1、actual weld-throat thick-ness焊缝厚度 all-around weld整周焊缝 all-around weld (整周焊缝)环焊缝 angle butt weld斜对接焊 angle weld角焊 appearance of weld焊缝成形 arc-seam weld电弧缝焊 arc-spot weld电弧点焊 arc-weld电弧焊 aspect ratio of weld焊缝成形系数 at weld edge在焊缝边上 attachment weld
2、连接焊缝 automatic spot weld自动点焊法 automatic weld自动焊接 axis of a weld焊缝中心线; 焊接轴线 axis of weld焊缝轴线; 焊接轴线 back of weld焊缝背面 backing groove of weld焊缝反面坡口 backing weld底焊; 底焊焊缝 bare metal arc weld裸焊条电弧焊 bead weld珠焊; 堆焊 bead-on-plate weld堆焊焊缝 beading weld凸焊&
3、#160;beam-to-beam weld梁间焊接; 梁式引线焊接 block sequence weld分段多层焊 bond weld钢轨接头焊接 bridge seam weld桥缝焊接; 桥线焊 brize weld硬焊 butt weld对接焊缝 butt weld ends对头焊接端 butt-weld碰焊; 平式焊接; 对头焊接 butt-weld in the downhand position对接平焊 butt-weld joint对头焊接 butt-weld pipe mil
4、l对焊管轧机 button spot weld按电钮点焊 cap weld最后焊层; 盖面焊缝 carbon content of weld materials焊接材料的碳含量 cast-weld construction铸焊结构 caulk weld填缝焊 caulking weld密实焊缝 chain intermittent fillet weld链式分段角焊; 并列间断角焊缝 chain intermittent weld并列焊接 circular weld环形焊缝 circumfere
5、ntial weld环缝; 环焊缝 cleft weld裂口焊 closed weld底边无缝焊; 无间隙焊缝 closed-chamber fusion weld闭室熔焊 cluster weld丛聚焊缝 coil weld卷板对接焊; 卷板对接焊; 板卷焊 cold weld冷压接 commutator-controlled weld换向控制焊接 complete penetration butt weld贯穿对焊 composite weld紧密焊缝; 强度密封焊缝 concave fil
6、led weld凹形角焊缝 concave filler weld凹角焊 concave fillet weld凹面填角焊 concave weld凹焊缝; 凹面焊; 凹形焊缝; 轻型焊 connective weld联系焊缝 continuous butt-weld mill连续式炉焊管机组 continuous fillet weld连续(填)角焊缝; 连续角焊缝; 连续贴角焊 continuous weld连续焊缝 continuous weld process连续式炉焊管法 contour wel
7、d特形焊接 convex fillet weld凸角焊缝; 凸形角焊缝 convex weld凸焊缝; 凸形焊缝 copper weld wire包铜钢丝 corner flange weld单卷边角焊缝 corner weld角焊 corner-flange weld卷边角焊缝; 卷边角焊缝 crack of weld焊部裂纹 cross weld十字交叉焊缝; 横向焊缝 cross-wire weld十字焊 crotch weld楔接锻接; 楔接焊接 cup weld带盖板焊缝
8、160;depth of weld焊接深度 dissimilar weld metal不同的焊接金属; 不同金属的焊接 distance between the toes of a weld焊缝宽度 double groove weld双面坡口焊缝 double-bevel groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝; 双斜坡口焊 double-flanged butt weld双弯边对接焊缝 double-V groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝; 双斜坡口焊 downhand weld平焊缝 duplex spot
9、weld双点点焊接头 edge joint weld边缘焊 edge weld端接焊; 端接焊缝; 端面焊缝; 对边焊 electric resistance weld mill电阻焊管机 electric weld-pipe mill电焊管机 electric-weld pipe mill电焊管机 emporary weld临时点定焊缝 excess weld metal焊缝补强金属; 补强; 补强焊料; 补强金属 excess weld metal(焊缝的)余高 explosive weld爆炸焊接&
