1、高三英语试卷 第 1 页(共 16 页) 北京市西城区 2009 年抽样测试 高三英语试卷 2009 1 本试卷分第一卷 (选择题)和第二卷(非选择题 )两部分。共 150 分。考试时间 120 分钟。 第一卷 ( 三部分,共 115分) 第一部分:听力理解 (共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听完每段对话后, 你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话你 将听一遍。 例: What is the man going to
2、read? A A newspaper B A magazine C A book 答案是 A。 1 How did the two speakers find the movie? A Hard to understand B Interesting and exciting C Not worth seeing twice 2 What contributes to the woman s high score? A Doing lots of homework B Attending every lecture C Reading a lot 3 What does the man me
3、an? A He is eager to see what the new system is like B He thinks it unlikely to have 500 channels C The new TV system may not provide anything better 4 What is the man doing right now? A Looking for something on the Internet B Buying a gift for his dad C Referring to the newspaper 5 Will Tom probabl
4、y sell his shop or keep on doing business? A Neither 高三英语试卷 第 2 页(共 16 页) B Stay in business C Sell his shop 高三英语试卷 第 3 页(共 16 页) 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 5 分,满分 225 分) 听下面 6 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的 A、B、c 三 个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟时间阅读每小题。听完后, 每小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。 6
5、 What time does the woman ask for some information about the train? 7 Why doesnt the woman take the train in the end? A She s late for the train B She thinks foods on the train are too expensive C She doesn t like the number of the platform from which the train leaves 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。 8 What is
6、 this dialogue about? A Work B Driving 9 When will they have dinner? A At 5:00 B At 6:00 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 11 题。 10What s the relationship between the two speakers? A They are brother and sister B They are father and daughter C They are close friends 11 what does the man have to do? A To wash the di
7、shes B To take out the rubbish C To hang up his clothes 听第 9 段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题。 12 When does the conversation take place? A In the morning B In the afternoon C In the evening 13 What do they do to the common bread before baking it? A Mix the bread with eggs B Spread sugar C Put some fresh fruit on t
8、op 14 Who will pay the bill? A The woman B The man CA At 4:13 B At 4:29 C At 4:30 C Dinner C At 7:00 Both of them 高三英语试卷第 3 页(共 16 页) 听第 10 段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。 15. What plan are the two speakers discussing? A . A car wash . B . A Christmas party . C . A newspaper . 16. What does the man say he will d
9、o tonight? A . Draw a picture . B . Write an article . C . Hang up posters . 17 . What does the man think of the woma n? A . She is compet ing with him . B . She is quite helpful . C . She is not practical . 听第 11 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 18 . What was the speaker doing whe n the customer walked in one mo
10、rning? A . Planting some trees in the gree nhouse B . Writi ng an ad to a local n ewspaper . C . Putt ing up a “ going out of bus in ess ” sig n . 19 . What did the speaker think of whe n serv ing the office man ager? A . Opening an office in the new office park . B . Keep ing better relati ons with
11、 her compa ny C . Gett ing fresh bus in ess cha nces 20 . Which of the following was the speaker s hope for the future? A . Securi ng a job at the office park . B . Owning the gree nhouse one day . C . Finding customers out of tow n 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从每题所给的 A B
12、、C D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。 例: It s so nice to hear from her again . ,we last met over thirty years ago. A .What s more B . That s to say C .In other words D .Believe it or not 答案是 Do 21 . There be any difficulty in pass ing the oral test since you have practiced a lot i n school A . mus
13、tn t B . shan t C .shouldn t D .needn t 22You were n ot liste ning ;what troubled you? I my coming math exam A . am thinking about B C . had thought about D 23 . Shall Daniel come to the concert with us? Not he has fini shed his paper 24 . Besides the Internet , television is another major way of co
14、mmunication , us to see the performer as well as to hear the voice A . permitti ng B . to permit C 25 . The man had expected to see all his relatives whe n in hospital to see him while many of his friends offered him their help 26 . In some people s opinions , the powerful the country becomes pleasa
15、 nt it is to live in A .most; fewer B . more; fewer C . more; less D . most; less 27 . Profits in this compa ny went up by 20 % last year ,and so far this year though the financial situation was bad A .have not decreased B .were n t decreased C .had not decreased D .haven t bee n decreased 28 . Just
16、 like a voyage at sea, our life journey , days are limited ,is full of difficulties . A .which B .that C .its D whose 29 . two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday . Shall we go and enjoy it together? A . They have bee n give n B . I have bee n give n C . I am give n D . They ha
17、ve give n to me 30 . After ten years absenee she cameback , only to find her old house was not it used to be . A . which B . what C . whe n D . how 31. Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office , but our work we tur ned dow n the offer . A . not fini shed B . not havi ng fini shed C .
