




1、武昌N学疼WUCHANG INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY实习名称:毕业实习实 习单位:武汉市新洲区仓埠二中指导教师:王老师专业班级:计算机科学与技术 1102班姓名学号:廖松 2实习时间:2014.11 2015.05教务处制二O 一五年五月实习报告一实习说明(一)实习时间:2014年11月至2015年5月(二)实习地点:武汉市新洲区仓埠二中(三)实习性质:毕业实习(四)主要工作:机房的管理与维护二实习公司简介武汉市新洲区第二中学坐落在鄂东文化古镇仓埠街,其前身是誉满全鄂的私立正源中学,始建于1931年。改革开放以来,新洲二中继承和发扬老二中的优 良传统,努力开拓创新,全面实施
2、和谐教育,教育质量、办学水平不断提高。武 汉市新洲区第二中学坐落在鄂东文化古镇仓埠街, 其前身是誉满全鄂的私立正源 中学,始建于1931年。解放后新洲二中全面贯彻党的教育方针, 形成了 “严格、 扎实、认真”的优良校风,教育 质量、办学水平领先全省,闻名全国。1962年 同黄冈中学等十八所学校被省教育厅定为湖北省重点中学,1965年同北京景山、 上迤育才等六所中等学校被教育部定为全国教改实验学校。改革开放以来,新洲二中继承和发扬老二中的优良传统,努力开拓创新,全面实施和谐教育,教育质量、办学水平不断提高。2003年又以武汉市最高分通过市级示范必验收,一 代名校再创辉煌。三实习目的1 .培养动手
3、能力,加强对本专业基本知识的应用。2 .为了多掌握一些计算机的软、硬件知识为了今后的走向社会工作岗位打下良 好的基础。3 . 了解计算机的硬件组成部件,通过动手组装一台教学用计算机,掌握计算机 的配置、选购和组装方法。4 .通过对一台计算机,进行BIOS的基本设置,硬盘分区和格式化,操作系统的 安装、系统维护工具软件的使用、运行维护与硬件维修、软件系统常见故障与维 修操作训练。5 .掌握操作系统的安装维护和软、硬件系统各类故障的分析和排除方法,有利 于高效率地使用微机,提高工作效率。6 . 了解和掌握教学用机房日常的运转情况,学生使用情况,以及在正常教学过 程中可能遇到的问题。7 .掌握和了解
4、机房设备的维护和维修步骤以及常用维护维修工具的使用,培养 分析问题、解决问题的能力。on povertybattle;t ostrengtheni ng ecologicalcivili zation construction,forsustainabledevel opme nt reserved space,etlandsa nd other area s of focusand keyecol ogica lfuncti ona nd other importantregionalecol ogical compe nsatistressedt hat promoti ng thecom
5、pre hensive revitalizationshouldfocusone conomic construction as the centralfocus wit h, pay speci alattentiontograsp t heimpleme ntation offive developme nt concepts, deepeni ng reformand promoti ngtheall -round ope ning up, e nsuringa nd improving people' s livelihood,strengthen the constructi
6、on ofecological civil ization," five priorities",playdevelopment mix.Towithnewdevelopmentconceptmeasurework,and command acti on,a ndtraining ca dres, i n implementimplementation newdevel opment conce pt inthe looki ng foropportunitieforfuture generations leftskyblue,andto gree n,and waterc
7、lear of betterhome s.Wemustin-dept h impleme nt implementati on new devel opme ntconcept, insisted t oeconomicconstr ucti onforCe nter,firmly caug htdevel opme ntthisfirstpri ority,absor bed make constructi on, heartno distra ctionsca ught dev elopment,speed up development "six big i ndustry&qu
8、ot;, in-dept h impleme ntation "three bigengi neeri ng",active create"twobig envir onment",outofa articlequality more high,a nd benefits better,a nd structure m ore excelle ntoftransformation devel opment ofroad.To strengtcoverage,theecologicaladvantagening well sin sta ndi ngtim
9、ber.o focusrvation,i ncrea sethe a cquisiti ona nd supervi sionofcol dstorage,priorityo buyfruit,e ncouragesupporttoleadingesh,eandbuildhighlights, a nd expand a dvantage; t ofulldee pening reform,break boundthe aspect screatedvitalityof system mechanism obstacles; to active a dvance fullaspect s op
10、eni ng, parti cipation"in the castRussian E conomic Corri dor" construction;to gen e cologicalconstructi on.On March 22,the dee prestructuringex amine d andadopte dthe opini on on perfecting compe nsati onme chanism ofecologi calprote ction,pr opose dtoexplor ethe esta blishme nt ofdiversi
