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1、第1页姓名_ 得分_单项选择(本大题共100题,每小题1分,共100分)()1.He climbed so fast that he reached_ floor in two mi nu tes.A. nine B. the nine C. the ninth D. nin th()2._ your umbrella, or youcatch a cold on such a rainy day.A. Take B. To takeC. Tak ingD. Take n()3.You can improve your English_reading more.A. in B. with C.

2、 by D. of()4. Do you like listening to country music or rock music?_ . It brings me pleasure.A. Yes, I do B. No, I donC. Ilike musicD. Country music()5.It_today. I think itsgoing to_ .A. cloud:rain B. cloudy: rainingC. cloudy:rainD.cloudy: rainy()6.After the final exam, we will feel_ and wehave a_su

3、mmerholiday.A. relaxing: relaxing B. relaxing: relaxedC. relaxed: relaxed D. relaxed: relax ing()7. Ken looks_ his father and he_ tak ing photos with his father.A. like: likes B. like: like C. likes: likes D. likes: like()8. She studies hard all the time; she n ever gives up_A. allB. bothC. every D.

4、 each()11.What are they doi ng now?They are busy_ articles in the room.A. to write B. write C. writi ng D. to writ ing ()12. Jan isin thatbook.A. interesting;interestingB. interested; interestedC. interestecj interestingD. interesting;interested()13. She_ short, but now she is tall.A. used to beB. i

5、s used to beA. study B. to study()9. This morning she had_A. too much;too muchC. too much;too many ( )10.There are many trees on_C. study ing D. to study ing milkand _ apples.B. too many;too manyD. too many;too muchside of the road.C. is used to being14. His words made _A. it;to workC. that;to work1

6、5.Tom looks sad LetA. upB. i nD. used tobeing_possible forin the city.第1页1 / 103 / 10A. some;tha nks B. some;please C. any;tha nksD. any;please)21. We dontknow if our friend_. if he_ , we lllet you know.A. comes: comes. B. comes: will come C. will come: comes)22.Next month were going somewhere inter

7、esting as soon as the holiday_A. will beg in B. has begi n C. beg ins D. is beg inning23.Mum, donforget to remi nd me_the umbrella. Its rai ning heavilyA. bout B. of C. by D. on()24.1 succeed_ the math exam this term, though I failed several times.A. pass B. in pass ing C. passed D, to pass()25.This

8、 work n eeds close teamwork._will be achieved uni ess wework well together.A. Nothi ngB. An ythi ngC. Somethi ngD. Everyth ing()26.Did you know that the Earth is home to_ ani mals?A. millio n B. millio nsC. millio ns ofD. millio n of()27.L ina is one of_stude nts in our class.A. good B. better C. be

9、st D. the best()28.-Oil is everywhere in this store, so you_know smok ing is notallowed here.1 ,- 1 m sorry.A. can B. may C. must D.shall()29.Tech no logy helps us a lot,we should ntallow it to con trol ourlives.A. but B. because C. uni essD. eve n though()30.What can I do for you, Sir?B. I don tkno

10、wD.Id like a cup of tea第2页)31.If you see any litter on the school playground , youd better_A. give it awayB. pick it up16.They decided_A. to help;learnC. help;to learn17. Could you pleasethe kids_ to read.B. to help;learningD. help;learning late for class n exttime?C. not arrive D. not to arriveA. d

11、on t arrive B. no arrive18.Look! Shes skiing so fast!Hard to _ her legs were once broken.A. know B. realize)19. She asks me if it_go camp ing with me.A. will rain;won t rainC. rains;doesnt rain)20.Would you like _Yes,_ .C. imagi netomorrow. If itD. findtomorrow, she willB. will rain;doesnt rainD. ra

12、ins;won t rain juice?(outside.A.Nothing4 / 10C. turn it offD. put it on)32.Excuse me, but I dont think you can smoke here.Really sorry, I _ this is a non-smoking room.A. dont knowB. wont knowC. didnt knowD. hasnt known)33.Teenagers _ to follow the traffic rules.A. can teachB. must teachC. should be

13、taughtD. might be taught)34.No one can be sure _ in a thousand years.A. what will man look likeB. man will look like whatC. what man will look likeD. what will look like man)35.Everybody except Mike and Linda _ there when the meeting began.A. is B. are C. was D. were)36.Your proposal is worth.A. con