18、fini shed D . hav ing fini shed 32 . Most highways are lined with billboards of advertisement , which by passing car-drivers . A . are intending to read B C . are intending to read ing D 高三英语试卷第 4 页(共 16 页).was thinking about . will think about A . si nee B once whe D . uni ess being permitted D . p
19、ermitted ,but came A . none B no one C some one D . anyone ,the _ are inten ded to be readi are inten ded to be read 5 页(共 16 页) a plate . He becomes so disappo in ted in the end that he 54 hides some i nside the 55 of a woma n sitt ing n ear him and throws some un der the seat of the restaura nt s
20、violi ni st! real life . 36 . A. treated B .in vited C .accepted D .served 37 . A. magaz ine B .book C .card D .wallet 38 . A. throws B .places C .removes D .spreads 39 . A. waiter B .watch C .en velope D .table 40 . A. customers B .tablecloth C .surroundings D .menu 41. A. appears B .grows C .turns
21、 D .shows 咼二英语试卷第 42 . A. cards B .money C .bills D .keys I like to watch Mr 33. 34. Students complaints by the school . .of; in to B . for ; on C So many uses have been discovered of tree is beco ming smaller and smaller .the n B too many exams were soon take n .of; for D this wood the con siderati
22、 .with : against supply of this special 35 . During the test the eyes on their work .and not speak .what .that .which can didates are supposed to rema in in to each other . their seats , keep their .but can not talk .in stead of speak ing D 第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 One of
23、 my favourite after being 36 at on it , sig ns his name, a moment, he looks at the not know it was there . .rather tha n speak 1.5 分,满分 30 分) A、B C D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, films is Mr . Bea n At a Fa ncy(化装)Restaura nt .In the ,writes a few words on the table . After his table , Mr. Bean takes out a 37 puts
24、 it into an envelope and 38 it 39 but this time he looks surprised film , ,as if he did He ope ns it to on the table for every one to see When he looks at the 40 face . He takes all 子).He then looks that makes him smile 42 out of his from the menu to the an ast oni shed look quickly pockets , counts
25、 it and money with 43 un til 41 puts it in a saucer(碟 he finds one thing on his .He 44 a dish called to discover that arrives , he is 45 的)hamburger . He 47 an attempt to eat it , but it he finds the taste really terrible waiter asks whether everyth ing is OK is fine . 51 no one is looking meat any
26、where he can _53 _ , ,from .He cannot 49 his is 48 .He smiles and nods ,however, he 52 tartare . ” When the dish ” is 46 a raw( 生肉 the look on his face , that feelings , except whenthe 50 that everything himself hidi ng the raw in side a sugar bottle , a tiny flower vase and un der .Bea n on TV but
27、I would n t want to meet some one like him in 43. A. satisfaction B .care C .con fide D .concern 44. A. buys B .orders C .washes D .breaks 45. A. shocked B .pleased C .moved D .frighte ned 46. A. mostly B .in deed C .actually D .nearly 47. A. makes B .gets C .tries D .takes 48. A. doubtful B .sure C
28、 .clear D .likely 49. A. hide B .express C .preve nt D .explai n 50. A. admitti ng B .recog nizing C .in dicat ing D .realizi ng 51 . A. Because B .When C .Once D .Although 52. A. prete nds B .helps C .prepares D .busies 53. A. reach B .see C .get D .arrive 54. A. rather B .almost C .exactly D .even
29、 55. A. hand B .purse C .blouse D .hair 第三部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。 A Beijing- The two-day Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is expected to sign important docume nts today whe n it closes in Beiji ng The meeting is a timely call for leaders from the tw
30、o continents to find a solution to lift their countries , if not the world , out of the present global financial crisis(da ngerous situati on) Europe has been more determined than the United States to get rid of the world s prese nt econo mic system . It wants to build a new , or sec on d-ge nerati
31、on system . Asia and Europe built a new , equal partnership in 1996 when the first ASEM was held . The ASEM has 45 members that account for 57 percent of the world s population . Their foreign trade makes up more than 60 percent of the world s trade . In 1997, when Asia was hit by a finan cial crisi
