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1、1974年海上旅客及其行李运输雅典公约简介:为统一各国有关海上旅客运输的法律,1957年10月10日在比利时布鲁塞尔第10届海洋法会 议上,通过了1957年统一海上旅客运输某些法律规则的国际公约。嗣后,在此公约的基础上, 1961年4月在布鲁塞尔第11届海洋法会议上又通过了1961年统一海上旅客运输某些规则的国际 公约。1967年5月27日在布鲁塞尔又通过了1967年统一海上旅客行李运输的国际公约。由 于1961年统一海上旅客运输某些规则的国际公约规定的承运人对旅客人身伤亡赔偿责任限额 过低等原因,该公约收效甚微。为此,国际还是委员会(CMI)于1969年又通过了一个公约草案,并在此基础上,原

2、政府问海 事协商组织于1974年12月2日至13日在希腊雅典召开的国际法律会议上通过了1974年海上旅客及其行李运输雅典公约 (Athens Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers and Their Luggages by Sea,1974)简称 « 1974 年雅典公约(Athens Convention)。该公约于 1987 年 4 月 28 日生效。参加该公约的有阿根廷、巴哈马、比利时、埃及、希腊、利比里亚、波兰、西班牙、瑞典、 英国等十几个国家。我国第八界全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议于1994年3月5日通过

3、决定,我国加入该公约。正文:本公约各缔约国,认识到通过协议就有关海上运输旅客及其行李制定若干规则的愿望,决定为此缔结一公约,并达成协议如下:第1条定义在本公约中,下列用语的含义为:1.(a)“承运人”系指由其或以其名义订立运输合同的人,而不论该运输实际由其履行或由履行承运人履行;(b)”实际承运人”系指承运人以外的、实际履行全部或部分运输的船舶所有人、 承租人或经营人; 2.“运输合同”系指由承运人或以其名义订立海上运输旅客或旅客及其行李的合同;3 .“船舶”仅指海船,不包括气垫船;4 .“旅客”系指舰艇上运输的下列任何人:(a)根据运输合同运输人的,或(b)经承运人同意,伴随由不受本公约制约

4、的货物运输合同规定的车辆或活运输的人;5 .“行李"系指承运人根据运输合同运输的任何物品或车辆,但不包括:(a)根据租船合同、提单或主要与货物运输有关的其他合同所所运输的物品和车辆,和 1(b)活动物;6.“自带行李”系指旅客在其舱内的行李,或其他由其携带、保管或控制的行李。除适用本条第8款和第8条者外,自带行李包括旅客在其车内或车上的行李 ;7”行李灭失或损坏"包括在运输或本应运输行李的船舶到达后的合理时间内,未能将该行李交 还旅客而引起的经济损失,但不包括劳资纠纷引起的延误 ;8"运输”包括下列期间:(a)对旅客及其自带行李而言,旅客和(或)其自带行李在船上期

5、间,或上下船期间,以及旅客 及其自带行李从岸上经水路运输至船上或从船上经水路运输至岸止的期间,但以该运输的费用已包括在客票价之内,或用于此种辅助运输的船舶已由承运人交旅客支配为条件。但对旅客而言,”运输"不包括旅客在海运港站或码头上,或在其他港口设施之中或之上的期间;9"国际运输”系指按照运输合同,起运港和目的地位于两个不同的国家之内,或虽位于同一国 家之间,但根据运输合同或船期表,中途停靠港在另一国家之内的任何运输;10"本组织”系指政府间海事协商组织。第2条适用1 .本公约适用于下列条件下的任何国际运输:(a)船舶悬挂本公约某一缔约国的国旗,或在本公约某一缔约

6、国内登记,或(b)运输合同在本公约某一缔约国内订立,或(c)按照运输合同,起运地或目的地位于本公约某一缔约国内。2 .虽有本条第1款的规定,如根据有关以另一种运输方式运输旅客或行李的任何其他国际公 约的规定,而运输受该公约规定的某种民事责任制度的制约,则在这些规定强制适用于海上运输的 范围内,本公约不适用。第3条承运人的责任1 .对因旅客死亡或人身伤害和行李的灭失或损坏造成的损失,如造成此种损失的事故发生在 运输期间,并且是因承运人或其在受雇范围内行事的雇佣人或代理人的过失或疏忽所致,则承运人应负赔偿责任。2 .对于造成灭失或损坏的事故发生在运输期间及灭失或损坏的程度,索赔人应负责举证。3 .