14、siderB. considersC. to considerD. considering)37.My grandma stays at home _ , so sometimes she feels_A. alone: aloneB. alone: lonelyC. lonely: lonelyD. lonely: alone)38.Madam, do you want anything else?No, I need_A. anything moreB. nothing moreC. something more D. everything more)39. I boughtfor my

15、mother onMothers Day this year.A. special anythingB. anything specialC. special somethingD. something special)40. Li Na is _ tennis.A. famous as B. famous to C. famous for D. famous with( )41.There _ a great concert in the theater next Sunday everything.A. will be B. will have C. has D. have)42Beiji

16、ng is in the _ part of China.A. south B. north C. southern D. northern)43.where would you like to go onvacation this summer?Brazil. Because the 31stRio Olympic Games _ there.A. will be held B. will hold C. will be happened D. are held)44.The man leftthe room angrily without_ a word.A. say B. saying

17、C. talkD. talking)45.Hi, madam. Can I take the storybooks out?No, my boy. Theybe taken out of the reading room.Ist a rule.A. mustnt B. neednt C. couldnt D. wouldnt第3页( )46. She puts on some warm clothes to protect herself _ the cold airoutdoors.A. for B. outC. againstD. of( )47. I _ the book Little

18、Women, but Ill let you read it fast.A. havent readB. dont readC. wont read( )48. How many times _ Carl _ to the Great Wall?-Only once.5 / 10A. does: go B. did: go C. has; gone D. has; been( )49.The old couple is so kind that they regard the homeless child _ theirgrandson.A. as B, forC. withD, to( )5

19、0.My friend is rather honest. Im proud of her _ .A. kindness B. honest C. honesty D. kind( )51.- Can you tell me _?- His home is quite far from the office, I think.A. where he worksB. why he bought the carC. when he got upD. how he likes his job( )52.-He always appears to _ .- Thats because hes real

20、ly knowledge and experienced.A. make an effortB. have a pointC. pull togetherD. take place( )53.Its very impolite to _ when your parents speak to you.A. talk to B. talk up C. talk with D. talk back( )54.They try their best to pass the exam.However, they dont _ it.A. win B. succeed C. fail D. manage(

21、 )55.Will you come to the net bars with me ?Sorry. My mother always tell me _ there.A. not go B. goC. not to go D. to go( )56.He hardly hurt himself in the accident,_ ?A. doesnt he B. didnt he C. did he D. does he( )57.Whos the man at the door? _A. He is a doctorB. He is a friend of mineC. He is a f

22、amous singer D. He is twenty.( )58.The girl asked the teacher_.A. what does the museumB. what did the museum look likeC. what the museum looks like D. what the museum looked like( )59.Shanghai is larger than_ city in Jiang Su.A. any B. any other C. other D. one( )60.What did you _ at the meeting yes

23、terday?A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk( )61. The bus is coming. Lets _ .第4页6 / 10A. get it on B. get it off C. get on it D. get off it()62.Must I finish the work before five olock?No. You_ finish it before eight.A. must ntB. n eed ntC. cantD. can()63. I will tell him as soon as he_ back.A. come B. c

24、omes C. will come D. came()64. What do you think_ solve the problem.A. you can do B. can you do C. you can do to D. can you do to()65. In the past he often made his sister_ ,but now he is often made_by his sister.A. to cry; to cryC.to cry;cry)66. He_A. marries toC. has marriedB. cry; cryD.cry; to cr

25、y Alice forten years.B. has married toD. has bee n married tot find it)67.Granny looked for her book, but she couldnA. somewhereB. everywhereC. any whereD. no where68. _ it is today!A. What fine weatherC. How a fine weather69.We will have a_A. two mon thC. two mon th s I70. There is no eno ughA. pla

26、ce B. room C. floorD. ground71. Robert has gone to_ city and hell be back in a week.A. other B. the otherC. ano therD. any other72. Which book would you like to borrow? of the two books is OK with me.A. Either B. BothC. AnyD. No ne73. There are many trees on_ side of the street.A. eitherB. anyC. all

27、74. _ is the population of the city?A. How many B. What C. How many people D. How much)75. Aboutthefans are waiting here. They want to see the greatB. What a fine weatherD. How fine a weather_ holiday after the exam.B. two-mo nthD. two-m on ths_ on the corner to put the table.C. floorD.both(sin ger.