32、s . the seco nd ASEMn 1998 attempted to support its Asian members . The establishment of the ASEM Asian Financial Crisis Resp onse Trust Fund helped these coun tries to rebuild finan cial system and remove the in flue nee on their societies . The present financial crisis has affected more countries
33、than the 1997 one is expected to in flict a heavy blow on the world ASEM is not good at deali ng with finan cial problems developing countries of the ASEMthink differently about solutions to the financial crisis . It is widely known that the European Union is divided over the issue . It Still , deve
34、loped and 高三英语试卷第 8 页(共 16 页) As a result , it is unrealistic to expect a cure-all for the crisis from the Beijing ASEM Ding Yuanhong, former China ASEMSenior official , said that without the presenee of the US no plans are practical . But the ASEM can serve as a platform for the two con ti nents to
35、 com muni cate and excha nge ideas . Their leaders can compare no tes and pool their wisdom . The most importa nt thing is the message of con fide nee the meeti ng is expected to deliver to the word . (Ch ina Daily 10 / 25/ 2008) 56. When did ASEM come into being? A . In 1996 . B . In 1997 . C . In
36、1998 . D . In 2005 . 57 . What can we know about the USA from the passage? A . It will atte nd the n ext ASEM . B . It plays an importa nt role in ASEM . C . It helped the Asia n coun tries a lot in the 1997 finan cial crisis . D . It hasn t been ready to change the present economic system yet . 58
37、. Which of the following words can replace the . underlined word “ inflict ” ? A . get B . give C . in crease D . in flue nee 59 . From the n ews we can lear n that . A . the EUcountries think differently about the solutions to the financial crisis B . the seco nd ASEM in 1998 tried to support its A
38、sia n members C . Ding Yuanhong is against the USA s participation in ASEM D . most of the ASEM members are Asia n coun tries B Staring at the creature in the small cage at the shelter , Brain Gallagher six-foot-tall , 254 pounds-knew he d met his match . The dog s black eyes stared back fearlessly
39、and challe ngin gly . “You don t want this one ,” a salesman said , nothing but trouble . ” “ I m a policema n . ” Gallagher shot back . “ Trouble s my bus in ess . ” “Yeah, well , this dog was leading a pack that was running wild . Nobody wants him . ” The salesman pointed at a door to the room whe
40、re animals are put to sleep . Gallagher looked at the card taped to the cage “ King ” . The dog barked ( 吠)and the hair stood out around his neck , making his large head appear even bigger . Gallagher took a towel from a paper bag, rolled it , and waved it slowly in front 高三英语试卷第 10 页(共 16 页) of the
41、 cage . King s eyes watched the towel . WhenGallagher held it closer , the dog put his powerful jaws( 颚)on the heavy wire bar . “ Told you,” said the salesman , “too wild . ” 高三英语试卷第 7 页(共 16 页) “ Uniock it . ” Gallagher said . You kiddi ng? ” Go ahead . He II be okay The salesman shook his head , u
42、niocked the cage and quickly stepped back, “Okay, boy,” Gallagher said softly , slowly opening the cage. Carefully he held out his hand. The dog smelled . Then he offered the rolled towel . At once, King caught it . Seconds later , the towel was torn into pieces . Gallagher moved back , allowing Kin
43、g out of the cage . King jumped out . His eyes passed over the frightened salesman and focused on Gallagher , who threw another towel down60-foot hall . King was off like a rocket . Half way down, he started running on the floor wildly far wall . But he had the towel , which he raced back to Gallagh
44、er spirit ,” thought Gallagher as the two played tug of war(拔河).Then, he tried to pull “ I ll be back to pick him up , ” Gallagher told the wide-eyed salesman 60. Nobody wan ted King because _ . A . he was too old to work for people B . he Was too wild to be raised as a pet C . he had the habit to e
45、at expe nsive food D . on ly the policema n was suitable to raise him 61. The dog made his head look larger by letting his hair stand out as if to _ A . scare people B . attract people s attention C . show his clever ness D . enjoy himself 62 . Which of the follow ing is TRUE accord ing to the passa
46、ge? A . The salesma n rushed out of the room as soon as Gallagher ope ned the cage B . The salesma n un derstood the dog better tha n Gallagher . C . Gallagher un derstood the dog better tha n the salesma n D . Gallagher just wan ted to frighte n the salesma n 63 . Gallagher man aged to let the dog
