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1、金童英语新概念 80 100 课测试年级 姓名 一 根据括号内的汉语意思,填入正确的单词1. The capital of France is (巴黎)2. I have (从来没有) done it before.3. There is an (管理员) in the library.4. Have you (曾经) been there?5. I saw a very (漂亮的) girl yesterday.6. We can have (晚饭) at 7:00.7. Aren tyou (幸运的)?8. I went to the (电影院) to saw a (电影) .9. I w

2、ant to buy a small house in the (乡下) .一 选择1 I believe that this house is _sale.A. forB. at C. in D. with2. Ive been here three times1997.A. at B. for C. sinceD. in3. When did you to him. -I to him yesterday.A. speak/spoke B. speak/speak C. speak/spoken D. spoke/spoke精品资料4. Then why do you want_it?A.

3、 to sell B. sell C. selling D. sold5. _in to a garage and have a look at it.A. Let s to goB. Let s goC. Let s goingD. Let us to go6. They are trying _their homework.A. to do B. doing C. do D. done7. I _for him here for five house.A. wait B. am waiting C. have waited D. waited8. _she_her pen yet?A. H

4、ave/found B. Has/found C. Have/find D. Has/find9. My father _that bookcase already.A. has painted B. have painted C. has paint D. was painting10. It stoo hot. the window please.A. To open B. Opening C. Open D. Opened三用所给词的正确形式填空。1. you just (be) to that shop?2. Have you ever (see) the book?3. what h

5、ave you(do)? - I have(open)the window.4. He (empty) the box just now.5. They are trying(repair) the car.精品资料6. May I(read) this new book?7. Henever(be) to Chi na ?8. I(go) to Beiji ng yesterday.9. He has already(have)his breakfast.10. The childre n enio yed(they) yesterday eve ning.四.连线havethe mess:

6、waita mi nuteexcuseat home:driveonstaylike:haveatjustcity:lookintocapitaldinner:driveon五.对画线部分提问。1.1 am work ing.?2. I bought a bike yesterday.?3. I have just made the bed.?4. I am a worker.?5. I am going to stay at my mothers.?六.连词组句1. holiday , we , goi ng , are , have , to , a2. do , want , you ,

7、 lunch , to , with , have , us精品资料3. much , this , how , does , shirt , cost4. worth , it , is , penny , every , of , it5. your , have , fin ished , workers , yet七.写出下面单词的过去式和过去分词dogiveswimtakeeatseespeakgobuyknowrunlose八,英汉互译1. He took off his shoes a minute ago.2. Can your mechanics repair it?3. I have already had my holiday this year.4. we went to a restaura nt and had lunch together.5. 他已经在这里住了 30年了。6. 这个房间很乱。5. 我昨天晚上在电视上看到他了。 6. 女人总是最后说了算。 7. 我自从1999年就在这了。九.填空1. How teachers in your school ?2. Howdoes the skirt cost?


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