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1、supplyv. s ? 'pla ? ( supplies; supplied; supplying )双解释义provide sth; give things to a person for usevt, 供名,供应基本要点l.supply的基本意思是“供应,提供”,指向某人提供某物或供应供给某人所需要的物品,引申可表示“满足”。2.supply是及物动词,接名词、代词或 what从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。3.supply 一般不用于 supply sb sth 结构,而多用 supply sth fortosb 或 supply sb with sth 结构。?词汇搭配,+名词

2、, supply a blank 填空, supply a deficiency补缺? supply a want弥补不足? supply an office代理职务, supply electric energy提供电力,supply goods提供货物,supply houses提供住房,supply milk供应牛奶, supply the lack补充不足,|+副词, supply well供应丰富supply abundantly供应充足supply adequately供应充足supply amply供应丰富? supply commercially贸易上供应? supply co

3、ntinuously不断地供给? supply courteously友好提供? supply exclusively绝对地供应一切? supply faithfully忠实地供应? supply indifferently漫不经心地供应? supply infallibly从无失误地供应supply liberally大量供应supply permanently永久提供supply plentifully大量提供supply poorly供应不足supply promptlysupply scantily+介词supply.for立即供货供应不足把一供应给supply milk for ch

4、ildren为儿童供应牛奶supply power for cities为城市提供电supply from 来自supply in在方面填补supply.to 向提供supply.to industry向工业提供一supply.to the urban people向城市居民提供一supply with 用供应supply with clothes提供衣服supply with money提供金钱常用短语supply for (v.+prep.) supply sth for sb/sth1 .为提供 provide sth to sb/sthThe school supplies books

5、 for the children.学校为儿童提供图书。The sun supplies light and heat for us.太阳为我们提供光和热。2 .因为而提供 provide sth for sthHe supplied food and clothing for his reputation.他为了自己的名誉而赞助衣食。supply from (v.+prep.) supply sth from sth1. 由 ( 仓库等处) 提供( 某物 ) provide sth out of (a place)We can supply the goods from our main s

6、tore.这些货我们可以由总店供应。2. 由 ( 记忆、经验等) 提供 provide sth by using a quality, as of mindI should be able to supply all the names from memory.我应该能回忆起这些人的姓名。用于beed结构His answer was supplied from experience. 他的答案来自于经验。supply to (v.+prep.)向 ( 某人或某处) 提供供应( 某物 ) provide sth for (sb/sth) supply sth to sb/sthThey supp

7、lied large numbers of tractors to peasants.他们向农民供应了大批拖拉机。部队给每个士兵发两双这个家庭为他们提供生活The army supplies two pairs of boots to each soldier.靴子。The family supplies the basic necessities to them.必需品。Britain supplies manufactured goods to almost every country in the world.英国几乎给世界上每个国家供应工业产品。Now we supply power

8、to nine-tenths of the city's homes.现在我们向这个城市十分之九的家庭提供电力。用于beed结构More and more vegetables and fruit are supplied to the cities.越来越多的蔬菜和水果供应城市。In our city milk is supplied to each house in bottle.在我们的城市, 供应给各户的牛奶是瓶装的。When is power going to be supplied to the distant farms?电力什么时候通到远处的农场?supply with

9、 (v.+prep.)把 ( 某物 ) 提供供应给( 某人或某处) provide (sb/sth) with sth supply sb/sth with sthWe supplied them with money and clothes. 我们供给他们金钱和衣服。The company supplied us with money for the project.公司为我们提供款项来做那项工程。He supplied me with the answer. 他为我提供了答案。用于beed结构Each soldier is supplied with two pairsof boots.

10、每个士兵可以得到两双靴子。The town is supplied with water from a reservoir.该城镇由一座水库供水。句型例句用作及物动词 S+n./pron.Our task is to supply vegetables all the year round.我们的任务是全年供应蔬菜。Who will supply the champagne? 谁供应香槟酒?The note supplied a phone number. 那字条提供了一个电话号码。Trees supply shade in summer. 夏天树木给人们遮阴。This book will b

11、e very useful; it will supply a need that has been felt foryears. 这本书很有用, 它将满足人们多年来的需要。用于beed结构The market is poorly supplied. 市场供应不足。 S+wh-clauseThe shop was unable to supply what she wanted. 这商店不能供应她所需要的商品。正误解析?1. 他们源源不断地给我们提供生活必需品。误They supplied us the necessities of life in a steady flow.正They su

