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1、六年级英语下册小升初英语模拟考试试卷班级姓名分数注意事项:1 .本试卷试题八大题,共五页,分选择题和非选择题。题目答案均要填写在答题卷上,在试卷上书写的答案无效。2 .请考生在试卷上用蓝色或黑色圆珠笔、签字笔或钢笔将答案填写在答卷 上。3.考试时间60分钟;全卷满分100分。一、语音知识(10%A)找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词。(5%(A.make(A.soldierw(A.food) l.anyB.factoryC.many D.wash)2.oftenB.comeC.kilo _)3.footballB.lookC.broomD.borroD.afte10) 4.throwB.the

2、nC.with D.otherrnoon(A.Thursday5. yellowA. blouse B. house C. know D. brownB)指出划线部分读音部分不同于其他三个词。(5%()6.A.stay_B.say_C.today_D.Sunday()7.A.todayB.tomorrowC.factoryD.love()8.A.greatB.leaveC.cheapD.speakB.allC.tB.machine C.teach()9.A.halfalkD.ball()10.A.lunchD.French二、单项选择(20%)A)选出能替换划线部分的选项,保持句意不变。(5%

3、()1. I hope you ' 11 have a good time at the seasideA.hurry up B.study well C.enjoy yourself()2 . Please take care of Lucy when we are not at homeA.look after B.1augh at C.play with()3 . Rose and Jane are in the same classA.schoolmates B.classmates C.deskmates()4 . Mary is good at performing bal

4、let .A.prefers B.does well in C.is practicing()5 . Why don' t you go out and do some outdoor activities?A.Don' t you B.How about C.Why not8) 选择最佳答案。(15%()6 . Would you like juice?Yes, please.A. some B.any C.little D.many()7 . He bought useful book yesterday .A. a B. an C. D.the()8 . Who are

5、you, Andy?Mum.A. wait for B. waiting C.wait D. waiting for()9 . How ahout a walk down the garden?A.to take B.take C.taking D.to be taking()10. We trees last Sunday . They trees tomorrow.A .planted ; planted B.planted ; will plantC.plantted ; will plant D.planted ; were planting()11 It s seven now ,

6、Tom s familyTV A.watching B is watching C.watch D.was watched()12 -season in Beijingyou like best?-I like autumn best It s cool and sunny A.What: does B.Which : are C.Which ; do D.What; are( )13 Therean English film next week A.will have B.is going to beC.is going to have D.was going to be() 14. She

7、 often goes swimming Sunday morning.A. at B. in C. on D. for( )15. - do you like science?- it s interesting.A. Why, So B. What, BecauseC.When, BecauseD. Why, Because( )16 David is a musician. Hecan play the piano very A. good, good B. well, well C.well, good D. good, well()17 One of his friends from

8、 the United Kingdom.A. come B. comes C. coming D. to come( )18 I have to tell you.A.something important,B.important somethingC.some important thing D.very important something( )19 I like going to the movies and sports.A.playing B.play C.to play D.plays()20 We moved into a new flat, Eric. .A.It s OK

9、B.Of course C.Congratulations D.I see三、词汇运用(10%)A) 根据句意和首字母,写出句中所缺单词。(5%)1. S is the best season of a year. When it comes,the trees turn green.1.1 t's very hot in s in Hangzhou , so you'd better come in spring .1.2 ould you like to see the movie with me? I've got two t_1.5 he likes readi

10、ng very much . She often borrows books from theschool l5.Ihave decided to go there myself. Nothing can cmy mind.B)根据句意,用括号中所给t的正确形式填空。(5%6. I(like) the lecture because it's boring.7. Please help the children(clean) his bedroom.8.(not take) a shower when you are ill in bed.9. Let's(buy) some

11、hamburgers and sola.10. Every student wants(clean) the classroom.四、请把Betty与Tim之间的对话重新排列,使句意通顺。(5%IsBodIn1.Bye!Bob .BettyTim6.Hello,2.Hello!65037947.Ok.Thanks .Goodbye!3.Oh,sorry!notanhome .8.Hi, Betty.ThisisTim .4.No,thisisBetty.9.IsBob in , Betty ?5.Fine,thanks,Tim.10.How areyou ?f () f ()五、完形填空(10

