



1、复习前请先诚恳地念三遍:南无般若龙树,然后粉用功地复习据说可以借来龙树的智慧,也就是说学习效果会得到大大 提高。请大家务必认真复习-有好资料再加上一定的努力,必定一次通过考试!!!第二部分阅读判断阅读下面的短文。每篇短文后面都有七句话,请根据短文的内容判断这些话是正确、错误,还是在短文中没有提到。(总分7分,确保得到4-5分,掌握方法和技巧)第四篇Smoki ngSince 1939, nu merous studies have bee n con ducted to determ ine whether smok ing is a ealth hazard.The trend of the

2、 evide nee has bee n con siste nt and in dicates that there is a serious health risk.Research teams have con ducted studies thatshow bey ond all reason able doubt that tobacco smok ing1is associated with a shorte ned life expecta ncyCigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this fiel

3、d to be an importantactor in the development of can cer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to berelated to cancer of some other orga ns of the body. Male cigarette smokers have a higher deathrate from heart disease tha n non-smoki ng males. Female smokers are thought to be less af

4、fectedbecause they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply.Apart from statistics, it might be helpful to look at what tobacco does to thehuma n body. Smoke is a mixture of gases, vaporized chemicals, minute particles of ash andother solids. There is also nicotine,which is powerful poison, and black ta

5、r. As smoke is breathedin, all those comp onents from deposits on the membra nes of thelun gs. One point of concen trati onis where the air tube and bron chus divides. Most lung cancer begi ns at this point.2Filters and low tar tobaccoare claimed to make smok ing to some exte nt safer, but they cano

6、nly slightly reduce, not eliminat词汇:vaporize ve ?p?ra ?z v. (使)蒸发 nicot ine n?k?ti: n n. 尼古丁membra ne membre in n.膜bron chus br ?k?s n. 支气管注释:life expecta ncy:预期寿命low tar tobacco:焦油含量低的烟草1. It is easy to determine whether smoking is hazardous. (一段)A. Right请大家务必认真复习-有好资料再加上一定的努力,必定一次通过考试!!!B .WrongC.

7、 Not men ti oned2. Smoking reduces one s life expectancy.(一段)A. RightB. WrongC. Not men ti oned3. Smoki ng may induce lung cancer. (二段)A. RightB. WrongC. Not men ti oned4. There is evide nee that smok ing is resp on sible for breast cancer. (无)A. RightB .WrongC. Not men ti oned5. Male smokers have a

8、 lower death rate from heart disease than female smokers(二段)A. RightB. WrongC. Not men ti oned6. Nicotine is poisonous. (三段)A. RightB. WrongC. Not men ti oned7. Filters and low tar tobacco make smoki ng safer.(四段)A. RightB .WrongC. Not men ti oned答案与题解:1. B该题说的是,判断抽烟对健康是否有危害是容易的,但是,文章的第一句话是这么说的:自193

9、9年以来进行了许多次研究,其目的都是为了判断抽烟对健康是否是一种危害,可以看出判断抽烟对健康是否是一种危害并不容易。tobacco smoking2. A该题说的是:抽烟会缩短人们的预期寿命。该题源于第一段最后一个句子中的子句:is associated with a shorte ned life expecta ncy(扌由烟与人的预期寿命缩短有关)请大家务必认真复习-有好资料再加上一定的努力,必定一次通过考试!!!3 . A该题说的是:抽烟有可能诱发肺癌。文章的第二段和第三段都讲到了抽烟与肺癌的关系。4 . C该题说的是:有证据说明入选爱是抽烟诱发的。文章并未提及。5 . B该题说的是:

10、男性烟民死于心脏病的比率小雨女性烟民死于心脏病的比率,文章没有直接比较男性烟民和女性烟民死于心脏病的比率,但有这么一句话:Female smokers are thought to be less affectedbecause they do not breathe in the smke so deeply.据认为女性烟民并不把烟吸得很深,因此烟对她们的影响小于男性烟民。从中可以推断出的是:男性烟民死于心脏病的比率高于女性烟民死于心脏病的比 率。因此该题的命题是错误的。6. A 该题说的是:尼古丁是有毒的。答案可在第三段找到。7. B该题说的是:有了过滤嘴和焦油含量低的烟草,抽烟时安全的。

