



1、Module 3i.根据句意和所给音标完成单词I.Tony , what are our (计戈U) at his weekend?2. We should(复习)for our lesson in time.3. Do you often have a (野餐)?4. Tomorrow we are going to have a (测试).5. What does your (女儿)do?6. I often lie on the (沙滩)because I like the sea.7. Lucy is (发送)her email.8. Would you like to go (观光)

2、 with me?9. Helen often washes some (衣服)on Sunday.10. I want to makesome American (朋友)11. 根据所给汉语完成英语句子1 .高老师 能把她 的学生 带到山 顶吗?Is Miss.Gao to get her class the mountain?2 . 大 明 可 能 去 车 站 走 错 了 路。 Maybe Daming goes to the station.3 .下个假日你们打算进行一次野外旅游吗Areyougoingon _next holiday?4 .我们这里有许多不同种类的水果,您要买些吗?We

3、havemany fr uit here. Would you like some?5.让我们game像这样做游戏, 那将更有趣.ItO,sLet's play goingthetobe6. 他are们正在 谈论即将进.行的运the动会 。 They coming sportsmeeting.7.请把这些新书拿到教室去。Pleasethenewbooksthe classroom.8. 东湖有许 多不同 种类的鱼OEastLakehas fish.9. 每天跑步是最令人兴奋的事。Running every day is the thing to do.10. 他同意你的意 见。用心爱心

4、专心He what you say. III,单项填空 ()1. Don ' t drink.I t' s bad for your health.A. too manyB. many tooC. toomuchD. much too()2.My brother Wang Tao is going to swim.A. yesterdayB. the day before yesterdayC. the day after tomorrowD. in tomorrow()3.Are you going for a picnicSunday?A. atB. onC. inD. w

5、ith()4.Which are you good at,or?A. fishing, swimming B. fish, swimC. to fish, to swim D.fishes, swims()5.-Whowants to answerthe question?-Letme.A.to have to tryB. have a tryC. tryingD.is trying()6.Xiao Lin has many problemsthis exercise.A.to doB. doC.doesD. doing()7.Did you sleeplast night?A.wellB.g

6、oodC. niceD. bad()8.Are youafter hiking to the mountain?A.tiredB. dyingC. fastD. wrong()9.-are Jim and Lily going hiking with their class?-Tomorrow.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhenD. Why()10.We are going to have lots of funa new language.A. learn and speakingB. learning and speakingC. to learn and to speakD.

7、learning and speak()11.Itme ten minutes to walk to school every day.A. usesB. takesC. spendsD. costs()12. I won ' t be late again.A. Don' t worryB. Hurry upC. Wait for meD. I'm ti red()13.Thereon the farm.A.haveB.don ' t have anaren ' t going to be any ()14.We must hikeA. fastB.

8、quickly()15.I ' m tooa little rest.A. funB. hungry()16.My job isA. teachB. teachersclasses this Sunday. So we are going to workC. are going to haveD.if we want to get there first.C. slowlyD. quick.I ' m not going to walk so fast. I must haveC. tiredD. thirstyyou well.C. to teachD. teaching用心

9、爱心专心()17.Their ideas are wrong. We should not agreeA. withB. toC. onthem.D. at()18.The pen is broken. Please show meA. the others()19.The sun isA. a little()20.I thinkA. the oneB. anotherB. muchB. the onesC. other D. others bigger than the moon.C. manyD. morewith nuts in them are the nicest of all.C

10、. oneD. onesIV.用以下短语的适当形式填空revise for have a picnic walk up look forward togcshopping go outstay in bed play table tennislisten todo one' s homework1. It takes me half an hour.2. We should our test carefully.3. If you are ill,you' d better thisafternoon.4. Would you like to the Great Wall?5.