7、如果旅客的死亡或人身伤害或自带行李的灭失或损坏,系因船舶沉没、碰撞、搁浅、爆炸 或火灾,或船舶的缺陷所致,或与此有关,则除非提出反证,否则应推定承运人或其在受雇范围内 行事的雇佣人或代理人有过失或疏忽。对于其他行李的灭失或损坏,不论造成灭失或损坏事故的性 质如何,除非提出反证,否则应推定有此种过失或疏忽。在所有其他情况下,索赔人应对过失或疏忽负责举证。第4条履行承运人1 .承运人将全部或部分运输委托履行承运人履行时,仍应依照本公约的规定对全部运输负责。此外,履行承运人对其履行的那部分运输,应受本公约的约束,并享有本公约的规定的权利。2 .对由履行承运人履行的运输,承运人应对履行承运人及其在受雇

8、范围内行事的雇佣人和代 理人的代理人的行为和不为负责。3 .任何使承运人承担非由本公约所加予的义务或放弃本公约所赋予的权利的待别协议,只有 经履行承运人书面明文同意,才能对履行承运人产生影响。4 .如果承运人和履行承运人均负责任,则在此范围内,他们应负连带责任。5 .本条规定不妨害承运人和履行承运人之间的任何追偿权利。第5条贵重物品承运人对货币、可流通证券、黄金、银器、珠宝、装饰品、艺术品或其他贵重物品的灭失或损 坏不负责任,除非出于双方同意的安全保管目的,此种贵重物品已交由承运人保管。在此情况下, 除已按第10条第1款商定更高限额外,承运人的责任以第 8条第3款规定的限额为限。第6条自身过失

9、如经承运人证明,旅客的死亡或人身伤害或其行李的灭失或损坏,系该旅客的过失或疏忽所造 成或促成,则受案法院可按该法院地的法律规定,全部或部分地免除承运人的责任。第7条人身伤亡的责任限额1 .承运人对每一旅客的死亡或人身伤害所承担的责任,在任何情况下,每次运输不得超过700000法郎。如依照受案法院地的法律损害赔偿金以分期付款方式支付,则这些付款额相应的本金价 值不得超过上述限额。2 .虽有本条第1款的规定,本公约任何缔约国的国内法仍可为作为该国国民的承运人规定对 每一旅客的更高责任限额。第8条行李灭失或损坏的责任限额1 .承运人对自带行李的灭失或损坏的责任,在任何情况下每位旅客每次运输不得超过

10、12 5000法郎。2 .承运人对车辆,包括车内或车上所有行李的灭失或损坏所承担的责任,在任何情况下每一车辆每次运输不得超过50 000法郎。3 .承运人对本条第1款和第2款所述者外的其他行李的灭失或损坏的责任,在任何情况下每 位旅客每次运输不得超过18 000法郎。4 .承运人和旅客可以商定承运人的免赔额,但对每一车辆的损坏的免赔额不超过1750法郎,对其他行李的灭失或损坏的免赔额,每位旅客不超过200法郎。上述免赔额应从灭失或损坏中扣除。第9条货币单位和折算1 .本公约中所指的法郎,应视为一个由纯度为千分之九百的黄金65.5毫克构成的单位。2 .第7条和第8条所述金额,应按判决之日或双方同

11、意之日受案法院地国家货币的官方价值, 参照本条第1款所规定的单位,折算成该国货币。如无此种官方价值,有关国家主管当局应确定本 公约所指的官方价值。第10条 责任限额的补充规定1 .承运人和旅客可以书面明文商定高于第 7条和第8条规定的责任限额。2 .第7条和第8条规定的责任限额,不应包括损害赔偿金的利息和诉讼费。3 11条 承运人的雇佣人的抗辩和责任限制如就本公约规定的损失向承运人或履行承运人的雇佣人或代理人提起诉讼,这些雇佣人或代理人如证明是在其受雇范围内行事,便有权援引承运人或履行承运人依照本公约享有的抗辩和责任限 制的权禾1J。4 12条赔偿总额1 .在第7条和第8条规定的责任限制有效时

