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1、Unit 1 Section ALove and logic: The story of a fallacyObjectives :To talk about love and logicTo further understand the textTo apply the phrases and patternsTo master the narrative essay writing skillContentsWarming-up ActivitiesText StudyLanguage ApplicationSummaryWarming-up ActivitiesLead-in1. Wha

2、t do you know about logicWhen it comes to making a choice, many people tend to use rational and logical reasoning;Males are more rational than females;2. Do you think it is possible to deal with life in a completely rational and logical wayRational world is not necessarily a wonderful one;Rational i

3、ndividuals can make choices that are bad news for others;It is ridiculous to deal with love in a logical way.Pre-reading Activities1. The following are some statements to test your reasoning ability. Tell whether the conclusions after the word aTherefore “ are true (T), false (F), or uncertain (U).

4、Write your answer on the line before each statement.numberstatementsTrueorfalse1All odd numbers are integers (整数).All even numbersare integers. Therefore, all odd numbers are even numbers.2There are no dancers that aren' t slim and no singersthat aren' t dancers. Therefore, all singers are s

5、lim.3A toothpick ( 牙签)is useful. Useful things are valuable. Therefore, a toothpick is valuable.Three pencils cost the same as two erasers. Four erasers cost the same as one ruler. Therefore, pencilsare more expensive than rulers.5Class A has a higher enrollment than Class B. ClassChas a lower enrol

6、lment than Class B.Therefore,Class A has a lower enrollment than Class C.6A fruit basket contains more apples than lemons.Thereare more lemons in the basket thanoranges.Therefore,the basket contains more apples thanoranges.7Taking the train across town is quicker than taking the bus. Taking the bus

7、across town is slower thandrivinga car. Therefore, taking the trainacross townis quicker than driving a car.8All the tulips in Zoe' s garden are white. All the rosesinZoe' s garden are yellow. Therefore, all theflowersin Zoe' s garden are either white or yellow.2. Listen to a short passa

8、ge on logic, and fill in the missing information.Cultural Background- Logic and Fallacy1. What is a fallacy And how is it usedAn error in reasoning that renders an argument logically invalid;By accident or design, logical fallacies are often used in debate or propaganda;To mislead people;To distract

9、 people from the real issue for the purpose of winning an argument.2. How many types of fallacy do you knowRed Herring ( 转移话题)/Begging the Question( 循环论证)/Slippery Slope ( 滑坡 谬误)/Bandwagon (从众谬误)/False Dilemma (伪两难谬误)/False Cause (post hoc) (假因谬误)/Ad Hominem ( 人身攻击)/Appeal to Authority ( 诉诸权威)/Dicto

10、 Simpliciter (绝对判断)/Hasty Generalization(草率名论)/Ad Misericordiam (文不对题)/False Analogy (错误类比)Text Study1. Main idea and structureWhat did the narrator do with his roommate RobThey made a deal that the narrator gives Rob his leather jacket, and Rob, in exchange, gives the narrator his girlfriend.Why di

11、d the narrator want to have Polly as his girl friend (Paras. 2-3)Pretty, well-off, radiant;The right background to be the girlfriend of a dogged, brilliant lawyer;Help the narrator in his competition with other applicants to some elite law firms.Part I Paras. 1 3The author sets the scene of the stor

12、y by providing information about the four "wh-" words: who, where, what, and why. a Who refers to the narrator,his roommateRob, and the beautiful girl Polly. "Where" refers to ."What"and "why' refer to what to do and why to do it: The narrator decides to make P

13、olly " " because as a promisingly brilliant lawyer, he wants to have a girlfriend who is not only beautiful but also intelligent.Part II Paras. 4-25The narrator tries to help Polly become smarter by giving her lessons in logic. Altogether he spends five nights teaching Polly four logical f

14、allacies , namely, Dicto Simpliciter,Hasty Generalization , Ad Misericordiam, False Analogy.Part III Paras. 26-43When asked to be the narrator ' s girl friend, Polly refutes his arguments with the exact logical fallacies taught by him andrefuses by making full disclosurethat she isdating the nar

15、rator simply because it is a trick she and Rob have decided to play on him in order to get his leather jacket.2. Structure of the textIntroduction to the storyPolly needs to be made more intelligent. (Para. 3)The narrator and Rob make a deal: the exchange of a leather jacket for Polly.(Para. 1)Polly

16、 has some basic qualities to be the girlfriend of aJawyer.(Para. 2)Body (Development of the story)The first logical fallacy taught to Polly: Dicto Simpliciter (Paras. 9-11)Why logic is important (Para. 4-8)e second logical fallacy taught to Polly: Hasty Generalization (Paras. 12-15) The third logica

17、l fallacy taught to Polly: Ad Misericordiam (Paras. 16-21)The fourth logical fallacy taught to Polly: False Analogy (Paras. 22-25)Climax & End“We make a pretty good couple.”Hasty“You don' t have to eat a whole cake to know it ' s good.”Climax of the story:Polly refuses to be thePlease sa

18、y you' ll go out with me. I ' m nothing without _ 一 ”you.“You know the things you learn in school don ' t have anything to do with real3. Summary of the textLove and logic: The story of a fallacyMy roommate Rob made a pact with me that he ' d give me his girlfriend Polly in exchange

19、for my jacket. And I agreed.Polly had the right background to be the girlfriend of a dogged, brilliant lawyer like myself. She was pretty, well-off, and radiant. Still, I want to dispense her enough pearls of wisdom to make her “well - spoken".So I tried my best to teach her such logicalfallaci

20、es as Dicto Simpliciter, HastyGeneralization, Ad Misericordiam, and False Analogy. After five nights of diligent work,I actually made alogician out of Polly. She was an analytical thinker atlast.When I asked her to develop our relationship into a romantic one, however, she refuted my arguments as th

21、ose logical fallacies I had taught her! And she refused my proposition by making fulldisclosure : She liked Rob in leather, therefore, she had told him tomake the pact with me so that Rob could have myjacket .4. Practical phrasesPhrasesSpecific MeaninExamplesgs1. In exchange for In exchange for a pe

22、aceful environment for the future generations, our revolutionary predecessors shed their blood and even sacrificed their precious lives.2. Set a date for为定日期In order to achieve success, one had better start immediately rather than set dates for his/her efforts.3. Appeal to唤起;吸引This university boasts

23、 many world-famous experts, professors, and the world ' s best research library, therefore, it appeals to students and researchers from all over the world.4. make/draw an an一We often make an analogy between studying and climbing a mountain: both of them require great efforts before you can reach

24、 the top.5. Make sth. out of sb./sth.使变成The aim of the military academy is to make qualified officers out of the young cadets after four years ' study and training.6. Give sb. the a xe抛弃(恋人);解雇If you continue playing your precious college years away, success will give you the axe upon graduation

25、.7. Be dripping wit h 一Though the beautiful lady is dripping with jewels, her words and actions are dripping with vulgarity and rudeness.5. Functional patternsFunctionalPatternsFunctions & Us agesExamples1. If sb. could do , sb. just mightdo 用如果我能够让我所申请的顶尖律师事务所看到 我身边伴随一位光彩照人、谈吐优雅的另一 半,我就很有可能在竞聘中以微弱优势获胜。If I could show the elite law firms I applied to that I had a radiant, well-spoken counterpart by


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