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1、五年级下册知识点归纳及同步练习Book 5B UnitlThis is my day句型:1. 询问某人的生活,学习规律- When do you? 你什么时间 .?I usually(频率词)at 我通常在.(点钟).(干什么事).E.g. -When do you get up every day ?你每天几点钟起床?I usually get up at 6 oclock. Sometimes I get up at 6:20.我通常在6点起床,有时是6:20。2. 介绍自己的生活,学习习惯Every weekend I climb mountains.我每个周末都爬山。I go to

2、work at 9:00 in the evening. I go home at 5:00 in the morning. 我晚上 9: 00 去上班。早上 5: 00 回家。询问某人的生活,学习等习惯-What do you do on the weekend? 周末你做什么?-I (频率词) 我.E.g. What do you do on the weekend? 你周末做什么?I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.我经常踢足球,有时去远足 询问某人的职业-What do you do ?您的职业是什么?-I am Thank you

3、 for telling me about your day!谢谢您告诉我您一天安排。Lets+ Ving .让我们.知识归纳:词汇一 get up 起床do morning exercise 晨 练haveEnglish clas 上英语课 play sports 进行体 育 活 动climb mountains 爬 山goshopping 购物play the piano 弹钢琴visit grandparents 看望(外)祖父母 gohiking 去远足 eat breakfast 吃早饭 -eatdinner 吃晚饭activities(活动)timemorning 早上noon 中

4、午afternoon 下午evening 晚上(时间)night 夜晚-when 什么时候频率词广 always 总是usually 通常often 经常sometimes 有时seldom 很少I never 从不频率程度依次递减.Letsgo hiking together next Sunday. 下周让我们一起去远足吧。Let watch TV together.让我们一起看电视。Exercise For Unit 11. 根据格局意思及所给首字母,在空格写单词。1. Miss Green can speak C_ .2. We ofte n visit our g_ o

5、n Sun days.3. In the morning, the students do m_ e_ at school.4. What do you do on W_ after noon?5. W_ do you p_s_ ? I usually do that at 7:30.6. W_ do you do on Saturdays? I u_ go swimming.S_ I c_ m_ .7. What do you do on the w_? I o_ play the computer games.8. When do you eat b_ in the morning.2.

6、用括号里的词的正确形式填空:1. Does she_(work) in a school?2. She_(not can ) sing and dance.3. They_(not like ) the milk.4. Lets_ (go ) and_(ask)_ (they).5. When do you_ (study)?6. _ (be ) your parents workers?7. Thank you for_ (give) me a book.8. Mr. Li often_ (help ) the students.3. 选词填空sweep the floor go to be

7、d go to work eat dinner1. A: Do you_ a seven in the morning?B: Yes, I go to work by bike.2. Itsten oclock now. Please_ .3. We often_ at twelve at noon.4. The stude nts_ at five in the after noon.4. 根据问句写答句,或根据答句写问句:1._I get up at 6:00 in the morning.2._Usually I watch TV and go shopp ing. Sometimes

8、I go hik ing on the weeke nd.3. _?I am a stude nt.4. _ ?He is a policema n.ook5B Unit 2 My Favourite Season知识点归纳. 词汇:1.-What your favouite season?-Spring / Summer/ Fall/ Winter is (my favourite season ).是春天/夏天/秋天/冬天。2.-Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个季节?-I like winter best.我最喜欢冬天。3.-Why do you

9、 like winter ?你为什么喜欢冬天?-Because I canplay with snow/make a snowman.因为我能玩雪/堆雪人。4.Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.夏天虽然好,但是我最喜欢的季节是秋天。Seasons(季节)四会动词短语spring(windyand warm)(春天)winter(sunny and hot)(夏天)fall(windy and cool)(秋天)winter(windy and cold)佟天)fly the kite放风筝skate滑冰make a snowman堆

10、雪人plant trees种树sleep睡觉哪一个best最,极play withsnowleaf (复数 leaves)upnorth玩.雪叶子至北方或北方城市北方,向北方Halloween会 vV Thanksgiving重点句型。万圣节前夕感恩节你最喜欢的季节是什么?游泳swim其他:which5.I don like winter. It too cold. 我不喜欢冬天。太冷了。6.I like summer best. I like to swim in the sea.我最喜欢夏天。我喜欢在海里游泳。三.注意对四季的描述,尤其是你最喜欢的一个季节。Exercise for Uni

11、t 2一.短语互译。1. play with _ 2. go up north_3._ 种树 _ 4.堆雪人_5._ 放风筝 _ 6.滑冰_二.选择填空。()1. _ seas on do you like best? Spri ng.A. What B. Which C. What()2. Summer is_ and the days are_ .A. hot ,l ong B.white ,longC. golde n, short()3. I wear my T-shirt now. Which seas on is it?A. Spri ng.B. SummerC. Fall()4.

