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1、中考安徽中 考英 语2021第一局部考点知识过关第五讲七年级下 Units 912CONTENTS目 录PART 01真题PART 02考点PART 01真题安徽历年中考真题回顾2018全国中考真题优选安徽历年中考真题回忆真题1.2021安徽,91Mary has developed a new way of life by getting close to n (自然).2.2021安徽,44Our world will get better and better each of us lives a greener life. A. before B. if C. though D. un

2、til3.2021 安徽,41Now people have more free time. Square dancing is becoming more and more . A. comfortableB. difficultC. differentD. popularDBature命题点安徽历年中考真题回忆真题4.2021安徽,41What was Jim wearing at the party? Nothing . He was in his usual shirt and jeans. A. specialB. simpleC. importantD. interesting5.

3、2021安徽,46The man tried several times to start the car, and he succeeded . A. in the pastB. in the endC. at firstD. at onceAB命题点2021全国中考真题优选真题1.2021南京Do you have this T-shirt in a small ? Im afraid not.It only comes in medium.A.sizeB.colour2.2021江西Can students go online during lessons?They can it is

4、for that lesson. A. ifB. orC. soD. but3.2021黄冈Did Qingdao show to the world during the SCO Summit(上海合作组织峰会)? Sure! Her beauty, high technology and rapid development.A.something specialB.anything specialC.special somethingD.special anythingABA命题点2021全国中考真题优选真题D4.2021襄阳Do you like this new kind of mob

5、ile phone, madam?Yes. But its too , and I cant afford it. A. popularB. lovelyC. cheapD. expensive5.2021潍坊The photos that won first prize in the competition will be on the website. A.put awayB.put offC.put upD.put onCPART 02考点考点1 a little的用法考点2 What does sb. look like?句型考点5 the number of的用法考点4 yet的用法

6、考点3 would like的用法 考点6 if的用法 考点7 put up的用法 考点8 so.that的用法 考点1考点a little的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8 教材语境P50 Yeah, but I may be a little late. 用来修饰动词或形容词,意为有些;一点。如:She trembled a little as she spoke. 她说话时有些颤抖。I feel a little tired. 我觉得有点儿累了。用来修饰不可数名词,意为少量的;少许的。如:I know a little Chinese. 我懂一点汉语。考点1考点a litt

7、le的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8 few/a few/little/a littlefew/a few/little/a little妙辨异同few(几乎没有)表否定意义后跟可数名词a few(一些,几个)表肯定意义little(几乎没有)表否定意义后跟不可数名词a little(一点儿)表肯定意义考点1考点a little的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8 【图解助记】【图解助记】 few bananas a few bananasa little water little water考点1考点a little的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8

8、1.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。This maths problem is so difficult that students can work it out.Theres only yogurt in the glass. Could you let me have some more? We need to go shopping. There is juice left in the fridge. It is good for the fish to have water plants in the fish tank (鱼缸)to keep the water clear. 好题

9、在线littlea fewfewa littlelittle, a little, few, a few考点1考点What does sb. look like?句型考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8教材语境P51 What does he look like? Hes really tall.What does sb. look like?用来询问某人的外貌特征。答语有两种形式:主语+ be动词+形容词;主语+ have/has +名词。如:What does Lisa look like? 莉萨长什么样?She is tall and thin, and she has long

10、curly hair. 她又高又瘦,并且留着长卷发。 考点1考点What does sb. look like?句型考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8 (1)What+be+sb. like?和What does sb. look like?很相似,但前者侧重询问人的性格或品质,而后者侧重询问人的外貌。如:What is he like? 他是个什么样的人?He is very friendly. 他很友好。(2)常见的描述外貌特征的形容词有:tall, short, fat, thin, strong, weak, beautiful, pretty, ugly, young, ol

11、d。(3)常见的描述性格或品质的形容词有:lively,quiet,brave,clever,wise,stupid,silly,strict,serious,humorous,funny,active,lazy,hard-working,careful,careless,patient,kind,friendly,polite,good,smart,nice,lovely,great,honest,shy,outgoing,understanding。妙辨异同2. ? He is quiet and doesnt like talking much. A. What would he lik

12、eB. What does he look like C. Whats he like D. What does he like考点1考点What does sb. look like?句型考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8好题在线C考点1考点would like的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8教材语境P55 What would you like?I would like it, too. 我也想要它。She would like to take a trip. 她想要旅行。Mary would like Linda to cook dinner. 玛丽想让琳达做晚餐

