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1、牛津初中英语8A第1 单元知识点归纳一、重要单词过关:1.honest adj 诚实的,忠实的 A honest man is the best work of God.2.secret n/adj 秘密,秘密的,秘诀3.special adj 特别的,专门的4.teenager n 青少年5.generous adj 慷慨的,大方的6.ready adj 准备好的,愿意做某事的7.eyesight n 视力8.sense n 感觉,见识,理性9.fit vi 适合 adj 健康的,适合的 The key doesnt fit the lock. Keep fit 10.off pr

2、ep 从脱离,离开 adv 离开地,在远方11.advertisement n 广告The wall was covered with advertisements.12. true adj 真实的,正确的May is a true friend.There is only one truth.feel truly sorry13.better adj/adv 较好的,更好的14.worse adj 更糟糕worst adj 最坏大的,最糟糕的15.height n 高度(身高,海拔)petition n 竞争,竞赛17.test n/vt 测试,测验18.activity n 活动 We n

3、eed to take part in activities with friend.19.solve vt 解决20.social adj 社会的,群居的21.future adj /n 未来的,未来 in the future in future I am happy to tell you about my future plans.22.famous adj 著名的,有名的23.agree vi 同意,答应24.secondary adj 次要的,中等的25.nervous adj 紧张的,不安的26.advice n 忠告,建议27.general adj 一般的,普通的28.ple

4、asant adj 舒适的,令人愉快的29.exciting adj 令人兴奋的,使人激动的30.correctly adv 正确地,得体地 correct adj /vtBy others fault,wise man correct them. 二、主要短语词组掌握: 1.something to drink (eat)  2.some more food  3.nothing else / what else / where else  (else的用法) There is _in the fridge,lets go and

5、buy some.A.something else B else something C nothing else D else something4.What about the pizza in your bowl? /  What about (doing) sth? What do you think of sth/doing.5.one of my best friends / one of the most handsome boys 6.write to the editor about 7.hold (join) a writing competition

6、8.qualities of a good friend  9.a helpful man / an honest boy10.keep a secret / keep secrets   She never tells others about the secrets of her friends.                    

7、0;                11. make me laugh / make me happy His jokes make me laugh.12.share ones joy13.have problems with / have problems (in) doing sth.14.as slim as This book is not as interesting as the one on the desk.15.be

8、 willing to do sth. / be ready to do sth.                                   16.want to be a singer when grow(s) up17.say a good (b

9、ad) word about sb.                                18.have poor eyesight  Though he is tall,he sits in the front of the classroom b

10、acause of his poor eyesight.19. have a good sense of humour  His humour never makes me bored,20. give a seat to sb.  He aways gives seats to the people in need on the bus.21.have (wear) shoulder-length , straight hair 22.vote for the best friend      

11、;           We will have a meeting to vote for our monitor.A friend in need is a friend indeed.23. a wonderful friend named Max     have a wonderful time in the park     24.be generous to sb. / share sth.

12、with sb. 25.travel around the world / travel around the country26.help others any time / help people in need 27.help sb. with sth. / help sb (to) do sth.My parent often help me _my homework.28.because of too much work (because / because of的用法区别)29.feel bored or unhappy /feel nervous and really

13、uncomfortable30.wear (a pair of ) small, round glasses31.walk past the post office  32.knock over our books and pens 33.a square face and a long nose a round face and small eye34.the most expensive printer in the shop  35. be kind (polite, friendly) to sb.Sandy ,you must be _,awa

14、ys say “please”when you ask something.A honest B polite C happy D good -looking36.outdoor activities 37.listen to peoples problems / try to sovle the problemsIts very difficult for us to solve the problem without your help.38.in the future / future plans 39.hope to be a famous social workerThough he

15、 is not as famous as a super star,many people know him.40.make sb. look smart / make sb. look really pretty and kind41.sing for sb 42.move to a place   / move into a new house 43.make friends with 44.know very well  45.sit alone in the playground  46.miss my old cl

16、assmates / miss the train She is now in a school far away from her home and she misses her parent very much.47. give sb some advice on/ a piece of good adviceWould you please give me some advice on how to learn English well?48.live next door (to sb). 49.wear (with) a smile on ones face 50.like to wo

17、rk with children  51.want to have a friend like Alan  52.answer questions correctly  二、主要句型: 1.You are so kind, Eddie. Can I have something to drink, please.2.There is nothing else in the fridge 3.People in poor areas are in great need of money.4.How well does he know h

18、is friends?5.What are the important qualities of a good friend?His action speaks well for his good qualities 6.We have been friends for a long time / for almost 10 years.7.When something worries me, I can always go to her.You must go and help her when something worries her.8.Ill vote for May because my best friend shouldnt tell others my secrets.9.I dont think al


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