10、#160;face of weld焊缝表面; 焊接面 fibrous weld纤维状焊缝 field weld现场焊接 filler weld填角焊缝 fillet weld角焊缝; 填角焊; 贴角焊 fillet weld in normal shear (搭接接头的)正面角焊缝 fillet weld in parallel shear侧面角焊缝; 侧面填角焊 fillet weld in the flat position角接平焊; 水平角焊缝 fillet weld in the horizontal po
11、sition横向角焊缝 fillet weld size焊角尺寸; 填角焊缝尺寸 flame weld火焰焊接 flange weld卷边焊缝; 卷边焊缝 flange-to-web weld卷边焊缝; 卷边焊缝 flanged butt weld弯边对接焊 flanged edge weld卷边焊; 卷边焊 flash butt weld闪光焊 flash weld闪速对焊 flat faced fillet weld平顶角焊缝焊接 flat fillet weld平角焊 ing o
12、f fillet weld角焊缝平焊; 船形角焊 flush fillet weld平角焊 flush weld削平补强的焊缝; 平焊接; 无加强高的焊缝 forge weld锻焊焊缝 forged weld (焊后锻压的)锻压焊缝 form factor of the weld焊缝成形系数 formation of weld焊缝成形 front fillet weld正侧面填角焊缝; 正面填角焊 front(al) fillet weld正面角焊缝 full fillet weld满角焊缝; 全角焊
13、160;full penetration butt weld满对接焊 full weld满焊 full-fillet weld满角焊 full-sized weld全尺寸焊缝 full-strength weld (与母材等强)等强焊缝 gap weld特殊点焊; 双极单点焊 gas-pressure weld气压焊 girth weld环形焊缝 gravity weld倚焊 groove weld坡口焊; 坡口焊缝; 有坡口焊缝; 凹槽焊 groove-weld joint有坡口焊接接头
14、60;hammer weld锻焊 hand weld手焊焊缝 height of reinforcement of weld加强焊缝高度 helical-weld pipe螺旋焊管 high performance weld flux高性能焊剂 horizontal fillet weld横向角缝焊接 horizontal weld横向焊缝 horizontal-vertical fillet weld横向垂直角焊缝 hot weld encapsulation热焊封袋 hydraulic automat
15、ic weld液压自动焊接 hydraulic weld process液压焊接法 inclined weld斜焊 inconel weld单面焊缝 incorrect weld profile焊缝形状不对 incorrect weld size焊缝尺寸不对 induction weld mill感应焊管机 inside corner weld内角焊接 inside fillet weld内角焊接 inside weld内焊缝 insufficient or excess reinforceme
16、nt of weld加强焊缝不足或过量 intermittent fillet weld间断角缝焊接; 断续角焊缝 intermittent weld断续焊; 断续焊缝 jam weld对接焊; 对头焊接 lap fillet weld搭接角焊缝 laser (beam) weld (ing)激光焊 lateral weld侧焊; 侧面焊缝 leg of a fillet weld角焊缝; 角焊缝焊脚 leg of fillet weld圆角焊肉厚 length of weld焊缝长度 ligh
17、t closing weld轻连续焊接 light fillet weld轻型填角焊; 小填角焊 light weld轻焊缝 Lincoln weld埋弧自动焊 longitudinal fillet weld纵向角焊 longitudinal weld纵向焊缝 longitudinal weld (焊接用语)纵缝 loose weld脱焊 main weld主焊缝 mash seam weld压薄缝焊; 滚压焊 mash weld点焊; 点压焊 melt thru weld熔透焊缝&
18、#160;melt-through weld透溶焊 melten weld pool焊接熔池 melting through weld熔透焊缝 miter weld平顶角焊缝; 斜接角焊缝 molten weld metal熔融焊接金属 mulitple impulse weld多脉冲焊缝 multilayer weld多层焊缝 multipass weld多道焊缝 multiple arc weld多弧焊缝 multiple-electrode submerged arc weld多电极埋弧焊
19、;multiple-pass weld多道焊缝; 多路焊接 multirun weld多道焊缝 nonpressure thermit weld不加压热剂焊缝 normal weld正常焊接 oblique fillet weld斜交角焊缝; 斜角焊接 one-pass weld单层焊缝 open butt weld开口对接焊 open weld留间隙焊缝; 空隙焊 outside weld外焊缝 over weld过焊 overhead fillet weld仰焊角焊缝 overhe