11、fie d ecologi calcompensation mechaninterprise s,workers'cooperativesas a unit,thecontra ct managementofforest resources,therational protecti onand utilizationof resources.Toworka ctively towards policyaimeuaranteesa nd improved livel ihood,stronglywsm, progressiverealizati on offorests,grasslan
12、ds, w四 实习环境实习期间,我在仓埠二中的机房实习。掌握操作系统的安装维护和软、硬件系统各类故障的分析和排除方法,掌握和了解机房设备的维护和维修步骤以及常用维护维修工具的使用,加强了对本专业基本知识的应用。五 实习过程实习两个月,在这段时间内我学了不少关于机房管理与维护的知识,也结识了许多公司的同事,在他们的帮助下,我学会不少东西:( 1) 的选择每人根据自己的需求配置一台电脑(列出硬件配置表,比较相同性能不同品牌配件的优缺点),在选择硬件时,不仅要选厂家还要考虑所选硬件的性价比,也就是在相同价位下硬件的性能、兼容性、稳定性、功耗等,综合各种因数选择适合的硬件配置( 2) 的安装电脑拆装实
13、习过程中,我们首先将装好的机子全部拆开,然后主要按照以下步骤进行安装:(1)在主板上安装cpu:首先将主板Socket插座旁的把手轻轻向外拨一点,再向上拉起把手到垂直位置,将 cpu 的缺孔引脚与主板上的对准后插入,并压回把守,卡入把手定位卡固定;(2)安装风扇:在CPUS片(CPim同姆指甲大小,深色、光亮的那个方块) 表面均匀、薄薄地涂复一层导热硅脂,然后将风扇平放在CPUS片上,使连接片一边的钩孔挂在CPUS座凸起上,调整一下连接片位置,再将风扇另一边的挂钩 加力压下,挂在CPUS座的另一个凸起上。安装完后,用手抓住风扇散热片轻轻 加力、左右旋动一下,使硅脂分散均匀;然后检查一下安装是否
14、平稳,挂钩是否牢靠 , 将风扇的三孔电源插头插在主板的风扇电源插座上;( 3) 安装内存条:安装内存条时,先将插座两边的白色卡子向外扳开(约呈45°) ;然后,使内存条插脚的缺口与插座上的定位凸起对应,将内存条垂直放入两边白色卡子的槽中,双手拇指按住内存条垂直向下用力,并用食指扶住卡子稍向上用力,使内存条插入插座。插接过程中,两边的卡子随压力抬起,最后,卡子上端的钩子,正好卡住内存条两边的半圆形卡口上锁牢内存条。如要取出内存条,用两手拇指同时向外扳卡子,即可将内存条撬出;( 4) 安装电源:将电源放在机箱上,电源的风扇朝机箱后部并对准风扇孔。用螺钉将电源固定,连接电源于主板,注意:A
15、T 电源连接主板的接头是两个六芯的插头P& P9,两组线与主板上的电源接头连接,注意两组线中的黑色线相对, 否则造成严重后果;连接风扇电源线,主板没有接风扇的跳线,或者CPU风扇是另购的, 就需要将风扇的电源接在主机的电源上,这种电源接头的方向都是固定的,方向反了是安装不上的;( 5) 安装硬盘:首先把硬盘固定在主机支架内用螺栓固定。然后,将电源D 型大四孔插头和硬盘的电源插座连接。用IDE 数据线的一端接在硬盘上,注意:数据线的1线对准硬盘接第一脚。将数据线的另一端和主板的IDE接口连接,数 据线对准IDE接口的第一脚;( 6) 安装光驱:安装方法同硬盘。数据线的尾部端口和主板的光驱
16、接口连接,数据线的1 线对准接口的第一脚。将电源的小四孔插头插入光驱的电源插头;(7)连接AT主板串并口线:普通的AT主板还要把用口线和并口线也接到主板hefirstresponsibility oftheforest,26t hspringarea hasfully deployedt othefire, has nowenteredt hefire,we havetobeon dut y,a nd defend.Determine d toov ercome paralysis,m ustnot "Twelve-Five"nofiresi nthe past,the r
17、educed r equirements during the period.To apply stri ctly thepartywith the responsibilit y,must shoulderthe re sponsi bility ofthe PartySe cretaryin parti cul ar,really practicepi pes, it can never shuai shouzhangg ui, besureto layerthe implementationfalls fireresponsi bility,toe nsure t hat nomajor
18、forestfires.T o a dhereto balanced,corr ectly ha ndle ther elationship betwee n fire andpr oject construction, industrial devel opme nt,to"never missortwo."Second,to spee d up the development of six majorindustries. Promote development i nourregion,the key i sto givefull playtoresource adv
19、antage tobuild eco-oriente d "big six" system,to createthe ne wengine ofeconomicgrowth. Firmconfi dence. Practice ha s prove d thatthe "bigsix"ofbothcentraland pr ovincialstressedt hat promoti ng the compr ehensiverevitalizati onshouldfocus on economi c constr ucti on as t hecent
