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1、江苏省启东市长江中学 2014-2015 学年七年级英语上学期第一次月考试题一哑:18分).A很据句童.夷文粹义及中文提示写单i司(6分)1 There are lots of_ (games) on TV tonight.2.Can you come to my birthday party? OK. rm _(not busy).3 Ht is my _f的卜实的)friend, I can tell him everything4._Both Millie and Sandy are new(成员)of the schoolsinging club5 At w_J often go sh

2、opping with my mother6/What(0ther things) do vu want?件用听给词的适岂形衣填空。泾知good hnce hbby real play heroI, 1. mworry io仕亡ar也AT2 We ften talk f_ volleyball after cl邸3.Zhaiig Ye is a good singer. And she $ing$ vtry _4.They are aH my_5.Girls often love singing and_, but boys like playing balls.6 Do you havt a

3、ny? Yes, 1 do. Hike swimming, dancing and so onC.用所给动词的适当形式填空。(6 分)feel go fly not be not do look1. One of my classmates_at the blackboard and listens to the teacher.2. My brother_ his homework after 9p.m. every day.3. Lin Tao and I_ in the sam.e class.4. Millie with her friends ofte n_kites at the

4、weeke nd.5. I love music. It makes me_ great.6. Let your son to bed early every day.二.单项选择 (20 分)1. He likes play ingfootball, so he wants to buy football. _A. a; a B. /; / C. /; aD. the; a2. _ your brother good at En glish?.A. Are B.-Is C. Do D. Does3.1 will go to the USA next week. Can you_ my dog

5、 for me?A. look after B. look for C. look at D. look up4.you happy?_.A. Are; Yes, I am. B. Do; Yes, I do. C. Are; Yes, you are. D. Do do.5. Sim on s_short and blackA. hair areB. hairs is C. hairs are D. hair is6. _ are good frien ds. We ofte n help each other.A.I, Tom and you B. You, Tom and I C.I,

6、you and Tom D. Tom, you and I7. -What is he good at?._A. Swim B. Swims C. To swim D. Swimmi ng.8. Wehim very much.A. are all kike B. like all C. all likeD. are like all9. -_ a day do you brush your teeth? -Twice.A. How ofte n B. How much C. How many times D. How long10. Does your brother walk_h ome

7、after_school every day?A. to; the B. to; / C. /; the D. /; /11.1 believe you will have_visit ing our school.;Yes, youA. a lot of funs B. a lot of fun C. many funs D. many fun12.My mother enjoys liste ning to music. It makes her_.A. happy B. un happy C. happily D. to be happy13-_ do you go to school

8、every day? - By bus.A. How long B. How ofte n C. How much D. How14. -He_ like En glish and he_ good at Maths, either.A. isn t; doesn t B.isn t; isn t C. doesn t; doesn t D. doesn t;isn t15. -_ does he look? - He looks young.A. How B. What C. Why D. How about16. He is a_player and he plays_.A. good;

9、well B. good; good C. well; good D. well; well17. Let her_you.A. helpB. helpsC. to helpD. help ing18. -Susa n, this is Jim. A. I am new here. B. Glad to meet you. C. This is me. D. Thank you.19. Ma ny of us play sports_ our free time_ the weeke nd.A. i n; at B. at; in C. i n; in D. at; at20. Joh n o

10、fte n_ at home and_TV on Sun day.A. staies; watches B. stays; watch C.stay; watch D. stays; watches三.完型填空 (10 分)Tom is a good boy. He is seve n_ 1_old, and he is going to school soon. ButTomhas a shortcoming (缺点)He can t _ 2_up early. He always sleeps (睡觉)until(直至 U) nine or ten o clock in the_3_ .T

11、om s mother doesn t want him to be 4 for school. So she buys him an alarm clock .( 闹钟).Shesays to Tom, “You must get up when you 5_ the clock ring. ”“Yes, Mum” says Tom. And from then on, Tom gets up when he hears the clock ring at 6:306_morni ng.One day, his mother forgets to wind up ( 上发条)the cloc

12、k. And_7_ morning Tomdoesn t get up at 6:30. It s_8_for breakfast. His mother goes to wake himup. Tom is in bed and his eyes are _9_ . He says to his mother, “ I wake up veryearly. ”“Then_10_ don t you get up? ” His mother is very angry ( 生气的).“You tell methat Imust get up when Ihear the clock ring.

13、 So I still(仍然)waitingfor(等)the bell. ”() 1. A. mon thsB. yearsC. weeksD. hours()2. A. comeB. goC. getD. look() 3. A. morni ngB.after noonC. eveningD. ni ght() 4. A. happyB. sadC. earlyD. late() 5. A. liste nB. lookC. hearD. touch() 6. A. everyB. aC. thisD. that() 7. A. thisB.thatC. otherD. the n ex

14、t()8. A. dayB.weekC. timeD. mi nute()9. A. closeB.ope nC. closesD. ope ns() 10. A. whe nB. whatC. whyD.how四. 阅读理解(15 分)AA bus stops at a small bus stop. A man is hungry and he wants to buy some cakes.It s raining hard, he doesn t want to go out in the rain. He sees a boy.“Comehere, boy! ” he cries.

