1、昌平区 2017 - 2018 学年第二学期初三年级第二次模拟练习英语试卷2018.5考 生须 知1.本抽测为笔试部分,共五道大题,满分60分,共8页,39个小题。考试时间90分钟。(本学科听说部分将采用考生 2018 年中考英语听说最高成绩)2.在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。知识运用(共14分)一、单项填空(共6分,每小题分)从 下 面 各 题 所 给 的A 、B 、C 、D 四 个 选 项 中 , 选 择
2、可 以 填 入 空 白 处 的 最 佳 选 项 。1. This girl is creative._ ofte n makes great things.A. I B. You C. He D. She2. Jack rides his bike_ the park every weeke nd.A. in B. on C. at D. of3. We re doing our best this year,_ weA. but B. and C. because D. or4. Table tennis is_tha n football in our school.A. popular
3、B. very popular C. more popular5. _did you get your new watch?On my thirteenth birthday.A. Where B. What C. When D. Why6. Larry always_ up early on weekdays so he is n ever late for school.A. gets B. get C. got D. is gett ing7. My dad_letters to his friends years ago, but I use emails or Wechat now.
4、A. writes B. wrote C. has writte n D. is writ ing8. I_ Joh n the n ews as soon as he gets home.A. will tell B. told C. tells D. tell9. Tim and Bob_ us a lot of beautiful photos since they arrived in London.A. sendB. sent C. have sentD. are sending10. Ken_with me on the pho ne at 8:00 pm yesterday ev
5、ening.A. is talki ng B. was talki ngC. has talked D. is talked11. Harry Potter _ with its final book in 2007.A. complete B. completed C. is completed D. was completed12. I don t know_at the scienee camp next week.Don t worry. Let me check my no tebook for you.A. what did we do B. what will we doC. w
6、hat we did D. what we will do二、完形填空(共 8 分,每小题 1 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、 B、C、 D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。People Just Like UsI was not interested in the school project on ancient cultures at all, especially things about Egypt ( 埃及),but Grace, my research partn er, i nsisted the ancient Egyptia ns were in te
7、rest ing, and said I would13 _ my mind for sure.“ Learning about these ancient people is so boring.” I said.It s not! Don t be sure until you ve learned aboue .them.” said GracII keep on trying.D. the most popularI had to say Grace had a 14_. So the next Saturday, I found myself at the Museum of Nat
8、uralHistory, which had a big show on ancient Egypt.“ So an cie nt Egyptia ns were pretty un developed,right? ” I asked Grace as we waited in line for our tickets.I mean, they didn t have mudid15 Well, except for thepyramids(金字塔)- didn t the Egyptian kings live in thepyramids?Grace just kept sile nt
9、and pushed me forward.The show set me straight about the pyramids. I learned that they were tombs ( 墓)of the ancient kings, nottheir 16 _ . I also found out the great pyramid at Giza was huge, standing 500 feet tall when itwas first built!As I walked farther, I was 17 _ to find a show on ancient spo
10、rts. I saw paintings showingpeople playing a game with a ball. Just for a moment, I could 18 _ ancient Egyptian kids besidethe Nile River hitting around a ball, just as I do with my friends. And the next show was all about how the ancientEgyptians treasured their children. A child was considered a g
11、reat gift to the family.“ So what doyou think of these 19an cie nt peoplenow? ” Grace asked.“ You wereright, ” I said.know justwhat title to give our project. We6. A .fields B.groundsC . schoolsD . homes17. A .tired Bcareful C.surprisedD . n ervous18. A .explai nB .pictureC . showD . enjoy
12、19. A .bori ngB . impatie ntC . funnyD . excit ing20. A .searchedB.studiedC . experie need D . expected阅读理解(共 36分)三、阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A、 B、(共 26 分,每小题2 分)C、AD 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。CR LISLSHIP iPR1MAKS SCHOOL,Our eumpdTi i inipjrlAnl ibr tourism because uW亡亡cnoouragf昭昭eondary sctiool怕怕w ork inprovides
13、 fun trips worldwide. hen ships areour classe&. reacing io欣欣children andarrvtngTe get tlicin uLeaded and make sinre ihe$ archelping uIder urci咕咕uti Lidilis prublettis. 1 f yuu dreready forpassengers. You w ill spend 40% ofgood at apart, why not help to teach ourjuibors o j.ron board helping讥讥ulh
14、迅閒口血宕迅閒口血宕sindid-otball Team what you kna. ? As the益益chgl is? in liherepaid and alsoIACTUin Lheun u busnorth cf ih亡亡. itjbum an hour Ironi (lietourist service deskcemtrc hy busWant Lo hae a try?CsJl Mr. Kvin Smith (DI2-3456328) for moreCoiiie andNk. Lori Lee tor more infbnndiiLjn.infbniiHTion._ anci