12、,这些限制应适用于任何一名旅客的死亡或人身 伤害或其行李的灭失或损坏所引起的所有索赔中应得的赔偿总额。2 .对由履行承运人履行的运输,从承运人、履行承运人和其在受雇范围内行事的雇佣人和代 理人所取得的赔偿总额,不得超过按本公约规定可从承运人或履行承运人取得的最高金额,但上述任何人都不应对超过适用于他的责任限制的金额负责。3 .在承运人或履行承运人的雇佣人或代理人根据本公约第 11条有权援引第7条和第8条规定 的责任限制的任何情况下,从承运人代号履行承运人以及从该雇佣人或代理人取得的赔偿总额, 不 得超过这些责任限制。第13条 责任限制权利的丧失1 .如经证明,损失系承运人故意造成,或明知可能造

13、成此种损失而轻率地采取的行为或不为 所致,承运人便无权享有第7条和第8条以及第10条第1款规定的责任限制的利益。2 .如经证明,损失系承运人或履行承运人的雇佣人或代理人故意造成,或明知可能造成此种 损失而轻率地采取的行为或不为所致,该雇佣人或代理人便无权享有此种责任限制的利益。第14条索赔的根据除根据本公约外,不得就旅客死亡或人身伤害或行李灭失或损坏向承运人或履行承运人提起损 失赔偿的诉讼。第15条行李灭失或损坏的通知1 .旅客应按下述时间向承运人或其代理人提交书面通知:(a)行李有明显损坏时,(i)对自带行李,应在旅客离船前或离船时;(ii)对所有其他行李,应在彳T李交还前或交还时;(b)行

14、李的损坏不明显或行李灭失时,应在离船之日或交还之日或本应交还之日起15日内。2 .如果旅客未按本条办理,则除非提出反证,否则应推定他已收到完整无损的行李。3 .如在行李收取时,已对行李状况进行联合检验或检查,则无需提交书通知。第16条诉讼时效1 .经过两年后,就旅客的死亡或人身伤害或行李灭失或损坏所引起的损失赔偿诉讼,时效即 届满。2 .上述期限应按下述方式计算:(a)对人身伤害,自旅客离船之日起算;(b)对发生在运输中的旅客死亡,自该旅客本应离船之日起算;对发生在运输中的旅客人身伤害 并导致旅客在离船后死亡,自死亡之日起算,但此期限不得超过自离船之日起三年;(c)对行李灭失或损坏,自离船之日

15、或本应离船之日起算,以迟者为准。3 .有关期限中止和中断的事由,应受受案法院地的法律的约束,但在任何情况下,在旅客离 船之日或本应离船之日起三年后(以迟者为准),不得根据本公约提起诉讼。4 .虽有本条第1, 2和3款的规定,在诉因产生后,经承运人声明或当事人协议,期限可以延 长。该声明或协议应以书面作出。第17条管辖权1 .根据本公约产生的诉讼,经原告选择,应向下列某一法院提起,但该法院应在本公约缔约 国内:(a)被告永久居住地或主要营业地的法院,或(b)运输合同规定的起运地或目的地的法院,或(c)原告户籍地或永久居住地国的法院,但被告须在该国有营业所并受其管辖,或(d)运输合同订立地国的法院

16、,但被告须在该国有营业所并受其管辖。2 .在造成损失的事故发生后,当事方可商定将损失索赔提交任何法院管辖或交付仲裁。第18条合同条款的无效在造成旅客死亡或人身伤害或行李灭失或损坏的事故发生之前达成的任何合同条款,如旨在解除承运人对旅客承担的责任,或规定低于本公约确定的责任限制(第8条第4款规定者除外),以及旨在推卸承运人的举证责任,或限制第17条第1款规定的选择权,均属无效。但这种条款的无效不应使运输合同无效,运输合同仍应受本公约规定的约束。第19条其他责任限制公约本公约不改变有关海船所有人责任限制的国际公约规定的承运人,履行承运人及其雇佣人或代理人的权利和义务。第20条核损害在下列情况下,对

