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1、实用文案教学课题Unit 1 Where ' s Kitty?课型新授本课题教时数:5本教时为第1教时备课日期:月日教学目标:认知目标:能听懂、会说、会读词汇 sofa, vase, basket, on, under, behind, in, where's能力目标:能初步听懂、会读、会说句型Where ' s.?; It' s on/under/behind/in.情感目标:了解家居环境中的物品位置教学重点、难点:重点: 能听懂、会说、会读词汇 sofa, vase, basket, on, un der, behi nd, in, where's;

2、能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Where ' s.?; It' s on/under/behind/in.难点:词汇 sofa, vase, basket, under, behind, wheres 的读音; 句型 Where s.?的用法。教学方法与手段:谈话法,演示法,表演法;多媒体课件,图片教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warm up1. Greeti ngsT: Class beg ins.T: Good morning, boys and girls. Welcome back to school.T: Nice to see you.T: Sit

3、dow n, please.2. Free talkT: Hello, I' m Miss xxx. What ' s your n ame?T: Nice to see you.T: Hi, xxx. How are you?T: I' m fine too.Step 2 Prese ntati on and practice1. Liste n and guess(Play the sound of dog, pig, cow, cat., ask students to say out the name quickly)E.g.T: Oink! Oink! Wha

4、t ' s this?T: Moo! Moo! What ' s this?T: Miaow! Miaow! What' s this?2. Let' s introduce(根据上一活动中猫咪的叫声,引出课文中Ss: Stand up.Ss: Good morning, Miss xxx.Ss: Nice to see you too.S1: Hello, my n ame is xxx.S1: Nice to see you too.S2: Hi, Miss xxx. I ' m fine, tha nk you. And you?Ss: It

5、9; s a pig.Ss: It' s a cow.Ss: It' s a cat.通过互致问候来 活跃课堂气氛, 拉近师生间的距 离,也可以帮助 学生缓解开学的 紧张感。自由交谈环节, 通过询问姓名来 进行师牛互动, 让老师更快的认 识和了解学生。通过教师播放或 模仿动物的叫 声,来帮助学生 回顾旧知:dog, pig, cow, cat, 为接下来的 Story time 的教 学做铺垫。的角色-猫咪Kitty。教师可以拿着猫咪手 偶,与学生打招呼)E.g.T:(展示猫咪手偶)Look! This is a cat. Its n ame is Kitty!(扮演Kitty

6、与学生打招呼)Hello! I' m Kitty.3. Enjoy a rhymeKitty, Kitty, where are you?Kitty, Kitty, I see you.Kitty, Kitty, where are you?Kitty, Kitty, I see you.T:(引出课题)Unit 1 Where ' s Kitty?(初 步感知 where ' s.)4. Let' s review(教师引导学生向Kitty介绍身边的物品, 复习之前学过的物品类词汇)T: Look, Kitty! This is a chair.5. Look

7、 and learn1)(呈现沙发的局部图片)T: What ' s this?T: No.(呈现沙发的完整图片)It' s a sofa.(Teach: sofa)T:(同法教授)vase, basket2)T:(将猫咪Kitty图贴在沙发上)Look atKitty. It ' s on the sofa.(Teach: on )T:(将猫咪Kitty图贴在花瓶后面)Look!Kitty is behindthe vase. ( Teach:behind )T:(同法教授)in, un derStep 3 Con soliati on1. Quick picture

8、ssofa, vase, basket, on, un der, beh ind, in2. Look and findWhere ' s Kitty?Step 4 Assig nment听录音,读熟Story time 部分单词。Blackboard desig n:Unit 1 Where ' s Kitty?onun derbehi ndinsofa vase basketSs: Hello, Kitty.Ss: Enjoy the rhymeSs: Where ' s Kitty?S1: This is a desk. S2: This is a book.S1