15、ent people now?Ancient Egyptia ns are much more in teresting tharin 200ct,I People Ju saLikte Us ! change C. lose D. followplanC point D . wayB . differe neeC. con fide neeD . in formatio nkeepB.wordB.tech no logythey?W hile you Jon i io knox:dboui schoat locall-LLilOry * ed ?tpet?T 1 pH、nui1ltileni
16、tlski l. 25 Lasi Succl diid Ld-k io Ms. J.mcaSlcvena.you are good at football, where can you go for a summer job?A. CRUISE SHIPB. PRIMARY SCHOOLC. DELIVERY COMPANYD. CITY MUSEUM22. Who will help you know more about the work on the ship?A. Ms. Lori Lee. B. Mr. Kevin Smith. C. Ms. Jones Steve ns. D. M
17、r. Jack Gree n.23. What can you do at the CITY MUSEUM?A. Get the ships ready for passe ngers. B. Help childre n with math problems.C. Guide people around the building.D. Help the driver lift the heavy boxes.BGarry started cooking when he was 11, partly thanks to his mother.“Mymom didn t really like
18、cooking, and when she did cook, I didn t really like herfood. Once I was watching something on the Food Network on TV and I,so I went to the bookstore and looked for the biggestWith in a year, he has produced most of the dishes in the cookbook and wasready for a bigger pla n.I wan ted to create my o
19、wn dishes and I started to cookfor more people tha n just my family too.”His family alloweddnlmsto buildkitche n in his bedroom.“At first, they were fine with it, but the n they asked,do you want to be sleeping next to a cooker?Yes, I said! It started off as twotables with some simple cookers, my de
20、sk and my bed, but the n I n eeded more space for cook ing,so I moved the desk out and got a small bed.”Then Garrys older sister, whosebedroom has more space, went off to college. He moved dow n to her room and filled with a largecooker, four work stati ons and a long area for finishing the last ste
21、ps on plates.Garry and his mother set up Eureka, a super club bus in ess that orga ni zes mon thly events inside his home. Garry, who has also cooked in top- class restaurants around the US, says hes not doing it for themoney, but because he loves cooking.poinfiAt/thr life where you stop caring if y
22、oure going tobe famous or do well, your dream will come to you. I did someth ing with my heart and people can see it.I hope to keep getting better and better.24. Why did Garry begin to cook at 11?21. IfCI I Y MLSLL M30 thought, I could do thiscookbook I could find.Qur s ebsitr: http: * %. n eTsidepr
23、i mary.ctirnDELIVERY C()MP.YA. Because his mother loves cook ing a lot.B. Because his mother advised him to cook.C. Because he bought a cookbook from the bookstore.D. Because he thought he could do better tha n his mom.25. Where was his test kitchen at first?A. In his own bedroom. B. In his sister s
24、 bedroom.C. In a famous restaura nt. D. In his sister s college.26. How did his dream come to him?A. He bought many cookbooks.B. He tries hard to be famous.C. He cared much on the skills.D. He keeps his love for cook ing.CHave fun and get smarter?We all know about the pleasure and fun that we get fr
25、om play ing video games. There satisfacti on of fin ally reachi ng thelast level of a game after mon ths of trying. Some experts now say that as well as offeri ng pleasure, video games might also begood for you.Too good to be true?It seems that when you play video games, you might get some very impo
26、rtant skills. They are great for your concentration(集中注意力 ) .Being able to focus is a skill you can use at school or later, in a job. Fitness (健身) games, which are very popular,allow you to practise sports skills like balancing. A lot of games also teach decisi on-mak ing skills. For example whe n y
27、ou haveto choose the best way to escape from a burning building in a game , you re learning how to solve problems and make yourdecision quickly. Gaming teaches you about success and failure too. A lot of games are difficult, and you have to work hard toreach the top level, which teaches you that in
