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1、国家开放大学年秋季学期电大考试企业管理试题要点题库及答案 图示说明 -恭喜,答对了! -抱歉,答错了! -您选择了此项 第 1 题(单选题)以下说法不正确的是 a.实证研究说明研究现象"是什么' b.实证研究是揭示有关经济变量之间的关系与经济活动的原因与结果 c.实证研究是通过对客观事务的验证来概括和说明已有结论是否正确 d.实证研究是研究经济活动"应该是什么,应当怎么样' 第 2 题(单选题)企业策划是一种 a.理性思维 b.感性思维 c.无需调查研究 d.重在灵感发现 第 3 题(单选题)以下说法正确的是 a.企业策划就是商务策划 b.企业策划就是营销策

2、划 c.企业策划就是对企业的经营管理 d.企业策划就是企业经营管理计划 第 4 题(单选题)市场总潜量的计算公式为 a.q=nqp b.q=mqp c.q=nqc d.q=npc 第 5 题(单选题)企业策划的实质是 a.给企业提供管理方法 b.进行战略管理 c.完成企业整体设计 d.寻找获取企业活动最大成功的途径和方法 第 6 题(单选题)下列哪些思维难获得创意建议 a.想象 b.逆反 c.灵感 d.推理 第 7 题(单选题)swot 分析方法指去,如果企业内部处于劣势且外部存在威胁时,应采用()战略 a.增长型战略 b.扭转型战略 c.防御型战略 d.进攻型战略 第 8 题(单选题)以下不

3、属于波特五力量的因素的是 a.行业内竞争者 b.潜在进入者 c.供应商 d.企业外部环境 第 9 题(单选题)开放式动物园的创意来自于下例哪种思维 a.想象 b.逆反 c.破除 d.灵感 第 10 题(单选题)下列不是营销策划的重点的是 a.扩大市场面 b.增加市场份额 c.提高生产效率并降低成本 d.完善激励机制 第 11 题(多选题)整合后的财务控制一般包括以下几个方面 a.重组公司责任有效的考核 b.成本控制 c.现金流转控制 d.风险控制 e.人员控制 第 12 题(多选题)以下是根据重组内容进行分类的重组 a.产权重组 b.资本重组 c.组织结构重组 d.管理重组 e.债务重组 第

4、13 题(多选题)企业营销策划的特点有 a.权变性 b.系统性 c.竞争性 d.开放性 e.共享性 第 14 题(多选题)可行性研究的阶段有 a.投资金额确定阶段 b.投资主体确定阶段 c.投资机会研究阶段 d.初步可行性研究阶段 e.详细可行性研究阶段 第 15 题(多选题)企业营销力包括以下哪些"力' a.战略力 b.资源力 c.企划力 d.终端力 e.执行力 第 16 题(多选题)动态分析法有 a.动态投资回收期法 b.净现值法 c.内部收益率法 d.获利能力指数法 e.投资回报分析法 第 17 题(判断题)以可控边际贡献作为利润中心业绩评价依据较科学 a.正确 b.错

5、误 第 18 题(判断题)公关活动的重心是消费者 a.正确 b.错误 第 19 题(判断题)企业管理层级越高,其作业控制越多,而战略控制越少 a.正确 b.错误 第 20 题(判断题)公关活动其实就是促销活动 a.正确 b.错误 第 21 题(判断题)为了减少竞争压力,扩大实力,企业需要拥有一部分原材料生产能力或拥有分销渠道, 这种战略叫横向一体化战略 a.正确 b.错误 第 22 题(判断题)从某种意义上说,找到问题比解决问题更重要 a.正确 b.错误 第 23 题(判断题)在企划书中,要列举大量的事例来证明自己的观点 a.正确 b.错误 第 24 题(判断题)在企划书中,要运用大量的理论依