11、文章的最后一段(也是最后一句)是 这么说的:据称,过滤嘴和焦油含量低的烟草在某种程度上使抽烟变得较为安全,但是它们只是略微减少 危害而不是消除危害。因此该题的命题是错误的。第五篇Pla nts and MankindBotany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar positionin the historyof human knowledge.1We dont know what our Stone Age an cestors knew about pla nts, but from what we can observe ofpreindu

12、strialsocieties that still exist, a detailed learningof plants and their properties must2be extremely ancient . This is logical. Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all livingthings, even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, not only for foo

13、d, but also for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes , medicines, shelter, and many other4purposes. Tribes liv ing today in the jungle of the Amaz onreco gnize hun dreds of pla nts and knowmany properties of each. To them botany has noname and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of kno wle

14、dge at all.Un fort un ately, the more in dustrialized we becomethe farther away we move from direct con tact with pla nts, and the less disti net our kno wledge of bota ny grows. Yet every one comes uncon sciously on an amaz ing amount of bota ni cal kno wledge5, and few people will fail to recog ni

15、ze a rose, an67apple, or an orchid . When our Neolithican cestors, liv ing in the Middle East about 10,000yearsago, discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer yields the n ext seas on, the first great step in a new associati on of pla nts and huma ns was ta

16、ke n. Grai ns were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated crops. From the n on, huma ns would in creas inglytake their livi ng from the con trolledproducti onof a few pla nts, rather复习前请先诚恳地念三遍:南无般若龙树,然后粉用功地复习据说可以借来龙树的智慧,也就是说学习效果会得到大大 提高。请大家务必认真复习-有好资料再加上一定的努力,必定一次通过考试

17、!!than gettinga littlehere and a little there from many varieties that grew wild and the accumulatedknowledge of tens of thousands of years of experienee and intimacy with plants in the wild wouldbegi n to fade away词汇:botany b?t ?ni n.植物学yield ji:ld n.产量,收益detailed di:teild adj.详细的,详尽的marvel m av ?l

18、 n. 令人惊奇的事(人),奇迹property pr ?p?ti n. ( 1)特征(2)财产,资产logical l ?d?ik ?l adj.逻辑的,合乎逻辑的variety v ?rai ?ti n. ( 1)品种,变种(2)变化,多样化pyramid pir ?mid n. 金字塔welfare welf & ? n. 福利,幸福,康乐accumulate ?kju:mjuleit vt.积累,积聚in timacy in tim?si n.亲近,亲密注释:1. Sto ne Age:石器时代2. a detailed learning of plants and their pro

19、perties must be extremely ancient: 对植物及其特点的详细了解一定非常久远。3. dye : 染料4. the Amaz on :亚马孙河5. Yet every one comes uncon sciously on an amaz ing amount of bota ni cal kno wledge 而每个人者 E会在无意识中获得大量的植物知识,come on :(偶然)遇见;(偶然)发现。又如:I came on thisidea by pure cha nee.我有这个想法纯偶然。6. orchid:兰花7. Neolithic:新石器时代8. Fr

20、om the n on, huma ns would in creas in gly take their liv ing from the con trolled product ion ofa few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varieties that grewwild and the accumulated kno wledge of tens of thousa nds of years of experie nee and in timacy withpla nts

21、 in the wild would begi n to fade away:从那时起,人类就越来越多地从可控制的几种植物的种 植中获取生计,而不是从野生的众多种类中东采一点,西摘一点。在数万年的经验中积累起来的知识以及请大家务必认真复习-有好资料再加上一定的努力,必定一次通过考试!!!与大自然中各种植物的紧密联系也就开始消失take their living from过活1. It is logical that a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremelyan cie nt.(一段)A. Right

22、B. WrongC. Not men ti oned2. People can not survive withou ( 一段)A. RightB. WrongC. Not men ti oned3. Tribes living today in the jungle of the Amazon teach botany to their children at school.( 一段)A. RightB. WrongC. Not men ti oned4. Our direct con tact with pla nts grows with the process of in dustrializati on.(二段)A. RightB. WrongC. Not men ti oned5. Today people usually acquire a large amount of bota ni cal kno wledge from textbooks.A. RightB. WrongC. Not men t


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