28、life you can succeed if you keep on trying. On the other hand, games teach you thatif you fail, donhave a bretagivenupthe n try aga in.Some psychologists(心理学家 ) believe that role-playing games are particularly valuable. In the virtual environment, youngpeople can take on roles which are often not po
29、ssible for them in real life. You can become a leader, and have to deal with peoplewho lie to you, or hide things from you. By dealing with these situations, you can develop social skills that might help you in thereal world when you re older.Gaming does have its disadva ntages, of course. Play ing
30、for a while is great, but people who play for hours can haveproblems. Physically, it can stop you from gett ing eno ugh exercises, which is un healthy. Psychologically, some players canbecome addicted (上瘾)to their games and begin to prefer their“irtual ” lives, where they are always in control.But o
31、verall, play ing video games is not harmful, uni ess you spe nd too much time. While you building your city, or lookingafter your farm in a game, you re also developing skills that will stay with you for the rest of your life.27. What does the underlined word virtual ” “mean?A. Un clear. B. Un real.
32、 C. Valuable. D. Possible.28. How does the writer think of video games?A. They re harmful to our study and work.B. They give us cha nces to realize our dream.C. Play ing video games is bad for our health.D. Video games can ben efit us in many ways.29. What does gam ing teach us about success and fai
33、lure?s theA. Avoid the difficult top levels. B. Choose the best way to play.C. Believe in hard tryi ng for success. D. Get eno ugh rest after each failure.DSnow mon keys have bee n discovered tak ing baths in man-made hot spri ngsduri ng wi nter in rece nt years. Now, researchers have found exactly
34、why the mon keys do this.The results are not surpris ing: The mon keys are cold. But the researchers also found that bath ing in a hot- spri ng may lower themon keys levels of stress.“ This shows that, as in huma ns, the hot spri ng has a stress-reduci ng effect in snow mon keys,” said RafaelaTakesh
35、ita, the study lead writer.“ This habit ob hhtispibiygsnow mon keys showed how ani malsbehavior can help fight against cold- climate stress, ” Takeshita said. Snowkeys live in very cold place in the world. They areespecially used to living in the cold; they grow thicker andIon ger fur in the win ter
36、.In 1963, a female Japa nese snow mon key livi ng in Jigokuda ni Mon key Park in Naga no, Japa n, was see n bath ing in anoutdoor hot spri ng bel onging to a n earby hotel, and other mon keys soon copied thisbehavior, the researchers said. As you might imagi ne, agroup of mon keys bath ing in a hot
37、spri ng meant to holdpeople made people feel the hot spri ng dirty, so the parkman ageme nt built a new hot spri ng just for the mon keys.By 2003, about a third of the snow mon keys livi ng in thispark often bathed in the hot spri ng in the win ter. The bathing mon keys are now already a popular tou
38、rist attract ion.The bath ing mon keys seemed to be bath ing to staywarm, but scie ntists had no data to support this theory,they said. In the new study, the researchers collected datafrom 12 adult female mon keys inJigokuda ni Mon key Park betwee n April and June, and aga in from October to Decembe
39、r. They exam inedhow much time the mon keys spe nt in the hot spri ng, and also studied the data for a metbolite (代谢物),related to thelevels of stress in mon keys.The researchers found that female snow mon keys did use the hot spri ng more ofte n in the winter than in the spring, especiallyduring col
40、der weeks.The researchers also found that the dominant(统领)females spent the most time bathing because they need more energyto keep their position. They also have a higher level stress.The researchers con cluded that hot-spri ng bath ing becomes a traditi on that provides physiological (生理的)ben efits
41、 tothe mon keys.30. What s the best title for the passage?A. Snow mon keys in spri ngB. Snow mon keys with a new habitC. Snow mon keys in win terD. Snow mon keys un der heavy stress31. How does Rafaela thi nk of snow mon keys A. It s anatural tradition.B. It s a tourist attract ion.C. It helps them
