



1、丽水学院2007 2008学年第2学期期终考试试卷(B卷)课程 翻译理论与实践使用班级 外国语学院英本 05级班级:学号: 姓名:题号IIIIIIIVV总分得分Part I. Translate the following phrases 10%(本大题共10小题,每小题1分)1.密码4.赢得市场7.文化程度10. 一次性付款2.扣帽子5.自学8.竞争意识3.新闻自由6.抓紧时间9.提高英语水平52.雨后春笋4隔墙有耳6.新官上任三把火8.充耳不闻10.势如破竹Part II. Translate the following four-character phrases and idioms

2、10%(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. 一寸光阴一寸金3 .留得青山在,不怕没柴烧5 .趁热打铁7 .胆小如鼠9东张西望Part III. Translate the following sentences 30%(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1. 我对你万分感激。2. 世界上只有海水取之不尽,用之不竭。3. 大会将于今年九月在北京隆重开幕。4. 他比赛失败,我感到很惊讶。5. 山东曲阜是中国古代著名的思想家、教育家孔子的故乡。6. 智者千虑,必有一失。7. 到厦门中学教书,完全是一种意外的收获。8. 政府不干预香港特别行政区的事务。9. 世界上往往有许多巧事,是你没

3、有想到的。10. 此新品种耐寒、耐旱,适合在中国北方生长。Part IV. Translate the following sentence 15%(本大题共 1 小题,共 10分)没有一个人将小草叫做“大力士” ,但是他的力量之大,的确是世界无比(matchless) 。这种力,是一般人看不见的生命力,只要生命存在,这种力就要显现,上面的石块,丝毫不足以阻挡,因为它是一种"长期抗战" (a tenacious force)的力,有弹性(elastic force),能屈能 伸 (shrink, expand) 的力,有韧性,不达目的不止的力。Part V. Transla

4、te paragraph 3 and 4 of the following passage 35%新闻自由是一个相对的词。我认为,第一,新闻应该不受限制;第二,新闻应该对社会负责;第三,新闻应该促进社会稳定与进步。这三方面互为联系,同等重要,不可分割。片面强调某一方面会带来问题,因而是有害的。美国也曾经面临过这样的局面, 最初极其崇尚自由主义,而对自由主义的强调不当造成了滥用新闻自由概念的结果。这是新闻理论发展的第一阶段。后来美国新闻也发现了问题,于是提出了负责任的新闻这个概念, 后者叫做社会责任理论,新闻理论于是进入了第二个发展阶段。 现在世界已经进入一个和平与发展的后冷战时期。 全世界人民

5、都渴望有一个稳定的、进步与和平发展的社会环境。 他们真诚地希望媒体在促进社会稳定和进步方面发挥更大的作用, 不要引起社会动荡与退步。 我认为, 这个后冷战时期标志着新闻理论已经进入第三个发展时期。我认为,目前中国的传播媒体正在努力实践我前面所讲的三点。西方媒体对中国的许多报道是不正确的, 有时是非常不客观的, 是非常不公正的。 西方报纸很少报道中国的发展, 他们感兴趣的不是中国的快速进步, 而是存在的困难和问题。 如果人们只依据这些报道, 无视中国的现实, 那么中国在他们的脑海里便是一个很快就要垮台的社会。 而事实恰恰相反, 中国是一个政治上非常稳定的社会, 是一个经济上快速发展的国家。我们经

6、常报道政府工作中存在的问题。 读者可以从中发现, 我们对这些问题的报道完全不同于西方的报道。 我们知道在发展过程中产生这些问题在所难免。 我们报道的目的是让人民为解决这些问题献计献策,而不是激发社会的动荡不安,引起误解,甚至歪曲事实。新闻 媒介只有这样进行报道,才会被视为对社会的负责。A卷评分标准与答案Part I. Translate the following phrases 10%评分说明:共十小题,每小题一分。1 Password 2. instant noodle 3.freedom of press 4.to move earth and heaven 5. self taught

7、 6. community work 7. educational level 8. emergency exit9. to improve one s English10. to jump into the sea of businessPart II. Translate the following four-character phrases and idioms 10% 评分说明:共十小题,每小题一分。1 An inch of time is an inch of gold2 Like bamboo shoots after a spring shower3 In a frantic

8、rush4 Keep quiet5 Strike while the iron is hot6 New brooms sweep clean7 All by oneself8 Turn a deaf ear to9 Look left and right10 Show off your proficiency with an ax before Lu Ban the master carpenter.Part III. Translate the following sentences 30% 评分说明:共十小题,每小题三分。根据用词和句法酌情减一至二分,表达错 误扣三分。1 A man wa

9、s sitting on a couch.2 Early in the parks we often see people walk with caged birds in hand.3 he meeting will begin ceremoniously in Beijing the following September.4 I was not a little surprised that he lost the game.5 Do that again if you dare.6 Even the wise are not always free from errors.7 Here

10、 is no machine but will lose energy when in motion.8 The Central Government has never intervened in the affairs of the HKSAR.9 Lots of things happen by mere coincidence in this world.10 Cold and drought tolerant, the new variety is adaptable to north China.Part IV . Translate the following sentence

11、15%评分说明:本大题共1 小题,共 15 分,分三个语义部分,每部分五分,根据用词和句法酌情扣减。Have you ever seen how frail young grass grows out from under debris and rubble? In order to get the sunshine and grow, it will wind its way up, no matter how heavy the rocks above and how narrow the space between the rocks. Its roots will drill down

12、ward and its sprouts will shoot upward.Part V Translate paragraph 1 and 2 of the following passage 35%评分说明:本题总分为 35 分。将该短文分成2 个段落,每个段落译文正确,语句通顺得 35 分。错译一处扣 1 分,一个句子多处错译累计扣分直至扣完 3 分。整个句子意思理解错误,译文不正确的扣 5 分。译文意思基本正确但语句表达不符合英语习惯的酌情扣 2 分。Freedom of the press is a relative term. In my opinion, firstly, th

13、e press should be unrestrained; secondly, the press should be responsible to society; and thirdly, the press should promote social stability and progress. The three aspects are integrated, equally important and inseparable. It is harmful to one -sidely stress only one aspect, as this would cause som

14、e problems.The United States once faced this situation. It had much esteem for Liberalism at the very beginning. However, its undue emphasis on this idea resulted in the excessive abuse of the freedom of the press. This was the first period of development of the press. This was the first period of d

15、evelopment of the press theory. Later on, the American press perceived their own problems and therefore, put forward the concept of the responsible press, or the theory of social responsibility, bringing the development. Now the world has entered a post-coldwar period ofpeace and development. People all over the world yearn for a social environment characterized by stability, progress and peaceful development. They earnestly hope the media will play an even greater role in promoting social stability and progress, instead of causing socia


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