6、据证明策划的可行性 a.正确 b.错误 第 25 题(判断题)现金流转质理关系到企业资金运用及效益水平 a.正确 b.错误 第 26 题(判断题)策划本身就是为了使公共关系活动能够更好地满足组织目标的需求 a.正确 b.错误 图示说明 -恭喜,答对了! -抱歉,答错了! -您选择了此项 图示说明 -恭喜,答对了! -抱歉,答错了! -您选择了此项 第 1 题(单选题)中国古代闻名于世的一本有关策划的书是 a.战国策 b.孙子兵法 c.三国志 d.西游记 第 2 题(单选题)中国企业的商务模式经历的四个阶段中,第一个阶段是 a.基础设施导向阶段 b.高度重视营销阶段 c.技术资本扩张阶段 d.管

7、理能力水平提升阶段 第 3 题(单选题)目前国内外有一种机构,专门为企业提供企业管理咨询服务的机构是 a.中小企业服务中心 b.管理咨询公司 c.法律事务所 d.政策研究室 第 4 题(单选题)企业的价值活动可以分为 a.企业的生产与销售 b.企业的收入与分配 c.企业的上游与下游环节 d.企业的管理与运营过程 第 5 题(单选题)许多企业将自己的经营范围定得过宽,造成经营方向模糊,因此需要说明 a.企业的经营使命 b.企业的组织文化 c.企业的产品市场范围 d.企业的绩效考核 第 6 题(单选题)美国哈佛企业管理通书对企业策划的界定是 a.是达成目的,组合一些因素,而付诸行动的计划,是效率和

8、智慧的结晶。 b.是在考虑现有资源的情况下,激发创意,制定出有目标的、可能实现的、解决问题的一套策略规划。 c.是一种程序,是找出事先决定做什么、何时做、谁来做。 d.是企业完成目标的一套程序。 第 7 题(单选题)企业策划要讲效益,主要关注的是 a.经济效益和.效益 b.效益和员工效益 c.环境效益和政府效益 d.地方效益和国家效益 第 8 题(单选题)以下不属于波特五力量的因素的是 a.行业内竞争者 b.潜在进入者 c.供应商 d.企业外部环境 第 9 题(单选题)在进行企业策划时,必需要用到相关经济管理理论。例如:消费者选择理论 a.它被运用于阐述企业利润最大化的条件 b.它被用于分析各

9、类人群选择行为的研究 c.它被用于分析各种企业经济学指标的变动 d.它主要是解决市场失灵的问题 第 10 题(单选题)认为策划就是科学的预测、分析和决策的学说是 a.决策说 b.计划说 c.规划说 d.管理咨询说 第 11 题(多选题)可以从以下几个方面评价企业策划案的质量 a.企划案的结构 b.创新程度 c.可行性程度 d.贡献程度 e.是否有图表 第 12 题(多选题)企业营销策划的要素有 a.营销目标 b.策划重点 c.目标市场 d.质量定位 e.价格定位 第 13 题(多选题)企业营销力包括以下哪些"力' a.战略力 b.资源力 c.企划力 d.终端力 e.执行力 第

10、 14 题(多选题)下列哪些项目是安索夫的企业战略构成要素 a.产品-市场范围 b.增长向量 c.竞争优势 d.协同作用 e.财务状况 第 15 题(多选题)对于高科技产品营销的经营策略,应着重考虑以下几项 a.商品或市场定位 b.营销战略 c.价格竞争秘诀 d.广告策略 e.经销商的辅导与公关 第 16 题(多选题)以下属于销售计划中的内容是 a.确立总目标 b.订立明细市场目标 c.提升业务人员销售力 d.目标市场确定 e.业绩评估与控制 第 17 题(判断题)营销的最终目的是满足消费者的需求与欲望 a.正确 b.错误 第 18 题(判断题)因水土不服,在求助外部力量进行企业策划时不要聘请

11、国外咨询管理公司 a.正确 b.错误 第 19 题(判断题)策划本身就是为了使公共关系活动能够更好地满足组织目标的需求 a.正确 b.错误 第 20 题(判断题)企业项目策划最早起源于法国 a.正确 b.错误 第 21 题(判断题)为了减少竞争压力,扩大实力,企业需要拥有一部分原材料生产能力或拥有分销渠道,这种战略叫横向一体化战略 a.正确 b.错误 第 22 题(判断题)企划书中,不宜用图表 a.正确 b.错误 第 23 题(判断题)企业策划书就是计划书 a.正确 b.错误 第 24 题(判断题)策划必需立足于客观实际 a.正确 b.错误 第 25 题(判断题)公关活动其实就是促销活动 a.