11、 Weoften with my friends in the playground after school.6. We all the coming holidays.7. I,d like a new bike, would you like with me this afternoon?8. The lion walks round and round in the cage, he wants9. Are you going to in the open air tonight?10. Students should teachers carefully in class.V.根据要

12、求完成改写后的句子1. They are going to have supper together.(改为般般疑问句) they to have supper together?2. Are the four boys going to play cards this evening?(作否定回答)No, .3. Why not finish your homework first?(同义句转换)Why finish your homework first?4. It takes Rose two hours to do shopping.(就画线部分提问)Doesit take Rose

13、to do shopping?5. The market is near No.1 Middle School.(同义句转换)The market isnot No.1 Middle School.6. LiMingisname, (完成反意疑问句)boy' s用心爱心专心7. He' s going to clean the house next week. (改为否定句) Hegoingto the house next week.8. The blue skirt is 15 Yuan and the green one is 40 Yuan.The yellow one

14、 is 50 Yuan.(同义句转换)Theyellowshirtis of the three.9. Jim is the youngest in his class.(同义句转换)Jimisyoungerthan girl in his class.10. Can you tell me how can I get to the bookshop?(同义句转换)Canyoutellmeto the bookshop?VI.用所给词的正确形式填空1. There is no between the twins. But they are in classes. (different).2.

15、I like (watch) TV in the evening.3. It ' s five o' clock now. They (play) basketball.4. she to Beijing tomorrow?(go)5. yourbrother (have) a computer?6. How many(city) are there in China?7. Are these (knife) yours?8. Why not (come) with us?9. He often helps me (do) my homework.10. -How yourpa

16、rents (go ) to work? -By bike.VII.选择正确的答语,并将其代号填入题前括号内IisitB. It ' s Saturday.C.D.areweII( )1.Whatdaytoday?A. By bus.( )2.What are they going to do next week?( )3.How are we going there?That' s a good idea.( )4.Why not go there at eight?Watch football.( )5.Where用心爱心专心going?E. To Huashan.IX.书

17、面表达你长大以后自己的理想工作是什么?为什么?怎样为实现自己的理想而奋斗?请写一篇短 文来阐述自己的想法。参考答案新标准七年级英语下册单元练习题(Module 3)I .根据句意和所给音标完成单词1. plans our plans我们的计划,plan的复数直接加 s。2. revise should为情态动词,后用动词原形。3. picnic have a picnic 为短语,意为“进行一次野餐”。4. test have a test 意为“举行一次小测验“。5. daughter your daughter 你的女儿。6. beach on the beach 在海滩上。 7. che

18、cking IN 是 ing 的音标,所以填 checking 。8. sightseeing go sightseeing 去观光。 9. clothes wash some clothes ”洗衣 服”的意思。10 . friends make friends 意为"交朋友"。11 .根据所给汉语完成英语句子1. going, to the top of2. the wrong way 3. a field trip4. different kindsof5. like this, more interesting 6. talking about 7. take, t

19、o 8. many different kinds of9. most exciting 10. agrees with III.单项填空1. CDon' t drink too much意为“别喝得太多”。2. C 由be going to看出是打算做,用将来时间。3. B在具体的某一天前用介词 on。4. A be good at后的动词加ing。5. B let sb. do sth.中动词不定式不带to。6. D have problems doing sth. 意为“做某事有困难”。7. A sleep为动词,修饰动词常用副词。8. A 句意“你到山上远足后感到疲倦吗? ”。

20、9. C答语Tomorrow是时间,说明问句是在问时间。10. B have fun doing 意为“做某事有乐趣”,have fun后动词加ing形式。11. B 句型 It takes sb. some time to do sth.为固定句式。用心爱心专心12. A 句意为“不要担心,我不会再迟到了”。13. D classes 为复数,there be 句型将来时 be going to 中 be用 are。14. B hike动词,用副词修饰,表示"迅速"用 quickly。15. C 下文说到必须休息,说明累了。 16 . C 动词不定式在句中作表语。17.

21、A agree with sb. 是短语,意思是“同意某人(的想法等)”。18. B another意为“(随意的)另一个"。19 . B事实上太阳比月亮大得多。20. B 后面的句子谓语用 are ,主语应当是复数。IV.用以下短语的适当形式填空1. to do my homework 2. revise for table tennis6. look forward to7. to go shoppinglisten toV.根据要求完成改写后的句子1. Are, going2. they aren' t3. stay in bed 4. walk up 5. play8

22、. to go out 9. have a picnic 10.6. isn ' t9. any other 10. how to get2. watching3. are10.do,go得知。表明。3. don' t you 4. Howlong 5. far fromit7. isn ' t, clean 8. the most expensiveVI.用所给词的正确形式填空1. difference,differentplaying 4.Is,going 5.Does,have6. cities 7. knives 8. come 9. doVII.选择正确的答语,并将其代号填入题前括号内1.B2.D3.A4.C5.EVIII.阅读理解1 .C 文中第一句有 It ' s a Sunday mori


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