12、 In win ter . I can play with_ .A. waterB. snowC. ice-cream三.根据中文完成句子。1. 你最喜欢哪个季节?夏天。_ seas on_ ?_ .2. 为什么你喜欢夏天?因为我可以在河里游泳。_ you_ ?_ I_ river.3. 你喜欢秋天吗?是的,我可以放风筝。_ you_ ?_ , I_四.完成对话。1.A:_do you like best?B: Fall. _ always sunny and cool.What about_ ?A: Win ter. I can_ snow.B: I _ like win ter . It

13、too_ .2.A: _ your favourite seasons?B:_ .A: _ do you like spring?B: Because I_ plant _ ._ seasons do you like_?A: Win ter.B: Why do yo like best?I can skate.Book 5 b Unit 3 My Birthday语法名词所有格1名词后加,如Johns, your father2以s结尾的名词加 女口the twinsA:、知识点归纳Dec. December (十二月)Jan. January (一月)Feb. February (二月Ma

14、r. MarchApr.AprilMayJuneJulywi nter(三月)序数词四月)springordinal(五月)(六月)(七月)summernumberAug.AugusSept. September (九月)Oct. October (十月)fallNov. November(十一月)其他三会单词chart图表cousin堂(表)兄弟/姐妹send发送,first(第一)second(第二)third(第三)fourth(第四)fifth(第五eighth(第八)ninth(第九)twelfth(第十)twentieth(第二十)birthday(生日)uncle(叔叔,舅舅)h

15、er(她的)date(日期)e-card电子卡片able能everyone每个人then那么重点句型1问时间When is your birthday ?你的生日是什么时候?My birthday is in June .我的生日在六月。Is her birthday in July ?Yes ,itis .她的生日是在七月吗?是的。(注:月份前面用in )2询问日期Whatthe date today/What date is it today ?(今天几号?区分:(今天六月一号)What day is it today ?(今天星期几?)ItJune 1st .ItSunday .(今天星

16、期天。)节日的名词Natio nal Day国庆节Childre nDay儿童节WomenDay妇女节TeachersDay教师节Army Day建军节New YearDay新年Exercise For Unit 3(一)选择适当的词填空last , seas ons, skat ing, fall , December , seas on , very, sno ws, funny, makeThere are four_ in a year . Spring beg ins first . Summer isafter spri ng. Then it _. Win ter is the_

17、seas on in a year .There are twelve mon ths in a year . There are three mon ths in a_. I like_best. Because itmy birthday . Itthe last month of a year. It _ cold . Itoften_ . We can go_ and_ asno wma n . That is_.(二)根据所给的信息回答问题(句子要求完整)。1When is your mother sbirthday? ( July)2Whatthe date?一月三十日_ 星期三3

18、What day is it today?4Which month do you like best?(根据实际情况来回答)5Is your fatherbirthday in Jan uary ?(否定回答)6What do you have on Tuesday ?数 学7Whose birthday is in May ? ( Mike的)8What is the weather like in summer ?(根据实际情况回答)(三)根据上下文意思,把句子补充完整。A:Hi._?B: Fi ne ,_ .A: _?B: That boy is my friend ,John .A:

19、_?B: He is fourtee n.A: _?B: His birthday is in June.A:?B: Today is June 6th.A: Letgo and play with him .B: _.Book5 B Unit4 What are you doing词汇r draw pictures 画画 read abook 看书 四会 V listen to music听音乐 write a letter 写信mom妈妈cook dinner 做饭 answerthe phone 接 电话 cleanthe room打扫房间 write ane-mail 定电子邮件 st

20、udy 书房talk 讲话 see youlater 再见 speak to和 讲话call 打电话 grandpa 爷爷;外公 hold on 等一下;别挂断重要句型和语法点现在进行时态:表示说话时正在发生的动作或一段时间以来一直在进行的动作句型为.am陈述句:主语+be J is +Ving +其他 are常和时间状语 now 连用 匕、严 、般疑问句:Be +主语+Ving +其他?Are(Im在一般疑问句中,常改成Are you)特殊疑问句:疑问词(What / Where/ Who) )+ be+主语+Ving+其他?E.g.丄 am drawing pictures in the

21、bedroom. Are you drawing pictures in the bedroom?Yes, I am.No, Inot.Who is drawing pictures in the bedroom? What are you doing in the bedroom? Where are you drawing pictures ?电话用语:Hello. This is Nina. Can I speak to your mom, please?你好,我是 Nina.我能和你妈妈说话吗?Please hold on. 请等一下.Who that ?你是哪位?-This is s

22、peaki ng.我是.Exercise for Unit 4、写出下列动词的ing形式1. dance2.swim3. do4. play5.clea n6.ride7. study8.shop9. wash10.watch11. go12.run、找出下列句子在有错误的一项,将序号填在括号内。()1We have three potatos for lun ch.ABC()2.Sarah jswrite a letter.ABC()3.We iswatch ing TV in livi ng room.ABC()4.Kate isswimingin a lakeABC、完成下列对话:Che

23、 n: Hello.Nina: Hello._ Nina. Can I _ _ your mom, please?Chen: Shes not here . Please.Nin a: Thank you.Chen: Mom, there is a call_ you.Mom: Thank you. Hi, Nina._?Nina : Fine, tha nk you._ ?Mom: I am cook ing dinner.Ni na:_?Mom: Yes, I am going to the supermarket tomorrow . Le t sgo together.Nina:_ .