9、: Is this a chair.Ss: sofa, vase, basket sofa, sofa, s-o-f-a, sofa vase, vase, v-a-s-e, vase basket, basket, b-a-s-k-e-t, basket Ss: on, on, o-n, on behi nd, beh ind, b-e-h-i-n-d, beh ind in, i n, i-n, in un der, un der, u-n-d-e-r, un der以猫咪Kitty为 主线来引导学生 复习之前学过的 物品类词汇,为 本单元目标词汇 的学习做准备。教师利用多媒体 呈现沙发、

10、花瓶 和监子的局部图 片,请学生猜测 是什么物品,然 后呈现完整图 片。通过这样显 露局部的方式, 教授本单元的物 品类词汇。教师将猫咪 Kitty的小图贴 在大图中的不同 位置,教授介词 on,un der,behind 和 in。借 助不同图片的位 置关系,帮助学 生充分理解这四 个介词的意思。教学课题Unit 1 Where ' s Kitty?课型新授本课题教时数:5本教时为第2教时备课日期:月日教学目标:认知目标:能听懂、会说、会读词汇 sofa, vase, basket, on, under, behind, in, where's能力目标:能听懂、会说、会读句型

11、Is it on/in/under/behind? ; Yes/No.It' s .情感目标:能正确的描述宠物在家居环境中的位置,感知方位的不同。教学重点、难点:重点:单词 sofa, vase, basket 的读音难点:句型 Is it on/in/under/behind ? ; Yes/No.It' s 的运用。教学方法与手段:演示法,表演法;多媒体课件,图片教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warm up1. Greeti ngsT: Class beg ins.T: Good morning, boys and girls.T: Sit dow n,

12、please.2. Free talkT: What ' s your name?T: Hello, xxx. Nice to see you.T: Hi, xxx. How are you?T: I' m fine too.3. Ask and an swerT: What ' s her name?(拿出手偶猫咪 Kitty)T: Now, where ' s Kitty? It ' s .(呈现不 同物品类图片)Ss: Stand up.Ss: Good morning, Miss xxx.S1: My n ame is xxx. S1: Hell

13、o, Miss xxx. Nice to see you too.S2: I' m fine, thank you. And you?Ss: Kitty !Ss: It' s on the sofa/ behi nd the vase/ i n the basket/ un der the table.通过互致问候来 活跃课堂气氛, 拉近师生间的距 离,也可以帮助 学生缓解紧张 感。教师将猫咪手偶标准文档4.Pair workWhere ' s ? It ' s in/ on/ under/ beh in d.Step 2 Prese ntati on and

14、practiceT:(将手偶放在一张椅子下面)Where ' sKitty?T:(将手偶放在讲台的上面)Is Kitty in the desk?T: You ' re right. It isn ' t in the desk.(Teach: It isn ' t.) So where ' s Kitty?Step 3 Story time1. Enjoy the story2. Watch and an swerQ: Who are they in the story?3. Listen and answerQ: Where ' s Kitt

15、y?T: Is it in the desk?T: Is it un der the chair?T: Is it un der the basket?4. Read the story1) Read after the tape2) Read after T3) Read together4) Read in groups5) Read in rolesStep 3 Con soliati on1. Little trainWhere ' s .? It' s (not) in/ on/ under/ beh in d.Is it in/ on/ under/ behind.

16、? Yes/ No.It' s.2. Role playStep 4 Assig nment1. 听录音,朗读Story time部分对话,尝 试和家长进行角色对话。2. 鼓励学生运用所学词汇、句型进行日常交 流问话。Ss: Pair work.S1: It' s under the chair.S2: No!S2: It' s on the desk.放在教室里的不 同位置,然后向 学生提问,深度 感知句型Where ' s.?和 Is .o n/ in/ un der/behi nd .?Ss: Enjoy the story动画时间通过带 着问题看卡通的S

17、s: Watch the storyS1: They are Su Hai, Su Hai ' s mum and dad.方式来引导学生 有目的性的观看 动画,在看的过 程中思考动画中 的人物和内容。S1: No. It isn ' t in the desk.S2: No. It isn ' t un der the chair.S3: No. It isn ' t un der the basket. Look! It ' s behind the door.在看动画的基础 上,让学生带着 问题“听”卡通, 让学生进一步感 受动画的内容和 趣味之处