20、ad weld仰焊 oversize weld超尺寸焊缝 oxygen weld氧气焊接 parallel-arc weld并列弧焊 patch weld补焊; 补孔焊缝 Peltier's cross weld珀耳帖交叉焊接 penetration weld熔透焊缝 percussion weld冲击焊缝; 冲击焊接 periphera weld环形焊缝 pitch of weld焊缝接距; 焊线距 plain butt weld无坡口对接焊; 平头对接焊缝 plasma-a
21、rc weld等离子弧焊接 plug weld塞焊焊缝 point of weld焊接点 point weld点焊 poor weld劣质焊缝; 有缺陷的焊缝 porous weld多孔焊缝; 疏松焊缝 positioned weld平位焊缝; 暂焊 post weld annealed (PWA)焊后退火 poured weld铸焊焊缝 powder weld process粉末焊接法 practice weld试验焊缝 pressure weld压焊 pressure-c
22、ontrolled weld压力控制焊接 pressure-tight weld气密焊; 密封焊道 principal weld主要焊缝 profile of fillet weld填角焊缝轮廓 progress of weld焊向 projection weld凸焊; 凸焊焊缝 projection weld machine凸点电阻焊机 pulsating weld脉冲接触焊 push weld挤焊 quilting weld钉焊 reinforced butt weld补强的对接焊缝; 补强
23、式对接焊缝 reinforced weld加强焊接 reinforcement of weld焊缝加厚; 补强金属; 加强焊缝 resistance weld mill电阻焊管机 resistance weld pipe电阻焊管 resonance butt weld谐振式对接焊 restarting a weld再引弧 ripple weld鳞状焊缝 rivet weld电铆; 电铆焊缝 root face of weld焊缝根部钝边 root gap of weld焊缝根部间隙 r
24、oot of weld焊缝根部; 焊根 root opening of weld焊缝根部间隙 root radius of weld焊缝坡口根部半径 sagged weld下垂焊缝 scarf weld楔口焊接 seal weld填焊; 致密焊缝; 密封焊; 密封焊道; 密封焊缝 sealing weld封焊 seam weld滚焊 semi-automatic arc weld半自动电弧焊 sequence weld timer序列焊接时间调节器 shallow weld浅焊 sho
25、p weld工厂焊接 shot weld点焊 shoulder of weld焊缝根部钝边 side fillet weld侧面角焊缝; 侧面填角焊缝; 侧面贴角焊 side lap weld侧边搭接焊; 弯边搭焊缝 side weld侧焊缝; 边焊 single lap weld单搭接焊 single strap butt weld单面盖板对接焊 single-bevel groove weld单斜角槽焊 single-fillet weld单边角接焊缝 single-pass weld单道焊
26、 site weld现场焊接; 安装焊; 安装焊接 size of a fillet weld焊角尺寸 size of weld焊件的大小; 焊区尺寸 skew weld斜焊 skin weld表面焊接 sleeve weld套筒焊接 slip-weld hanger卡瓦焊接套管挂 slot weld槽塞焊; 长孔焊; 开槽搭焊缝; 切口焊缝 ing slotted weld槽焊 slotted lap weld切口搭接焊 smooth fillet weld平填角焊缝 so
27、cket weld ends承插焊接端 soft-weld铜镍焊条合金 solvent weld溶剂焊接 space of intermittent weld断续焊缝间距; 断续焊间距 spiral weld螺旋形焊缝 spiral weld-pipe mill螺旋焊管机 spot weld焊点 spot weld bonding胶结点焊 spot weld nugget点焊熔核 spreading weld宽缝焊接; 加宽的焊缝 square butt weld平头对接焊缝 squa
28、re groove weld无坡口槽焊 staggered intermittent fillet weld (ing)交错断续角焊 staggered intermittent weld交错断续焊缝; 交错间断焊 staggered plug weld交错塞焊 standard reinforced fillet weld标准加强角焊缝 stick-out weld未熔合点焊接头 stitch-and-seam weld点线焊 straight butt weld无坡口对接接头 strapped weld搭板对接
29、焊缝 strength weld受载焊缝; 强固焊接; 承载焊缝; 高强度焊接 structural weld强固焊缝 surface of weld焊缝表面 surface weld表面焊缝 surface weld metal buildup表面焊缝金属的形成 synthetic apparatus for weld thermal cycle焊接热循环模拟装置 T weld丁字接头焊缝 T-filled weld丁字形角焊 T-fillet weld丁字接头角焊缝 tack weld定位焊
