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1、Unit 1 ArtGrammari .句型转换1 .I wasn't there when the excellent speech was given.I learned nothing from it.f If when the excellent speech was given, I would have learned much from it.2 .Zhang Peng doesnt want to live in Shanghai in the future, so he can see his parents very often.f If Zhang Peng in

2、 Shanghai in the future, hewouldn't be able to see his parents very often.3 .With modern telecommunications, we dont have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.fIf there were no modern telecommunications, we forweeks to get news from around the world.4 .He was very busy yesterday.T

3、herefore, he did n attend the party.f He was very busy yesterday. Otherwise he the party.5 .He is good at his work now, and he has got a higher position.fIf he his work now, he wouldn't get a higher position.葭用所给词的适当形式填空1.If I (have) a chance to try it, I(do) it in another way.2.Shall we take th

4、e 10:30 train, darling?No.If we took that train, we (arrive) too late.3.If I (be) you, I (take) her suggestion into account.4.To tell the truth, if it were not for the fact that you (be) my daughter, I would not take such pains to serve you.5.But for your help, I (fail) in the experiment.m .句型训练1.If

5、 (没有电),what would happen?2.If you (邀请他来这儿)tomorrow, I would also come.3.Without music, the world (将会是一个枯燥的 地方).4.If (天要下雨的话)soon, the crops would be saved. 5.If (我年轻十岁),I would start again from the beginning.IV .读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Mr Ward can't stand students cheating the most. Wh

6、enever there is an exam, he watches very closely, making sure no act of cheating is neglected, and any student who cheats will be seriously punished.I remember many times after tests, Mr Ward found that the students sitting around me had better scores than the others and the further away a student w

7、as from me, the worse his grade was. Mr Ward suspected that some of the juniors "accidentally " got someanswers.So he and I had a very interesting talk about cheating.Mr Ward once told me of some of the ways students have tried to cheat. Student A intentionally “dropshis pencil an unusuall

8、y far distance from his desk. So he stands up and walks slowly across the room to take it back. On the way, he glances at the papers. Student B gets a piece of paper and writes down all the formula於式)on a tiny bit of paper taped to the inside of the kid s palm. These incidents arent very rare.The la

9、st day of the entire school year, all I have left was my maths exam and there seemed to be some definite tension in the air because this was the biggest_test of the year. I saw some kids trying to do some last minute studying, some trying to calm themselves down by breathing slowly and some saying a

10、 silent prayer.Mr Ward went to the front and started handing out the tests by rows. AfterIf you che;explaining the rules of the test, he said very clearly and concisely, take your test paper and tear it up. You will get a zero for the biggest grade of the year. 'Mr Ward moved very effortlessly a

11、nd efficiently about the room and during every test he goes into a sort of RADAR mode( 雷达模式).He sat at the front and watched the room for anything that may look like cheating. During this RADAR mode, if you were cheating, you would be caught. Guaranteed.汪忠:1 .所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2 .至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3

12、 .续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4 .续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:Our test started and I was sitting there and working away quite quickly.Paragraph 2:After the exam, Mr Wardaskedthe kid he waswatching to goto his office.V .完形填空Vincent van Gogh is often remembered as the painter who cut off his ear in a f

13、it of passion.He was a lonely man who often 1 without food in order to buy paints, a man with few friends and a 2 temper.Van Gogh's strong emotions not only 3 his life but his paintings.Many of Van Gogh's paintings were 4 by warm, yellow sunlight because he loved how it could 5 the world in

14、different ways.His painting Sunflowers for example, is 6 yellows and browns.These colours give the painting a 7 of warmth.However, the sunflowers are 8 dead and dying.The result is a painting that 9 the warmth of life that Van Gogh loved with the feelings of 10 that were all around him.It is a paint

15、ing that is warm, beautiful and sad, all at the same time. Van Goghs most famous painting, The Starry Night, 11 this mixture of joy and sadness one step 12 .It is a landscape full of deep 13 and shadows which showed the sadness Van Gogh was feeling as he was painting, 14 what he was actually seeing.

16、This is why Van Gogh's 15 in his paintings look more imaginative than reality.The stars and moon inThe Starry Night are 16 bright, their light swirling above the darkening hills.A tree that looks like black fire cuts through the 17 of the night, interrupting its beauty.Because of his wild emotio

17、ns, Van Gogh was not 18 during his life.He sold only one painting.However, people today who stand in front of Sunflowers or The Starry Night can 19 the same joy and sadness Van Gogh once did, 20 he painted those deep blues and sunny yellows.1 .A.went B.came C.carried D.sent2 .A.gentle B.tender C.sto

18、rmy D.short3 .A.developed B.affected C.improved D.reduced4 .A.inspired B.taught C.followed D.moved5 .A.show up B.turn up C.cut up D.light up6 .A.fit forBilled withC.short of D.free from7 .A.stateB.lookC.feelingD.touch8 .A.actually B.simply C.entirely D.finally9.A.compares B.includes10 .A.happiness B

19、.excitement11 .A.takes B.stands12 .A.further B.deeper13 .A.reds B.blacks14 .A.other than B.rather thanC.communicates D.mixesC.sadness D.worryC.raises D.continuesC.longer D.closerC.blues D.greensC.as well as D.in addition15 .A.voices B.pictures C.colours D.images17.A.surroundings16 .A.seldom B.unusua

20、lly C.accordingly D.properlyB.environment C.view D.sight18 .A.understood B.noticed C.rewardedD.trusted19 .A.experience B.recognize C.acceptD.determine20 .A.though B.however C.ifD.as参考答案 GrammarI .1.I had been there 2.lived/were to live/should live 3.would have to wait4 .would have attended 5.were no

21、t good atn .l.had; would do 2.would arrive 3.were; would take 4.are5 .would have failedin .l.there were no electricity2.invited/were to invite/should invite him to come here3.would be a dull place4.it rained/should rain/were to rain5.I were 10 years youngerIV .One possible version:Our test started a

22、nd I was sitting there and working away quite quickly. I looked around with 15 minutes left, because I had finished and was checking my test.I noticed something very peculiar!Mr Ward was staring right at one of the kids that seemed to be only half way done with his test.Mr Ward did not take his eyes

23、 off this kid, which seemed weird to me. For the remainder of the test, Mr Ward watched that kid as he struggled in a wild manner, flipping papers back and forth and writing and erasing even more furiously. He seemed to use his calculator a lot more than he needed. Mr Ward seemed to have found somet

24、hing unusual.After the exam, Mr Ward asked the kid he was watching to go to his office. He closed the door and from that moment on, I heard about 4 minutes of Mr Ward yelling at the kid. The kid was terrified and trembling, telling Mr Ward what he had done during the exam. He had written his answers

25、 inside the cover of the calculator and every time he was “ usinchis calculator hd was really looking at the formulas and other stuff. Mr Ward tore up his paper and gave the kid a zerofor the end of the year exam. That was the first and the last time that I had seen Mr Ward ever yell like that.V .【文章大意】本文主要介绍了著名艺术家凡高的生平和艺术成就。1 .A go without是固定搭配,意为 缺乏,没有”。句意他是个孤独的人,为了买颜料而没有饭 吃。2 .C 由上文 他一时冲动割掉自己的耳朵”没宥朋友”和最后一段的his wild emotions可以推断出他是暴脾气。stormy激烈的,暴烈的;short temper急


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