18、。Ss: Read the story in differe nt ways.米用不同的方式 来读课文,既摆 脱了枯燥感,也 帮助学生层层递 进,由简到难的 熟读课文,做到 发音的不断纠正 和巩固。Ss: Practice one by one.Ss: Do the role play.Ss: Finish the assig nment.Blackboard desig n:Unit 1 Where ' s Kitty? Where ' s.? It' s oninun der behi ndIs it .? Yes/ No. It ' s .授后小记:授课日

19、期:月日教学课题Unit 1 Where ' s Kitty?课型新授本课题教时数:5本教时为第3教时备课日期:月日教学目标:认知目标: 复习巩固词汇 sofa, vase, basket, on, under, behind, in, where' s能力目标:1.能正确运用 Where ' s.? ; It' s (not) on/under/behind/in.; Is iton/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.It' s .向他人询冋物品位置,发音正确2.能根据图片对物品的位置进行相应的问答情感目标:了解物品的方位,学会整

20、理自己的物品教学重点、难点:重点:能正确运用 Where ' s.? ; It' s (not) on/under/behind/in. ; Is it on/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.It' s .向他人询冋物品位置,发音正确难点:能根据图片对物品的位置进行相应的问答教学方法与手段: 谈话法,演示法;多媒体-课件,图片教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warm up1. Greeti ngs T: Class beg ins.Ss: Stand up.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: G

21、ood morning, Miss xxx.T: Sit dow n, please.通过互致问候来 活跃课堂气氛,2. Free talk拉近师生间的距T: What ' s your name?S1: My n ame is xxx.离,也可以帮助T: Hello, xxx. Nice to see you.S1: Hello, Miss xxx.学生缓解紧张Nice to see you too.感。T: Hi, xxx. How are you?T: I' m fine too.S2: I' m fine, thank you. And you?通过图片快闪来3

22、. Ask and an swer帮助学生复习上T: Where ' s Kitty?Ss: It' s on/ behind/节课的词汇和句4. Pair workin/ un der.型。Where ' s .? It ' s in/ on/ under/Ss: Pair work.通过小组活动来beh in d.活调动课堂氛Is it .? Yes/ No. It ' s .围,激发学生的 兴趣和积极性。Step 2 Fun timeS1: mon key1. Look and sayS2: dog(指导学生观察图片,快速说出图片中所学S3: ca

23、t过的单词)S4: giraffe 本版块是一个看 图回答活动。学 会说呢过根据图2. Read the model (朗读范例,理解大意)片,运用目标句E.g. Where ' s the teddy?型 Where ' s .?It' s in the basket.和 It ' s on/ under/ behi nd/3. Pair workSs: Pair work.in .对图中玩具A: Where ' s .?和动物的位置进B: It' s .行问答,巩固Story time 。4. Ask and answer (随机提问,快速反

24、应)S: It' s on/ in/T: Where ' s the giraffe/dog/behi nd.mon key.?5. Draw and say(画一画,拓展表达)Ss: Draw and say.Step 3 Con soliati on1. Little train Where ' s .? It' s .Is it .? Yes/No. It ' s .Ss: Ask and an swer.2. Show and in troduceSs: Show andThis is my picture.Step 4 Assig nment1

25、. 熟读 Story time 。2. 鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。相互介绍自己的pictureBlackboard desig n:Unit 1 Where ' s Kitty?Where ' s.? It' s oninun derbehi ndIs it .? Yes/ No. It ' s .in troduce.Ss: Finish the assig nment.授后小记:授课日期:月日教学课题Unit 1 Where ' s Kitty?课型新授本课题教时数:5本教时为第4教时备课日期:月日教学目标:认知目标:1.复习