12、正确 b.错误 第 26 题(判断题)公关活动的重心是消费者 a.正确 b.错误 图示说明 -恭喜,答对了! -抱歉,答错了! -您选择了此项 图示说明 -恭喜,答对了! -抱歉,答错了! -您选择了此项 第 1 题(单选题)学家的"神来之笔',军事家的"出奇制胜'说明了创意的( )思维 a.想象 b.逆反 c.破除 d.灵感 第 2 题(单选题)国外的管理咨询策划公司进入中国帮助中国企业进行管理策划时,最大的问题是 a.中国企业跟不上世界先进的管理理念。 b.中国企业不需要策划。 c.中国企业有自己的文化特殊性,国外策划公司考虑较少,导致有些方案水土不适。

13、 d.国外的策划公司不见得比国内的好。 第 3 题(单选题)认为策划就是科学的预测、分析和决策的学说是 a.决策说 b.计划说 c.规划说 d.管理咨询说 第 4 题(单选题)开放式动物园的创意来自于下例哪种思维 a.想象 b.逆反 c.破除 d.灵感 第 5 题(单选题)项目策划研究工作程序中"编制资金筹措计划'步骤属于 a.开始阶段 b.中间阶段 c.最后阶段 d.不能确定 第 6 题(单选题)下列不是营销策划的重点的是 a.扩大市场面 b.增加市场份额 c.提高生产效率并降低成本 d.完善激励机制 第 7 题(单选题)项目策划的可行性研究的第一阶段为 a.投资机会研究阶

14、段 b.初步可行性研究究阶段 c.详细可行性研究阶段 d.审批改段 第 8 题(单选题)中国古代闻名于世的一本有关策划的书是 a.战国策 b.孙子兵法 c.三国志 d.西游记 第 9 题(单选题)策划的最后一个阶段是 a.提出问题 b.收集信息 c.进行创意 d.实施总结 第 10 题(单选题)目前应用十分广泛的管理统计分析软件是 a.excel b.spss c.sas d.edi 第 11 题(多选题)在企业策划方案中,企业营销策略应重点强调的内容是 a.产品规划 b.人员激励 c.订价策略 d.渠道策略 e.促销策略 第 12 题(多选题)企业营销策划的特点有 a.权变性 b.系统性 c

15、.竞争性 d.开放性 e.共享性 第 13 题(多选题)企业战略应具有如下特征 a.全局性 b.长远性 c.竞争性 d.风险性 e.创新性 第 14 题(多选题)动态分析法有 a.动态投资回收期法 b.净现值法 c.内部收益率法 d.获利能力指数法 e.投资回报分析法 第 15 题(多选题)以下属于销售计划中的内容是 a.确立总目标 b.订立明细市场目标 c.提升业务人员销售力 d.目标市场确定 e.业绩评估与控制 第 16 题(多选题)以下属于市场预测的内容是 a.市场需求预测 b.投资收益预测 c.新产品开发预测 d.产品销售预测 e.产品周期预测 第 17 题(判断题)企业管理层级越高,

16、其作业控制越多,而战略控制越少 a.正确 b.错误 第 18 题(判断题)战略就是战术 a.正确 b.错误 第 19 题(判断题)公关活动其实就是促销活动 a.正确 b.错误 第 20 题(判断题)公关活动的重心是消费者 a.正确 b.错误 第 21 题(判断题)对于战略控制程度,无论企业管理层级高低都一样 a.正确 b.错误 第 22 题(判断题)德尔菲法是一种专家意见收集法,不允专家成员面对面在一起 a.正确 b.错误 第 23 题(判断题)广告拆求至人心,公关诉求至人脑;广告动之以情,公关晓之以理 a.正确 b.错误 第 24 题(判断题)由于系统不确定性与系统因素的不可勤尽性,在策划时