42、get used to the en viro nment.D. It makes them feel the positi on is importa nt.32. What do the experime nts carried in two differe nt periods show?A. The female snow mon keys enjoy bath ing in wi nter more.B. The nu mber of hot-spri ng bath ing snow mon keys grows.C. The experime nts are easier to
43、carry out in wi nter mon ths.D. The bath ing habits of the dominant male snow mon keys.fecal glucocorticcbehavior?33. Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?A. Some snow monkeys are copying humans behaviors.B. Snow monkeys are happy to live in very cold weather.C. Researchers found
44、old snow monkeys enjoy hot springs.D. Hot- spring bathing helps lower human s and animals stress.四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)My Mother, My Role ModelMy mom is one of the most important people in my life and what makes her so special is that she seems to have no idea howencouraging she is. She
45、has led our family and guided my brothers and sisters and me simply by being herself. She leads byexample, showing us her values and making sure we live by our own. She carries out this example by pushing us to do our firstvolunteer work when I was only seven, and she joined in herself. She pushes u
46、s to treat everyone we meet with respect and Ihave never heard of her speaking ill of others or putting someone down.She cares for the people she loves from the bottom of her heart and always puts our needs before those of her own. Mymother herself is easy-going and selfless and works hard to connec
47、t and understand each of her children to make sure we areable to laugh at ourselves and never take life too seriously. She strongly believes in treating everyone equally ( 平等的 ), butnot completely in the same way. She could always find the right way for the different child so that everyone can get t
48、he most fromher advice. S he looks to the goal of making us independent, successful, and capable ( 有能力的 ) in the world and while sheencourages me to work through difficulties, she also hardly ever pushes her ideas onto me. She is always there supporting mewhether I win or lose, pass or fail.She is m
49、y leadership role model and from her I learn t o focus on one s strong points, but not weaknesses. I learn to notonly set a drive in my followers but also have them know that they are important to me no matter what they achieved.In my last leadership experience, the girls in my group were to examine
50、 their lives and decide who they want to be for thefuture. My mother s example helped me find ways to make these girls comfortableenough to open up and share their experiences. I have taken what my mother has taught me and carried it out into a specialleadership style that perfectly puts her practic
51、e and my own experience together.34. Who is the writer s role model?35. When did the writer start to do volunteer work?36. Why can different child get most from the mom s advice?37. What goals does the mother have for her children?38. How does the writer develop his leadership?书面表达(共 10 分) 五、书面表达(共
52、10 分)39. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作。文中 已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。题目 三年来,你的学校一定组织过很多有意义的外出参观活动,让你和同学们开阔了眼界,体验了 快乐,增进了友谊。英语学习报现正举办 My School Trip 征文活动,请你根据下面的提示问 题,向大家介绍一次你所参加的外出参观活动,说一说大家去了哪,做了什么,以及你的感受。 提示词语: learn from, fantastic, experience, enjoy, exciting 提示问题:?Where did y
53、ou go on the school trip?What did you do on the trip?How did you feel about the trip?My School Trip题目现今,我们的很多学校都在开展Pad 教学实验。你的英文笔友 Peter 想了解你的 Pad 课堂学习情况,请根据以下提示,以初中生李华的身份给他写一封邮件,告诉他,你利用Pad 在课堂上学习什么内容,如何学习,以及你的感受。提示词语:l-pad, tech no logy, fast, convenient, share, upload, dow nl oad, personal提示问题:?Wh
54、at do you learn at class by I-pad ??How do you use it for your study?What do you think of this kind of class?Dear Peter,How is it going? I m glad to hear from you.Li Hua昌平区 2017 -2018 学年第二学期初三年级第二次模拟练习英语试卷笔试部分参考答案及评分标准2018. 5知识运用一、单项填空(共 6 分,每小题分)7-12 BACBDD8 分,每小题 1 分)CBAD阅读理解三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26 分,每小题 2 分)21-23 BAC 24-26 DAD 27-29 BDC 30-33 BCAD四、 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10 分,每小题 2 分)34. The writer s moth
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