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1、Stop Spoiling Your ChildrenB2U5-B In it, I often find so many toys that theres almost no room even for my small lavatory or toilet kit. 2. I think in far too many families not only do children come to take their parents generosity for granted, . 3. parents spoiled their children out of a sense of gu

2、ilty. Find out the active expressions in the following:Find out the active expressions in the following:Notes to the TextActive Expressions4. by showering them with material possessions.5. along with those things they pined for but didnt get. 6. when parents are unable to stand up to their childrens

3、 unreasonable demands. 7. they immediately feel a wave of regret Notes to the TextActive ExpressionsNotes to the TextActive Expressionsroom far (+ adj./adv.)out of sth.shower sb. with sth. along withstand up toa wave of extent of space available much because of sth. give sth. to sb. in large amounts

4、 together with meet or face bravely a sudden surge or rushPractice1. 后面的座位能坐三个人。2. 我真实太忙,抽不出时间见他。3. 我听讲座是出于兴趣。4. 人们向新来的人提了很多问题。5. 谁情愿和我一同去桂林?6. 他明知本人是对的,为什么不敢当面和他的老板说呢?7. 一看到她我就感到一阵狂喜。TranslationTranslationNotes to the TextActive Expressions1. Theres room for three on the back seat.2. Im far, far to

5、o busy to see him.3. I attended the lecture out of interest.4. The new arrival was showered with questions.5. Who will go along with me to Guilin?6. Why dont you stand up to your boss when you know youre right?7. I felt a wave of joy upon seeing her.Notes to the TextActive Expressionsto treat with c

6、areless indifference1. take their parents generosity for granted. Notes to the TextFocus Studytake for granted = to assume without questionNotes to the TextFocus Study Do not take his help for granted. Youll regret it if you take your parents love for granted.e.g.e.g.take for granted take it for gra

7、nted that He just takes it for granted that the home is clean.Notes to the TextFocus Studye.g.e.g.2. Still others are afraid to say no to their childrens endless requests for toys for fear that their children will infer they are unloved . Notes to the TextFocus Studyfor fear that = because of the fe

8、ar that, in case; because of anxiety thatPracticeNotes to the TextFocus Study 关好窗子以防下雨。 我怕本人会忘记,所以把他的地址记在笔记本。 我们悄声说话,惟恐吵醒了警卫们。 1. Shut the windows for fear that it may rain. 2. I wrote your address down in the notebook for fear that I might forget it. 3. We spoke in whispers for fear that we might w

9、ake the guards.TranslationTranslationKeyKeyWords and ExpressionsOld to Newfor the night;suddenlyonly justto some degreechange continuallychangeablea small mistakeremove the cover fromfinally; at lastbe certain to do sth. overnight barely somewhat fluctuate variable slip uncover in the end be bound t

10、o do sth.Words and ExpressionsC to E盥洗用品备置充分的急救用品一套滑雪器具提出新颖的论点上升趋势以为理所当然出于同情而协助某人 a lavatory/toilet kit a well-stocked first aid kit a skiing kit make an original point an increasing tendency take for granted help sb. out of pity保住他的任务全日制学生兼职任务以防,惟恐讪笑,取笑一阵气愤遗传变异性hold down his joba full-time student

11、a part-time jobfor fear thatmake fun ofa wave of angergenetic variabilityWords and ExpressionsC to E III . Word UsingKeyKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using1. spoil 那独生女孩被宠坏了父母对她是有求必应。That only girl is terribly spoiled her parents give her everything she asks for.vt. harm the character of (esp. a chil

12、d)spoil vt. make sth useless,valueless or unsatisfactory; ruin KeyKeyThe new road has completely spoiled the character of the village.新修的路彻底毁掉了那个村庄。Words and ExpressionsWord UsingspoilKeyKey假设他不把蛋糕放进冰箱,它就会蜕变。If you dont keep it in the fridge, the cake will spoil.Words and ExpressionsWord Usingvi. (o

13、f food, etc) become bad or unfit to be used, eaten, etcKeyKey教师给我们每个人都分配了假日的义务。The teacher has assigned a holiday task to each of us.2. assign Words and ExpressionsWord Usingvt. sth to sb: give sth to sb as a share of work to be done or of things to be used2. assign vt. sb to (do) sth: name sb for t

14、ask or position; appoint sbKeyKey其中的一个成员被指定作记录。One of the members was assigned to take the minutes.Words and ExpressionsWord UsingKeyKey我们把每周例会定在星期四好吗?Shall we assign Thursdays for our weekly meetings?2. assign vt. name or fix ( a time, place, reason, etc for sth)Words and ExpressionsWord UsingKeyKe

15、y Prices show a tendency to increase. He has a tendency to be late for appointments. 物价呈上升的趋势。 他赴约总是迟到。3. tendency n. dsth that a person or thing does; a way of behaving 倾向;趋向;行事方式Words and ExpressionsWord UsingKeyKey协会为参与会议的人提供食宿。4. accommodation n. (pl.) lodging; room(s) and food 住宿;膳宿The society

16、provided accommodations for the meeting.Words and ExpressionsWord UsingKeyKeyThe two sides failed to agree on every point but came to an accommodation.双方并非在每一点上意见都一致,但已达成和解。4. accommodation n. convenient arrangement; compromise 和解,调解Words and ExpressionsWord Using5. sour v. make or become unfriendly

17、 or unfavorable Words and ExpressionsWord UsingKeyKeyMany friendships have soured over borrowed money.许多友谊都是由于金钱的借还而恶化的。5. sour v. make have or have an unpleasant taste or smell KeyKey1. 炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。2. 奶油在热天会变酸。 The hot weather soured the milk. The scream sours in hot weather.Words and ExpressionsWo

18、rd Using 6. contradiction n. a statement, action, or fact that is opposite in nature or in character to another one disagreementKeyKey It is a contradiction to say you know him but hes a stranger . 2. She will permit no contradiction.1. 他说认识他,又说他是个陌生人,这是自相矛盾。2. 她容不得任何不赞同见。Words and ExpressionsWord U

19、sing7. on demand whenever asked for KeyKey1. Passengers must show their tickets on demand. 2. This will be paid on demand. 1. 查票时旅客须出示车票。2. 索款即付。Words and ExpressionsWord Using8. submit vi. (to sb/sth): accept the control, superior strength, etc (of sb/sth); yieldsubmit to discipline遵守纪律submit to superior force慑服于优势兵力e.g.e.g.Words and ExpressionsWord Using8. submit vt. sth (to sb/sth): give sth (to sb/sth) so that it may be considered, decided on, etc KeyKey他必需在1月1日之前提交恳求书。You must submit your application before


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