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1、英国留学担保书模板篇一:出国留学经济担保书LETTER OF FINANCIAL GUARANTEE经济担保书This is a letter of our intention to indicate thatwe have financial capability and are willing to support our daughter, Chen YuanYun, during her stay in Australia to pursue studying and for whatever she may need financially. Our support will inc

2、lude her tuition fees, living costs and travel expenses to and from Australia. She will be guaranteed to get about 250,000RMB per year from us. The money will be sent to her through bank transferring.此担保书意在表明我们完全有能力并愿意支持我们 的女儿XXX在澳大利亚学习期间的任何经济上的需要,我们 的资助包她在学习期间的学费,日常生活费以及往返中国与 澳大利亚之间的费用。我们保证每年供给她约25

3、万元人民币。这些钱将通过银行汇款的方式汇给她。Father: Mother:父亲: 母亲:Date日期 Date 日期20XX年05月8日20XX年05月8日篇二:英国留学父母担保函Letter of SupportingTo. UK EmbassyDear Sir/Madam :I am the applicant 伙* 伙 father and guarantorfor her study in UK,伙伙伙.For better development in the future, my daughter, 伙* 伙 decided to go to UK for further stu

4、dy. I am willing to provide my savings to support my daughter.I confirm that I will transfer all the required expenses during her studies to my child ' s UK bank account after she arrives to UK. I guarantee that my daughter伙伙伙 will have no economic difficulties in UK and obey the laws and regula

5、tions. I am willing to bear all the responsibility if any problems happen.Please give kind consideration to my daughter伙伙 伙 visa application. Thanks a lot! I hereby to guarantee. 伙伙伙Sig nature:担保信致:英国大使馆:尊敬的签证官先生/女士:我是申请人卞"的父亲兼其在英国留学的担保人,* 我女儿"伙为了将来能有更广阔的就业前景,计划 赴英国学习,我的资信内的全部存款可供*使用并愿意 承担

6、我女儿*在英国学习期间的所有费用。我保证我女 儿*在英国期间不会在经济方面遇到任何困难,并保证 她不会触犯任何法律,若有任何问题,我愿意承担一切责任 希望签证官对我女儿*的签证申请给予善意的考虑,谢 谢!特此担保!担保人:* *签名:20 *年*月 * 日篇三:父母担保书-中文英文模版父母担保函样本Letter of Supporting */*/*(年月日)To: FRENCH EmbassyandtoDear Sir or Madam,We are the applicant *'s parents guarantors for his study in France, *. Fo

7、r better development in the future, my son, * decided go to France for further study. I am willing to provide my savings RMBb*0, 000 to support my son. All the money will be transferred to his account in France when hearrived at Rennes. Weguarantee that our son * will have no economic difficulties i

8、n France and obey the laws and regulations. I am willing to bear all the responsibility if any problems happen.Please give kind consideration to my son *'s visa application. Thanks a lot!I hereby to guarantee.*Signature:担保信致:法国大使馆:尊敬的签证官先生/女士:我是申请人*的父亲/母亲兼其在法国留学的担保人。 为了将来更好的发展,我儿子决定去法国进一步深造留学。 我愿意提供我的积蓄*万人民币的银行存款作为他赴法国留学的费用。我儿


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