28、A. two thousa nd ofB. two thousa ndC. thousa nd ofD. two thousa nds of76. He hasnt heard from his friend_A. sinceB. by the end of C. for77. I dont know when he . When he(minute.last month.D. until_ here, Ill call you in aA. will come; will arriveC. will come; arrivesB. comes; arrivesD. comes; will a

29、rrive第5页第7页()78. The train_ for twenty minutes.A. leftB. has left C. is leav ingD. has bee n away()79. Could I use your dicti on ary?Yes, you_.A. n eedB. couldC. can D. should()80. In the past few years there_ great changes in myhometow n.A. have bee nB. were C. had bee nD. are()81. Did you do_ last

30、 mon th?Not really. I just stayed at home.A. special anythingB. any thi ng specialC. i nteresti ng special D. any where in teresti ng()82.Bob is very clever. Imsure he can finish the work with_money and_ people.A. less; less B. fewer; more C. more; fewer D. less; fewer()83.Tommy, do you know if Fran

31、k_ to the theatre with us thisSun day if it_ ?Sorry, I have no idea.A. will go, is going to be fine B. goes, is fineC. will go, is fineD. goes, will be fine()84. I don t have to introduce him to you_you know the boy.A. un tilB. uni essC. since D. but()85.This pair of shoes_ really small for me.Why n

32、ot try ano ther_ .A. is, pair B. are, pair C. is, one D. are, one()86. The shop_at 8:00 a.m. and it_ for ten hoursevery day.A. ope ns; is ope nB. is ope ned; ope nsC. is ope n; has ope nedD. ope ned; ope ns()87.When did you_ the book to the library?Yesterday after noon.A. borrow B. le ndC. give D. r

33、eturn()88._ he ever_ abroad ?No, n ever.A. Did, goB. Is, bee nC Has, bee nD. Has, gone()89. She_an En glish teacher.A. uses toB. used toC. use to beD. used to be()90. My hobby is_ all kinds of coi ns.A. to collectB. collect ingC. to pick upD. pick ing up()91. My postcard is still o n the desk. Why_y

34、ou_it ?A. have nt , posted B. did nt, postC. was nt posti ngD. wont, post()92 .I_ my fatherswet shoes and washed his feet.A. took outB. took offC. took place D. took away6 / 10第8页8 / 10)103.Theytraveled all(morning.A. for )104. Can you tell usBy bus.A. how did you arrive here.B. how will you arriveh

35、ere )105. Have you got a jobB. onnight to the village and got thereC. atD. in_yesterB. how you arrived hereD. how you will arrive hereSundayC. waitD. have waited)106. Im afraid I cant do well in the game. _. Its just for fun.A. Sounds good B. What a pity C. Thank you D. Take it easy )107. Is thisyou

36、r computer ? Yes, its _ . My mother bought it for me.A. me B. my C. mine D. myself )108. Well stay at homeit rainstomorrow.A. and B. if C. but D. so)109. Peter is _ boy in our class and he often helps us carry heavy(things.A. strong B. strongerC. strongest D. the strongest( )110. This Saturday is my

37、 _ birthday. Welcome to my party!A. fourteenth B. the fourteenth C. fourteen D. the fourteen( )93. I dont know where Mr. White has gone. Youd better ask _A. else somebody B. other somebody C. somebody elseD. anybody else()94. When he saw a ticket on the ground, he stopped _.A. to pick it up B. pick

38、it upC. to pick up it D. pick up it( 95. Tom _ there for 10 months since he _ back to his hometown.A. has lived, getsB. has lived, gotC. lived, goD. lived, has got()96. The film is very _. Tom is very _ .A. exciting, excited B. excited, excitingC. exciting, excitingD. excited, excited( )97. _the wea

39、ther will be like tomorrow, we II go surfing.A. No matter howB. No matter whatsC. No matter whatD. No matter if( )98. Neither you or he _ Hawaii before.A. has gone toB. have gone toC. have been to D. has been to( )99. _ will the concert start? - In about five minutes.A. How far B. How soon C. How of

40、ten D. How long()100. As soon as he _ , he will write to me.A. arrives at B. arrives C. reaches D. gets()101. Linda, you can have the book now,Ive just finished_ it.Ok, Thank you.A. read B. reads C. reading D, to read()102. I invited four teachers and _ can come . Thast great.A. all B. both C. neitherD. none9 / 10()111. Itsnot a good habit to _ what you can do today till tomorrow.A. take offB. put off C. get offD. turn off()112. Mum, Ive signed for the box. Whats in it?Im not sure. It _ be a present from your uncle.A. need B. must C.


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