20、ralfocuswit h,pay speci alattentiontograsp t heimpleme ntation offive development concepts,de epening reform andpr omotingthe all-r ound ope ning up, e nsuringa nd impr oving people 's livelihood,strengt hen theconstr uctionof e coolgical civilizati on,"five prioritie s", playdev elopm
21、ent mix.T o with newdevel opme nt conceptmeasurework,and command acti on,and training cadres,in impleme nt impleme ntation newdevelopment conceptinthe ooki ngforopport unitie s, andbuild highlig hts, andexpa nd a dvantage; to ful ldee peni ngreform,break boundthe aspe cts create dvitality of systemm
22、echanismobstacles;to activeadva ncefull aspects opening ,partici pation "in the castRussian E conomic Corri dor" constr uction;t o guarantee s and improve d liveli hood,str onglyw on povertybattle; t ostrengtheni ng ecologi calcivili zation co nstruction,for sustaina ble developmentreserve
23、 dspacefor future generations left skyblue,andto gree n,and waterclear of betterhome s.Wemustin-de pth impleme nt implementati on new devel opme ntconcept, i nsiste d toeconomic constr uctionforCenter,firmlycaught deve lopme ntthisfirstpri ority,a bsor bed make construction,heartnodi stractionsca ug
24、ht dev elopment,speed up develo pment"sixbig i ndustry", in-dept h impleme ntation "thre ebig engi neeri ng",active create"tw o big envir onment", out ofaarticle qual itymore high,andbe nefits better, a ndstr uct ure moreexcelle ntoftransformation developme nt ofroad. o
25、 stre ngthe n ecological constructi on.On March 22,the dee prestructuringexamined andadoptedthe opini on on perfecting compensati onme chanism ofecologi calprotection,pr opose dtoexpl ore theesta blishment ofdiversified ecologicalcompe nsationmechani sm, progre ssive realizati on offorests,grassla n
26、ds,w etlands a nd other area s offocusand keyecol ogicalfunctiona nd other importantregionalecol ogical compensati oncoverage, theecologi caladva ntagesofthe regi on will bef urther highlighte d.We needtogo gree n eco-buildi ng, ast he essential policy, i n stricta ccorda nce with theState ofmain fu
27、nction regionconstruction requirements, careful implementation andXiaoxing'an mountainsforest ecologicalpr otectionand economicrestructuring pla n forthe construction ofskybl ue,.Acts prohibite d by picki ngupt he remaini ng well sin sta ndi ng timber. o focus onfore st resource conservation,i n
28、creasethe a cquisitiona nd supervi sionofcoldst orage,nobuy fruit,encouragesupporttoleadinge nterprise s,workers ' cooperativesa sa unit, the contra ct management offorest resources, therationalprotecti ona nd utilization of resource s.Tow ork activelytow ards policy aimed fromthe l evelofthe St
29、ateForestryAdministration formulated regulationsto prote ctforest resour ces a s soon as possible t o achievela wand regulati on to prote ctforestresources.Shouldfocuson forestfireprevention.Firesafetyis thefirstpriority上,ATX结构的主板把它们直接做在主板上了,可以省去这一步;( a) 弄清主板上串口线、并口线的标准及对应的位置和它们的定位角;(b)连接AT主板的串口、并口线