13、。考点1考点would like的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8Would you like sth./to do sth.? 表示你想要(做)吗?,用来礼貌地询问对方的意愿,如果句中出现some/something,不必改成any/anything。如:Would you like something to drink? 喝点东西好吗?得分巧记考点1考点考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点83.We plan to go out for a picnic next weekend. Would you like to come along? . Its my favour

14、ite. A. Enjoy yourselfB. It doesnt matter C. Youre welcomeD. That would be very niceDwould like的用法好题在线考点1考点 yet的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8教材语境P55 Im not sure yet. 常用在否认句句末,意为还,尚(没)。如:We havent finished the work yet. 我们还没完成这项工作。 用于表示肯定的疑问句,意为已经。如:Is the restaurant open yet? 那个饭店已经开门了吗?考点1考点yet的用法考点2考点5考

15、点6考点7考点8yet/still/already妙辨异同yet用于表示某事尚未发生或某种情形尚未出现;或用于询问某事是否已经发生It isnt time to go yet. 还没到走的时候。Have you seen him yet? 你见过他了吗?still用于表示早前的情形没有变化My cold still bothers me.我的感冒仍然困扰着我。already用于强调某事已经发生或某种情形已经开始出现;也可用于疑问句,表示因某事的发生早于预料而感到吃惊I have already finished my homework. 我已经完成了家庭作业。Have you been the

16、re already? 你已经去过那里了?考点4考点3考点1考点 yet的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点84.Holly has fed the dog, but she hasnt watered the flowers. A. still; already B. already; yetC. yet; stillD. yet; already B好题在线考点1考点the number of的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8 the number of.表示的数量,后接可数名词复数。如:Whats the number of the books? 这些书的数量是多

17、少?Fifty. 五十。 The number of +可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:The number of workers in the factory is over two thousand. 这个工厂的工人人数超过两千。教材语境P59 The number of candles is the persons age. 考点1考点the number of的用法考点2考点4考点6考点7考点8a number of表示许多;大量,相当于many。A number of +可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。如:A number of students in our

18、 school like playing football. 我们学校很多学生喜欢踢足球。得分巧记考点5考点3考点1考点 the number of的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点85. number of students are coming to visit our company. Do you know number of them? A. A; theB. The; aC. A; aD. The; theA好题在线考点1考点if的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8 if可意为如果,引导条件状语从句。在含if引导的条件状语从句的复合句中,假设主句用一般将来时

19、、主句为祈使句或含有情态动词can/ may/ must的句子,从句应用一般现在时表将来。如:You must tell him everything if he calls you next week. 如果下周他给你打 ,你必须告诉他一切。 if可意为是否,相当于whether,可引导宾语从句。如:I wonder if/whether she will come over tomorrow. 我想知道她明天是否会过来。教材语境P59 If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true. 考点1

20、考点if的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点86.Hes not a perfect child. He sometimes talks back his parents talk with him. A. if B. before C. since D. until 7.I dont know if our friend . If he , we will let you know. A. comes; comes B. comes; will come C. will come; comes D. will come; will come AC好题在线考点1考点 put up的用

21、法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8教材语境P71 There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on. put up为动词短语,其用法如下:意为建造;搭起Theyre putting up a new office building in the factory. 他们正在这家工厂里建造一栋新的办公楼。意为举起;抬高I put up my hand and asked to leave the room. 我举手要求离开房间。意为张贴Can I put up some posters?

22、我能张贴几张海报吗?考点1考点put up的用法考点2考点4考点6考点8考点5常见的动词+up短语还有:eat up吃完dress up乔装打扮;装扮wake up叫醒,醒来 look up查阅show up露面,出现 make up捏造,编造,弥补open up开办 tidy up收拾;整理pick up捡起;搭载 set up建立,设立fix up修理,装修 get up起床grow up长大 clean up清扫干净stay up熬夜 give up放弃mix up弄错;弄混 hurry up赶快use up用光 turn up调大(音量);出现take up开场从事,占据(时间、空间)

23、提分速记考点3考点7考点1考点 put up的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8好题在线8.Please your hands before you answer the teachers questions in class. A. put up B. give up C. use up D. cut up 9.The mountain is so beautiful that I would like to a tent there. A. put on B. put away C. put up D. put offAC考点1考点 so . that的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8 so.that意为如此以至于,引导结果状语从句,so后接形容词或副词。如:Jim is so busy that he has little time for his family.


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