30、点; 定位焊缝; 临时点焊; 预焊; 平头焊接 (welding)定位焊 tandem arc weld前后弧焊 temporary weld临时点固焊缝 tension weld受拉焊缝 test weld试焊 throat depth (thickness) of fillet weld角焊缝厚度 throat of fillet weld凹角焊喉; 填角焊缝喉长 throat of weld凹角焊喉 tight weld密封焊接; 致密焊缝 tight-strong weld密实强固焊缝&
31、#160;toe of the weld焊缝边界 toe of weld焊趾 toe weld趾部焊缝 torch weld气焊焊缝 total amount of weld fumes焊接发尘量 transverse fillet weld横向角焊缝; 正面角焊 transverse weld横向焊缝 trial weld试验焊接 undercut weld底切焊接 undressed weld (增加焊缝)未加工焊缝 unequal fillet weld焊脚不等的角焊缝 unfi
32、tness of butt weld焊缝对口错边量 union-melt weld埋弧焊 unload weld非承载焊缝 unspaced butted weld无间隙对接焊缝 upgrading of boiler weld锅炉焊缝加强 vertical fillet weld立焊角焊缝 vertical weld立焊 weak weld不强固焊缝 weaving weld横向摆动焊缝 weld焊; 焊接的; 补焊 weld all around围焊 weld appearance
33、焊缝外观 weld assembly焊接组件 weld back-up焊缝背垫 weld backing焊缝衬垫 weld bead焊缝; 熔敷焊道 weld bead height焊缝高度 weld beading焊瘤 weld bond熔合线 weld bridge seam搭桥焊缝; 桥接焊缝 weld cap焊帽 weld center line焊缝中心线 weld collar加强焊缝焊瘤 weld crack焊接裂纹 weld crater熔池
34、;weld crosswise交叉焊接 weld decay焊缝腐蚀; 焊接接头晶间腐蚀; 焊接侵蚀; 焊接区晶间腐蚀 weld decay (焊接后)敏化区腐蚀 weld defect焊接缺陷 weld delay time焊接延迟时间 weld deposit堆焊 weld deposits cleaning焊接熔敷金属清理 weld edge焊缝边缘; 焊缝表面边缘 weld edgewise沿边焊接 weld flange connection焊接法兰连接 weld flash焊瘤
35、60;weld flaw焊接缺陷 weld flush焊缝隆起 weld fumes焊接烟尘 weld gage焊缝检查规; 焊缝卡规 weld gauge焊缝量规 weld heat input焊接热输入; 焊接线能量 weld holder焊接夹持架; 焊接架 weld inspection焊缝质量检验; 焊接检查 weld interface焊缝界面; 焊接界面 weld interval焊接时间 weld is accepted焊缝合格 weld jig焊接夹具 we
36、ld joint焊缝 weld junction熔焊线; 熔合线 weld layer焊接层 weld length焊缝长度 weld line焊缝线; 焊缝轴线; 焊接线; 焊线 weld machined flush削平补强的焊缝 weld mark焊缝符号; 焊缝记号; 焊接痕; 熔缝 weld mesh crate焊接网格 weld metal焊缝金属; 焊接金属 weld metal buildup surface金属堆焊表面 weld metal composition焊接金属组成&
37、#160;weld metal cracking焊缝裂纹 weld metal zone焊缝金属区; 焊接金属熔化区 weld nugget焊点熔核 weld on bottom底焊 weld overlap重叠区 weld pass焊接通道 weld penetration焊缝熔深; 焊透深度 weld period焊接时间 weld pitch焊缝距 weld porosity焊缝气孔 weld preheating焊前预热 weld preparation焊缝坡口加工
38、weld puddle熔池 weld reinforcement焊缝补强; 焊缝加强; 焊接补强 weld repairs焊接修补 weld ripple焊缝波纹 weld root焊件剖口; 焊接根 weld root opening gap焊缝根部间隙 weld root reinforcement焊缝反面加强 weld rotation焊缝转角 weld seam pipe焊缝管 weld shape焊缝形状 weld shielding焊接区保护; 焊接熔池保护 weld sl
39、ope焊缝倾角 weld spacing焊点距; 焊缝间距 weld strain焊接应变 weld strength焊接强度 weld surface焊缝表面 weld swell焊缝隆起 weld thermal cycle焊接热循环 weld thickness焊缝厚度 weld time焊接时间; 焊接通电时间; 接触焊通电时间 weld toxic gases焊接有害气体 weld trimmer焊缝清理机 weld up焊补 weld wheel conditio