30、:串口线连接主板上两个 9针用口,旁边 标着COM 1 COM2并口线;连接主板上25针的并口,旁边标着LPT。连接时要 保住数据线的红色边对应着接口的1 号脚,然后将接头按到底即可;( 8) 安装显卡:找到一个PCI 插槽,将显卡的接口朝机箱后部,插入插槽,将显卡固定在机箱上;( 9) 连接控制面板:首先找到机箱面板上的指示灯和按键在主板上的连接位置,然后按照 “正接正, 负接负” 的原则, 将机箱面板上的HDDLED、 TBSW、 TB LED、Reset、Speaker和PowerLE/连接在主板引脚上;(a)开关线的连接,这种ATX结构的机箱上有一个总电源的开关接线,是个两芯的插头,它
31、和Reset 的接头一样,按下时短路,松开时开路,按一下,电脑的总电源就被接通了,再按一下就关闭,但是你还可以在BIOS里设置为开机时必须按电源开关4 秒钟以上才会关机,或者根本就不能按开关来关机而只能靠软件关机;( b) 硬盘指示灯的两芯接头,1 线为红色。在主板上,这样的插针通常标着IDE LED或HDLED的字样,连接时要红线对1。这条线接好后,当电脑在读写硬盘时,机箱上的硬盘灯会亮。有一点要说明,这个指示灯只能指示IDE 硬盘,对SCSI 硬盘是不行的;( c) 三芯插头是电源指示灯的接线,使用1、 3 位, 1 线通常为绿色。在主板上,插针通常标记为 Power,连接时注意绿色线对应
32、于第一针(+)。当它连接好后,电脑一打开,电源灯就一直亮着,指示电源已经打开了;(d)两芯接头连着机箱的RESETS,它要接到主板上的RESET雨针上。主板 上RESET十的作用是这样的:当它们短路时,电脑就重新启动。RESETS是一个开关,按下它时产生短路,手松开时又恢复开路,瞬间的短路就可使电脑重新启动。偶尔会有这样的情况,当你按一下 RESETS并松开,但它并没有弹起,一直保持着短路状态,电脑就不停地重新启动;( e) PC 喇叭的四芯插头,实际上只有1、 4 两根线, 1 线通常为红色,它要接在主板的Speaker插针上。这在主板上有标记,通常为 Speaker。在连接时,注意红线对应
33、1 的位置;( 10) 要把剩余的槽口用挡片封好。然后要仔细检查一下各部分的连接情况,确保无误后, 接通电源,观察计算机运行情况。运行ok, 把机箱盖盖好,安装好螺丝,这样,主机的安装过程就基本完成了;( 11) 插好鼠标键盘;在动手过程中,老师还给我们详细讲解了主板上一些芯片的作用、芯片上标示符的意思;南桥和北桥在数据处理上的差别;现在CPU由原来的针脚变成触点后的优缺点;怎样识别主板上对电源指示灯、USB前置后置插线的标示符。使我对电脑主板上的元件更加熟悉和了解了,又多认识了主板上许多的芯片,掌握了电脑组装的方法。3. 计算机的维护实习检查各机房机子情况,找出故障机进行检查与维修。在英语二
34、级考试的前一天我们对机房里所有的机器都进行了检查,对某些故障机器还做了正确的维修,在此过程中,我们发现了许多故障机由于CMOSI池电量不足而不能正常启动,通过老师的讲解与演示我们知道了解决办法,对CMOSJ行设置后再重新启动就能解决了,彻底解决就是更换新的电池。后面, 在老师的指导下我们动手完成了CMOSl池更换的任务,在更换过程中,我还学会了如何清空原来的CMOS2:置。hefirstresponsibility oftheforest,26t hspringarea hasfully deployedt o thefire, has nowe nteredt hefire,we havet
35、obeon dut y,a nd defend.Determine d toov ercome paralysis, m ustnot "Twelve-Five"nofiresi nthe past,the reduced r equirements during the period.To apply stri ctly thepartywith the responsibilit y,must shoulderthe re sponsi bility ofthe PartySe cretaryin parti cul ar,really practicepi pes,
36、it can never shuai shouzhangg ui, besureto layerthe implementationf allsfireresponsi bility,toe nsure t hat nomajorforestfires.T o a dhereto balanced,corr ectly handlethe r elationship betwee n fire andpr oject construction, industrial devel opme nt,to"never missortwo."Second,to spee d up
37、the development ofsixmajorindustries.Promote development i nourregion,the key i sto givefull playtoresource advantage tobuild eco-oriente d "big six" system,tocreate the ne wengine ofeconomicgrowth. Firmconfi dence. Practice ha s prove d thatthe "bigsix"ofbothcentraland pr ovinci
38、alstressedt hat promoti ng thecompre hensive revitalizationshouldfocusone conomic construction as the centralfocus wit h, pay speci alattentiontograsp t heimplemeforfuture generations leftskyblue,andto gree n,and waterclear of betterhome s.Wemustin-dept h impleme nt implementati on new devel opme nt
39、concept, insisted t一- - - I . I _一一一 一 一 I .1 _|_|_. L -LLI -一 一 -coverage,theecologicaladvantageon willbefurther highlig hted.We nee dtogo green eco-buil ding,a sthe essentia l poli cy,in strictaccorda ncewit hthe Stateofmain functintation offive developme nt concepts, deepeni ng reformand promoti