24、 See you tomorrow.Mom:_ .四、句型转换.1.The kangaroo can swim.(改为否定句)2.Id like some bread and milk.(就戈U线部分提问)_?3.There are twelve oranges on the tree.(就戈U线部分提问)_ ?4.The lion are fighting.(就划线部分提问)5.Is the tiger sleeping?(作肯定回答)五、 用方框里所给的单词填空。(on , under , of , are , is , Where, with, clothes, Look, funny,

25、 to. What)This is a picture _ my family. My father_ reading a newspaper and my mother iswashing_ . There_many toys_the floor. My sister is playi ng_ the toys.Oh,_my little brother?_ ! He _the table. Hereally_ .Unit 5 Look at the monkeysfly -flying flies flied 飞 jump-jumping-jumps-jumped跳walkwalking-

26、 walks- walked 走run-rnnning-runs-ran 跑swim- swimming- swims-swam 游泳sleep- sleeping-sleeps-slept 睡觉climb-climbing-climbs-climbed 往上爬fight-fighting-fights-fought打架swing-swinging-swings-swang荡秋千drink- drinking- drinks-drank 喝句型:1.询问别人看到了什么:- What do you see? 你看到了什么?- I see 我看至卩了- Do you see any ?2.询问 (

27、动物)正在干什么:-What is doing?-It is / It .E.g.- What is the mother elephant doing?象妈妈在干什么?- It is drinking water with its trunk. 它正在用它的象鼻喝水。-What are doing?-They are 知识归纳:词汇activity(活动)E.g.- What are the tigers doing?- They are swimmi ng.3.描述某种动物在个什么:TheisThe (s) are E.g. The little panda is sleeping.熊猫宝

28、宝在睡觉。The two birds are flying in the sky .两只小鸟在空中飞翔。Exercise For Unit 51.根据格局意思及所给首字母,在空格写单词。1.There are many big e_ at the zoo.2.The little monkey is e_ bananas.3.Whats your m_ doing now?4.An elephants has a long t_.5.P_ like eating bamboo.K_ live in Australia. They are good jumpers.6.Look! The bir

29、d is m_ a nest in the tree.7.What about the b_ m_ ? It is swinging in the tree.2.用所给的词的适当形式填空1.swimA fish can _ in the water. It likes _ very much. Every day thelittle fish _ in pool. It is so happy.2.flyLook at the birds in the sky, they are _ . They enjoy _ . They always_ in the sky. But yesterday

30、 it was rainy. They _ (not fly ) in thesky. Tomorrow it a fine day , I think they _ again.3.runJack is a good _. He always _ in the afternoon. But today ,hedoesnt like to _.3.根据问句写答句或根据答句写问句。1._ ?I see a mother with her baby.2._ ?I can see a mother with a baby .3._?I am looking at the mother with he

31、r baby.4._ ?I am looking for a mother with a baby.5._ ?I am watchi ng a play about a mother with her baby.6. Are the lions sleep ing in the wood?7. Can the tigers swim?Book5 Unit 6 A Field Trip重点词汇:重点句型。1.What are you doing ?你正在干什么?I watching my classmates 我在看我的同学。2.Are they catching butterflies?他们在

32、捉蝴蝶吗?No, they arent. They are picking up leaves 不,他们在采摘树叶。 . 语法:(现在进行时)含义: 表示此时此刻正在做的事情。 常与 now. look isten 等词连用。女口:I am listening to musicnow.我正在听音乐。Look! Our classmates are counting insects.Listen! Our English teacher is singing .am结构:主语+ be is+ V-ing +其他。areE.g. I amwatching TV.我正在看电视。(2)否定句:-am主

33、语 + be J is +not + V-ing + 其他。areE.g. I am not watching TV 我不在看电视。一般疑问句:amBe is + 主语 + V-ing + 其他?Are四会r take pictures 照相 watchinsects 观察昆虫 pick upleaves 采摘树叶 do anexperiment 做实验 catchbutterflies 捉蝴蝶 countinsects 数昆虫 collectleaves 收集树叶 write areport 写报告 play chess下棋 have a picnic 举行野餐 have a look 看一

34、看honey 蜂蜜厂 wood 树林 ant 蚂蚁interesting 有趣的-him 他(宾格)三会 $thing 东西,物 leave 离开us 我们(宾格)over there 在那边am is + 主语 +doing?areE.g: What are you doing now?你正在干什么?Exercise for Unit 6A: Hello,Joh n!B: Hello,Sarah!A:_ ?B: Im watch ing in sects. What about you ?A: _ . It is very instering . Do you see Mary and Kate?.They are un der the big tree.A:B: I think they are pick ing up leaves.A. aB. anC. the()2. Kate isto the woods.A. runningB. runsC. running()3. WhatLucy and Ben?A.


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