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1、优秀教案欢迎下载易错题集结Fallible questions共 30 道1、 同义句转换I have a stomachache.= I have a_.优秀教案欢迎下载= My stomach_.= I have a_ .2、 对比(Thanks的用法)_ the rai n,the farmers hada good harvest.感谢你帮助我们。_ helpi ng us.3、be used to (doing) sth., be used to do sth.优秀教案欢迎下载和used to do的用法李先生过去住在美国,所以习惯吃西餐Mr. Li_in Americas。he_W

2、estern dishes.刀子是用来割东西的。Kn ives are_ thi ngs.4、hope和wish的用法我希望你快乐。I_happy.我希望你能进入全国总决赛。I _/_ (_) you canfinal competition .我希望去爬山。I _/_ climb mountains.5、alone和口Ionely的用法He lives far away from parents.AlthoughChinahisdoesn优秀教案欢迎下载feel_.6、carry、get、take和bring的用法Could you_the TV guide and showme?A.bri

3、 ngB.takeC.getD.carryWhat didyouas my birthday gift?A.bri ngB.takeC.getD.carry7、work的用法我们从事于计算工作, 刚才忙于计算一数据,最终我们解决了它We _ _ calculati on work.Wewere _ _ a data just no w,a nd fin allywe_.8、lend、borrow和keep的用法我借给你了一本书,你向我借了一本书,你把 它保存了两个星期。优秀教案欢迎下载I _ you a book,you _ me abook,a nd you_ it_ two weeks.I

4、 _ a book_ _ ,you _a book_ ,and you_it_two weeks.9、while和when的用法当我妈妈在做早饭时,我在写作业;当我再去 学校的路上时,有一只小狗冲我叫。_ my mother was making breakfast, Imyhomework;_ I was walk ing to the school,a dog_ me.10、provide和give的用法他们为我提供了一些食物和饮料,Tom给了 我一瓶柠檬汁。They _ _ some food anddrinks,and Tom _ me a cup of lemonjuice.The

5、parents provide food and clothes for theirchildren.(改为同义句)优秀教案欢迎下载The pare nts_ their childre n_food and clothes.11、pete我的家长经常把我和别的好同学相对比, 我不 得不与他们竞争。My pare nts ofte n_ me_ othergood students,soI have to _ _them.12、beat和win的用法Peter _ William in a match,so he_ at last.13、 过去进行时我昨天中午十二点在睡觉。I _ _ at 1

6、2:00 at noonyesterday.-你上星期天中午在家里看电视,不是么?-不是。-那你上星期天中午在干什么?优秀教案欢迎下载我在电影院看电影-You _ _ TV at home lastSun day noon,_ ?-No,I_.-So what _ you _ at home lastSun day noon?-I_a movie at a cin ema.14、shoot的用法-Look! There is a hunter _ arabbit.-Oh,luckily,he did n_ it.15、remi nd的用法-Please_me to look at the al

7、bum.-Y es,because it can always_ you have a warm home.16、in stead禾口in stead ofI thought he n eed ano ther athlete to_ him to take part in the优秀教案欢迎下载competiti on .But_he did it himself.17、as soon as、uni ess、so that弓丨导的状语从 句_he got to the stati on ,thetrain left.This place is _ beautiful _I see it,I

8、fell in love with it._ his brother take the in itiative to admit hisfault,he wontalk to him.18、be made of/fromThe desk_wood.The paper_wood.This sweater_ silk.19、 声音的几种表达方式Miss Li likes music very much,she has a good .Andlast night,she was singingwith the_from the computer,but herneighbor Mr.Zhang th

9、ought it was a kind of at ni ght.20、population的用法优秀教案欢迎下载-你们有一个很庞大的人口。-是的,我们现在大约有14亿人。-You have a really_populati on.-Yeah,wehave Ibillionand 400 million_ now.21、succeed success successful successfully的用法他赢得了这场比赛He_ the game.=He win the game_.22、die of和die fromHe was_ill ness,but his brotherwas_ an

10、accide nt.23、yet、already的用法Kevin has_ finished his homework,butRose_yet.24、上海是中国最大的城市优秀教案欢迎下载(写出尽可能多的形式)25、either (or)禾口neither (nor/of)路的任意一边都有树。_ of the road_ (have) trees.=_ of the road_ (have) trees.路的任意一边都没有树。_ of the road_ (have) trees.=_ of the road_ (have) trees.他们两个谁都没有出去玩。_ went playi ng.26、has been to禾口has gone toMy dad _ Australiatimes,a nd he _Australia lastmonth,buthe hasn _ for asix优秀教案欢迎下载mon th.27、我们班三分之一的同学喜欢看电视。_ of our class _(like)watch ing TV.28、我很久以前就不再用这个工具了。I haveuse


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