



1、Un it Five CanadaThe True NorthPart One单元重点知识点I.重点单词和词组P. 33Words: quiz, Can adia n, mini sterPhrases: take a trip to Can adaP.34Words: continent,baggage, chat, seenery, eastward, surround, harbour, measure,aboard, eagle, with in, border, slightly, acre, urba nPhrases: rather tha n, on the way to sp

2、., settle dow n, man age to do sth.,catch sight of, have a gift forP.36Phrases: has an area of P.37Words: topicPhrases: a mixture of, mix upP.38Words: bush, maple, frost, con firm, wealthy, misty, schoolmate, booth,dow ntown, approximately, buffet, broad, n earby, traditi onPhrases:leave for, in the

3、 distanee, over dinner, at dawn, go downtown, lookoverP.39Words: terrified, pleased, impressedIII.重点语法同位语从句:掌握常见的后跟同位语从句的名词,常用的连接词、同位语从句与定语从句的区别。Part Two单元目标检测I. 根据以下句子意思用所给词的正确形式或所给汉语填空(1X20=20 )1. We ( measure) the room and found it was 20 feet long and 15 feet wide.2. As is known to all, the worl

4、d is made up of seve n(大陆)and four ocea ns.3. His car kn ocked into a big tree for an unknown reas on, and fortun ately, he only got(slight )injured.4. The film, which was directed by Zhang Yimou, will be shown (在之)a week.5. The hotel porter took my (行)to my room, and I gave him a tip of tenyua n.6.

5、 Effective ( 措施)should be taken to improve your working conditions.7. The plane crashed in the mid-air, killing more than 100 people (在飞机上).8. The area ( 与毗邻)on the Yorkshire Dales.9. We stopped at a ( 附近的)shop to buy some food.10. The ( 景色)of Canada in autumn is more beautiful and attracts lots of

6、tourists every year.11. Hearing the news, she felt a strange (mix) of excitement and fear.12. I n (traditi on )Chi nese culture, marriage decisi ons were ofte n made by pare ntsfor their childre n.13. Tony left as a poor, working class boy and returned as an extremely(wealth) man.14. Betty was (terr

7、ify) at the thought of being alone.15. What (impress) us most about the book was its beautiful la nguage.16. Look ing up, he found himself (surr ound) by many childre n in rags.17. Please bring someth ing with you that(c on firm) your ide ntity.18. My kids spend hours (chat ) on the phone to their f

8、riends.19. The plane will be taking off in( approximate ) 20 minutes.20. Though we don ' t know what was discussed, yet we can feel the (话题 )has beenchanged.II.用所给词的词组适当形式填空(1X10=10 )1. The little boy has a surprising gift for seeing the small letters. (distanee)2. Put a small amount of the powd

9、er into a container an dwater. (mix)3. Mr Smith had stayed in many parts of the world, and he fin ally in Can ada in the1990s. (settle)4. squeezing ( 压榨)your own orange, have you tried buying packs of orange juice?(rather)5. If youMary, ask her to come and see me. (sight)6. Lucy music and dreams of

10、beco ming a famous pop sin ger. (gift)7. It is good for you toyour friends sometimes. (a chat)8. Heget the work done with very little help. (manage)9. What time are you going to the cab in on the hill?(leave)10. He told us that if we started, we could arrive before noon .(daw n)III .语法填空(2X10=20 )1个

11、单词或括号单词的正确形式。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当容(每空Li Daiyu together with her cousin Liu Qian(1) (be) on a trip to Canadato visit their cousins on the Atlanticcoast.(2)thantake the aeroplaneall the way, they took the train west to east(3) Can ada. The thoughtthat they could cross the whole continent was excit ing.Can

12、ada is the sec ond(4) (big) country in the world. People sayVan couver is Can ads' s most beautiful city ( 5)(surr ound)by mountains andthe Pacific Ocea n. On the coast north of Vancouver,(6) is so wet therethat the trees are(7) (extreme) tall.That after noon aboard the train, the cous ins(8)(se

13、ttle) dow n intheir seats. They know cowboys from all over the world compete in the Stampede. Many cowboys have(9) gift for riding wild horses. They also learned that mostCanadians live within 320 kilometres of the USA border and the population is only( 10) (slight) over thirty millio n.VI.完成句子(2X5=

14、10)1. The fact the En glish Channel excited every one who cameto watch the event. (ma nage)他设法横跨了英吉利海峡的事实令前来观看赛事的每个人都很兴奋。2. , they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow.(permit)天气允许的话,他们明天将去海滩郊游。3. We would rather go on with the experiment. (give)我们宁愿把这个实验进行下去,而不愿放弃它。4. When I was young,frighte

15、ned me. (go)小时候,在黑暗中睡觉让我感到害怕。5. When I study En glish, I like to put my dicti onaryso that Ican refer to it whe n n ecessary. (with in)当我学英语时,我喜欢把字典放在我伸手可与的地方,这样当必要时我能查字典。Unit Five1. measured 2. con ti nents 3. slightly 4. with in5. baggage / luggage 6.7. aboard 8. borders 9. nearby 10. scenery 11.

16、mixture 12. traditional14. terrified 15. impressed 16. surro un ded 17. con firms 18. chatt ingmeasures13. wealthy19. approximately 20. topicII.1.in the distanee 2.mixwith 3. settleddown 4. Rather than 5.catch sightof6.has a gift for 7.havea chat with 8.man aged to 9.leave for10. at dawnIII.1.was 2.

17、 Rather3. across6. it7. extremely8. settled4. biggest9. a5.surr oun ded10. slightlyIV.1. that t what2. iftwhether3. need 或 needshould4. whenwhere5. broad broadly8. have having 或在10.further far6. 去掉第一个 had 7. knew knowi ng some前力口 and9. in with / byV.Dear Mom,Today I will introduce Sunshine Town for

18、you. It is a new town in Beijing. Ittakes only 40tominu tes to go there from the cen ter of Beiji ng by the subway. There is little air_polluti on there tha nlessin other areas of Beiji ng. There is some shopp ing malls in Sunshine Town. You canfind kinds ofaresouvenir there. If you wantA eat Chinese food, you can go to Star Shopping Mall,but there aresouve nirstoandsome wester n restaura nts, too. If you like Beiji ng Opera, you can go to


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