40、ner焊轮调节器 weld width焊缝宽度 weld wire包铜钢丝 weld zone焊缝区; 焊接区 weld-form factor焊缝形状系数 weld-fusion line焊缝熔合线 weld-in nozzle焊入式喷嘴 weld-interval timer焊接间隔记时器 weld-shrunk cylinder包扎式圆筒 weld-shrunk multilayered cylinder包扎式多层圆筒; 多层包扎式圆筒 weld-throat thickness dept
41、h焊缝厚度 window type restraint weld cracking test窗口拘束焊缝抗裂试验; 窗形拘束抗裂试验 zigzag intermittent fillet weld锯齿形断续角焊缝; 锯齿形断续角焊缝 zone of weld焊缝表面AC & D. C. arc welding machine交直流弧焊机 AC arc welding交流电弧焊 AC gas metal-arc welding process交流熔化极气保护焊 AC gas tungsten arc welding交流钨极气保护
42、焊 AC welding set交流焊机; 交流焊接变压器 AC-dc welding machine交直流两用焊机 acetylene welding气焊; 乙炔焊; 乙炔焊接 acetylene welding torch乙炔焊炬; 乙炔接焊吹管 air-acetylene welding空气-乙炔焊接 all-position welding全位置焊接 alloy steel gas welding rod合金钢气焊条 alternating current arc welding交流电弧焊 alt
43、ernating current welding machine交流电焊机 aluminium alloy arc welding electrode铝合金焊条 aluminothermic welding铝热焊; 铸焊 angle backwards welding后倾焊 angle butt welding斜口对接焊 angle forwards welding前倾焊 annealing welding wave退火焊波 antogenous welding氧炔焊 apparatus for butt weld
44、ing平接压焊夹具 arc braze welding电弧钎焊 arc flash welding电弧闪光焊 arc spot welding电铆焊 arc stud welding柱钉电弧焊; 螺柱电弧焊 arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding弧压反馈电弧焊 arc welding电弧焊; 电弧焊接; 弧焊 arc welding electrode电弧焊条 arc welding generator电弧焊接用发电机; 弧焊发电机 arc welding
45、 generator with independent excitation自激弧焊发电机; 他激电焊发电机 arc welding generator with self-excitation自激电焊发电机 arc welding machine弧焊机; 电焊机; 电弧焊机 arc welding mask电弧焊遮罩 arc welding process电弧焊接工艺过程 arc welding rectifier弧焊整流器 arc welding robot弧焊机器人 arc welding set电弧焊机组
46、arc welding transformer弧焊变压器 arc-welding electrode电弧焊用焊条 arc-welding plant电焊厂 arcogen welding电弧氧乙炔焊 argon (shielded) arc welding氩弧焊接 argon tungsten-arc welding钨极氩弧焊 argon-arc welding氩弧焊 argonaut welding自动氩弧焊 atomic H welding氢原子焊 atomic hydrogen welding原子氢
47、焊 atomic-hydrogen welding原子氢焊接 austenite welding不锈钢焊接 autogenous pressure welding自动压合热焊 autogenous welding气焊 automatic arc welding head自动电弧焊接机头 automatic arc welding machine自动电焊机; 自动弧焊机 automatic drying line for welding electrode电焊条自动烘焙线 automatic slag pool we
48、lding自动电渣焊 automatic spot welding自动点焊 automatic submerged arc welding自动埋弧焊 automatic submerged slag welding of rail钢轨automatic submerged-arc welding machine埋弧自动焊机 automatic transverse welding横向自动焊 automatic welding自动焊; 自动焊接 automatic welding head自动焊头 automatic weld