17、不宜用系统分析方法 a.正确 b.错误 第 25 题(判断题)头脑风暴法鼓励提出任何想法,不允许提出批评 a.正确 b.错误 第 26 题(判断题)同一个策划方案可以在不同公司使用 a.正确 b.错误 图示说明 -恭喜,答对了! -抱歉,答错了! -您选择了此项 电大开放专科英语 i(1) 试点机考题库 选词填句子(choose the correct answers) 1this is where you work ,xiaoyan ,that is your desk and this is _ 选(b)mine 2john: paul,this is mr smith ,my landl

18、ord. paul: im pleased to meet you mr smith:_ 选(b)very pleased to meet you .too 3a: what does your mother do? b:_ 选(c)she is a clerk in a bank 4a: could you ring them up please?imsometimes quite nervous on the phone. b:_ 选(c)yes of course .i will phone them for you 5david is _only accountant in my so

19、ns company 选(a)the 6 i usually get up _7 oclock _the morning 选(b)at ,in 7she_the flat advertisement. 选(a)has a problem with 8_would you like,tea or coffice? 选(c)what 9why is she _lunch so early?its only 10 now 选(a)having 10i am planning a new marketing compaign at the moment_? 选(c)what are you doing

20、 11whats_job?are_british? 选(c)your, you 12a: hello,xiaoyan ,how are you?and how are things? b:_everybody is very nice and helpful. 选(c)great.l am fine 13a;_? b:she is talking to mary 选(a)what is she doing right now 14 a: the shower isnt working. b:_ 选(b)ill call the plumber 15i am_engineer 选(b)an 16

21、this is his book could you give it _him? 选(a)to 17does david_? 选(a)like flying 18a: what tv programmes do you like? b:i_london lives. 选(a)like watching 19there_three plants in the office 选(a)are 20my uncle_in the it department.but now he_on a plan for the marketing department 选(a)works. is working 2

22、1a_? b: my father is a manager. my mother is a nurse. 选(b)what do your parents do 22mr manning_in paris today and tomorrow. 选(c)is working 23_name is jane _is from the usa. 选(a)her ,she 24 a:_? b: yes,id like to .thanks 选 (b) would you like to come to the shop one 25my mother is a doctor .she is _me

23、dicine. 选(c)in 26polly enjoys_in a band in her frem time. 选(c)playing the guitar 27a: _you like a drink?wine?beer? 选(b)would 28a: _? b: yes,i do , my mother and father live in oxford. 选(a)do you have any family 29i_ this e-mail to tell you about my new office. 选(a)am writing 30we often have_supper a

24、t home 选(c)our 31a; - b: hi my names rose.are you from london? 选(a)hello. im paul. whats your 32a; what does your father do? b: _ 选(a)he is responsible for the central computer system 33a: where is david? b: hi is having lunch in_ chinese restaurant on_seventh floor 选(c)the .the 34i sometimes go to

25、the pub_ friday _ my colleagues. 选(a)on, with 35my aunt_ for her friends at home 选(c)enjoys cooking 36a:_ polly? b: id like a glass of wine ,thank you. 选(b)what would you like 37_a coffee machine in the room 选(b)is therlondon? 选(a)hello. im paul. whats your 38jane and paul like good coffee ,so go an

26、d get some good coffee for_ 选(b)them 39hello im david manning .nice to meet you b:_ 选(c)nice to meet you im 40a:_,daid? b: anorange juice. 选(b)what would you like 41ive got a lot of photos of my traveling .would you_them? 42a: are there two men in the room? 43david_ on a new database at the moment 4