47、free his arm by _ . A . beat ing the dog hard B . beggi ng the dog to let him go His backside crashed aga inst the “ He s got real King back into the “ Okay, you will to do . Neither it into the cage , King set Gallagher cage by pulling the towel hard . Immediately , King ,” Gallagher said in a soft
48、 voice . “ You don t like .” Slowly he reached for the towel with his free hand and threw as if to say . “ don t try that again .” s arm free and ran into his cage . bit his forearm . to be told what 高三英语试卷第 12 页(共 16 页) C . throw ing the towel into the cage D. ask ing for help from the salesma n CA
49、FE DISPLAY OUR JOURNEYS 12 April-29 May 2008 Young people explore how they have adapted to life in Oxford “ When I first came here , ” says one young Africa n woma n , “ I just wan ted to cry all the time . And now I have learned to laugh again . ” Working with photographer Rory Carnegie and writer
50、Nikki van der Gaag , young men and women explore their journey from the time they first arrived in a strange place to where they find themselves today . Orga ni sed by The Sun day Times Oxford Literary Festival(10-17 April 2008) . Supported by the Maggie Black Trust and Oxford City Council ACTIVITIE
51、S FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES MODERN ART TROLLEY FREE Art activities for children every weekend during the exhibition in the Entrance Space from 2 P . m to 4 p . m Just drop in . Children must be led by an adult . WORKSHOP FOR 8 TO 12 YEAR OLDS Thursday 7 April . 10 : 30 a . m to 1 : 30 p . m Looking
52、at themes from the exhibition and exploring pictures based ideas through group discussi on and using digital cameras . Led by Judie Waldma nn BOOK LAUNCH FREE The Drawing Book by Sarah Simblet is a practical approach to drawing the world around you . Sarah Simblet , who teaches at the Ruskin School
53、of Drawing and Fine Art , University of Oxford , will be present to give a short talk about the development of her book . Special price of 18 on copies purchased on the eve ning Booki ng recomme nded on 01865 813802 TEACHERS EVENING FREE Thursday 21 April , 5 p . m to 7 : 30 p . m. Lecture by Susan
54、Bright , independent writer and lecturer , at 5 : 30 p . m followed by an opport unity to view the exhibiti on . FREEEducati on Notes will be provided for teachers atte nding the evening WORKSHOP FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS Saturday 7 May . 10: 30 a . m. to 1 : 30 p . m Workshop for primary teachers who wo
55、uld like to develop their practical art skills as well as gain an un dersta nding of moder n art practice . Led by Judie Waldma nn , artist and former primary school teacher TALKS AND WORKSHOPS FOR SCHOOL GROUPS Exhibition talks and artist-led workshops to create work in response to the exhibition a
56、le available for pre-booked school groups . Suitable for primary and sec on dary schools , to check availability and discuss details call Sarah Mossop on 01865 813816 . 高三英语试卷第 9 页(共 16 页) 64 . If you are a teacher and interested in art . you probably would like to go to _ . A . TEACHERS EVENING B .
57、 MODERN ART TROLLEY C . WORKSHOP FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS D . TALKS AND WORKSHOPS FOR SCHOOL GROUPS 65. What can we learn from the passage? A . Susan Bright will give a short talk at the launch of The Drawing Book B . Rory Carnegie and Nikki will teach young people how to take photos C . The workshop le
58、d by Judie is inten ded for the sec on dary school stude nts D . The childre n who go to the Moder n Art Trolley must be led by an adult 66 . Which of the following would be the best title of the text? A . FREE JOURNEYS B . SPRING EVENTS D . ACTIVITIES FOR TEACHERS 67 . The passage makes you believe
59、 that _ . A . if you attend “BOOK LAUNC”,you can get the book at a low price B . school groups can atte nd talks and workshops for them at any time C . almost all the young people have difficulty in adapti ng to life in Oxford D . TEACHERS EVENING is only accessible to teachers D It is natural for y
60、oung people , at times , to blame their parents for most of the misunderstandings between them . They have always complained that their parents are out of touch with modern ways ; that they do not trust their children to deal with crises ; that they talk too much about certain problems , and that th
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