12、%)30%)Rick is a good man He l birthday cakes in a shop His 2 aregreatand the prices are not very high , so3 people buy his cakes He makesfriends4 lots of these people They all like5 very much Oneevening , he wants to go 6, but many of7 old friends come in Ricksmilesto them, “ I m sorry It s8 today P

13、lease cometomorrow ” 0ne ofthem takes out a nice9 and says to him , “ You make so many great cakes forus, this birthday cake is for you Happy l0, Rick! ”()1 A.buyB.buysC.makeD.makes()2 A.cakeB.cakesC.friendsD.shops()3 A.manyB.fewC.muchD.1ittle()4 A.toB.fromC.withD.for()5 A.herB.himC.hisD.it()6 A.to

14、schoolB.shoppingC.homeD.swimming()7 A.herB.hisC.theirD.our()8 A.1ateB.earlyC.fineD.sunny()9 A.breadB.bagC.cakeD.book()10 A.New YearB.BirthdayC.TodayD.Tomorrow阅读理解:根据短文内容选择正确答案。2%,共六、阅读理解:根据短文内容选择正确答案。(A)1. Where is the swimming lesson?A. Changchun Stadium.Great Swimming Pool.C.Theatre.Garden.2. When

15、 is the concert?A. On Thursday (18:00-20:00).C. On Saturday (15:00-17:00).(10:30-12:00).3. If you want to ask something aboutB.PeopleD. GreatB. OnSaturday (10:00).D. On Wednesdaythe basketball match, you can callA. 62603941B. 70504266C.58796324D. 996872414. On Saturday, you can .A. watch the basketb

16、all match and have the swimming lessonB. see the film Superman and go to the concertC. have the swimming lesson and go to the concertD. watch the basketball match and see the film Superman5. Two adults and one child will spend seeing the film Superman.A. 87.5 yuanB. 40 yuanC. 8yuanD. 16 yuan( B)Ever

17、y year people celebrate the Spring Festival in China Usually it is inJanuary or February It is the most important festival in China So before it comes, everyone buys many things , and they often make a special kind of food called dumpling It means “ Come together ” Parents always buy new clothes for

18、 their children and children also buy presents for their parents On the Spring Festival Eve( 除夕 ) , all the family members come back home They sing , dance and play cards When they enjoy the meal , they give each other the best wishes( 祝愿 )for the coming year They all have a good time ()6 Which is t

19、he most important festival in China?A.The Mid-autumn Day B.Chinese New Year C.Children s DayD.May Day( )7 The Chinese usually have their Spring Festival inA.January or FebruaryB.February or MarchC.September or OctoberD.December or January( )8 What s the special kind of food for the Spring Festival i

20、n China?A.Fruit B.Fish C.Chicken D.Dumpling ( )9 The special kind of food for the Spring Festival means“”A.be niceB.be hungry C.come together D.come back( )10 When Chinese people are having dinner on the Spring Festival Eve,theyA.sing , dance and play cardsB.buy each other presents(C)C.always drink

21、too muchD.give their wishes to othersJames is a middle school student.He likes singing and hopes to be a popstar in the future.He often buys some books about music and wears some strangeclothes . And his hair is so long that somebody thinks he's a girlOne day, the teacher writes something on the

22、 blackboard . But the young mancan ' t see it clearly.He is afraid and goes to a hospital after school.Thereare many people in the waiting room. He has to wait . Whenit is his turn , he comesin the doctor ' s office . "What' s wrong with you, Miss?” asks the doctor . "Sorry ,si

23、r ," says James with a red face"I ' m a boy . I have poor eyesight this week“Go to the barber's shop( 理发店)first , young man ,“ says the doctort find your eyes at all!The young man likes the music very muchHe always wears a dress and looks like a girlThe teacher tells him to cut his hairHe goes to see the doctor because there is somethingwrong withhis eyes .The doct


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