17、核事故造成的损害,不得根据本公约产生任何责任。(a)如果按1964年1月28日补充议定书修正的1960年7月29日核能方面第三方责任巴黎公约,或1963年5月21日核损害民事责任维也纳公约的规定,核设施的经营人对此种损害负责, 或(b)根据约束此种损害责任的国内法,核设施的经营人应对此种损害负责,但此种国内法应在各方面和巴黎公约或维也纳公约一样有利于可能遭受损害的人。第21条公共当局的商业运输本公约适用于国家或公共当局根据第 1条含义中的运输合同从事的商业运输。第22条 不适用本公约的声明1 .任何缔约国可以在签署、批准、接受、核准或加入本公约时书面声明,当承运人和旅客同 属该国国民时,不实施

18、本公约。2 .根据本条第1款所作的任何声明,可通过向本组织秘书长提交一书面通知,随时予以撤销。第23条签署、批准和加入1 .本公约于1975年12月31日前在本组织总部开放供签署,并在其后继续开放供加入。2 .各国可以下列方式成为本公约的缔约国:(a)签署并对批准、接受或核准无保留;(b)签署而有待批准、接受或核准,随后再予以批准、接受或核准;或(c)加入。3 .批准、接受、核准或加入本公约,应向本组织秘书长交存一份相应的正式文件。第24条生效1 .本公约应在十个国家已在公约上签署并对批准、接受或核准无保留,或者已经交存所需批 准、接受、核准或加入书之日后第 90天生效。2 .对此后签署本公约

19、并对批准、接受或核准无保留,或交存批准、接受、核准或加入文件的国家,本公约在此种签署或文件交存之日后第90天生效。第25条退出1 .任何缔约国可在本公约对其生效以后,随时退出本公约。2 .退出本公约,应向本组织秘书长交存一份文件,秘书长应将退出文件收到和交存日期通知所有其他缔约国3 .退出本公约,应在交存退出通知后一年或该文件中所指明的较此更长的期限后生效。第26条修订和修正1 .修订或修正本公约的会议,可由本组织召开。2 .经不少于三分之一缔约国要求,本组织应召开本公约缔约国会议,修订或修正本公约。3 .在依照本条召开的会议所通过的修正案生效后成为本公约的缔约国的任何国家应受经修正 的本公约

20、的约束。第27条保存人1 .本公约应由本组织秘书长保存。2 .本组织秘书长应当:(a)将下列情况通知已签署或加入本公约的所有国家:(i)每一新的签署和每一文件的交存及其日期;(ii)本公约的生效日期;(iii)对本公约的任何退出及其生效日期;(b)将本公约核证无误的副本分送给所有签署国和所有已加入本公约的国家。3 .本公约一经生效,本组织秘书长便应依照联合国宪章第102条,将一份核证无误的本公约副本,递交联合国秘书处供登记和公布。第28条文字本公约正本一份,用英文和法文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。本组织秘书长应准备俄文和西 班牙文正式译本,与经签署的正本一同保存。以下署名者,经正式授权,特签署

21、本公约,以昭信守 1974年12月13日订于雅典。摘自:.cn/library/lvguan/frame.htm海商法司玉琢主编第207页ATHENS CONVENTION RELATING TO THE CARRIAGE OF PASSENGERS AND THEIRLUGGAGE BY SEA, 1974(Athens, 13 December 1974)THE STATES PARTIES TO THIS CONVENTION,HAVING RECOGNIZED the desirability of determining by agreement certain rules rela

22、ting to the carriage of passengers and their luggage by sea;HAVE DECIDED to conclude a Convention for this purpose and have thereto agreed as follows:Article 1 DefinitionsIn this Convention the following expressions have the meaning hereby assigned to them:1. (a) "carrier"' means a per

23、son by or on behalf of whom a contract of carriage has been concluded, whether the carriage is actually performed by him or by a performing carrier;(b) "performing carrier" means a person other than the carrier, being the owner, charterer or operator of a ship, who actually performs the wh

