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1、精品文档Lesson 43 fully insured1、 insure v. 投保insure sb./sth. against给保险,以防万一- Employer must insure their employees against accident.Insurance n.Insurance companyPremium 保险费 同: ensure 确保,保证- Hard work can ensure our success.assure使确信,向保证- I assure you that I ll bring you happiness. 区别:前者宾语可人可物,后者只能是人Rea

2、ssure 使人消除疑虑 Guarantee 确保 -I can guarantee her safety.2、 premium n. 保险费;奖赏,赠品,额外津贴,额外费用-If you buy two bottles of this kind of beer , you will get a premium for one more free.Premium system 奖励制度Premium price 溢价At a premium 溢价,稀罕3、 recover1) vi 使得到补偿,弥补=Make up for=compensate for-We must recover our

3、losses, or we shall be bankrupt.2) vt. 康复Recover from- She has recovered from the operation.同: restore vt.恢复(原状, 健康 )- I specialized in the restoration of old houses.- The fresh air will help to restore his health.4、 purchase v. 买(比 buy 正式,主要用于书面语,还可是 n.)-Can you purchase freedom with money?-yesterd

4、ay I bought a tie, that look terrible.Purchase money 买进价格 / 进货价格Purchasing powerQuantity purchase 大宗订购Leave sb. to his purchases让某人自谋生路精品文档Not worth a days pures purchase.-His life is not worth a day4、 annual adj. 一年一度的Annual report 年度报告Annual budget annual incomeAnnual rainfall 全年降雨量n.年刊,年鉴-Most ch

5、ildren like comic or sporting annuals.(连环漫画或体育类的年刊)月刊 周刊 日刊Monthly weekly daily China Daily 中国日报Ann-(-enn): 年( year )Anniversary 周年纪念日Annual 一年一次的biennial triennialBicycle triangle5、 、 shiver v. 颤抖 =Tremble区别 :整体的颤抖用shiver ,部分用tremble- He is shivering with cold.- His hands are trembling.- Her trembl

6、ing voice betrayed his secret.Shudder (to shake for a short time because you are afraid orcold)=shiver6 、 dive v. 跳水Dive in/into 跳进Dive 指下降Take a nose dive 急剧恶化,猛跌暴落-The stock market is taking a nose dive today.-今天股市大跌。7、 、 haul v. 拖曳( pull with effort or force )强调用力-They hauled the boat up the beac

7、h.Haul sb. to a volleyball match 强拉某人去看排球比赛同:Pull 应用范围最广,连续不断的拉Drag 拖拉,强调二者有摩擦力-The stone was so heavy that I had to drag it into the roomDrag oneself to 拖着疲惫的身躯去-After a day s hard work, I dragged myself home.Tug 飞快的拖拉,强调幅度大,动作快-Look , a thief tug the bicycle.Tow 借助外力拖拉较大较重的物体-The towed the huge st

8、one with a truck/ lorry.8、 agonizing adj. 精神紧张的,提心吊胆的Agonize v.- This frustration agonized him.Agony n.(great pain 极度痛苦)In agony= in great pain- At the news he is an agony of joy.- 听到这个消息他感到极度的高兴。9、 perch vi. 位于(高处)Perch on- A bird perched on the branch of the tree at the moment.( 栖息 )- The little v

9、illage perches among the hill.( 坐落 )Come off one ' s perch 骄傲 自 大- After his failure, he came off his perch.Put one s pride in one 不再妄自尊大 s pocket.10、 precariously adv. 危险地,不稳固地( unsafe , not firm, not steady )- His life is not so precarious.同: dangerous 强调很危险- Playing with matches is dangerous.

10、Adventurous 爱冒险的- Robinson crusoe is adventurous.Hazardous 碰运气的,冒险的,(有变幻莫测之义)- Climbing the high mountain is hazardous.11、 rebound v. 弹回-The ball is rebound.v.产生事与愿违的结果rebound on / upon sb. 产生对某人不好的影响-The internet rebound on teenagers sometime.Rebound (NBA)抢得篮板球(美校园喜剧Rebound )Text:1 、 ( L2) property

11、 n. 财产(总称),资产,房产Property-tax rate 财产税率Real property 房地产Assignment of property 产权转让Intellectual property rights 知识产权n性质special property 特性2 、 ( L5 ) in the event of 以防万一同:In case ofIn the case ofFor fear that / by any chance /by any possibility-An oxygen mask will come down from overhead in case of a

12、n emergency.-He set off very early for fear that he might be late for theinterview.3、 ( L5) needles to say同: no doubtBeyond doubtBeyond question/ past questionSure enough 果不其然As is expected 不出所料- 彼得担心自己考不好,果不其然,他不及格。-Peter was afraid that he had done badly, and sure enough, his grade is failing.- 她无

13、疑是她最优秀的舞蹈家。- She is beyond all doubt the finest dancer.4、(L7)It is not uncommon to do 习以为常(双否)同 :(写作短语)It is not unusual to do 并不罕见It is no rarity to do 不足为奇It is no accident to do 绝非偶然It is customary to do 司空见惯It is normal to do 非常正常- 大学生从网上抄袭论文并不罕见。- It is not unusually to hear college students fa

14、ke their term papers from online resources.- It is customary to welcome a visitor with a shake.-大家习惯握手迎接客人。5、(L5-L6 ) the +比较级,the+比较级(越越前者是状从,后者是主句,主句有时可用正常语序,但比较级前不用定冠词)-Needless to say , the bigger the risk an insurance company takes, the higher the premium you will have to pay.=Needless to say ,

15、 the bigger the risk an insurance company takes, the premium you will have to pay is higher.= Needless to say , if the risk an insurance company takes is bigger , the premium you will have to pay is higher.-The higher the ground (is), the cooler the air (is).-The more haste , the less speed.-欲速则不达。-The more, the better.6、(L13) launch v.发动;发射;使(船)下水;推出(产品);使开始从事Launch election campaighLaunch Shenzhou spaceshipLaunch a submarineLaunch a product 发布产品Launch a new enterprise 创办一个新企业7、 (


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