1、粤菜 Yue Cuisine (Guangdong Cuisine)粤菜即广东地方风味菜,主要由广州、潮州、东江三种风味组成,以广州风味为代 表,具有独特的南国风味,以选料珍奇、配料 精巧、依食客喜好灵活烹制而著称.粤菜发源 于中国南部沿海地区,那里地处亚热带,濒临 南海,四季常青,物产丰富,山珍海味无所不 有,蔬果时鲜四季不同.同时,这里又是与海 外通商的重要口岸,经济较兴旺也促进了饮食 文化的开展.粤菜讲究少而精,制作精细追求享受,用量精而细,配料多而巧,装饰美而艳,菜品 达5000多种.粤菜原料广采博收,追求生猛; 善用烧、煲、浸、烤、炙、软炸、软炒、清蒸 等烹调法,口味清淡鲜和;在配料
2、、刀工、火 候、烹饪时间、起锅、包尾、器皿、上菜方式 等诸多环节都有着严格要求,如做鱼讲究即杀 即烹,以保持鱼的鲜味;质味兼顾,有崇尚冬 春滋补身体的习俗,口味随季节时令的变 化而变化,夏秋偏重清淡,冬春偏重浓郁;菜品口感重清、鲜、爽、滑、嫩、脆,调味遍用酸、甜、苦、辣、咸、鲜,追求菜肴整体的色、香、味和形.白切鸡:选用未下蛋的小母鸡或1500克左右的阉鸡,以清远三黄鸡最正确,鸡肉厚而嫩、Yue Cuisine refers to that of Guangdong Province, mainly composed of the flavors of Guangzhou, Chaozhou
3、and Dongjiang and best represented by that of Guangzhou. It has a unique "southland" flavor and is famous for the rare and exquisite ingredients and varied recipes to suit thetastes of the eaters. Guangdong Cuisine originated from the subtropical zone, along the coastal area of southern Ch
4、ina adjacent to the South China Sea, which is green all the yearround. It abounds in agricultural produce and delicacies of all kinds, as well as vegetables varying through the four seasons. It is also an important trading port to the world; so, the developed economy also promotes the development of
5、 the food culture with new ideas from home and abroad.Guangdong Cuisine stresses exquisite preparation and provides enjoyment with delicate, well-chosen ingredients and beautiful presentation. There are more than 5,000 dishesall together. The materials are of a broad range that include fresh seafood
6、, with cooking techniques including frying, braising, soaking, toasting, soft-frying and stewing withoutseasoning. It has strict requirements in regard to ingredients,cutting skill, cooking duration, tableware, serving style andso on. For example, the fish should be cooked immediately after being ki
7、lled to keep its freshness. Both quality and tasteare very important, advocating the custom of "nourishing the body" in Winter and Spring and changing the flavor in accordance with the season. In Summer and Autumn, light dishes are favored and in Spring and Winter, strong ones preferred. L
8、ight, fresh, slippery, tender and crisp dishes arepreferred and the seasonings include sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty or fresh. It pursues the whole effect of the dishes一 color, fragrance, taste and shape.Sliced Boiled Chicken: It requires a pullet or capon with a weight of only 1,500 grams; the
9、yellow chicken of Qingyuan is best, with fleshy, tasty tender meat. When cooking, the flame is turned down immediately after putting 肥小脚矮、味道鲜美,制作时将水烧 开,将鸡放下即转用小火,讲究火候, 以刚熟、切开后两腿骨略带血丝者为宜.皮爽滑,肉细嫩,鲜味足.老火靓汤:靓汤是粤菜重要的组成局部,汤料与气候变化相照应,枯燥 少雨的季节,可选择润肺解渴、气血双 补的菜干煲猪肺、雪耳木瓜煲排 骨、无花果粉葛煲赤肉;暑热时节,身体火气旺盛,可选择性甘凉的汤料,如鸡骨草
10、煲老鸡、凉瓜赤豆煲龙骨;冬季体寒,宜选择性热的汤料,如鲜人参煲老鸭、冬虫夏草煲乳鸽等等,煲汤一般要3个小时.红烧大群翅:大群翅取自鲨鱼,分三围,近头部的脊翅称头围,近尾 的脊翅称二围,尾部末端称三围.此 菜烹饪精巧,汤浓郁香醇,翅针透明而嫩滑可口,蛋白质含量很高,营养丰富,是粤系传统佳肴,售价昂贵.the chicken into the boiling water. The simmering technique stressesduration and it is best when the chicken is underdone on the shank.When done the s
11、kin is loose, the meat tender and the flavor fresh.Soup of the Day: Soup is an important part of the GuangdongCuisine, with the ingredients changed in accordance with the seasons.In the dry season, soups such as "dried vegetable and pork lungsoup", "white fungus, pawpaw and spare ribs
12、 soup", "fig, pachyrhizuaangulatus and red pork soup" are served to nourish thelungs andrelieve thirst and increase vitalenergy and blood flow. In the hotseason, the internal heat of thebody is ample, so it is wise toselect sweet and cool soups, suchas "chicken-bone herb and aged
13、chicken soup", "cold melon, redbean and dragon's bone soup" it iscold in winter, so hot soups such as"fresh ginseng and old duck soup" and "aweto and pigeon soup" arebest. It takes three hours to braise the ingredients.Braised Shark Fin in Brown Sauce:The fin is divided intothree kinds, that near the head, near the tail and at the end of theta
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