15、“Do you know how much the cakes are? ” The boy say s yes. The man givesthe boy four dollars and asks him to buy two cakes.“ One is for youand one is for me. ” Three minutes later, the boy comes back. He s eating a cake.He gives the man two dollars and says:“ Sorry, there is on ly one cake left.”1. W

16、here is the ma n?A. He s near the bus. B. He is at home. C. He s in the bus. D. He is in thecar.2. The man doesn t want to go out because_ .A. he is tired B. he doesn t like rain C. he is hungry D. it s raining hard3. How many cakes does the boy get?A. One.B. Two. C. Three.D. Four.We are lear ning E

17、n glish, but how can we lear n En glish well? A stude nt can know a lot about English, but maybe he can not speak En glish.If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the river. And if you want to be a pia no player,you must play the pia no. So, you see, you can lear n En glish only by using

18、it. You liste n to yourteacher in class. You must read your less ons every day. You must speak En glish to your classmatesand also you must write in En glish. Then one day, you may find your En glish very good.6.You know a lot about En glish but maybe you_ .A. can t speak it B. can study it C. can t

19、 study itD. can t use it7. You must get i nto the river_.A. to play with waterB. to go boati ngC. to learn how to swimD. to catch a fish8. Do you want to be a pia no player? Please_ .A. put your pia no awayB. buy a good pia noC. play the pia noD. watch others play the pia no9. How can we lear n En g

20、lish well?A. We must have a good En glish book.B. We must have a good En glish teacher.C. We must see more En glish films. D. We must use it ofte n.10. Who can you speak En glish to in your class?A. On ly my classmates.B. My En glish teacher and classmates.C. My father and mother.D. All my frie nds.

21、CAmerica ns usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight o clock in themorning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelveand one o clock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it n earworkpla

22、ce.Children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat in school. Supper, the mainmeal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat orchicken, turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee,t

23、ea or milk. Then comes the dessert.2. My father goes to the cinema twice a month.(_ 划线提问)_ does your father go to the cin ema?3. He likes playing volleyball with his frie nds.(4. How much are they if we buy five cakes?A. Five dollars. B. Four dollars.dollars.5. What s the result ( 结果)?A. The man eat

24、s the cake.C. The boy doesn t eat the cake. cakes.C. Ten dollars.D. FifteenB. The boy eats the cake.D. The boy and the man both eat the11._ America ns havebreakfast_.A. after eight o clockC. before eight o clock in the morning12._is the most importa nt meal in a day.A. BreakfastB. Lu nchC. Meals13.“

25、light ” means_ in Chinese.A.重的B.有用的C.轻的14.America ns usually have breakfast and supper at _A. homeB. officeC. in school15._Whe nAmerica ns have supper,_ comes last.A. drinkB. meatC. dessert五.句型转换(12 分)1.Are you from Suzhou?(同义句)B. at eight o clockD. i n the morni ngD. SupperD.不太重要的D. workplaceD.vege

26、tables划线提问)_ does he like_with his frien ds?4. His cousin doesn t study hard in class.(肯定句)His cousi n_ in class.5. Amy has a computer.(一般疑问句 )_ Amy_a computer?6. Those are oran ges.(单数句)_ oran ge.六.首字母填空(10 分)Hi, TonyThanks for tellingme about your family. Let me tellyou a_1_ my family. Youknow I h

27、ave a brother and he is 13 y_2_old. He likes hiking and climbing mountains( 山).My brotheris very tall and he can climb f_3_ a long time.My father works hard. He is a doctor. He likes watch ing TV, r_4_ books. Hew_5_ glasses.My mother a_6_ works hard . She is a teacher. She t_7_ young childre n. Shed

28、_8_ like cook ing. She likes liste ning to music.My family h_9_ a car. We like to go to the beach(海滩).We o_10_ go fora pic nic at weeke nds.YoursMillieDani el likes his school very much. He goes to school at seve n twenty afterbreakfast. He has less ons at eight ten. Hes good at Maths. He loves En g

29、lish, too. He eats lunch atschool at eleve n forty. He does after-school activities at four twenty in the after noon. He playsfootball,badm inton and volleyball.swims.Daniel goes home at five oclock. He eats dinner at six forty. The n at aboutseve n oclock he watches TV. He likes watchi ng TV becaus

30、e he wants to lear n more about the world. Ateight he does his homework. He goes to bed at nine oclock.1.What does Da niel do at seve n?2.ln the morning, whe n does Daniel begi n his less ons?3.What meals does Daniel eat at school?4. Does Da niel like watchi ng TV? Why?5. When does Daniel go to bed?八.书面表达。(10 分)阳光中学校报英文版正在为其栏目“你所熟悉的身边人”征稿。请根据下表提供的信息,以My friend ”为题撰写一篇稿件,介绍你的好朋友Lucy。要求:1.内容全面,包含所有要点;2. 语句通顺,语法正确,意思连贯完整3. 70词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。性别女年龄13居住地启东学校阳光中学;学校又大又漂亮班级年级7外貌高且苗条,不戴眼镜特长:数学、绘画、舞蹈七.1._ 2._ 3. _6._ 7._8._任务型阅读,阅读下列短文并回答问题4._9._(


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