26、巩固词汇 on, under, behind, in, where' s, sofa, vase, basket ;2.能正确运用 Where ' s.? ; It ' s (not)on/under/behind/in.; Is iton/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.It' s向他人询冋物品位置,发音正确能力目标:能诵读歌谣Molly the cat情感目标:关爱我们的龙物教学重点、难点:重点:能运用本单元的词汇和句型向他人询问物品位置,发音正确 难点:会诵读歌谣Molly the cat教学方法与手段:谈话法,演示法;多媒体课件,

27、图片教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warm up1. Greeti ngsT: Class beg ins.T: Good morning, boys and girls.T: Sit dow n, please.2. Free talkT: What ' s your name?T: Hello, xxx. Nice to see you.T: Hi, xxx. How are you?T: I' m fine too.3. Ask and an swerT: Where ' s Kitty?4. Pair workWhere ' s .?

28、It ' s in/ on/ under/ beh in d.Is it .? Yes/ No. It ' s .Step 2 Rhyme time1. Look and say(看图说话,理解歌谣大意)T: What ' s the name of this cat?(示意学生看猫咪的颈圈)T: Yes. Its name is Molly. Where ' s Molly?2. Read the lyrics(pair work)Ss: Stand up.Ss: Good morning, Miss xxx.S1: My n ame is xxx.S1: H

29、ello, Miss xxx.Nice to see you too.S2: I' m fine, thank you. And you?Ss: It' s on/ behind/ in/ un der.Ss: Pair work.Ss: Molly.S1: It' s on the mat.Ss: Pair work.Ss: Enjoy the rhyme.通过互致问候来 活跃课堂气氛, 拉近师生间的距 离,也可以帮助 学生缓解紧张 感。通过图片快闪来 帮助学生复习上 节课的词汇和句 型。通过小组活动来 活调动课堂氛 围,激发学生的 兴趣和积极性。本首歌谣呈现 了猫咪

30、Molly愉 快玩耍的场景。 首先让学生先看 图说话,理解歌 词大意并指导学 生有感情地诵读 歌谣。3. Enjoy the rhyme4. Say the rhyme5. Act the rhyme(加入动作)6. Make a new rhymeStep 3 Con solidatio nLet' s compete(Say the rhyme in groups)Step 4 Assig nment1. 熟读 Story time2. 练习歌谣Molly the cat3. 鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际 用语相互打招呼。Blackboard desig n:Unit 1 W

31、here ' s Kitty?Where ' s.? It' s oninun derbehi ndIs it .? Yes/ No. It ' s .Ss: Say the rhyme.Ss: Act the rhyme.Ss: Make a new rhyme.Ss: Compete with others.Ss:Fi nishtheassig nment.鼓励学生用猫咪Kitty 的名字替 换Molly,并替 换歌谣中的韵 脚,改编歌谣并 朗读出来。授后小记:授课日期: 月 日教学课题Unit 1 Where ' s Kitty?课型复习本课题教时

32、数:5本教时为第5教时备课日期:月日教学目标:认知目标:1.巩固练习句型 Where ' s.? ; It ' s (not) on/under/behind/in;Is it on/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.It' s向他人询冋物品位置,发音正确能力目标:1.综合运用所学语言进行交流,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用语言的能 力和对语言的应变的能力 2.完成活动手册和练习与测试情感目标:学会帮助家长整理物品,了解家里物品的位置教学重点、难点:重点:能熟练掌握句型 Where ' s.? ; It' s (not) on/und

33、er/behind/in. ; Is it on/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.It' s .难点:综合运用所学语言进行交流,完成活动手册和补充习题。教学方法与手段: 谈话法,演示法;多媒体课件,活动手册,补充习题教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warm up1. Greeti ngsT: Class begi ns.T: Good morning, boys and girls.T: Sit dow n, please.2. Free talkT: What ' s your name?T: Hello, xxx. Nice to see you.T: Hi, xxx. How are you?T: I' m fine too.3. Ask and an swerT: Where ' s Kitty?Ss: Sta nd up.Ss: Good morning, Miss xxx.S1: My n ame is xxx.S1: Hello, Miss xxx. Nice to see


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