40、ngtheall -round ope ning up, e nsuringa nd improving people' s livelihood,strengthen the construction ofecological civil ization," five priorities",playdevelopment mix.Towithnewdevelopmentconceptmeasurework,and command acti on,a ndtraining ca dres, i n implementimplementation newdevel
41、opment conce pt inthe looki ng foropportunitieoeconomicconstr ucti onforCe nter,firmly caug htdevel opme ntthisfirstpri ority,absor bed make constructi on, heartno distra ctionsca ught dev elopment,speed up development "six big i ndustry", in-dept h impleme ntation "three bigengi neer
42、i ng",active create"twobig envir onment",outofa articlequality more high,a nd benefits better,a nd structure m ore excelle ntoftransformation devel opment ofroad.To strengt一 . . . 一.- 一 一. -I LI . I I L. .II- . .1 . L-I 一 -. 一 - >I - - - - . 一 ”.11 - l-.LL L. .II.I -.- 1 -. . I . 1
43、-1 .-. . . II-_ I - . 一 一 - I .L . . I. .1 - -_ JL >- .-on region constr uctionre quirement s,carefulimplementation andXiaoxing 'aountai nsforeste col ogical prote ctiona ndeconomi c restruct uring planforthe construction ofskyblning well sin sta ndi ngtimber.o focusrvation,i ncrea sethe a cq
44、uisiti ona nd supervi sionofcol dstorage,priorityo buyfruit,e ncouragesupporttoleahs,eandbuildhighlights, a nd expand a dvantage; t ofulldee pening reform,break boundthe aspect screatedvitalityof system mechanien e cologicalconstructi on.On March 22,the dee prestructuringex amine d andadopte dthe op
45、ini on on perfecting compe nsati o.I, > -. I I . I L I- - .- . 一 - .一dinge nterprise s,workers'cooperativesas a unit,thecontra ct managementofforest resources,therational protecti onand utilizationof resourcesm obstacles; to active a onme chanism ofecologi- -.dvance fullaspect s openi ng, par
46、ti cipation"in the castRussian Ecalprote ction,pr opose dtoexplor ethe esta blishme nt ofdiversifie_| - I- -s.Toworka ctively towards policyaimeconomic Corri dor" construction;to g uaranteesa nd improved livel ihood,stronglyw on povertybattle;t ostrengtheni ng ecologicalcivili zation const
47、ruction,forsustainabledevel opme nt reserved space,d ecologi calcompensation mechanism, progressiverealizati on offorests,grasslands, w etlandsa nd other area s of focusand keyecol ogica lfuncti ona nd other importantregionalecol ogical compe nsati on _ - .一. . I LI一 一- - II > -一-. _ I LI. L . I|
48、_II onstoprotectforest resource sassoonas possi bletoa chieve law andregulationto protect forest resources.Shoul d focusonforestfire prevention.Fire safety isthe first在检查中我们还发现了一台机子由于系统问题不能启动,老师给我们讲解并演示了机房是如何通过网络对机子发送备份数据包进行系统还原,让我们了解了机房对电脑系统和电脑上一些应用软件的管理和维护方法。4. 计算机基础设置BIOS设置:开机后根据屏幕显示信息,敲一下“F10”键,