49、ing machine自动焊接机 automatic welding of circumferential seams环缝自动焊 automatic welding process自动焊接工艺规程 automation of welding焊接自动化 back hand welding后退焊; 反手焊接 back step welding反手焊接 back ward welding反手焊接 back welding底焊; 退焊法 back-step welding分段退焊法 backhand weldin
50、g逆向焊; 右焊法; 后焊法; 向后焊 backing welding打底焊 backstep welding分段逆焊; 分段退焊; 反向焊; 逐步退焊法; 逆向焊 backstep welding sequence分段退焊次序 backward welding后倾焊; 后退焊; 向右焊 balanced welding对称焊 bare welding rod光焊条 bare wire arc welding光焊丝电弧焊 bead welding窄焊道焊接 bench arc welding machin
51、e台式弧焊机 bevel welding斜角焊 blacksmith welding锻工焊接; 锻焊 block sequence welding分段多层焊; 分段连续焊接 block welding块焊接 block welding sequence分段多层焊 body welding machine罐身焊接机 both sides welding双面焊接 brass welding rod黄铜焊条 braze welding钎焊; 钎焊接; 钎接; 铜焊 braze-welding钎接焊
52、160;bridge spot welding带接合板点焊; 单面衬垫点焊; 单面搭板点焊 bridge welding桥接焊; 盖板焊 brize welding硬焊 build (built) up welding堆焊 build-up welding堆焊 building-up by welding堆焊 butt resistance welding电阻对焊; 对接电阻焊 butt seam welding对接滚焊 butt seam welding machine对接缝焊机 butt weldin
53、g对接焊; 平对焊 butt welding machine对接焊机 butt welding process对接焊法 butt-welding对接焊 butt-welding machine对焊机 capability of welding vertically upwards直上焊接能力 capacitor-discharge welding电容放电焊接 carbon arc welding碳弧焊; 碳极弧焊 carbon in materials for welding焊接用材料中的碳 carbon
54、-dioxide arc welding二氧化碳保护焊 carriage of automatic welding machine自动焊机走架 cascade welding阶梯式焊; 山形多层焊 cascade welding sequence串级叠置法 cast welding铸焊 cement-welding金属陶瓷焊接 centralized installation of welding machine多站焊接 chain intermittent fillet welding并列断续角焊缝; 链式断续角焊
55、0;chemical welding化学焊 circular seam welding环缝对接焊 circular seam-welding machine环形滚焊机 cleaning before welding焊接前的清理 cleaning of welding deposits焊接沉积的清理 closed butt gas pressure welding闭式加压气焊 cold welding冷焊; 冷压焊 cold-pressure welding冷压焊 combined cutting and weldi
56、ng torch焊割两用炬 combined cutting and-welding blow-pipe焊割两用炬 combined thermit welding加压铸焊 complete penetraction and fusion in welding全焊透 condenser (discharge) spot-welding machine电容器放电点焊机 condenser discharge spot welding电容储能点焊; 电容贮能点焊 constant current welding machine恒流电焊机&
57、#160;constant energy welding machine恒功率电焊机 constant voltage welding machine恒压电焊机 constant-current arc welding power source垂降特性弧焊电源 constant-current welding source恒流式焊接电源 constant-power welding source恒功率式焊接电源 constant-pressure pressure welding恒压压力焊 constant-temperature p