27、4 a: why dont you go to an estate agent,then,youre talking face to face? b:well,_ 45my husband doesnt_ ,but i like it very much. 46a; _ b: she works in the oxford university 选(a)like to see 选(b)no, theres only one 选(b)is currently working 选(c)i dont know 选(a)like shopping 选(a)what does your mother 4

28、7london is _capital of britain ,and it is_great city too 选(c)the .a 48id_a beer toothank you 选(b)like to have 49_people are my friends._people are my husbands friends. 选(a)these ,those 50john: linda, this is rose ,my wife ,my wife ,rose, this is linda, my new student from beijing rose:_ 选(b)hello.li

29、ndal i am pleased to meet you 51i go swimming on_ thursdays for two hours. 选(a)/ 52mr green is now_ a holiday 选(c)on 53mary_ brown eyes and golden hair 选(c)has got 54 a: what do you do? b: _ 选(a)i am a policeman 55he often works in_ evening 选(c)the 56my cousin doesnt_serious(严肃的)tv programmes on the

30、 weekendsv 选(b)enjoy watching 57 hello, linda ,how are you? b: _ a: 选 (b) very well, thank you, and you? 58a; how about seeing a film this evening? b: yes_ 选(a)thats a good idea 59my father_for an important phone call at the moment . he cant go to have lunch with you ,i am afraid 选(c)is waiting 60bu

31、t_wei ght if i dont exercise。 选(b)put on 61the work ers usually_wark at 8:30 选(b)start 62i domtwant_milk in my coffee. 选(a)any 63a: i am form enoland. b:_ 选(a)so am i 64a: the shops in this area are _ 选(c)too old-fashioned b : yes i agerr the are not modem emough 65a: the area ia too noisy b: yes,i

32、agree its_ (选 c)not quiet enough 57.you can paint the walls and_posters .you can do what you want (选 a)put up 66quite often after dinnet they_ music in a pub and _home about midnight(选 c)play.go 67 do you have_friends in shang hai? 选(b)any 68a: i dont get up late on sundays.b_ 选(c)neither do 61.i do

33、nt need _mineral water ,but id like_tea,thanks 选(c)any, some 69on my way home,iquite often _the milk man 选(c)com across 70it often _in winer in the north of china 选(c)snows 71the news in not new at all it is _ 选(b)quiet old 72a:so,do you like the cinema near hydepark? b:yes ,i _it 选(a)love 73i am ge

34、tting too fat.i have to _my wei 选(a)work off 74a:ihave a light breakfast early in the morning b:_ 选(b)me too 75.i come here twice a week to swin and_ 选(b)work out 75i just-at the office for most of the day ,and i do no exercise 选(a)sit around 77.a:the classroom is not big enough for 50 students b:ye

35、s,i agree .its_ 选(a)too small 78.71.it_heavily here at this moment 选(c)is raining 79.he hasnt got_cousins 选(a)any 73.id like_apples pleass 选(a)some 80.a;he has got two sisters b_ 选(a)so have 81.a:the area ia too noisy b:yes,l agree ,its_ _ 选(c)not quiet enough 82.a:i havent got a car b: _ 选(a)neithe

36、r have i 83.:a:i like documentaries on tv b:_ 选(b)so do i 84.a:the chair is not comfortable enough. b:yes,i agree .it is_ 选(b)too uncomfortable 85.a:i dont get up late on sundays.b:_ 选(c)neither do i 86. a:_like to have a coffee? b: yes,please 选(b)would you 87.john is _experienced at training than m

37、ary is 选(a)more 88.a :would you like to come to _shop one day? b :yes ,id love to thank you 选(c) my 89he is a good student he never _late. 选(b)comes 90he is a good student he never _earl 选(b)always comes 91im sorry shes not in .would you like to _a message? 选(c)leave 92i go to see my grandparents on

38、ce _week with my parents. 选(c)a 87david likes fish_breakfast. 选(a)for 93a:should i take some medicime? b;no ,you dont _to take any medicime 选(c)need 94she_work next monday 选(a)is starting 95a:_was the meeting like? b:it was very exciting 选(a)how 96polly is very busy she_work at about 7:00very day 选(