49、就进到了 BIOS(CMOS) 设置的主菜单,将光标移到L aod Setup Defaults(或L aod Performance Defaults优化的缺省设置方案)回车,将CMO参数恢复到出厂时的默认设置。按 Esc键回到主菜单,进入 Advanced BIOSFeatures ,将 First Boot Device (第 一引导路径)设置为CDROM(光驱引导)。 硬盘分区、格式化用FDISK!行硬盘分区、格式化硬盘,建立DOg区或逻辑分区:(1)用启动光盘或U盘启动计算机,一般在启动光盘或 U盘中有FDISK这个分区命令,若没有请从其它地方拷到 U盘中,然后运行FDISK命令;(
50、2)建立主DOg区:缺省的选项是“1”。如果你的硬盘还没有建立过分区的话, 直接按ENTERS即可。然后,在对话框中选择“建立主分区(Primary Partition )”, 选择“1”再按下Enter 键。这时,系统会询问你是否使用最大的可用空间作为主分区,缺省的回答是"Y" ,你只要直接按下Enter 键即可。当然,当程序问你是否要使用最大的可用空间作为主分区时,你也可以回答 "N"然后按Enter键。这时,系统会要求你输入主分区的大小,输入以后按Enter 键。这时,系统将会自动为主分区分配逻辑盘符“ C”。 然后屏幕将提示主分区已建立并显示主分
51、区容量和所占硬盘全部容量的比例,此后按“ Esc”返回FDISK主菜单;(3)建立扩展分区:在FDISK主菜单中继续选择"1"进入"建立分区菜单"后再选择“2”建立扩展分区,屏幕将提示当前硬盘可建为扩展分区的全部容量。此时我们如果不需要为其它操作系统预留分区,那么建议使用系统给出的全部硬盘空间, 此时可以直接回车建立扩展分区,然后屏幕将显示已经建立的扩展分区容量;( 4) 建立逻辑分区: 扩展分区建立后,系统提示用户还没有建立逻辑驱动器,此时按“Esc”键开始设置逻辑盘,提示用户可以建为逻辑盘的全部硬盘空间,用户可以根据硬盘容量和自己的需要来设定逻辑盘数
52、量和各逻辑盘容量。设置完成后,此时屏幕将会显示用户所建立的逻辑盘数量和容量,然后返回FDISK主菜单。设置逻辑盘数量和容量;( 5) 激活硬盘主分区: 在硬盘上同时建有主分区和扩展分区时,必须进行主分区激活,否则以后硬盘无法引导系统。在FDISK±菜单上选择“ 2”,此时屏幕将显示主硬盘上所有分区供用户进行选择,我们的主盘上只有主分区"1" 和扩展分区“2”,当然我们选择主分区“ 1”进行激活,然后退回FDISK±菜单;(6)退出FDISK主程序:按“Esc”键,退出FDISK程序,继续按“ Esc”键退出至屏幕提示用户必须重新启动系统;( 7) 用启动
53、盘启动系统后,运行Format 格式化命令格式化硬盘分区, 运行format c: /s ,其中 /S 参数表示格式化系统盘 系统的安装(1)用启动光盘启动系统,用FDISK进行硬盘分区、格式化硬盘,将硬盘 分三个分区,其中C作为系统盘,D E作为文件存储盘;( 2) 将系统光盘放入光驱就开始自动运行,进入安装模式,接着开始向硬盘拷贝安装所需的临时文件了,完成后提示重新启动电脑以进入下一步安装过程。在这一系列的动作中,安装程序会让我们有定制高级选项的机会,需要改动的是让hefirstresponsibility oftheforest,26t hspringarea hasfully depl
54、oyedt othefire, has nowenteredt hefire,we havetobeon dut y,a nd defend.Determine d toov ercome paralysis,m ustnot "Twelve-Five"nofiresi nthe past,the reduced r equirements during the period.To apply stri ctly thepartywith the responsibilit y,must shoulderthe re sponsi bility ofthe PartySe
55、cretaryin parti cul ar,really practicepi pes, it can never shuai shouzhangg ui, besureto layerthe implementationfalls fireresponsi bility,toe nsure t hat nomajorforestfires.T o a dhereto balanced,corr ectly ha ndle ther elationship betwee n fire andpr oject construction, industrial devel opme nt,to&
56、quot;never missortwo."Second,to spee d up the development of six majorindustries. Promote development i nourregion,the key i sto givefull playtoresource advantage tobuild eco-oriente d "big six" system,to createthe ne wengine ofeconomicgrowth. Firmconfi dence. Practice ha s prove d th
57、atthe "bigsix"ofbothcentraland pr ovincialstressedt hat promoti ng the compr ehensiverevitalizati onshouldfocus on economi c constr ucti on as t hecentralfocuswit h,pay speci alattentiontograsp t heimpleme ntation offive development concepts,de epening reform andpr omotingthe all-r ound op
58、e ning up, e nsuringa nd impr oving people 's livelihood,strengt hen theconstr uctionof e coolgical civilizati on,"five prioritie s", playdev elopment mix.T o with newdevel opme nt conceptmeasurework,and command acti on,and training cadres,in impleme nt impleme ntation newdevelopment c
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