24、ole or a part of the carriage;2. "contract of carriage" means a contract made by or on behalf of a carrier for the carriage by sea of a passenger or of a passenger and his luggage, as the case may be;3. "ship" means only a seagoing vessel, excluding an air-cushion vehicle;4. &quo

25、t;passenger" means any person carried in a ship,(a) under a contract of carriage, or(b) who, with the consent of the carrier, is accompanying a vehicle or live animals which are covered by a contract for the carriage of goods not governed by this Convention;5. "luggage" means any arti

26、cle or vehicle carried by the carrier under a contract of carriage, excluding:(a) articles and vehicles carried under a charter party, bill of lading or other contract primarily concerned with the carriage of goods, and(b) live animals;6. "cabin luggage" means luggage which the passenger h

27、as in his cabin or is otherwise in his possession, custody or control. Except for the application of paragraph 8 of this Article and Article 8, cabin luggage includes luggage which the passenger has in or on his vehicle;7. "loss of or damage to luggage" includes pecuniary loss resulting fr

28、om the luggage not having been re-delivered to the passenger within a reasonable time after the arrival of the ship on which the luggage has been or should have been carried, but does not include delays resulting fr om labour disputes;8. "carriage" covers the following periods:(a) with reg

29、ard to the passenger and his cabin luggage, the period during which the passenger and/or his cabin luggage are on board the ship or in the course of embarkation or disembarkation, and the period during which the passenger and his cabin luggage are transported by water from land to the ship or vice-v

30、ersa, if the cost of such transport is included in the fare or if the vessel used for this purpose of auxiliary transport has been put at the disposal of the passenger by the carrier. However, with regard to the passenger, carriage does not include the period during which he is in a marine terminal

31、or station or on a quay or in or on any other port installation;(b) with regard to cabin luggage, also the period during which the passenger is in a marine terminal or station or on a quay or in or on any other port installation if that luggage has been taken over by the carrier or his servant or ag

32、ent and has not been re-delivered to the passenger;(c) with regard to other luggage which is not cabin luggage, the period from the time of its taking over by the carrier or his servant or agent on shore or on board until the time of its re-delivery by the carrier or his servant or agent;9. "in

33、ternational carriage" means any carriage in which, according to the contract of carriage, the place of departure and the place of destination are situated in two different States, or in a single State if, according to the contract of carriage or the scheduled itinerary, there is an intermediate

34、 port of call in another State;10. "Organization" means the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization.Article 2 Application1. This Convention shall apply to any international carriage if:(a) the ship is flying the flag of or is registered in a State Party to this Convention, or

35、(b) the contract of carriage has been made in a State Party to this Convention, or(c) the place of departure or destination, according to the contract of carriage, is in a State Party to this Convention.2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this Article, this Convention shall not apply when the carriage

36、 is subject, under any other international convention concerning the carriage of passengers or luggage by another mode of transport, to a civil liability regime under the provisions of such convention, in so far as those provisions have mandatory application to carriage by sea.Article 3 Liability of

37、 the carrier1. The carrier shall be liable for the damage suffered as a result of the death of or personal injury to a passenger and the loss of or damage to luggage if the incident which caused the damage so suffered occurred in the course of the carriage and was due to the fault or neglect of the

38、carrier or of his servants or agents acting within the scope of their employment.2. The burden of proving that the incident which caused the loss or damage occurred in the course of the carriage, and the extent of the loss or damage, shall lie with the claimant.3. Fault or neglect of the carrier or

39、of his servants or agents acting within the scope of their employment shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved, if the death of or personal injury to the passenger or the loss of or damage to cabin luggage arose from or in connexion with the shipwreck, collision, stranding, explosion or fire

40、, or defect in the ship. In respect of loss of or damage to other luggage, such fault or neglect shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved, irrespective of the nature of the incident which caused the loss or damage. In all other cases the burden of proving fault or neglect shall lie with the

41、claimant.Article 4 Performing carrier1. If the performance of the carriage or part thereof has been entrusted to a performing carrier, the carrier shall nevertheless remain liable for the entire carriage according to the provisions of this Convention. In addition, the performing carrier shall be sub

