



1、Book 4 Module4 Seeing the doctor、教学内容:Unitll havendone much exercise since I got my computer.、课型:Listening and speaking三、教学目标:1、 能够正确使用下列单词和词组: cough, fever, headache, stomach, ache, stomach ache,toothache, ill, this, sin ce, cold, catch a cold, take sbs temperature, fast food, health, take2、能使用现在完成

2、时与 for 和 since 引导的时间状语连用的结构。3、能够听懂听懂疾病及症状的描述和关于健康生活习惯的表述并获取相关信息。4、能够与同学合作完成医患间的角色扮演和对话。四、 教学重难点:1、能使用现在完成时与 for 和 since 引导的时间状语连用的结构。2、 能够与同学合作完成医患间的角色扮演和对话。(难点)五、 教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式,培养学生独立自主的学习能力。本课指导学生通过听 说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用 各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT 课件、挂图、课堂练习表格、奖品六、 教学过程:

3、教学 步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarmi ng-up (3 )Lead in1. Play a video and singr asong with the stude nts: Areyou healthy and strong?Lets share the video:Healthy Song2.Free talk:(1) What do you do whenyou are free?(2) Do you think spendingtoo time playing computer isgood for you ?(3)Daming hasnt donemuch e

4、xercise since he gothis computer? Do you thi nk itwill be bad for him?What problems may he1. Enjoy the video and try to singthe song.2. Stude nts have the free talk.组织教学,放松心情,活跃课堂气氛,引入本课话题。通过这个环节,可以训练学生的反应 又在无形中 培养学生大 胆说英语的 习惯。活跃了 课堂气氛。have?Step TwoPre-task(5 )Show stude nts somepictures about Damin

5、gsproblems , show the title ofModule 4 and lecture thenew words as well.eg: cough, fever, headache,stomach, ache, stomachache, toothache, ill, this,since, cold, catch a cold, takesb.s temperature, fast food,health, takeWatch pictures and lear n somenew words引导学生谈 论图片,训练 学生描述事 情的能力。在 描述的同时 学习新单词 和句型,

6、做到词不离句,为 学生扫清听 的障碍。StepThreeWhile-task(24 )1. Listen and match.(1)T: Do you think you havea strong body? How aboutBetty and Daming? Now,lets liste n and match.2. Listen again and checkwhatswrong with Bettyand Daming.1. Liste n and finish Activity1.2. The stude nts liste n aga inand check the table.把

7、听对话回 答问题改为 听对话选择 正确的答案, 降低难度,让 学生循序渐 进,从易到难 ,提高学习信 心。3. T: Do you think Daminghave a strong body? Whatcauses the illness? Now, his seeingthe doctor. Lets3. The stude nts liste n and finishthe table in Activity 3:eThe n ope n the books, read theconversation and check thenfind out why he has such a an

8、 swers.bad body. What causes hisproblems? Now, pleaselisten and finish the table.4.Reading andunderstandingthedialogue ( have studentsfind out the difficultpoints.)5.Problems- solving4.Students open the book andfind out the an swers. Then makethem to work together and finishthe questio ns in groups.

9、5. Some students read the让学生带着 任务(问题) 去听对话并 找到答案,有 助于培养和 提高学生更 加准确地听 取信息的能力。通过小组活动提咼学 生间的自主、 合作学习,让 学生充分地 实践运用语 言,并激发学Ask the stude nts to read thedialogue in roles. And helpthem solve these importa ntpoi nts:1) have got / have astomach avhe2)my head hurts.= I have aheadache. = I have a pain inmy he

10、ad.3) How long have you bee nlike this?Since Friday.4)take ones temperature5)catch a cold have a cold6) I have nt done muchexercise since I got mycomputer last year.7) Ive been ill for aboutthree days.8) Take it three times a day.9) be harmful to = do harmto6. Have studentsread thedialogue and try t

11、oremember the main idea.dialogue and the other stude ntsfind out difficultiespoints. Allthe stude nts say the difficultiesand solve together.6. Read the dialogue.生创造性思 维的发展。Step FourPosttask(10 )Retelling.1Let the stude nts retellthe dialogue.2Call back the an swersfrom two stude nts the n readthe s

12、hort passage in thewhole class .Complete the retelli ng. Daminghas got a 1.acheand his head 2. Hes 3.ill for about three days, but hehasnt 4.acold. The doctor takes his 5.,but theres no 6.Then the doctor saysfast food and no breakfast causethe problems. He thinks Damingspe nd too much time in front

13、ofthe 7. So firstly,Daming should stop 8.the fast food and have breakfastSecon dly, he should get some 9., such asrunning.复述对话能 使学生加深 对课文内容 的理解和记 忆。适当的口头 练习,让学生 巩固本课时 的语言点和 突出重点,还 锻炼了学生 的胆量。Step FiveSummary(21. Get the students tosum up the Ian guage points.T: What have we learnedtoday?Ss:.2.Let the

14、 stude nts to choosethe best team in this less on.1.Sum up the Ian guage poin ts.2.To choose the best groups.引导学生对 这节课的总 结,让学生做 自由发言,培 养学生自主 学习,自主总 结的良好学 习习惯。简短的评价 使学生的课 堂表现得到 肯定并且可 以激励学生的 学 习 兴趣, 树立学习英 语的信心。Step SixHomework(11. Read the dialogue afterschool and remember thenew words.2. To check out

15、 what animals in dan ger after class.Finish the homework.课后作业有 助于学生巩 固已学的知 识,补充其他 方面的锻炼。写作是阅读 的拓展,让学 生最终完全 掌握语言,实 践运用语言。七、板书设计:Module 4. See ing the doctor.Un itl. I have ndo ne much exercise since I got my computer.1)have got / have a stomach avhe2)my head hurts.= I have a headache. = I have a pain

16、 in my head.3)-How long have you bee n like this?-Since Friday.4)take ones temperature5)catch a cold have a cold6)I have ndo ne much exercise since I got my computer last year.7)Ive bee n ill for about three days.8)Take it three times a day.9)be harmful to = do harm to达标训练题2.自从上个星期五_4.感冒_6.快餐_8.做运动_10. 一天三次_()1.1 have n_ a bad cold, but my head hurts.A. catch B. haveC. caughtD. get()2.Play ing too much computer will be_to your health.A.good B. harm C. helpful D. harmful()3. _ have you bee n here in Huid ong?For 3 years.A. How often B. How old C.How long D. How much()4.Heresthe medici ne, pl


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