



1、12016下半年英语四级听力模拟训练试题Long Conv ersati ons 2MAN:Have a seat, please, Miss Jenkins.WOMAN:Thank you, sir.MAN:Well, Id like to start our conv ersati on with some questi ons.Shall I start?WOMAN:Sure.MAN:Can you type, Miss Jenkins?WOMAN:Yes, I can.MAN:2How many words a mi nute?WOMAN:Sixty.MAN:Hmm. Have you

2、 ever learned how to operate computer?WOMAN:Yes, I have. I worked for two years as a computer operator ina school.MAN:Good. Are you familiar with other moder n equipme nt, the faxmachi ne, prin ter, and things like that?WOMAN:I dont think theres any problem for me to work on thesemachi nes. You know

3、, sir, Ive eve n lear ned shortha nd.MAN:You have? Thats good. And you speak foreig n Ian guages,do you?WOMAN:Yes. I speak Germa n and Fren ch.MAN:Do you speak Italia n?office3WOMAN:No, I dont speak Italia n. But I speak Chin ese.MAN:Really? We have bran ches in Beiji ng and Shan ghai.WOMAN:You mean

4、 I have the job?MAN:Wait, wait, Miss Jenkins. I have to talk to the man ager beforea final decisi on is made.WOMAN:I see. When can I know the result?MAN:In about two weeks, I thi nk.WOMAN:Thank you very much.MAN:Goodbye, Miss Jenkins.WOMAN:Goodbye.Q22: What are the man and woma n talk ing about?Q23: Who might be the man in the dialogue?general4Q24: Which of the followi ng is


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