42、ject and entitled to the provisions of this Convention for the part of the carriage performed by him.2. The carrier shall, in relation to the carriage performed by the performing carrier, be liable for the acts and omissions of the performing carrier and of his servants and agents acting within the

43、scope of their employment.3. Any special agreement under which the carrier assumes obligations not imposed by this Convention or any waiver of rights conferred by this Convention shall affect the performing carrier only if agreed by him expressly and in writing.4. Where and to the extent that both t

44、he carrier and the performing carrier are liable, their liability shall be joint and several.5. Nothing in this Article shall prejudice any right of recourse as between the carrier and the performing carrier.Article 5 ValuablesThe carrier shall not be liable for the loss of or damage to monies, nego

45、tiable securities, gold, silverware, jewellery, ornaments, works of art, or other valuables, except where such valuables have been deposited with the carrier for the agreed purpose of safe-keeping in which case the carrier shall be liable up to the limit provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 8 unle

46、ss a higher limit is agreed upon in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 10.Article 6 Contributory faultIf the carrier proves that the death of or personal injury to a passenger or the loss of or damage to his luggage was caused or contributed to by the fault or neglect of the passenger, the court

47、 seized of the case may exonerate the carrier wholly or partly from his liability in accordance with the provisions of the law of that court.Article 7 Limit of liability for personal injury1. The liability of the carrier for the death of or personal injury to a passenger shall in no case exceed 700,

48、000 francs per carriage. Where in accordance with the law of the court seized of the case damages are awarded in the form of periodical income payments, the equivalent capital value of those payments shall not exceed the said limit.2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this Article, the national law of

49、any State Party to this Convention may fix, as far as carriers who are nationals of such State are concerned, a higher per capita limit of liability.Article 8 Limit of liability for loss of or damage to luggage1. The liability of the carrier for the loss of or damage to cabin luggage shall in no cas

50、e exceed 12,500 francs per passenger, per carriage.2. The liability of the carrier for the loss of or damage to vehicles including all luggage carried in or on the vehicle shall in no case exceed 50,000 francs per vehicle, per carriage.3. The liability of the carrier for the loss of or damage to lug

51、gage other than that mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall in no case exceed 18,000 francs per passenger, per carriage.4. The carrier and the passenger may agree that the liability of the carrier shall be subject to a deductible not exceeding 1,750 francs in the case of damage to a v

52、ehicle and not exceeding 200 francs per passenger in the case of loss of or damage to other luggage, such sum to be deducted from the loss or damage.Article 9 Monetary unit and conversion1. The franc mentioned in this Convention shall be deemed to refer to a unit consisting of 65.5 milligrams of gol

53、d of millesimal fineness 900.2. The amounts referred to in Articles 7 and 8 shall be converted into the national currency of the State of the court seized of the case on the basis of the official value of that currency, by reference to the unit defined in paragraph 1 of this Article, on the date of

54、the judgment or the date agreed upon by the parties. If there is no such official value, the competent authority of the State concerned shall determine what shall be considered as the official value for the purpose of this Convention.Article 10 Supplementary provisions on limits of liability1. The c

55、arrier and the passenger may agree, expressly and in writing, to higher limits of liability than those prescribed in Articles 7 and 8.2. Interest on damages and legal costs shall not be included in the limits of liability prescribed inArticles 7 and 8.Article 11 Defences and limits for carriers'

56、 servantsIf an action is brought against a servant or agent of the carrier or of the performing carrier arising out of damage covered by this Convention, such servant or agent, if he proves that he acted within the scope of his employment, shall be entitled to avail himself of the defences and limit

57、s of liability which the carrier or the performing carrier is entitled to invoke under this Convention.Article 12 Aggregation of claims1. Where the limits of liability prescribed in Articles 7 and 8 take effect, they shall apply to the aggregate of the amounts recoverable in all claims arising out o

58、f the death of or personal injury to any one passenger or the loss of or damage to his luggage.2. In relation to the carriage performed by a performing carrier, the aggregate of the amounts recoverable from the carrier and the performing carrier and from their servants and agents acting within the scope of their employment shall not exceed the highest amount which could be awarded against either the carrier or the performing carrier under this Convention, but none of the persons mentioned shall be liable for a sum in excess of the limit applicable to him.3. In any


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