能买更好的房子;但是 风险很大。范文Choosing whether to buy a house or a business with saved money is a hugedecision to make There are many benefits to both of choices; however,I think that if I had enough mo

23、ney to buy one or the other, I would choose to buy ahouseWhen one buys a business, he/she is required to spend long, hard hours to ensure that the business is a success Starting a business is no easy task, and statistics state that half of new businesses fail within the first yearIf one buys a house

24、 instead of a business, there is nothing that can fail.A house sometimes requires repairs, but usually such repairs can be done onone s own scheduleA house is also an excellent investment With the world population risingas quickly as it is, it is a very good idea to become a property owner In thecoming years, land will become more and more expensive, and therefore less attainable Also, if one buys a house, it is likely that he/she will be able tosell it at a reasonable profit in the future Providing for one s family is veryimportant, and a h


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