12、pplied us with the necessities of life in a steady flow.析表示“给某人供应某物”, 可用“ supply sb with sth ”结构 , supply后的宾语是所提供的对象, with 后接所提供的内容, 不用“ supply sb sth ”结构。2. 政府答应向边远村庄供应电力。误The government has promised to supply power for the distant villages.正The government has promised to supply power to the distan

13、t villages.析supply 表示“供应”还可用于 supply sth to sb/somewhere 的结构 , 作, 这里介词to 不能用 for 替代。3. 公司可提供零部件作为替换物。误The company can supply small parts with replacement.正The company can supply small parts for replacement.析supply 作“供应”解时 , 还可用于supply sth for sth 的结构 , 表示“可提供某物作为(用处或目的)",这里介词for不能用with替代。? 学习参考

14、?在美式英语中偶尔可见到使用supply sb sth 结构的情况。例如:They supplied us salt. 他们供给我们食盐。?supplyn. s ? 'pla ? ( supplies ) 双解释义 U供给,供应,补给 supplying or being supplied P供给之物,军需品,存货,现货 thing that is supplied; stock or store ofthings provided or available 基本要点?1.supply 用作名词的基本意思是“供给 , 供应 , 补给” , 是抽象名词, 不可数。表示具体的“供给”, 特

15、别是其前有形容词修饰时, 也可加不定冠词a。2.supply 也可表示具体的“供给之物 , 存货 , 现货”等 , 是可数名词, 多用复数形式。词汇搭配动词+afford a supply 提供augment a supply增力口供应balance supply with demand平衡供需bolster supply增强供应check supply阻止供应crave supply渴求供应curb supply 制止供应curtail supply削减供应cut off a supply断绝供应demand a supply 要求供给deplete -lies耗尽供应品derive sup

16、ply获得供应dispense -lies 分配供给品draw supply 获得供应economize household -lies节约家庭用品entreat supply请求供应exceed the supply超过供应exhaust -lies耗尽供给品? expect a supply希望供给,期待供应facilitate supply方便供应? forward another supply再发送一批给养furnish a supply提供给养get supply得至 U 供给guarantee a supply保证供应have a supply得至 U 供给insure suppl

17、y确保供应lay in -lies贮存物资need a supply需要供给obstruct supply妨碍供应obtain a supply得到供给order supply定购供应品procure supply采购供给receive -lies 接受供应品replenish supply补充供给rush -lies to a place赶运供应品至某地shut off a supply断绝供应stabilize supply稳定供给store -lies贮存物资形容词+constant supply经常不断的供给free supply免费供给fresh -lies新的供应品good sup

18、ply大量供应important supply重要补充inadequate supply供应不足increase supply增加供应large supply大量供应long-term supply长期供给medical -lies医药用品military -lies军需品plentiful supply大量供应scarce supply缺乏供给品short supply供应不足,供应短缺sufficient supply足量的供给名词+coal supply煤的供应electric power supply电力供应, household -lies家庭用品, money supply提供资金

19、, office -lies办公用品? relief -lies救济物资? war -lies军需品, water supply供水,自来水,供水系统食品供应food supply+名词, supply lines供应线,补给线介词+, in short supply供应/、足law of supply and demand 供需规律+介词, a supply of一批,许多,a supply of food一批食物常用短语?supply and demand供求关系 the amount of goods, etc. available and the amount wanted by co

20、nsumers, the relationship between which is regarded as controlling prices The meeting would decide whether our export quotas should be changed in the light of supply and demand.这次会议将根据供求情况决定是否改变我们的出口定咨页°?句型例句这房间的供水中断了。The water supply to the room failed.The supply of electricity has enormously

21、increased by the construction ofthermal and hydroelectric stations.新建了一些火力和水力发电站, 大大增加了电力供应。There has been a rapid increase in the supply of farm machinery, chemicalfertilizer and pesticides. 农业机械、化肥和杀虫药的供应迅速增加。How will they arrange for a daily supply of food to the flood victims?他们将怎样安排水灾灾民每天的食品供应?

22、The rivers afford an inexhaustible supply of fish.这几条河有取之不尽的鱼类资源。What supplies shall we need for our mountain climb?我们登山需要准备些什么东西呢 ?The commander was worried about supplies for his men.司令员为部队的补给品担忧。Our fuel supplies are running low.我们的燃料储备不多了。As a punishment, his monthly supplies were cut off。停止了每月对他的供给作为惩罚。This country is absolutely dependent upon


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