58、ressure welding恒温压力焊 constant-voltage welding machine恒电压焊机 constant-voltage welding source恒压式焊接电源; 平特性焊接电源 consumable electrode welding熔化极电弧焊 consumable guide electroslag welding自耗定向电渣焊 contact welding接触焊 continuous feed welding连续送丝电弧焊 continuous welding连续焊; 连续焊接
59、160;contour welding绕焊 controlled arc welding可控电弧焊接 controlled atmosohere arc welding充气室电弧焊 controlled atmospere arc welding充气式电弧焊 controlled tungsten-arc welding自动控制弧长的钨极电弧焊 controlled-transfer welding可控过渡电弧焊 convex fillet welding凸面角焊缝 copper arc welding electrode铜
60、焊条 copper welding rod铜焊条 copper-alloy arc welding electrode铜合金焊条 copper-aluminium welding rod铜铝焊条 copper-nickel welding rod铜镍焊条 copper-silicon welding rod铜硅焊条 copper-tin welding rod铜锡焊条 copper-zinc welding rod铜锌焊条 core welding-wire焊芯 core wire for welding
61、 rod焊条芯线 corrosion due to welding焊接腐蚀 cosmetic welding盖面焊 cover chain welding链节式药皮包丝焊接 CO2 arc welding machine二氧化碳弧焊机 cracking test for automatic welding自动焊抗裂试验 crankshaft flashbutt welding曲轴电阻弧花压焊 cross welding横向焊缝 cyc-arc welding圆环电弧焊 deck welding重力焊
62、60;deep fillet welding深角焊 deep penetration welding深熔焊 deep penetration welding electrode深熔焊条 deep welding深焊 die welding模焊; 冲模堆焊 diesel engine driven DC arc welding machine柴油机驱动直流弧焊机 differential-excited welding generator差激电焊发电机 diffusion welding扩散焊接 direct spo
63、t welding双面点焊 direct welding双面点焊 direction of welding焊接方位; 焊接方向 discontinuous welding断续焊 dot welding点焊 double carbon-arc welding间接碳弧焊 double side welding双面焊接 down-hand welding俯焊 downhand welding平焊 downward welding in the inclined position下坡焊 downward
64、 welding in the vertical position向下立焊 dual-arc welding双弧焊 edge seam welding端面接头滚焊 edge welding边缘焊接 edgewise welding沿边焊接 electric and pressure welding电压力焊接 electric arc spot welding电弧点焊 electric arc welding generators电弧焊接发电机 electric arc welding machine电弧焊机
65、0;electric butt welding电阻接触焊 electric resistance welding电阻焊接; 热电阻焊 electric slag welding电渣焊 electric spot welding电点焊 electric welding电焊 electric welding cast copper solder铸铜电焊条 electric welding equipment电焊设备 electric welding generator电焊发电机 electric welding ham
66、mer电焊锤 electric welding machine电焊机 electric welding plant电焊厂 electric welding pliers电焊钳 electric welding rod电焊条 electric welding strip电焊片 electric-arc welding电弧焊 electric-resistance seam-welding电阻缝焊 electric-resistance seam-welding machine电阻缝焊机 electrical arc welding电弧焊接 electrical resistance welding tube电阻焊接管 electrically heated welding torch电热焊枪 e
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