39、c)finishes 97he _in tuavelling. 选(a)is interested 97im bad at spelling ,but jane is_me 选(b)worse than 98l like cookingfor my friends in _free time 选(b)my 99the business banking departmentis on _second floor 选(c)the 100 this is my new watch ,it was a present _my wife. 选(c)from 101a:_is the nearest ch

40、emists b:on the comer 选(b)where 101james is _french thean polly 选(a)a bit better at 102who is that man over there ? do youknow_name? 选(a)his 103willians_in london ,mot in china 选(b)lives 104whats the weather_this winter? 选(a)like 105polly goes to a gym twice_week with her friends 选(b)a 106im a nurse

41、 .l work_david_the same hospital. 选(c)with.in 107a:i thave got a pain in my chest b:you_see the doctor 选(c)should 107when_for london? 选(a)is she flying 108a:_is david from? b:i think hes an american.butlm not sure 选(a)where 109its nearly seven olock jack_be there at any moment. 选(c)should 110_people

42、 are coming for the party? 选(c)how many 111this radio is_than that one 选(a)more expensive 112 a;whose dog is it ?b:_our dog_name is rex. 选(c)its .its 113a:im going to clean the house.b:_do the shopping 选(c)ill 114xiaoyan has a reservation_a single room 选(b)for 113sallys parents_come and stay with he

43、r soon 选(b)are going to 115 hello_franco rossi speaking .can l speak to polly williams? 选(a)this is 116you need to reduce your temperarure,so you_take some medicime 选(b)should 117pam will not come to our meeting nest week .she_in ffance from monday till thursday 选(a)is staying 118a:_time do you have

44、 lunch?b:l usually have lunch at 12 选(b)what 119davids younger brother is _engineer 选(b)an 120this watch is _t hat one 选(a)as expensive as 121tell me about your new friend._is he like? 选(b)what 122rose is_easy-going than f rank in the interview. 选(c)much more 123he is_on the 6 oclock train on friday

45、 evening 选(a)travelling 124im a deputy manager i work_an it company 选(a)for 123a:i saw tom just now at the caf b :it_be him .he went to u.s.a yesterday 选(b)cant 124a:_will the meal take? b:itll taketow hours ,i think 选(a)how long 125how do i_the gym? 选(a)get to 126what is your job? i am_information

46、technology manager 选(b)an 127sally_in an office in central london 选(c)works 128i usually go to the office_train 选(b)by 129she is making_a cup fo coffee 选(c)herself 130mary and xiaoyan_a housewarming party from 1pm-5pmon ssturday 选(a)are having 131a:where do _live? b:_home is in london 选(c)there ther

47、e 132 a;i prefer watching tv b:so_i 选(c)do 133hello_francorossi speaking .can i speak to polly williams? 选(a)this is 135she usually goes to work_foot 选(b)on 136a:oh,dear,ive got a temperature. b:you_have some aspirins to reduce it 选(c)should 137a: im keen on football b:so_i 选(c)am 138i have a sore t

48、hroat. i_to drink more water 选(b)have 选词完成文章句型(choose the correct answers) 1。maya,her husband five children live in a poor flat in the southemnepal 1 moming the ,parents walk down the dirty road to try to 2 jobs (1).选:every (2). 选:look for (3). 选:any (4).选:in (5). 选:her 2。after years of leaming at s

49、chool ,boys and girls will go to 1 . 2 edrcation at school. (1).选:work (2). 选:their (3). 选:are (4.)选:in (5). 选:everyone 3。we hear a lot about whales 1 whales die every year .people kill them to use 2 oil. (1).选:many (2.) 选:their (3.) 选:can see (4).选:do (5). 选:too 4。a:hellol! b:hello,mr .green a: 1 b:i am very well thank you .and you? a: 2 thank you .are you a (5). 选:learning (1).选:how are you?(2). 选:im very well,too (3). 选:are you learning(4).选:like 5。frank add sue are at home talking about what to do tday .sue


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