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1、英语口语之校园英语 申请大学我想申请贵校的 MBA。 I want to apply for the MBA in your university.A: I want to apply for the MBAin your university. Could you please send mesome related materials?我想申请贵校的MBA专业,能给我邮寄一些相关资料吗?B: You can register on our website. Then you will get them in two weeks. 你可以在我们的网站登记,两周之后就可以受到。我想知道我是否有

2、资格申请这个专业。 I'd like to know whether I'm qualified for this major. What qualificati ons should I have to apply for this major? 要申请这个专业,我需要具备哪些资格?请问贵校的哪几个专业是向外国留学生开放的? Could you tell me which majors in your university are available for international students?A: Could you tell mewhich majors in

3、your university are available for international students?请问贵校的哪几个专业是向外国留学生开放的?B: Environmental Engineering and Architectural Design.环境保护工程及建筑设计专业。请问中国学生是否可以学习这个专业?Is this major available for Chinese students?A: Is this major available for Chinese students?请问中国学生是否可以学习这个专业?B: Yes, it is.可以。我可以了解一下这个专

4、业的课程安排吗? May I know something about the curriculum for this major?A: May I know something about the curriculum for this major?我可以了解一下这个专业的课程安排吗?B: Sure. Just a moment.当然可以。请稍等。请问这个专业的必修课和选修课都是什么? Would you please tell me what the mandatory classes and elective classes for this major are?A: Would you

5、 please tell mewhat the mandatory classes and elective classes for this major are?请问这个专业的必修课和选修课都是什么?B: You can get this information from our website.你可以从我们的网站上获得此信息。如何才能与布朗教授取得联系呢? How could I make contact with Professor Brown?A: You can discuss this question with Professor Brown?你可以和布朗教授讨论这个问题。B:

6、How could I make contact with Professor Brown?如何才能与布朗教授取得联系呢? 我现在的专业是数学。 I'm majoring in Mathematics.A: What's your major? 你的专业是什么?B: I'm majoring in Mathematics. 我现在的专业是数学。我大学的时候专业是英语,辅修法语。 I majored in English and minored in French back in my college.A: What is your major during your c

7、ollege?你大学期间所学专业是什么?B: I majored in English and minored in French back in my college.我大学的时候专业是英语,辅修法语。所有申请者必须提供 GRE普通考试的成绩。All applicantsmust submit scores on the GREGeneral Test.A: Do I need to prepare a resume?我需要准备一份简历吗?B: Yes. And all applicants must submit scores on the GRE General Test.是的。并且所有

8、申请者必须提供GRE普通考试的成绩。 打工赚钱我想申请做这份兼职工作。 I'd like to apply for the part-time job.A: I'd like to apply for the part-time job.我想申请做这份兼职工作。B: Fine! Just fill out this form. Someone will be with you in a minute. 可以,请先填好这张表格。一会儿有人接待你的。 你要找什么样的工作? What kind of job are you looking for?A: What kind of jo

9、b are you looking for? 你要找什么样的工作?B: Any kind. 不管什么种类的都行。 你可以去网上找兼职工作。 You may hunt a part-time job in the Internet.A: You may hunt a part-time job in the Internet. 你可以去网上找兼职工作。B: Good idea! Thank you very much for your valuable suggestion.好方法!非常感谢你珍贵意见。你可以在网上投简历。 You can submit many resumes through

10、the Internet.A: I want to find a part-time job.我想找个兼职工作。B: You can submit many resumes through the Internet. 你可以在网上投简历。我通过中介找到了一份兼职。 I found a part-time job through an intermediary.A: I found a part-time job through a intermediary.我通过中介找到了一份兼职。B: It must cost a lot.肯定花费了不少中介费。你得先去找份报纸看看。 The first t

11、hing you should do is to get a newspaper.A: I guess it's time for me to look for a job.我想是时候找份工作了。B: Well, the first thing you should do is to get a newspaper. That's how I found my job.嗯,你得先去找份报纸看看。我就是那样找到工作的。你的兼职工作干得怎么样? How are you doing in your part-time job?A: How are you doing in your

12、part-time job?你的兼职工作干得怎么样?B: It's Ok, only a bit boring.还行吧,就是有点无聊。我一般在什么时候工作呢? When shall I work?A: When shall I work?我一般在什么时候工作呢?B: Usually in the afternoon and some nights.通常在下午,还有几个晚上。做高中生的家教怎么样? What about tutoring high school kids?A: What about tutoring high school kids? 做高中生的家教怎么样?B: No,

13、that'd be a drag. 不,那太没劲了。 我这学期做了四份家教。 I got four jobs of tutor in this semester.A: I got four jobs of tutor in this semester. 我这学期做了四份家教。B: You're cool. 你真够厉害的。总比在冬天发传单好多了。 It's a lot better than handing out flyers in winter.A: The salary's good, but the hours are too long. 工资挺高的,就是

14、工作时间太长了。B: It's a lot better than handing out flyers in winter. 总比在冬天发传单好多了。我做兼职工作是为了养活自己。 I have a part-time job to support myself. I need a part time job because of lacking money. 我需要一份兼职工作,是因为缺钱。A: Why do you want to hunt for a part-time job? 为什么你需要找份兼职工作?B: I have a part-time job to support

15、myself.我做兼职工作是为了养活自己。我做的兼职工作跟我的专业毫无关系。My part-time job has nothing to do with mymajor.A: My part-time job has nothing to do with my major.我做的兼职工作跟我的专业毫无关系。B: Don't complain. It's difficult to find a suitable one.别抱怨。很难找到适宜的。我想放弃这个工作,工资太少了。 I want to quit it for the job pays little. I want to

16、 give up this job because it pays little.我想放弃这个工作,挣得太少了。这个兼职工作使我每天只能睡 6 个小时。 I sleep only 6 hours a day since I took this part-time job.A: I sleep only 6 hours a day since I took this part-time job.这个兼职工作使我每天只能睡 6 个小时。B: You'd better find another one.你重找一个。你打算辞职吗? Do you want to give up your par

17、t-time job?A: Do you want to give up your part-time job?你打算辞职吗?B: No way. If I quit, who will pay for the clothes and cosmetics I buy for mygirlfriend?不行。要是我辞职了,谁会为我女朋友的衣服和化装品付钱呢?A: What kind of job did you have in mind?你想干什么样的工作?B: I'm not picky. Just something that pays well.我可不挑剔。只要钱多就可以了。我听说

18、做体力活挣的钱最多。 I hear manual labor pays the best.A: I hear manual labor pays the best.我听说做体力活挣的钱最多。B: But I'd like to work somewhere where I actually have to think.但是,我想去那些用脑思考的地方。我们在任何情况下都不能失去我们的尊严。We must stand upon our dignity on anyoccasion.A: A job is just like this. You must sacrifice something if you want to


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